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This paper challenges the view that strategies for using Web 2.0 should primarily be based upon technological characteristics. The value of the organizational strategic alignment approach for developing specific operational Web 2.0 strategies for government organizations is explored both theoretically and empirically. On the basis of a review of the literature we conclude that there are no a priori reasons why the idea of a fit between IT strategy and business strategic orientation cannot be applied to the development of operational Web 2.0 strategies for government organizations. The empirical exploration based on intervention research at the Dutch Department of Education results in the identification of five configurations: organizational transparency, organizational interactions, policy sector transparency, policy sector interactions and process and policy innovation. These configurations are logically consistent with the strategic orientations of the three directorates of the Department of Education. This overview does not pretend to be exhaustive but validates the idea that an alignment approach leads to differences in operational strategies. The configuration approach provides organizations with useful a starting point for developing their Web 2.0 strategies.  相似文献   

Upstream supply chain management in e-government: The case of Slovenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper highlights the importance of the holistic treatment of e-government. The main challenges and benefits of renovating both upstream and downstream e-government supply chains are reviewed. A new definition of e-government that includes the whole supply chain of the public administration is proposed. Several limitations of current approaches and rankings, that often neglect upstream SC and their detrimental consequences, are highlighted. The case study of the somewhat unsuccessful informatization of Slovenian public procurement illustrates the main problems posed by ignorance of supply chain management principles. It shows that the main challenges are not on the technological side but are instead connected with business process renovation, project management, unclear goals and responsibilities and difficult coordination among various ministerial and governmental bodies.  相似文献   

Although the rise of nationalistic activism in the Chinese online sphere has drawn much scholarly attention, few studies have examined how nationalism, usages, and motivations of the Internet affect nationalistic actions among general Internet users in China. Using Sino-Japanese diplomatic disputes as a testing ground, this study investigates the effects of news use from traditional and new media, nationalistic attitudes, and motivations for Internet use on anti-Japanese political behaviors such as boycotting and protest participation. Analyses of online survey data revealed that nationalism is positively correlated with information-seeking and social-interaction motivations for Internet use regarding Sino-Japanese disputes. Results also showed that the stronger the motivation for using the Internet to discuss topics associated with Sino-Japanese disputes, the more likely respondents engaged in anti-Japanese behaviors. This study indicates that nationalistic attitudes and motivations involved in the use of new media technologies have significant effects on mobilizing supporters for anti-Japanese actions.  相似文献   

In the United States, a number of federal laws establish requirements that electronic government (e-government) information and services be accessible to individuals with disabilities. These laws affect e-government Web sites at the federal, state, and local levels. To this point, research about the accessibility of e-government Web sites has tended to focus on compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Though Section 508 has the most specific guidelines regarding Web site accessibility, it is hardly the only law establishing accessibility requirements for e-government Web sites, and Section 508 does not apply to many sites that may be required to be accessible by other laws. Until assessment of the accessibility of e-government Web sites accounts for all of the relevant laws, the understanding of levels of accessibility and compliance will be incomplete. This article examines the entire spectrum of federal laws that create legal requirements for accessible e-government Web sites, analyzing the accessibility requirements that the laws establish and the ways in which each of the laws applies to an e-government Web site. This article also suggests research areas that should be included in future assessments to address the entire range of laws related to the accessibility of e-government Web sites. The issues raised in this article have significant relevance to the design and development of e-government, to the assessment of e-government information and services, and to the inclusion in e-government of the 54 million individuals in the United States with disabilities.  相似文献   

E-government is increasingly being used to improve transparency in the government sector and to combat corruption. Using institutional theory as an analytical perspective, this study documents and evaluates the development of an anti-corruption system called OPEN (Online Procedures ENhancement for civil application) in the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Incorporating three distinctive (yet interrelated) dimensions of institutionalization (regulatory/coercive, cognitive/mimetic, and normative), and four anti-corruption strategies embedded in the system, this study investigates how an e-government system for anti-corruption in a local government has evolved and become a prototype of a national system to be used for the same purpose. The findings show that in implementing OPEN, a system for anti-corruption, the regulatory dimension was most effective, and (as in many IS implementations) strong leadership was crucial to its success.  相似文献   

新冠疫情的全球大流行,正在潜移默化地改变着人们既有的思维方式、消费模式、生活习惯与价值观念。随着疫情防控常态化对策与措施的持续施行,作为社会文献资源建设与服务链组成部分的图书馆事业和出版发行业,迫切需要重新思考包括理念、技术、方法、实验在内各种要素的重组与配置。本文概述了后疫情时代信息获取与利用的变革及其特征,分析了信息资源建设提质增效的路径选择,围绕馆配服务的转型升级作了探讨与思考。  相似文献   

In this article it is presented a bibliometric analysis of e-government research in the Ibero-American (IA) Community. Data from the Scopus® database relating to 1129 research documents published between 2003 and 2017 was used. Presented analyzes include the most productive and impacting researchers, institutions and countries; determinants for country results; most relevant subject areas and specific research themes; and international cooperation patterns, namely within the IA Community. Contrary to what happens worldwide, e-government research production is still rising in IA. Besides the general heterogeneity, there are four relatively homogenous groups of countries to what concerns production and impact: leading, evolving, emerging, and expectant countries. IA has distinctive characteristics that make it interesting as an object of study and that constitute an opportunity for further development. Nevertheless, for results to continue to evolve, it is relevant that public policies related to e-government development and the promotion of research continue to be developed and that cooperation among IA researchers is properly promoted and supported.  相似文献   

Organizations need to collaborate to achieve complex goals. Although interorganizational relations often take the form of multiplex ties, our understanding of how multiplexity itself may facilitate interorganizational collaboration is limited. We use dynamic network analysis (SIENA) to test the role of relational multiplexity – specifically, relationships involving communication outside of coalition meetings and expertise-seeking – in promoting collaboration in a health justice coalition over three years. The results offer strong support for the role of multiplexity in the formation of interorganizational collaboration, indicating that having multiple ties between organizations facilitates collaboration, and that certain types of ties (i.e. communication relationships outside of coalition meetings) are more influential than others. We conclude that coalitions hoping to support successful interorganizational collaboration will benefit from offering opportunities for member organizations to communicate outside of group meetings, because such small acts of dyadic interaction can build into deeper levels of engagement. Additionally, our study demonstrates how network analysis can help organizational coalitions to track and suggest potential partnerships between member organizations.  相似文献   

在面向全国图书馆界的领导、教授、资深图书馆员工等相关专家的问卷调查中,图书馆战略规划的内外部影响因素,参与人员、专职部门、重点工作、规划流程、决策措施等层面的管理要素得到考察。针对我国理想状态中的图书馆战略规划,专家意见认为应该关注内外部的多元化战略环境;从主观和客观层面强化战略的风险意识;从组织建设、工作环节、流程模式等方面创建科学的管理体系;从规划时长、测评体系、规划来源和内容要素等方面规范规划文本的编制。  相似文献   

This study introduces a hybrid approach (i.e., a social network analysis technique and triple helix indicators) to study certain aspects of the e-government (EG) domain that would otherwise remain hidden when using conventional analytic tools. Particularly, we provide network analysis of the EG research domain by focusing on the network collaboration between regions, nations and institutions. We collected and analyzed 1091 scholarly papers which were classified as being about “e-government” by the Web of Science database. The results indicate that hybrid method can be used to understand certain network-level structures and patterns in the EG domain which are beyond the scope of the predominantly-used systematic literature review (SLR) method. Particularly, the hybrid method is useful in understanding collaboration patterns between countries, institutions and regions in the EG domain, identifying key players by studying their network properties (i.e., degree centralities); and in understanding the pattern of relations among universities, industries, and government. The implications of these results in terms of research and practice, and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从理论联系实际的角度出发,对电子政务系统中的文件归档问题进行了思考。首先,电子文件的归档内涵有双重含义,既包括管理权限的转移,也包括文件实体的转移,二者缺一不可;其次,在电子文件归档方式的选择上,通过对比逻辑归档与物理归档的异同与优劣,提出逻辑归档并不适用于电子政务系统,应该采取在线归档为主、离线归档为辅的物理归档方式;最后,从文件实体转移与管理责任明晰两个方面,探讨电子文件归档的实现。  相似文献   

Assessing e-government responsiveness is one of the major gaps in the currently dominant e-government maturity models. While we have a relatively large pool of models focusing on technological and organizational integration from a supply side perspective, measures of responsiveness of e-government systems from a user perspective are still lacking. Replicating a study from New Zealand and Australia, this study explores the response time and quality of e-mail response in Danish local and central governments (N = 175). Despite that Denmark is high ranking in international benchmark studies, we find that one third of central government agencies did not respond at all, and close to 80% of the ministries provided none or incomplete answers. Local government responds faster and provides answers that are more complete and accurate than those provided by central government. Implications for e-government are discussed.  相似文献   

As an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected sensors are emerging information and communication technologies that collect and transmit real-time data from various urban domains to inform decision-making. While smart sensors and IoT technologies have great potential to transform public service provision, their adoption in the public sector seems to be slow and incremental. Using cross-sectional data of 65 large and mid-sized cities in the United States, we examine what affects local governments' adoption of smart and connected sensors. We propose a path-dependence explanation for the incremental adoption and test if a local government's sensor adoption behavior is shaped by its existing policy priorities and managerial practices in related fields. Our results show that local governments' early adoption of smart sensors is likely to stem from their needs in specific policy domains. We also find that a local government's historical paths on urban sustainability and data-driven decision-making practices can predict its trajectory of sensor deployment, in terms of the scope and the integration of smart sensors across different urban domains. Surprisingly, a local government's e-government progressiveness is not a significant predictor. Our results confirm the incremental change in smart sensor adoption and provide implications for local governments' IoT planning.  相似文献   

Religious organizations have increasingly drawn the attention of communication scholars. This interest is due in part to the significant role these organizations have in building social capital – particularly in regard to improving racial/ethnic relations. This potential has remained largely unrealized, however, since the Civil Rights Movement over 50 years ago. Consequently, this study seeks to understand how church pastors frame the ambiguous discourse of organizational purpose. Building on an earlier research phase that included 42 pastoral interviews, this study adds to our understanding of framing practices via three dialectical tensions: integration-segregation, belief-practice, and vertical-horizontal. The analysis also reveals how these dialectics were framed through improbability, double bind, alternation, selection, connection, and transcendence, as well as their impact upon ethnic relationships. Theoretic and practical implications are provided.  相似文献   

Little is known about self-publishing authors and about the concerns of public librarians regarding how best to support library self-publishing initiatives. This article presents and analyzes a survey of authors participating in programming at the Woodneath Library Center/Woodneath Press. It also presents and analyzes the results of a survey of public librarians. Findings suggest that self-publishing authors in this case study would benefit from author services support, and that librarians require targeted training to provide such support. As libraries explore this potential new role, more needs to be done to support author services in public libraries appropriately.  相似文献   

In a period of fiscal constraint, when assumptions about the library as place are being challenged, administrators question the contribution of every expense to student success. Libraries have been successful in migrating resources and services to a digital environment accessible beyond the library. What is the role of the library as place when users do not need to visit the building to utilize library services and resources? We argue that the college library building's core role is as a space for collaborative learning and community interaction that cannot be jettisoned in the new normal.  相似文献   

不少人将奥巴马称为互联网总统,强调其胜利归功于善用互联网。这种说法容易导致将社会变迁简单归因于某种媒介技术的采纳与应用。本文通过一系列实证数据的分析,破除有关的迷思(myth),说明互联网应用并非奥巴马取胜的决定因素。进而分析了奥巴马在选举过程中主要采纳了哪些互联网应用,以及从哪些方面来认识互联网给奥巴马带来的帮助,给美国总统选举带来的变革。  相似文献   


As information sources have expanded, there have been parallel changes in the way students and researchers find and use that information. The role of the library has shifted to embedding information literacy skills into the curriculum as a primary function. This presentation explored how librarians are becoming more involved with information literacy curriculum and how publishers can assist them, particularly regarding access to information and the scholarly publishing process. Since 2015, Rebecca Donlan at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Stacy Stanislaw at Taylor & Francis Group have been collaborating on an information literacy program for FGCU students and faculty that focuses specifically on navigating the scholarly publishing landscape. Donlan and Stanislaw provided an overview of the project, its formation, implementation, and progress to date.  相似文献   

Using e-stamping service in Hong Kong as a case study, this paper examines the impact of leadership and stakeholders on the success or failure of e-government service in Hong Kong. Multiple methods are used for data collection: documents and archival record research, direct observation, and interviews. Results show that both leadership and stakeholders have an impact on the success of e-stamping service.  相似文献   

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