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In 3 experiments, 6-month-old infants learned to move a mobile by kicking and were tested 1 to 21 days later for retention of the newly acquired memory as a function of the training and testing contexts. In Experiment 1, decreasing the relative distinctiveness of the training and testing context did not impair retrieval of the newly acquired memory. In Experiment 2, however, testing in a different context completely eliminated retention after delays of 1 and 3 days, when retention was otherwise perfect; after progressively longer delays, retention improved paradoxically. The familiarity or novelty of the test context was not a factor in the failure of infants to recognize the mobile in the altered context after 1 day. In Experiment 3, the effect of an altered context was assessed in a reactivation paradigm. After the training memory was forgotten, infants were presented with the original mobile as a reminder and were tested for retention of the training memory 1 day later. When either the reminding context or the testing context was different, they exhibited no retention. These findings reveal that memory retrieval at 6 months is highly specific to the setting in which the memory is acquired. We propose that infants learn what specific events are associated with what specific places prior to the age when they can locomote independently and acquire a spatiotemporal map of the relations between those places.  相似文献   

The ability of 6-month-old infants to remember a functional category acquired in a specific context was assessed in 3 experiments via an operant procedure in which infants learned to perform a specific action (a footkick) to activate an object suspended before them. In Experiment 1, infants trained with different exemplars in the same context transferred responding to a novel exemplar in the same but not a different context 24 hours later. Experiment 2 revealed that infants' reactivated memory of category training remained intact and context-specific after 3 weeks. In Experiment 3, a novel category exemplar was able to reactivate the forgotten memory of category training only in the encoding context. At 6 months, information about the place where categories are constructed is prerequisite for retrieval of a category concept from long-term memory. This requirement insures that early category concepts remain stable over relatively long periods.  相似文献   

Auditory Context and Memory Retrieval in Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-month-old infants were trained to move an overhead crib mobile while 1 of 2 musical selections was played. Retention was assessed 1 or 7 days later in the presence of either the same music or a different musical selection. in Experiment 1, the musical selections were very different (classical versus jazz); in Experiment 2, they were much more similar (two classical pieces). Infants in both experiments displayed 1 day retention regardless of wich music was played during the retention test. At 7 days, retention was seen only when the music played during the retention test matched the training music. These data are consistent with similar findings showing that 3-month-old infants'memory is disrupted at long retention intervals when the context present during retention testing does not match the learning context. As the infant's memory wanes, context appears to function as a necessary cue for the retrieval of acquired expectancies.  相似文献   

以往较多的研究探讨过提取干扰与外显记忆之间的关系,且所获得的结果较为一致。而关于提取干扰与内隐记忆关系的研究相对较少,并存在差异化的结果。为了进一步证实提取干扰下内隐记忆的表现,以及同外显记忆的差异,该实验采用经典的“学习-测验”范式,并通过在提取阶段设置箭头干扰任务来探讨。结果发现,提取干扰下内隐测验中获得的启动效应受到显著的破坏作用,而外显测验中的成绩不受影响。可见,内隐记忆的提取需要一定的注意资源,而外显记忆的提取表现出相对完整的自动化。  相似文献   

不论在内隐测验还是在外显测验,编码干扰与提取干扰对随后的记忆行为产生的影响都是不同的,表现出编码加工与提取加工的分离现象.这种分离现象在两类测验中又存在着差异:即编码干扰影响外显记忆,但不影响内隐记忆;而提取干扰影响内隐记忆,但不影响外显记忆,表现出内隐记忆与外显记忆的分离现象.  相似文献   


This article begins with the argument that education has become an important site of activity in museums around the world. This development has been of crucial significance for South Africa where many new museums have come into being and where old museums are now taking new courses. The challenge that these museums are having to confront is how to deal with the question of their public education responsibilities with respect to issues such as race, identity, nation and nation-building. How does the museum tell its story in ways that are inclusive and at the same time critical? How these challenges play themselves out in a museum such as the District Six Museum is important to talk about. What this discussion about the District Six Museum reveals is how little attention is paid to forms of public education in institutions outside of the school in South Africa. It is significant that the museum, which has come to play such a significant role in the reimagination of South Africa and is assuming in the intentions of the new government such a pivotal role in teaching South Africans about their pasts, is understood so poorly. The article uses the District Six Museum example to look critically at what a new museum educational practice might consist of.  相似文献   

在提取诱发遗忘范式下探讨提取类型在不同关联方式下对错误记忆的影响。实验采用3(提取类型)×3(关联方式)的两因素被试内实验设计,结果表明,练习项目的错误再认率低于基线项目和未练习项目的错误再认率,未练习项目的错误再认率高于基线项目的错误再认率;关联方式主效应不显著;提取类型和关联方式的交互作用显著,在练习项目下,字形关联的错误再认率显著高于语义关联和语音关联的错误再认率,未练习项目下各关联方式的错误再认率差异不显著,在基线项目下,语义关联的错误再认率比语音关联和字形关联的错误再认率大。结论:提取练习可以显著降低项目的错误再认率。  相似文献   

To investigate potential infant‐related antecedents characterizing later attachment security, this study tested whether attention to facial expressions, assessed with an eye‐tracking paradigm at 7 months of age (= 73), predicted infant–mother attachment in the Strange Situation Procedure at 14 months. Attention to fearful faces at 7 months predicted attachment security, with a smaller attentional bias to fearful expressions associated with insecure attachment. Attachment disorganization in particular was linked to an absence of the age‐typical attentional bias to fear. These data provide the first evidence linking infants' attentional bias to negative facial expressions with attachment formation and suggest reduced sensitivity to facial expressions of negative emotion as a testable trait that could link attachment disorganization with later behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

Predictors of Haitian-American Infant Development at Twelve Months   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perinatal and early childhood influences on the development of 66 Haitian-American children were examined as part of an ongoing home visiting program. Although all participants were impoverished, approximately two-thirds lived in an urban setting with some access to social and health services, while one-third lived in a rural farmworkers' community where housing and services were sharply substandard. Measures used to examine the development of infants in these 2 settings included birthweight, household crowding, parental contributions to the child-rearing environment (the HOME), and developmental progress at 12 months on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Results showed that the urban sample was advanced on the Mental Development Index of the Bayley Scales. Regression analyses showed birthweight and the HOME score measuring child-rearing environment to be significant predictors of mental development, while psychomotor development was related to birthweight and household crowding. The results indicate that even within this disadvantaged Haitian entrant population, environmental differences exist that influence infant development in subtle but significant ways.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study analyzed data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study (EHSRES) to examine whether the association between family structural characteristics (maternal education, number of parents, employment status, and number of children), parenting practices (sensitive and negative parenting, cognitively stimulating home environment, authoritarian parenting), and children's outcomes (receptive language, cognitive development, and problem behaviors) differ across ethnicity. A sample of 2,777 low-income families included 39% European Americans/Whites, 36% African Americans, and 25% Hispanics. Results indicated ethnic differences in some family structural characteristics, parenting practices, and child outcomes. With the exception of employment status, there was limited evidence that ethnic differences in family structural characteristics were related to differences in child outcomes. Though there were also ethnic differences in parenting practices, there was no evidence that ethnicity moderated the relation between parenting practices and children's language, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes at 36 months. Practice or Policy: The implication of this study is the need to foster and focus on positive parenting practices, rather than negatives ones, because of their importance to children's language, cognitive development, and behavior management. Ethnic differences may matter, but they may not in the face of other stressors such as economic fears, job instability, health concerns, and neighborhood safety.  相似文献   

Anderson在长时记忆提取过程的研究中首次提出Fan效应这一概念,并以此作为探究不同干扰程度下记忆效果的工具。对于Fan效应的解释主要存在两种对立的理论学说:以Anderson为代表的ACT—R理论和以Radvansky为代表的情景模型理论。为了更好地展开有关Fan效应的研究,促进其在国内记忆研究领域中的应用。对胁效应的相关理论和研究进行了系统梳理和详细介绍。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that performance for items requiring memory-binding processes improves between ages 4 and 6 ( J. Sluzenski, N. Newcombe, & S. L. Kovacs, 2006 ). The present study suggests that much of this improvement is due to retrieval, as opposed to encoding, deficits for 4-year-olds. Four- and 6-year-old children ( N  = 48 per age) were given objects, backgrounds, and object + background combinations to remember. Younger children performed equivalently to 6-year-olds during a working memory task for all types of memory questions but were impaired during a long-term memory task for the object + background combinations. Furthermore, this deficit was completely due to differences in false alarm rates, suggesting that separate analyses of hits and false alarms may be preferable to corrected recognition scores when studying memory development.  相似文献   

探讨持续性同伴教育对提高产妇6个月内母乳喂养率的效果。选取医院在编医护人员8名作为同伴教育者。将80例孕产妇随机分为对照组(n=40)和试验组(n=40)。对照组给予常规宣教,试验组在常规宣教基础上再接受同伴教育。在产妇产后7天、3个月、6个月三个时点观察纯母乳喂养情况。结果显示试验组在三个时点母乳喂养率均高于对照组(P<0.05),且试验组产后6个月纯母乳喂养率达到72.5%。因此实施持续性同伴教育可提高产妇的纯母乳喂养率。  相似文献   

委婉语是一种特殊的语言代码,其表述内容的禁忌性,表达形式的含蓄 性,表达手段语义不确定性等特点,决定了其信息解读对语境的依赖,为了保障交际成功,本文强调了文化背景对话语理解的重要意义。  相似文献   

作为一种跨文化交际行为,翻译的理解和表达都依赖于对语境的正确理解。关联理论中的最佳关联这一概念从认知的角度为翻译研究提供了一个新的视角。在具体的翻译活动中,译者如何求得最佳关联,正确理解原文本并生成最佳译文是建立在对相关语境的准确把握这一基础之上的。从关联理论的认知角度来研究翻译过程中译者如何实现最佳语境关联对翻译实践具有很重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

语境分析与翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中和英属于两种不同的语言体系,在语法、构词、表述方式乃至化含义方面存在着很大的区别,其中以一词多义、歧异句、特殊句型、广告式省略句的翻译尤为困难,很容易出错。在翻译实践中,利用语境或上下提供的信息和线索进行语篇分析,往往可以帮助译察觉译的不合逻辑之处,从而大大减少翻译错误。  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this investigation was to explore associations between father-child interactions and children's cognitive status in an underrepresented group of low-income, ethnically diverse families. Design. Participants were 65 inner-city fathers and their 24-month-old children (34 boys, 31 girls). Father-child interactions were videotaped for 10 min at home during semistructured free play, and mental scale scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development were obtained on children. The quality of father-child interactions was assessed using 14 Likert ratings of fathers (e.g., responsiveness, language quality, and intrusiveness) and 12 of children (e.g., play, participation, emotional regulation, and communication). Results. Factor analyses revealed 2 patterns of engagement in fathers (Responsive-Didactic and Negative-Intrusive) and 3 in children (Playful-Communicative, Social, and Regulated). Thirty-six children scored within normal limits on the MDI and 29 scored in the delayed range. Together, fathers' and children's factor scores explained more than 25% of the variance in children's performance on the MDI. Logistic regressions indicated that fathers with high scores on the Responsive-Didactic factor were nearly 5 times more likely to have children within the normal range on the MDI than were low-scoring fathers. Conclusions. These findings point to the importance of considering fathers' role in early cognitive development, particularly in low-income families in which children begin to exhibit significant declines in their second and third years. Positive father-child interactions appear to obviate cognitive delay.  相似文献   

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