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比喻是一种重要的修辞手段,是各种修辞中最常用的一种。比喻性词语则是达成比喻这一目的时所使用的词、词组或句子。英语和汉语都广泛地使用比喻这一修辞手法,它可以使说话或文字生动活泼、形象鲜明、增强表现力和感染力。但由于不用的民族历史、文化和风俗习惯,英汉两种语言对比喻性词语的使用也有所不同。本文从美学视角对英语比喻性词语的翻译原则、方法加以探讨,以期达到在跨文化交际中更好地理解、把握和运用比喻、促进中英文化融合和交流的目的。  相似文献   

比喻是一种重要的修辞手段,是各种修辞中最常用的一种。比喻性词语则是达成比喻这一目的时所使用的词、词组或句子。英语和汉语都广泛地使用比喻这一修辞手法,它可以使说话或文字生动活泼、形象鲜明、增强表现力和感染力。但由于不用的民族历史、文化和风俗习惯,英汉两种语言对比喻性词语的使用也有所不同。本文从美学视角对英语比喻性词语的翻译原则、方法加以探讨,以期达到在跨文化交际中更好地理解、把握和运用比喻、促进中英文化融合和交流的目的。  相似文献   

比喻是世界各民族语言中广泛运用的一种修辞方式,但受民族文化的影响,汉英语言在比喻上承载了不同的文化信息,体现了不同的文化差异,使得同一喻义选择使用了不同的喻体,相同的喻体表述了不同的喻义,从而显示出了鲜明的民族特色。  相似文献   

不同民族的语言,在修辞方式上表现出很大的差异.本文通过对英汉语中比喻的异同对比,揭示出英汉语比喻的民族文化特色,突出表现在对喻体的选择上,而不同的语言对于喻体的选择体现了不同的民族审美观、不同的民族文化,以及不同的民族心理特点.  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,比喻作为一种重要的语言修辞手段承载着很多文化信息。不同语言中喻体的选择必然会反映出立喻者的文化认知和思维方式。本文对比分析了汉英两种语言中喻体的选择与立喻者所处的社会文化背景之间的关系,进而发现了中西方思维方式的差异。  相似文献   

日语是一种暧昧语言。暧昧表达是日语表达习惯的显著特点之一。通过曲折的语言方式来表达语言主体的思想和行为,是日本人民在语言交际中谋求集体团结、非"枪打出头鸟"等以和为贵中心文化思想而特别创造出的一种语言表达形式。而这种暧昧语言是如何通过具体的表达方式而组成的呢?在众多追求语言表达效果的同时,借助最多的就是日语中的修辞手法,诸如比喻、拟人、夸张、婉转、层层递进法等多种修辞表达方式。而语言是文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式,是随着民族的发展而发展生成的。这些修辞手法运用的同时又在一定的程度上反映着一个民族独到的修辞意识和文化传统。本文通过汉语和日语具备不同的本质的民族风俗文化所带来不同的语言效果,从心理和文化的角度,揭示日语比喻修辞手法的生成机制。  相似文献   

龚晓琼 《考试周刊》2009,(2):101-103
英语习语是语言的重要组成部分,在语义上是不可分割的统一体,有着其本身特有的构成和活用,它直接地反映出语言的修辞手段和表现手法。事实上,比喻是英语习语中应用最广泛的修辞之一,所以,本文着重从比喻修辞手段上分析英语习语的构成与活用。  相似文献   

指出日语谚语中,比喻修辞方法使用的频率很高,日语谚语带有浓厚的民族、区域、历史、文化色彩,在汉译的过程中,要兼顾或再现谚语本身的文化寓意和比喻修辞的特殊性。对使用比喻修辞的日本谚语汉译,应把文化背景、语言习惯等因素进行综合分析和处理。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种修辞手段,而且是一种思维方式和文化反映。它不可避免地受到各自鲜明民族文化特征的影响。不同语言文化的隐喻既有同质性,又有异质性。本文探讨了英语隐喻的常用翻译方法。  相似文献   

数字本来是表示事物的数目或顺序的词,但随着社会的发展却获得了一些新的含义。数词不仅具有比喻、夸张、委婉等修辞含义,还反映了不同民族的文化生活,也反映了民族心理。数词运用得好,能引起读者的遐想和想象,使语言更加丰富多彩、生动活泼、幽默风趣,从而使文章达到良好的修辞效果。  相似文献   

中国是一个多民族多语言多文字的国家,很早就形成了多民族交错聚居和相互杂居的状态;少数民族不但使用本民族语言文字,还普遍使用汉语和汉字。根据《中国语言文字使用情况调查资料》提供的数据,目前,少数民族文字的使用处于濒危状态;简化汉字在我国各族人民中得到广泛使用;学校是人们学习文字最主要的场所。鉴于此,在全面实施国家通用语言文字法的同时,我们必须处理好汉语文与少数民族语文之间的关系;加强民汉双语人才的培养;倡导民族语文的学习,构建我国多民族语言文字生活的和谐。  相似文献   

此研究是对少数民族学生英语学习过程中母语依赖观念的实证研究,对象为广西环江县壮族和毛南族中学生。研究发现:(1)少数民族学生中广泛存在民族语单母语、汉语单母语、民汉双母语等不同情形的母语现象;(2)英语学习过程中母语依赖观念普遍存在,且程度较高,其中以英语作文时的母语依赖程度最高,母语依赖成为一种有益的学习方法;(3)对于教师的课堂教学用语,绝大多数希望使用汉语和英语两种语言,对民族语的期待极低,同时没有学生期待全英语教学,即对母语尤其是汉语的依赖与期待远远高于对民族语的依赖与期待。这些发现对少数民族地区基础教育阶段的英语教学具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

语言具有社会交际工具与民族文化和身份认同的双重功能。在多语社会或国家,通常是通用语言承担较多社会交际工具功能,而少数民族语言承担较多文化认同功能,二者互相补充又互相不可替代。因此在语言的工具认同和文化认同意义上,我国国家通用语言和少数民族语言没有根本的冲突。在少数民族语言内部,由于存在强势语言和弱势语言、主体民族语言和非主体民族语言、简单语言环境语言和复杂语言环境语言、保持母语程度不同等复杂情况,所以对于不同民族语言来说,语言的民族认同也存在较大的区别。  相似文献   

Minority language literacy is an important issue in national education policy for any multi-nationality country. China sticks to the policy of safeguarding the rights and interests of ethnic minority groups to use their own languages and writing systems. In education, considering communications among different nationalities and the development of minority ethnic groups, a bilingual education policy is being implemented by insisting on teaching students in their own ethnic languages; when the mastery of their own languages has been achieved, bilingual teaching will be employed. There are three types of bilingual teaching for minority ethnic groups: teaching in their own languages, with Mandarin Chinese added; teaching in Mandarin Chinese, with minority languages added; teaching both in Mandarin Chinese and in minority languages. The biggest problems to be solved in implementing bilingual education in ethnic minority regions are the editing of language textbooks and supporting materials for minority ethnic groups and the training of ethnic minority teachers.  相似文献   

中国少数民族新创文字作为民族语文工作的一部分,是在特定的历史时期产生的,有着特殊的历史背景。我国的民族政策和民族语文政策在不同时期("大跃进"和"文化大革命时期"例外)对少数民族新创文字的使用起着重要的作用,推动了我国民族语文工作的开展;但另一方面,由于民族语文政策体系本身发展尚待完善,这对少数民族语言文字的文化传承与发展将产生直接的影响。  相似文献   

Established literature suggests that language problems lead to lower attainment levels in those subjects that are more language dependent. Also, language has been suggested as a main driver of ethnic minority attainment. We use an original dataset of 2020 secondary school students to show that ethnic minority students in Cyprus underperform overall, but they do not perform less well in subjects considered more language dependent. We suggest that the main determinant for their low performance is not linguistic but cultural. This is the first study to investigate the performance of Georgians as an ethnic minority group in a European country. It is also one of the very few studies which were deliberately designed to compare the attainment of ethnic minority students on more and less language-dependent subjects. Methodologically, this is an instructive study using a repeated-measures design and combining teacher assessments with test results to alleviate floor and ceiling effects.  相似文献   

The literature on differential prediction of college performance of racial/ethnic minority students for standardized tests and high school grades indicates the use of these predictors often results in overprediction of minority student performance. However, these studies typically involve native English‐speaking students. In contrast, a smaller literature on language proficiency suggests academic performance of those with more limited English language proficiency may be underpredicted by standardized tests. These two literatures have not been well integrated, despite the fact that a number of racial/ethnic minority groups within the United States contain recent immigrant populations or heritage language speakers. This study investigates the joint role of race/ethnicity and language proficiency in Hispanic, Asian, and White ethnic groups across three educational admissions systems (SAT, HSGPA, and their composite) in predicting freshman grades. Our results indicate that language may differentially affect academic outcomes for different racial/ethnic subgroups. The SAT loses predictive power for Asian and White students who speak another best language, whereas it does not for Hispanic students who speak another best language. The differential prediction of college grades of linguistic minorities within racial/ethnic minority subgroups appears to be driven by the verbally loaded subtests of standardized tests but is largely unrelated to quantitative tests.  相似文献   

黑龙江世居少数民族学校在民族文化传承、民族文化教育自觉、民族文化教育政策落实、制度保障、课程建设、教学、师资队伍、民族文化教育研究等方面存在不同程度的问题与不足,应采取明确民族文化教育的定位,创新民族教育制度,加强民族文化课程开发,综合利用民族文化教育的途径,坚持民族语言教学,加强民族文化课程师资队伍建设等教育对策以促进黑龙江世居少数民族文化传承。  相似文献   

Absences, in terms of lacks, are identified by researchers as explaining factors of failure in inclusive education, for example, the absence of minority ethnic students’ native language from instruction. However, there is a lack of a clear framework against which to discuss issues of absence in the education of poor minority ethnic students. In this paper, I draw on the notion of laminated systems from Roy Bhaskar’s critical realism philosophy, in order to provide a conceptual theoretical tool for identifying and addressing absences in the education of poor minority ethnic students in a more structured and conscious way. This is done by drawing on qualitative empirical data, collected from a school with a high concentration of poor minority ethnic students in Cyprus, as part of a PhD thesis. Findings illustrate that absence(s) are interrelated and emergent features which occur in different levels of reality. Absences need to be identified and decided a posteriori for each case, whereas mono-dimensional, non-specific or ‘one-size-fits-it-all’ strategic actions should be avoided.  相似文献   

我国双语教学的内涵实际上包括两层:第一层是民族地区两种语言课的开设,第二层是教学用语的选择与使用。我国少数民族双语教学的基本模式是"民加汉双语教学模式"和"汉加民双语教学模式"。两种双语教学模式的理论基础与实践策略都需要深入研究,以保障双语教学的科学有效性。  相似文献   

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