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BackgroundTransmembrane protein 95 (TMEM95) plays a role in male fertility. Previous studies showed that genes with a significant impact on reproductive traits can also affect the growth traits of livestock. Thus, we speculated that the genetic variation of TMEM95 gene may have effects on growth traits of cattle.ResultsTwo SNPs were genotyped. The rs136174626 and rs41904693 were in the intron 4 and 3′-untranslated region, respectively. The linkage disequilibrium analysis illustrated that these two loci were not linked. The rs136174626 was associated with six growth traits of Nanyang cattle, four traits of Luxi cattle, and three traits of Ji’an cattle. For rs41904693 locus, the GG individuals had greater body height and abdominal girth in Ji’ an cattle than TT and TG individuals. In Jinnan cattle, GG and TT individuals had greater body height, height at hip cross, body length, and heart girth than TG individuals. The potential splice site prediction results suggest that the rs136174626 may influence the splicing efficiency of TMEM95, and the miRNA binding site prediction results showed that the rs41904693 may influence the expression of TMEM95 by affecting the binding efficiency of Bta-miR-1584 and TMEM95 3′-UTR.ConclusionsThe findings of the study suggested that the two SNPs in TMEM95 could be a reliable basis for molecular breeding in cattle.How to cite: Guo X, Zhang S, Yang H, et al. Bovine TMEM95 gene: Polymorphisms detecting in five Chinese indigenous cattle breeds and their association with growth traits. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.03.004  相似文献   

BackgroundCDIPT (CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase, EC was found on the cytoplasmic side of the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum. It was an integral membrane protein performing the last step in the de novo biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns). In recent years, PtdIns has been considered to play an essential role in energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolic pathway and intracellular signal transduction in eukaryotic cells.ResultsIn this study, the results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that the expression of CDIPT gene was remarkably different in diverse tissues. We also detected the polymorphism of bovine CDIPT gene and analyzed its association with body measurement and meat quality traits of Qinchuan cattle. Blood samples were obtained from 638 Qinchuan cattle aged from 18 to 24 months. DNA sequencing and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were used to find CDIPT gene single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Three SNPs g.244T>C (NCBI: rs42069760), g.1496G>A and g.1514G>A were found in this study. g.244T>C located at 5′untranslated region (5′UTR) of exon 1 showed three genotypes: TT, TC and CC. g.1496G>A and g.1514G>A detected the first time were located in intron 3 and showed the same genotypes: GG, GA and AA.ConclusionsAnalysis results showed that these three SNPs were significantly associated with body measurement traits (BMTs) and meat quality traits (MQTs). We suggested that CDIPT gene may have potential effects on BMTs and MQTs and can be used for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

BackgroundLXYL-P1-2 is the first reported glycoside hydrolase that can catalyze the transformation of 7-β-xylosyl-10-deacetyltaxol (XDT) to 10-deacetyltaxol (DT) by removing the d-xylosyl group at the C-7 position. Successful synthesis of paclitaxel by one-pot method combining the LXYL-P1-2 and 10-deacetylbaccatin III-10-β-O-acetyltransferase (DBAT) using XDT as a precursor, making LXYL-P1-2 a highly promising enzyme for the industrial production of paclitaxel. The aim of this study was to investigate the catalytic potential of LXYL-P1-2 stabilized on magnetic nanoparticles, the surface of which was modified by Ni2+-immobilized cross-linked Fe3O4@Histidine.ResultsThe diameter of matrix was 20–40 nm. The Km value of the immobilized LXYL-P1-2 catalyzing XDT (0.145 mM) was lower than that of the free enzyme (0.452 mM), and the kcat/Km value of immobilized enzyme (12.952 mM s−1) was higher than the free form (8.622 mM s−1). The immobilized form maintained 50% of its original activity after 15 cycles of reuse. In addition, the stability of immobilized LXYL-P1-2, maintained 84.67% of its initial activity, improved in comparison with free form after 30 d storage at 4°C.ConclusionsThis investigation not only provides an effective procedure for biocatalytic production of DT, but also gives an insight into the application of magnetic material immobilization technology.How to citeZou S, Chen TJ, Li DY, et al. LXYL-P1-2 immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles and its potential application in paclitaxel production. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;50.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2020.12.005  相似文献   

3PL服务质量与C2C顾客满意度的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
叶作亮  蔡丽  叶振华  代丽 《科研管理》2011,32(8):119-126
物流业务外包后,第三方物流(3PL)公司代替企业与顾客互动,这在电子商务中尤为明显,因此第三方物流公司的服务质量是否影响顾客满意度成为一个重要问题。在C2C网络购物环境中,基于物流服务质量模型,建立了第三方物流服务质量与顾客满意度的测评模型(LSQ-CS)。对LSQ-CS模型的实证研究表明:物流交互和运作质量均影响顾客对第三方物流服务商的满意度;成本质量并不影响顾客对第三方物流服务商的满意度;物流交互质量对运作和成本质量产生影响;此外,第三方物流服务质量也影响着顾客对企业的满意度。这一研究结论表明当前物流市场中第三方物流公司应该保证运作质量,提高交互质量,避免低成本恶性竞争;同时除了物流成本外,企业也应根据物流服务质量来选择物流服务商。  相似文献   

贺亚琴  冷博峰  冯中朝 《资源科学》2015,37(7):1465-1473
本文将降雨量、温度等气候因素引入超越对数生产函数,构建了一个包含气候因素和社会经济因素的综合模型,利用2009-2013年湖北省20个油菜生产县238个油菜种植农户的微观面板数据,研究近5年温度和降雨量对油菜产量的影响。结果表明,油菜生长期温度升高和降雨量减少对年产量均有正面影响。日平均温度每提高1℃,种植户年均产量增加5.03%~6.55%;日平均降雨量每增加1mm,种植户年均产量减少0.27%~1.75%。2009-2013年温度和降雨量的波动导致油菜年产量减产3.376%。除气候因素之外,各主要投入要素对油菜年产量也有正面影响,影响因素的大小依次为土地、劳动力、其它生产费用、化肥,这说明土地和劳动力严重制约油菜种植面积和产量的进一步增长。因此,相关部门应完善农业基础设施和加强气象信息服务,尽量减少气候因素波动给农作物带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

中国森林资源及其对环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了我国森林资源的现状,分析了森林资源现状和变化对我国生态环境产生的影响,并指出,虽然我国营造了大量人工林,其生态效益远不足以补偿在江河中上游坡地上采伐天然林的损失,必须改变林业经营的指导思想,以生态效益优于经济效益的原则来经营森林。  相似文献   

货币供应量与经济增长之间的关系一直以来都是经济学家与政策制定者十分关注的问题。在已有的国内外研究成果的基础之上,吸收和借鉴有效的研究方法,深入研究我国货币供应量对经济增长的影响。选取我国2001—2012年的相关季度的货币供应量和国内生产总值为样本数据,首先介绍了我国货币供给的基本情况,其次运用Eviews7.2软件对样本数据进行ADF检验、协整关系检验、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数分析,以研究货币供应量对经济增长的影响。研究结果指出:我国货币供应量规模增长迅速的主要原因在于基础货币供应量;我国目前货币化程度较高,存在货币超发现象;此外,货币供应量是经济增长的Granger原因,适度的货币供应量有利于经济增长。  相似文献   

碳关税的理论机制与经济影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一、研究背景 2009年哥本哈根联合国气候变化框架公约缔约国会议(哥本哈根气候变化峰会)在美中印巴等五国通过了一项不具备法律意义、未获缔约国正式通过的协定之后黯然落幕。此次会议充分表明尽管气候变化这一直接威胁人类生存发展的重大挑战正在被越来越多的国家、地区所重视,然而在以美国为代表的非欧盟发达国家集团、欧盟、中印等新兴经济体、77国集团、小岛国联盟等各类利益团体之间仍然存在着太多短期内无法弥合的分歧.  相似文献   

大家都知道在欧氏空间中,点是零维的,直线或曲线是一维的,球体或立方体是三维的,再加上时间维,则空间的三维又变为四维。我们有没有想过,除了零维、一维、二维、三维以及更高维,有没有图形的维数是介于零与一维之间?或是一维和二维之间?总之是两个连续的整数维之间?回答当然是肯定的,下面我们就来看维数不是整数的、不为我们熟悉的图形。  相似文献   

While the concept of wisdom, which refers to how people make right use of their knowledge through their practical actions, judgments, and ethical decisions, in general attracts researcher interest in a variety of disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology and management studies, little is known about how wisdom is conceptualized and then operationalized in the software development project team context. Based on the frameworks for philosophical, group and organizational wisdom, this paper identifies software development project team wisdom as a process for how team members best use the stock and flow of their knowledge through collective judgment, virtue-ethics, emotions/feelings, and effective decision-making during their project-related efforts. Adapting the efforts and functional similarities of both group and organizational wisdom practices, this effort determines that wisdom-related mechanisms (e.g., team diversity, networking with other teams and people, and their past experiences), joint epistemic actions (e.g., team reasoning, intuition, and aesthetic capacity), and team virtue and prudence become the different faces of the software development team wisdom process. We then propose how these different faces interrelate and how they also relate to project process effectiveness, such as team learning and speed-to-users, both of which have been rarely addressed empirically in the context of software development project teamwork.By examining 210 in-house software development project teams in a field study and using structural equation modeling analysis, our results empirically show the following: (a) software development wisdom-related mechanisms positively relate to software development team prudence and virtue and their joint epistemic actions, (b) software development team prudence and virtue are positively associated with software development team joint epistemic actions, and further (d) software development team joint epistemic actions are positively associated with software development project process effectiveness. We conclude by discussing our findings as they relate to the wisdom framework of software development project teams and suggest the key managerial implications for different types of software development projects.  相似文献   

基于投入-产出理论,本文主要利用差异化的能源库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)来分析中国能耗模式演变及其对经济发展的影响,从而确定二者在不同阶段、类型的量化关系.结果发现:①中国能耗模式整体上经历了高能耗低增长—高能耗高增长—低能耗高增长的演变过程,但省(区、市)间时空差异明显,形成差异化的能源库兹涅茨曲线,大致分成6种演变类型;...  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the impact of academic patenting on publishing and knowledge transfer. Drawing upon two separate surveys of academics, and their CV information, we provide empirical evidence for UK academics in engineering and physical sciences. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, our findings show that (the intensity of) academic patenting complements publishing up to a certain level of patenting output, after which we find evidence of a substitution effect. We also find weak evidence of important differences across scientific fields with the more basic-oriented fields showing indications of a crowding-out effect. Second, our analysis of the potential impact of patenting on knowledge transfer shows a positive correlation between the stock of patents and engagement in knowledge transfer channels. However, we find that a substitution effect sets in, indicating an inverted U-shaped relationship between patenting and several knowledge transfer channels.  相似文献   

结合稀土永磁材料生产项目特点,在环境影响评价中从工艺技术先进性、资源能源利用指标、产品指标、污染物产生指标、废物回收利用指标等方面进行评价,分析其清洁生产水平。  相似文献   

作为一种有效的系统全体优化方法,制约因素理论(TOC)在美国、日本得到广泛关注。介绍了制约因素理论的产生及主要内容、方法,对该理论在生产管理中的应用作了解释说明,指出制约因素理论导入后的惊人效果,以期望TOC在中国被广泛了解和应用.  相似文献   

基于2003-2015年我国省级制造业面板数据,采用两阶段最小二乘法,本文分析了制造业集聚对创新生产率的影响,并进行了区域比较。理论分析表明,制造业集聚主要通过创新投入不断减少和创新产出有效增加,从而推动技术进步或技术效率的提高等作用机制来促进创新生产率提升。实证结果显示,(1)制造业集聚能够有效促进其创新生产率提升,并且技术效率的改善而非技术进步是制造业集聚促进创新生产率提升的主要途径;(2)分区域比较来看,制造业集聚对创新生产率及其分解指标的影响作用在东、中、西部区域之间存在明显的差异。其中,东中西部区域制造业集聚均有利于显著促进其创新生产率提升和技术效率改善,但作用程度之间存在一定的差异,且对技术进步的影响系数虽为正,却不显著;(3)无论是替换核心解释变量,还是分时间段进行回归估计,抑或对制造业集聚对创新生产率影响的作用途径进行检验,上述结果均成立。基于上述研究结论,本文提出了推进我国制造业创新生产率提升的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

基于2003-2015年中国省级制造业面板数据,本文运用两阶段最小二乘法实证分析了制造业聚集对静态和动态能源绩效的影响及其区域差异。结果显示,(1)从全国总体来看,无论在无环境约束还是在环境约束下,制造业聚集与静态和动态能源绩效及其分解指标之间均存在明显的“U型”曲线关系。(2)制造业经济发展水平与静态和动态能源绩效也呈现出显著的“U型”关系,即“环境库兹涅茨假说”在中国制造业中显著存在。其次,制造业企业规模和环境规制强度均有利于提升静态和动态能源绩效,验证了“熊彼特假说”和“波特假说”。此外,制造业外商直接投资和产权结构对静态和动态能源绩效均具有一定的负向影响作用,支持了“污染避难所”假说。(3)在无环境约束和环境约束两种情形下,制造业聚集对静态和动态能源绩效的影响作用均存在明显的区域差异。其中,东部和中部地区制造业聚集主要通过能源技术效率跨期提高和能源技术跨期进步的共同作用来促进其动态能源绩效提高,而西部地区制造业聚集则主要仅通过能源技术效率跨期提高来推进其动态能源绩效提升。  相似文献   

The impact of the existence and nature of multi-authorship on the visibility of research results is a relevant issue in the framework of the monitoring and evaluation of scientific performance. Multi-authorship involving researchers from different institutions is a growing trend typical of today’s social, economic and political development and an expression of the so-called “internationalization of science”. This paper analyzes how the establishment of scientific relationships and the local or international nature of such relationships affect the visibility of the research results published by the community of researchers affiliated with Puerto Rican institutions. Multi-dimensional indicators and multivariate analysis techniques, specifically Factorial Correspondence Analysis (FCA), were used to analyze and represent the visibility of the papers published in mainstream scientific journals. The results of the study show that the establishment and furtherance of local and international co-authorship favour the visibility of the papers published and consequently can be regarded to be a valid strategy in the context of the research and development effort in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

为了解决风积沙路基压实的难题,研究了冲击压实技术,并运用于工程实践,用瑞雷波法对冲压效果进行了分析评价。冲击压实具有势能和动能的联合压实作用,更容易使材料达到弹性工作状态;冲击压路机在“揉压-碾压-冲击”综合作用下使土体得到压实,其冲击力较振动压路机大6~10倍,影响深度大5~4倍。提出了风积沙路基冲击压实工艺。现场压实对比试验表明,冲击压实较振动压实有更高的压实度,可提高2%~5%,影响深度可达7m;冲击压实可以明显提高风积沙路基的强度和刚度,动弹模均值可达202.63MPa。  相似文献   

广州市春季大气颗粒物的粒径分布及能见度研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于2008年春季采用粒径谱仪和自动气象站等高分辨率仪器对广州城区大气颗粒物的粒径分布特征及其与大气能见度的相互关系进行研究.结果发现,0.5~20μm粒径范围的颗粒物数浓度随粒径增大而逐渐减小;质量浓度谱分布呈双峰型,分别在0.7μm和2.5μm出现峰值;而降雨对粗颗粒物的去除作用显著.0.5~2.5μm粒子浓度增加是大气能见度降低的重要原因.  相似文献   

郭明晶  卜炎  陈从喜  齐睿 《资源科学》2018,40(12):2425-2437
研究中国天然气安全状况,分析影响因素并找出系统性的应对策略对于保障中国能源安全、促进中国经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于生态文明建设和能源转型的时代背景,从供应安全、储运安全、市场安全和环境安全四个维度,构建了中国天然气安全评价指标体系。运用组合赋权法对指标赋权,从总体、区域和省域三个层面对中国天然气安全状况进行了评价。总体评价结果表明,全国天然气安全均值为0.546,2006—2015年间虽然天然气安全水平在上升,但是总体安全状况一般,主要原因在于中国天然气产量低,对外依存度较大;天然气管道建设滞后,调峰能力不足;天然气市场价格机制不完善;环境治理压力较大。区域评价结果表明,全国四大区域天然气综合安全的均值为东部(0.582)>中部(0.571)>西部(0.516)>东北(0.515),呈现出“东部最好,中部次之,西部和东北偏低”的特征。分析得出,天然气安全的影响因素在东部地区主要集中体现于市场安全,在中部地区主要集中于供应安全,在西部地区主要集中于市场安全和环境安全,在东北地区主要集中于供应安全和储运安全。省域评价结果表明,各省域天然气安全水平差异较大,其中7个省份的天然气安全水平处于上升趋势,5个省份天然气安全水平处于下降趋势,8个省份的天然气安全水平波动较大,10个省份的天然气安全水平趋于平稳;各省域在供应安全、储运安全、市场安全和环境安全具有明显的空间集聚效应。最后,分别从国家层面、区域层面和省域层面提出了保障中国天然气安全的对策建议。  相似文献   

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