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见错就改,有错必纠!看好最后一段,3处错误各在哪呈?请仿照下面的批改形式,把你挑出的错误寄过来吧!  相似文献   

At last,the morning came when Oliver was allowed to go out to work with the two other boys. There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner. The three boys set out,but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not go-ing to work at all. Then suddenly the Dodger(神偷)stopped and put his finger to his lips.‘What's the matter?’demanded Oliver.‘Be quiet’replied the Dodger.‘Do you see that old man outside the bo…  相似文献   

★ Repulse Bay(浅水湾)The beach here is one of Hong Kong's most picturesque(独特的). Golden sand lines the bay to the traditional Chinese-style Life Guard Club(香港拯溺总会). There are shower and changing facilities and lifeguards on duty from April to October. Formerly the old colonial Repulse Bay Hotel, the lovely, rebuilt Repulse Bay Arcade(有拱廊的街道)houses, shops and restaurants.  相似文献   

From skyscrapers to quaint (奇异的)villages, sightseeing in Hong Kong is amazingly diverse for an area which is just 1091 square kilometres. If you spent one day travelling from bustling Hong Kong Island to the rural New Territories, you would see many different facets of life:executives heading for high-tech offices, vendors selling traditional wares in bustling (熙熙攘攘的)markets, worshippers (礼佛者) praying in incense-scented (香烟缭绕的) temples and farmers bentlow planting vegetables.  相似文献   

加拿大是一个人口不到3千万、却有着美国疆土面积两倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国的差不多,但也有它的独特之处。  相似文献   

(continued) Sarabi:It’s not true.Tell me it’snot true. Simba:It’s true. Scar:You see,he admits it,Mur-derer! Simba:No,it was an accident. Scar:If it weren’t for you,Mu-fasa would still be alive! It’s your  相似文献   

1.The little traveller hasgreater power.He takes a drinkof water,and runs a thousandmiles.Before he goes,he takesoff his hat.When he rests,onhe puts it.2 .This is the name of aday.There are six letters in it.The third letter is N,but thereis no S in it.Which day is it?3.Italways beats and hops.Itnever sleeps or stops.All ourlife we do not part.With our little…Riddles(谜语)(英文)…  相似文献   

加拿大是一个人口不到3000万,却有着美国疆土面积2倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国差不多,但也有它的独特之处。  相似文献   

Communications 交流在加拿大,男人要等女人主动伸手过来才能握手;交谈的时间要友好、和善,而且积极主动,保持镇定,不能有太夸张的肢体语言;说法语的加拿大人与人交流时,倾向子站得更近,并且感情外露。  相似文献   

不久,魔镜又对坏王后说:"王后陛,在这儿您是最美的女人,可是在山的面,白雪公主跟七个小矮人住在一起,比您美丽一千倍。"坏王后又开始想坏主意。这一回,她扮成卖梳子的老太太,来到了小矮人的。白雪公主没有往坏处想,就让她给自梳头。结果,公主再一次昏死了过去。  相似文献   

山上那片浓林里 总有小白房子露出来 一闪一闪的 像眼睛 金头发的白雪公主 你在 哪座房子里  相似文献   

A few years passed,and l saw no more of the savages.Then one morning 1 was sur—prised to see five boats all on shore together  相似文献   

Closed doors(关闭的门) Germans enjoy quietness and privacy. They may thus often close their doors but will be happy to receive you if you knock on the door. A closed door doesn’t necessarily mean that the person cannot be disturbed. Likewise a closed  相似文献   

Thecoach(马车)stoppedataneathouseinaquiet,shadystreetinnorthLondon.Oliverwasgentlycarriedintoabed,andreceivedmorecareandkindnessthanhehadeverhadinhislife.Buthehadafever,andformanydayshelaythereunconscious(不省人事).Whenheeventu鄄ally(最终)awoke,weak,thinandpale,helookedanxiouslyaroundtheroom.‘Whatroomisthis?WhereamI?’hesaid.‘ThisisnottheplaceIfellasleepin.’MrsBedwin,themotherlyoldhousekeeper,heardhiswords,andin鄄stantlycametohim.‘Hush,bequiet,mydear,oryou薷llbei…  相似文献   

见错就改,有错必纠!这期提供的范文,会让你过足当老师的瘾!此篇最后一段有3处错误,仿照以下批改形式,把错误挑出来。寄来你的批改答案好吗?  相似文献   

Boys and girls,Attention,please! I have something important to tell you. Our class will go to the People’s Park for an outing on June 1,Saturday. In the morning,we will visit the East  相似文献   

脑筋转转转,奥林匹克训练营今天进行智力测验(Ⅰ)数字第一关:时间转转转What is the meaning(意思)of"I will stay from two to two to two two"?H ow m any secondsare in a m inute?A.6seconds B.10secondsC.60seconds D.100seconds数字第二关:数字算算算A isthree,B isten,C  相似文献   

Boys and girls,Attention,please! March 12 is our Tree-planting Day.All the students in our school are asked to take part in the activity. Each class must take five or six basins with you to water young trees. We are going to gather at the school gate  相似文献   

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