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In this paper, we propose a common phrase index as an efficient index structure to support phrase queries in a very large text database. Our structure is an extension of previous index structures for phrases and achieves better query efficiency with modest extra storage cost. Further improvement in efficiency can be attained by implementing our index according to our observation of the dynamic nature of common word set. In experimental evaluation, a common phrase index using 255 common words has an improvement of about 11% and 62% in query time for the overall and large queries (queries of long phrases) respectively over an auxiliary nextword index. Moreover, it has only about 19% extra storage cost. Compared with an inverted index, our improvement is about 72% and 87% for the overall and large queries respectively. We also propose to implement a common phrase index with dynamic update feature. Our experiments show that more improvement in time efficiency can be achieved.  相似文献   

This study proposes a probabilistic model for automatically extracting English noun phrases without part-of-speech tagging or any syntactic analysis. The technique is based on a Markov model, whose initial parameters are estimated by a phrase lookup program with a phrase dictionary, then optimized by a set of maximum entropy (ME) parameters for a set of morphological features. Using the Viterbi algorithm with the trained Markov model, the program can dynamically extract noun phrases from input text. Experiments show that this technique is of comparable effectiveness with the best existing techniques.  相似文献   

A comparative evaluation has been carried out on the Philips “DIRECT” and the British “INSPEC” retrieval system. DIRECT is based on automatic indexing whereas INSPEC uses manual subject indexing.Two queries were submitted to both systems, using the same data base. The results are expressed in terms of recall and precision. Both recall and precision of INSPEC were found to be higher than those of DIRECT by 20%. It is concluded that this is mainly a result of the query formulation. The effectiveness obtained with automatic indexing of documents is equivalent to that of the manual procedure.  相似文献   

In a dynamic retrieval system, documents must be ingested as they arrive, and be immediately findable by queries. Our purpose in this paper is to describe an index structure and processing regime that accommodates that requirement for immediate access, seeking to make the ingestion process as streamlined as possible, while at the same time seeking to make the growing index as small as possible, and seeking to make term-based querying via the index as efficient as possible. We describe a new compression operation and a novel approach to extensible lists which together facilitate that triple goal. In particular, the structure we describe provides incremental document-level indexing using as little as two bytes per posting and only a small amount more for word-level indexing; provides fast document insertion; supports immediate and continuous queryability; provides support for fast conjunctive queries and similarity score-based ranked queries; and facilitates fast conversion of the dynamic index to a “normal” static compressed inverted index structure. Measurement of our new mechanism confirms that in-memory dynamic document-level indexes for collections into the gigabyte range can be constructed at a rate of two gigabytes/minute using a typical server architecture, that multi-term conjunctive Boolean queries can be resolved in just a few milliseconds each on average even while new documents are being concurrently ingested, and that the net memory space required for all of the required data structures amounts to an average of as little as two bytes per stored posting, less than half the space required by the best previous mechanism.  相似文献   

This work aims to extract possible causal relations that exist between noun phrases. Some causal relations are manifested by lexical patterns like causal verbs and their sub-categorization. We use lexical patterns as a filter to find causality candidates and we transfer the causality extraction problem to the binary classification. To solve the problem, we introduce probabilities for word pair and concept pair that could be part of causal noun phrase pairs. We also use the cue phrase probability that could be a causality pattern. These probabilities are learned from the raw corpus in an unsupervised manner. With this probabilistic model, we increase both precision and recall. Our causality extraction shows an F-score of 77.37%, which is an improvement of 21.14 percentage points over the baseline model. The long distance causal relation is extracted with the binary tree-styled cue phrase. We propose an incremental cue phrase learning method based on the cue phrase confidence score that was measured after each causal classifier learning step. A better recall of 15.37 percentage points is acquired after the cue phrase learning.  相似文献   

This paper describes a technique for automatic book indexing. The technique requires a dictionary of terms that are to appear in the index, along with all text strings that count as instances of the term. It also requires that the text be in a form suitable for processing by a text formatter. A program searches the text for each occurrence of a term or its associated strings and creates an entry to the index when either is found. The results of the experimental application to a portion of a book text are presented, including measures of precision and recall, with precision giving the ratio of terms correctly assigned in the automatic process to the total assigned, and recall giving the ratio of correct terms automatically assigned to the total number of term assignments according to a human standard. Results indicate that the technique can be applied successfully, especially for texts that employ a technical vocabulary and where there is a premium on indexing exhaustivity.  相似文献   

Abstractive summarization aims to generate a concise summary covering salient content from single or multiple text documents. Many recent abstractive summarization methods are built on the transformer model to capture long-range dependencies in the input text and achieve parallelization. In the transformer encoder, calculating attention weights is a crucial step for encoding input documents. Input documents usually contain some key phrases conveying salient information, and it is important to encode these phrases completely. However, existing transformer-based summarization works did not consider key phrases in input when determining attention weights. Consequently, some of the tokens within key phrases only receive small attention weights, which is not conducive to encoding the semantic information of input documents. In this paper, we introduce some prior knowledge of key phrases into the transformer-based summarization model and guide the model to encode key phrases. For the contextual representation of each token in the key phrase, we assume the tokens within the same key phrase make larger contributions compared with other tokens in the input sequence. Based on this assumption, we propose the Key Phrase Aware Transformer (KPAT), a model with the highlighting mechanism in the encoder to assign greater attention weights for tokens within key phrases. Specifically, we first extract key phrases from the input document and score the phrases’ importance. Then we build the block diagonal highlighting matrix to indicate these phrases’ importance scores and positions. To combine self-attention weights with key phrases’ importance scores, we design two structures of highlighting attention for each head and the multi-head highlighting attention. Experimental results on two datasets (Multi-News and PubMed) from different summarization tasks and domains show that our KPAT model significantly outperforms advanced summarization baselines. We conduct more experiments to analyze the impact of each part of our model on the summarization performance and verify the effectiveness of our proposed highlighting mechanism.  相似文献   

The Defense Documentation Center (DDC), a field activity of the Defense Supply Agency, implemented an automated indexing procedure in October 1973. This Machine-Aided Indexing (MAI) System [1] had been under development since 1969. The following is a report of several comparisons designed to measure the retrieval effectiveness of MAI and manual indexing procedures under normal operational conditions.Several definitions are required in order to clarify the MAI process as it pertains to these investigations. The MAI routines scan unedited text in the form of titles and abstracts. The output of these routines is called Candidate Index Terms. These word strings are matched by computer against an internal file of manually screened and cross-referenced terms called a Natural Language Data Base (NLDB). The NLDB differs from a standard thesaurus in that there is no related term category. Word strings which match the NLDB are accepted as valid MAI output. The mismatches are manually screened for suitability. Those accepted are added to the NLDB. If now, the original set of Candidate Index Terms is matched against the updated NLDB, the matched output is unedited MAI. If both the unedited matches and mismatches are further structured in accession order and sent to technical analysts for review, the output of that process is called edited MAI.The tests were designed to (a) compare unedited MAI with manual indexing, holding the indexing language and the retrieval technique constant; (b) compare edited MAI with unedited MAI, holding both the indexing and the retrieval technique constant; and (c) compare two different retrieval techniques, called simple and complex, while holding the indexing constant.  相似文献   

A theory of indexing helps explain the nature of indexing, the structure of the vocabulary, and the quality of the index. Indexing theories formulated by Jonker, Heilprin, Landry and Salton are described. Each formulation has a different focus. Jonker, by means of the Terminological and Connective Continua, provided a basis for understanding the relationships between the size of the vocabulary, the hierarchical organization, and the specificity by which concepts can be described. Heilprin introduced the idea of a search path which leads from query to document. He also added a third dimension to Jonker's model; the three variables are diffuseness, permutivity and hierarchical connectedness. Landry made an ambitious and well conceived attempt to build a comprehensive theory of indexing predicated upon sets of documents, sets of attributes, and sets of relationships between the two. It is expressed in theorems and by formal notation. Salton provided both a notational definition of indexing and procedures for improving the ability of index terms to discriminate between relevant and nonrelevant documents. These separate theories need to be tested experimentally and eventually combined into a unified comprehensive theory of indexing.  相似文献   

A procedure for automated indexing of pathology diagnostic reports at the National Institutes of Health is described. Diagnostic statements in medical English are encoded by computer into the Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology (SNOP). SNOP is a structured indexing language constructed by pathologists for manual indexing. It is of interest that effective automatic encoding can be based upon an existing vocabulary and code designed for manual methods. Morphosyntactic analysis, a simple syntax analysis, matching of dictionary entries consisting of several words, and synonym substitutions are techniques utilized.  相似文献   

An ordering system for a global information network is necessary in order to enable the user to retrieve the particular information he is looking for. Classification has been one of the methods of ordering. The principle of traditional classification has been based on the idea of partitioning the universe of knowledge in mutually exclusive classes, i.e. subjects. A particular topic is defined by narrower classification within a class following the principle of ‘genusspecies’ relationship. Ranganathan's system of faceted classification has only replaced the classification of terms into subjects and sub-subjects by classification of terms into five ambiguous categories. Taube's system of coordinate indexing gives full freedom to the user to combine any number of terms of his choice. To be effective for social sciences such a system has to overcome some difficult problems of semantics. The system MANIS described here maintains the traditional classification and yet allows the user to combine terms of his choice, where the choice is restricted to the terms belonging to the system of traditional classification.  相似文献   

Direct end-user data entry and retrieval is a major factor in achieving an economical information retrieval system. To be effective, such a system would have to provide a thesaurus structure which leads novice end-users to browse subject areas before retrieval and yet provides control and coverage of terms in a domain. A faceted hierarchical thesaurus organization has been designed to accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

The text retrieval method using latent semantic indexing (LSI) technique with truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) has been intensively studied in recent years. The SVD reduces the noise contained in the original representation of the term–document matrix and improves the information retrieval accuracy. Recent studies indicate that SVD is mostly useful for small homogeneous data collections. For large inhomogeneous datasets, the performance of the SVD based text retrieval technique may deteriorate. We propose to partition a large inhomogeneous dataset into several smaller ones with clustered structure, on which we apply the truncated SVD. Our experimental results show that the clustered SVD strategies may enhance the retrieval accuracy and reduce the computing and storage costs.  相似文献   

关联数据的知识发现研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李俊 《情报科学》2013,(3):76-81
首先对关联数据的发展现状进行介绍,详细描述了W3C和LOD社区总结出的9条发布和提供数据服务的最佳实践。论述了对关联数据进行知识发现的必要性,同时提出基于关联数据进行知识发现的模型,并对模型中每一阶段的工作和目标进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

In Information Retrieval (IR), the efficient indexing of terabyte-scale and larger corpora is still a difficult problem. MapReduce has been proposed as a framework for distributing data-intensive operations across multiple processing machines. In this work, we provide a detailed analysis of four MapReduce indexing strategies of varying complexity. Moreover, we evaluate these indexing strategies by implementing them in an existing IR framework, and performing experiments using the Hadoop MapReduce implementation, in combination with several large standard TREC test corpora. In particular, we examine the efficiency of the indexing strategies, and for the most efficient strategy, we examine how it scales with respect to corpus size, and processing power. Our results attest to both the importance of minimising data transfer between machines for IO intensive tasks like indexing, and the suitability of the per-posting list MapReduce indexing strategy, in particular for indexing at a terabyte-scale. Hence, we conclude that MapReduce is a suitable framework for the deployment of large-scale indexing.  相似文献   

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