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The global education agenda, embedded in the Education for All (EFA) Goals, and the Millennium Development Goals, has emphasised the importance of reaching EFA rather than sustaining this achievement. As a corollary, the emphasis for external aid has also been on increasing aid to secure EFA rather than on the dangers of aid dependency in securing and sustaining EFA. The international architecture in support of education for sustainable development appears to have little interest in analysing these tensions between the pursuit of these rights-based EFA Goals, on the one hand, and the kind of economic growth and macro-economic environment that would be necessary to sustain their achievement.  相似文献   

The concept of development has evolved from an exclusive focus on economic growth towards an interrelated, even integrated approach involving progress across a range of disciplines such as health, education, economics and agriculture. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are rooted in this evolved conception of development. A concerted global effort embracing multiple disciplines in the formal and informal sectors is now essential for their achievement. This paper traces the changing meaning of development, while at the same time tracing the benefits of investing in education for poverty reduction, and the conditions that facilitate and/or hamper education's contribution to poverty reduction.  相似文献   

In July 2005, President Mbeki announced the launch of the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa (AsgiSA), a new development strategy designed to help the South African state meet the ANC's 2004 election pledges, namely:
halve unemployment;  相似文献   

理论思维创新与资源型城市转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕着"资源型城市转型"这一命题,从对理论思维创新的解读入手,结合国内外的相关理论与实践,在实践理性的层面上,提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

国际教育援助是国际间援助方对受援方在教育领域所提供的贷款、无偿赠款及专业技术资源的一种援助形式。根据其资金来源,国际教育援助可划分为多边教育援助、双边教育援助和非政府组织教育援助。国际教育援助改善了发展中国家的教育条件,促进了国际教育合作与交流,对世界教育发展做出了积极贡献。随着国际形势的变化,国际教育援助也有了新的发展,特别是更加重视援助的效果、援助的协调和援助的软件建设,更多地采取部门援助、计划援助,更加强调独立第三方机构的参与。  相似文献   

对我国西部地区城镇化进程中教育投入与经济增长关系的实证分析表明,西部地区教育投入与经济增长之间存在着城镇化不同发展阶段的门槛效应,而非简单的线性关系。因此,只有根据城镇化不同发展阶段产业结构、人才需求等特点,适时适量、分层次分类别增加教育投入,才能促使西部地区的教育投入更加充分地发挥对经济增长的推动作用。  相似文献   

UNESCO's challenge to Higher Education institutions to provide educational leadership in sustainable development, provides an impetus to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curricula and pedagogy. Whereas Higher Education curricula in sustainability and sustainable development have tended to come from the environmental sciences, recent studies have highlighted the need for more holistic, experiential, interdisciplinary approaches. As a pedagogical approach, outdoor learning may have something to offer since it lends itself to holistic and experiential learning and enables integration of knowledge and skills from a range of discipline areas. Outdoor and environmental education research suggests that educational experiences in outdoor settings can be significant in developing environmental sensitivity and knowledge. Such knowledge and attitudes are components of ecological literacy and, more recently, sustainability literacy. This paper considers how outdoor experiential pedagogy might contribute to the current sustainability education agenda. It focuses on Higher Education since this sector has the obligation and the capability of instigating a ‘ripple’ effect' in developing sustainability-literate citizens. It discusses possibilities and issues arising from a review of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education literature, particularly, but not exclusively, from the UK. The paper is a precursor to an empirical study into how outdoor learning might contribute to the development of sustainability-literate graduates.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在中国经济取得巨大成就的同时,以"华盛顿共识"为代表的欧美发展模式在一系列危机后相继陷入僵局。因此,"中国模式"成为国内外研究的焦点。中国模式具有区别于其他模式的五大特征,即历史继承性、政府有效性、改革渐进性、开放自主性与调整中不断发展。总结"中国模式",既有利于进一步深化改革,又为世界多元化发展注入了新的元素。  相似文献   

教育援非涉及全球共同关注的地域非洲、全球共同的议题教育以及全球共同的诉求发展,日益成为一个全球积极参与和共同治理的领域。其成效明显,促进了非洲教育的发展,但在援助理念、模式、经费、效率等方面仍存在着许多问题。基于其成效和不足,在全球善治的视角下,教育援非需以建设和谐世界为导向,以以非为本、平等相待、合作共赢为理念,实施多方合作、多模式运作、多层次目标的援助。  相似文献   

Against a backdrop of some two decades of sustained economic growth in Ghana, this paper argues that there are a series of sustainability challenges related to technical and vocational skills development (TVSD) that need to be addressed. This paper analyses several sustainability dimensions of TVSD related to: promoting the sustainability of education-for-all achievements through expanding post-basic education and TVSD; identifying sustainable financing mechanisms for an expansion of TVSD; promoting and sustaining equitable access; ensuring that expansion in quantity does not lead to a compromise on the achievement and sustainability of quality and relevance issues; promoting the sustainability of TVSD expansion by widening opportunities for lifelong learning; creating an enabling environment for skills utilization through sustainable employment growth.  相似文献   

随班就读与融合教育——中西方特殊教育模式的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本论文在回顾西方融合教育和中国随班就读相关文献的基础上,对随班就读的概念及其与西方融合教育之间的关系进行了分析,并对随班就读的本质进行了探讨,认为我国随班就读属于全球范围内的融合教育运动范畴,是西方融合教育的形式与我国特殊教育实际的结合,是一种实用主义的融合教育模式。  相似文献   

Peter Colenso 《Compare》2005,35(4):411-428
There is increasing interest in understanding and describing the links between education and ‘social cohesion’. However, the theoretical and empirical base for understanding these links is limited. There is also a shortage of practical tools for education policy‐makers and planners, to help them assess the impact of policies and investments, and to plan for future reform. This paper describes the initial development of an analytical and planning framework for addressing education and social cohesion within the context of a sector‐wide approach to education reform in Sri Lanka. A brief literature review suggests three inter‐connected domains in which links between education and social cohesion might be usefully analysed, together with three working hypotheses: (i) political economy/governance: education affects social cohesion through transparency and participation in education policy formulation, planning and management; (ii) equity/equality of opportunity: education affects social cohesion through the distribution of education resources, opportunities and outcomes; (iii) teaching/learning: education affects social cohesion through the development of certain competencies in students. Drawing on this analytical framework, research conducted in Sri Lanka is used to identify a set of interventions to promote social cohesion, with corresponding baseline, process and outcome indicators as benchmarks for measuring the progress and impact of intended policy measures. This process is described within the context of a ‘sector‐wide approach’ to education reform, intended to bring together the activities of the government and external partners within a single comprehensive medium‐term planning and budgetary framework.  相似文献   

经济全球化实质是全球经济区域化。京津经济、社会、教育具有互补性,构建京津大都市圈,带动中国经济第三级发展,是重大战略选择。  相似文献   

本文采用“人力资本-教育收益率测算法”,来定量研究1978—2006年中国教育投资(即人力资本投资)与经济增长之间的关系。在研究的过程中,本文采用侯风云教授的形成基础法来度量中国人力资本奇量,从而也是对“人力资本一教育收益率测算法”的补充与完善。本文的研究结论表明了1978—2006年间教育对中国经济增长的贡献率为14.48%。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of metaphor in public policy and learning as a context for a reflective discussion of a nationally funded initiative focusing on the dissemination of good practice in education for sustainable development in the UK’s post‐16 sector. Learning to Last was the first, and so far only, project of its kind. Its conception and management epitomised the use of the toolkit metaphor, and reinforced and reproduced the instrumental rationality characterising educational governance and public management in the UK. The potential for metaphor or metaphorical concepts such as natural capital to articulate and stimulate new ways of thinking and behaving or even possibly offering a glimpse of a paradigmatic shift in institutional policy and practice relating to education and sustainability was not fully realised.  相似文献   

本文在前人的研究成果上,运用线性回归分析方法和基于向量自回归模型(Vector Autoregression,VAR)框架下格兰杰因果检验和冲击响应方法,讨论了中国股票市场和经济增长的关系.分析表明股票市场规模扩张冲击对经济增长的动态影响十分微弱.  相似文献   

西方道德教育的现代性境遇在于它放弃了古典德性论的道德谎言,降低道德的目标,从而建立起以规范为主的道德教育模式。中国道德教育正面临着现代性这个问题,它同古典德性教育和西方现代性的道德教育都存在背离,正是由于这种背离或者说我们的道德教育还不够现代性,它才显出自己独有的问题。其中最根本的问题在于,我们在公共领域建立起道德虚构,把针对少数人的德性教育推及到公民大众。  相似文献   

青海省教育投资与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用哈罗德.多马模型和相关数据对青海省教育投资与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析.得出虽然青海省教育投资和经济增长存在长期均衡关系,青海财政性教育经费占GDP的比重平均为4.23%,但青海省教育投资对经济增长贡献率较低,教育投资体制比较单一.针对此种情况,提出了一些政策建议.  相似文献   

该文分析了美国“双流向多层次教育安置模式”的特点,并在对这一模式进行批判性分析的基础之上阐述了全纳教育的基本观点以及西方特殊教育发展模式的主要变迁。然后,作者对我国特殊教育发展格局进行了思考,认为我国特殊教育发展格局应调整为“以一定数量的特殊教育学校为资源中心,大量的随班就读结合资源教室或巡回辅导教师制为主体”的基本格局。  相似文献   

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