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基于应用型人才培养的课程考核模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用型人才的培养需要知识、能力、素养的全面培养和提升。通过研究传统课程考核模式的弊端,借鉴国外大学课程考核方法的优势,提出基于应用型人才培养的考试时间分散化和考核形式多样化的课程考核模式,以实现课程考核的过程导向和知识、能力、素质的多维度考核作用,保证应用型人才的培养质量。  相似文献   

为了满足培养高素质的应用型数控技术人才的需要,对应用型本科数控技术课程考核方式进行了改革与实践,提出了注重过程评价和能力培养的课程考核体系并取得了初步成效,为相关课程的考核方式改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

根据地方本科院校转向职业教育和培养能适应社会发展需要的应用型人才的要求,亟须对当前的课程考核方式进行改革。文章以工程经济学课程考核方式为例,在分析课程特点的基础上,论述了当前此课程考核方式的弊端,针对这些问题提出了以考核公正性、过程性及反馈性为原则的考核方式多样化、教考分离的等基于应用型人才培养的考核方式。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化背景下,社会和经济的发展对应用型人才需求量增加。本文从应用型人才培养的目标及应用型人才培养中课程考核的现状出发,分析了应用型人才培养中的课程考核的目标属性、内容以及构建体现应用型人才培养目标的课程考核形式的模式。  相似文献   

本文针对应用型本科院校的就业能力需求,以实践能力的建设和提高为核心,指出在大学生的实践类课程教学过程中应重点学习和掌握应用型知识结构及实际动手能力,提出了运用信息化手段改革实践类教学考核体系,为应用型本科院校的实践类课程考核机制改革提供了积极的探索经验。  相似文献   

结合鞍山师范学院应用型本科高校人才培养目标和《常微分方程》课程教学中存在的学时少、学生基础较差、教学内容和结构相对滞后、教学方法和考核方式单一等问题,针对常微分方程课程内容、教学方法和考核方式等提出了改革措施,以促进学生各方面能力的提高,从而达到培养应用型人才的目的。  相似文献   

本文分析了向应用型大学转变过程中,微机原理课程教学存在的问题和不足,提出了以应用型人才培养为落脚点的微机原理应用型课程体系。通过教学教材、理论教学、实验教学、课程设计教学和考核方式等方面的调整,构建出符合培养目标和切实可行性的应用型课程体系,提高了学生的创新创业能力,推动了应用型微机原理课程改革的发展。  相似文献   

以培养应用型人才为目标,对独立学院经管类课程过程性考核的价值进行分析,有利于促进理论与实践的有机衔接、改善课堂教学效果、激发学生学习自主性以及应用型人才培养目标的实现。针对过程性考核改革的现实困境,提出建立相对稳定的过程性考核模块、以小组为单位组织过程性考核和构建课程过程性考核改革激励机制等方面建议。  相似文献   

郭艳红 《海外英语》2014,(3):87-88,90
商务英语实训教学是培养高素质复合应用型外贸人才的重要环节。该文从商务英语实训教学课程体系、教学方法、教学模式、考核方式、校内实训室建设和实训师资建设等方面提出了应用型本科商务英语专业实训教学改革的措施,以期提高应用型本科商务英语教学质量,培养出与用人单位需求接轨的高素质复合应用型商务英语人才。  相似文献   

针对应用型人才培养目标,分别从教学方法、教学手段和考核方法方面对大学物理实验教学进行了探讨,提出传统仪器与数字化仪器相结合、开放实验室的、建立多元化的过程考核体系。  相似文献   

There are ethnic group differences in academic achievement among Australian students, with Aboriginal students performing substantially below and Asian students above their peers. One factor that may contribute to these effects is societal stereotypes of Australian Asian and Aboriginal students, which may bias teachers’ evaluations and influence student outcomes. A questionnaire assessing academic expectancies for hypothetical students from different ethnic groups was administered to 55 experienced teachers and 144 training teachers. A measure of self-expectancies and group expectancies was administered to 516 school students. The findings revealed that Asian students were expected to perform better in mathematics and expend greater effort than Aboriginal and Anglo-Australian students. In turn, there were higher expectancies for mathematics performance for Anglo-Australian students compared with Aboriginal students. We discuss the potential implications of these stereotypes for students’ school achievement, particularly the risk that negative implicit stereotypes might result in these students being directed to special education.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the recent increase in older students at Korean universities dominated by younger students. A case study design is used to gain an in-depth understanding of experiences of older students in a Korean university. Semi-structured interviews of twelve older students, three professors, two administrators, and four younger students at the university were conducted for the date collection. The results suggest that the experiences of Korean older students differed from those of counterparts in western countries since academic and extracurricular services of Korean universities were geared towards younger students and thus were unhelpful for older students with multiple responsibilities at work and home. Also, the results show that traditional hierarchical relationships between younger and older students created strains for older students who had to rely heavily on younger counterparts. This study's findings highlight the crucial roles of higher education systems and culture in the experiences of older Asian students.  相似文献   

侯景明 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(10):105-107
采用问卷调查的方法,对辽宁农业职业技术学院部分学生与营口职业技术学院部分学生进行体育心理适应能力的调查及分析。结果显示,不论是男生还是女生,三年级学生的体育心理适应能力要好于一年级学生;在不同性别之间,女生的体育心理适应能力好于男生。研究结果将对促进中、高职学生的体育心理适应能力提供理论参考。  相似文献   

特殊学生寄宿,是他们适应社会生活的第一步,也是培养特殊学生社会生活适应能力的重要途径。本文以特殊学生为对象,阐述了智障生、肢残生、自闭生等在学校寄宿生活中的思想特点,并围绕学生寄宿生活,对他们的思想教育对策进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

"以师生发展为本,为学生人生奠基"就是"提高教师的生命质量,提高学生的在校生活质量,创造最适合人发展的学校教育生活"。"以师生发展为本"是学校办学的基础。其核心是建设最适合教师与学生发展的文化,具体体现在尊重教师与学生在学校的主体地位,充分发挥他们的主体作用。最有效的教育,是能够融入学生血脉、内化为学生品格和习惯的教育,是能够影响学生一生的教育。"为学生人生奠基"是学校办学的最高境界。学校教育不仅要为学生的现在负责,更要为学生的将来负责。  相似文献   

学生资源的开发是新课程改革深入推进中的一项新课题,政治教师必须遵循“取之于学生,用之于学生”的原则,善于从理论和实践两个层面,经营好学生资源,其开发策略包括:挖掘学生动力资源,激发学习兴趣;引入生活素材,激活学生的生活经验;抓住生成性的东西再创造,收获更多的精彩;坚持因材施教,用好学生的差异资源;彰显学生的闪光点,为学生潜在优势的发挥提供舞台;经营好学生的错误资源,让错误成为学生成长的跳板;利用学生环境资源熏陶,提升学科素养;调动学生的情绪资源,帮助学生“破茧成蝶”;开发学生的家庭资源,增强理论教学的感染力;同时不断拓展教师的专业知识和能力,提升教师的生命价值。  相似文献   

针对泉州师院大学生体育学习策略水平,从整体及各策略维度水平状况、性别、年级、专业等多视角,采用心理测量的方法进行统计与分析,结果表明:泉州师院大学生体育学习策略整体水平及各策略维度水平尚处一般状态;男生体育学习策略整体水平及各策略维度水平均高于女生;高年级学生体育学习策略发展水平高于低年级学生;理工科学生体育学习策略整体水平及体育学习元认知策略水平均高于文科学生.提高学生体育学习策略水平的途径是:激发学生的体育学习兴趣;传授学生体育学习策略知识;加强学生元认知知识和元认知体验培养;改进体育课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

Grades are important for admission of students in most higher education programs. Analyzing admission and student performance data at a major Norwegian business school, we find that the grading practice of teachers at regional colleges sending students to the school is affected by the average performance of the students being graded. Teachers at colleges recruiting good students from upper secondary school tend to be strict in their grading practice, while teachers at colleges recruiting less good students tend to follow a lenient practice. This has implications for the interpretation of grades and hence for optimal admission procedures. We develop a methodology to assess the consequences of differential grading standards. Approximately 10% of the students in our data are admitted at the expense of more competent students. We demonstrate costs for the school admitting the wrong students and in particular for the rejected students.  相似文献   

We use three data sources to build a rationale for why intensive interventions are necessary for students with pervasive reading disabilities: current data on the performance of students with disabilities on reading achievement measures over time, observation studies on students with reading disabilities in general and special education classrooms, and findings from intensive intervention studies for students with reading disabilities. Results of these data sources indicate that students with disabilities are not making progress in reading at the same rate as students without disabilities, reading instruction for students with reading disabilities is comprised of excessive amounts of low level tasks, and findings from intensive intervention studies suggest positive impacts for students with reading disabilities. We argue that students with reading disabilities require ongoing intensive interventions that are likely to require schools to change the contexts and practices for these students.  相似文献   

大学生就业能力的提升已成为当今中国一系列就业问题中一道特殊的难题。研究当代大学生就业能力问题可以帮助大学生认清客观状况,形成理性的择业就业心态,对于促进大学生就业并提高就业质量至关重要。通过对大学生就业所处的环境进行分析,研究大学生就业存在的问题,从国家、社会、学校和大学生个人多方面提出提高大学生就业能力的对策。  相似文献   

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