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An increasing number of transgender children—those who express a gender identity that is “opposite” their natal sex—are socially transitioning, or presenting as their gender identity in everyday life. This study asks whether these children differ from gender‐typical peers on basic gender development tasks. Three‐ to 5‐year‐old socially transitioned transgender children (= 36) did not differ from controls matched on age and expressed gender (= 36), or siblings of transgender and gender nonconforming children (= 24) on gender preference, behavior, and belief measures. However, transgender children were less likely than both control groups to believe that their gender at birth matches their current gender, whereas both transgender children and siblings were less likely than controls to believe that other people's gender is stable.  相似文献   

关注儿童发展的文化安全,既需要维护儿童所属的社会生态环境的文化安全,又需要捍卫儿童童年存在意义上的文化安全。在全球化浪潮的影响下,媒介的开放和信息量的增大既给关涉儿童发展的文化环境带来了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。西方大国的文化帝国主义、媒介传播的不良影响、文化垃圾的侵袭、成人对儿童文化的扼杀和排挤等都给全球化背景下儿童发展的文化安全带来了威胁和挑战,这一点值得我们深思和关注。  相似文献   

Two studies (conducted in 2013) examined whether elementary‐aged children endorse a within‐gender stereotype about sexualized girls. In Study 1, children (= 208) ages 6–11 rated sexualized girls as more popular but less intelligent, athletic, and nice compared to nonsexualized girls. These distinctions were stronger for girls and older children, and in accordance with our developmental intergroup theoretical framework, were related to children's cognitive development and media exposure. Study 2 (= 155) replicated the previous findings using more ecologically valid and realistic images of girls and further explored individual differences in the endorsement of the sexualized girl stereotype. Additional results indicated that the belief that girls should be appearance focused predicted their endorsement of the sexualized girl stereotype.  相似文献   

目前,学界和媒体对“留守儿童”十分关注,但普遍停留在留守儿童“问题化”和“留守”属性化的视域,研究我国农村留守儿童的问题与对策。本文试图从“去问题化”的视角对我国农村留守儿童的研究现状进行分析,提出研究发展的趋势。  相似文献   

知识与性别:女性主义经验论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性主义经验论是一种把经验论的方法与女性主义的政治目标结合起来的知识论,是传统经验主义知识论和自然主义知识论的继承与发展.它接受坚持价值中立和客观性的实证主义的研究原则,批判了传统知识论中的男性中心主义倾向,主张借助女性的参与,通过严格遵守理想的知识论范式,建立反映自然和社会真实面貌的、客观的、无偏见的知识论.女性主义经验论虽然是一种保守的知识论,并且面临着偏见悖论之类的困境,然而女性主义经验论却具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

Research Findings: In this study we analyze how parent and teacher ratings of young Latino children’s social competencies in rural California are associated with children’s oral language development. We find (a) that there is considerable incongruence between parent and teacher ratings of child social competence, (b) that both parent and teacher ratings account for meaningful variation in children’s oral language development, and (c) that incongruence between parent and teacher ratings is associated with oral language above and beyond the effects of parent and teacher ratings alone. Practice or Policy: Young Latino children’s social competencies contribute to their oral language development. These competencies represent an important, though to date underutilized, asset for building stronger academic/language functioning. Part of the paradoxical development of Latino children (i.e., strong social though weak academic/language competence) could be attributable to cultural differences that underlie teacher and parent perceptions of social competence. Teachers of young Latino children should (a) be aware of the cultural nature of social competence and (b) explore culturally responsive ways of interacting in classrooms to build stronger oral language functioning.  相似文献   

对当前儿童读经运动的反思   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
儿童读经运动就其本质而言应该是一个经典教育运动。从中国传统教育来看,读经仅仅是众多学习方法之一,四书五经也仅仅是传统基础教育内容之一,在不同教育阶段教学应该采用不同的讲解方式。在教育哲学中。儿童读经的理念最接近于要素主义教育和永恒主义教育。相对于当前强调知识技能的应试教育,儿童读经就其在道德教育与文化教育方面的价值而言,的确有其积极作用。  相似文献   


According to the cognitive‐developmental theory, intellectual development is best understood in terms of age‐related changes. This has been found to be a valid theory in the case of mentally subnormal subjects as well, although their development proceeds at a speed and up to a level different from their normal age‐mates. The same theory has been applied to moral development and describes it, likewise, as a stage‐like progress of moral reasoning with age. The present study tries to answer the following question: Does the moral reasoning of the subjects classified as subnormal change with age so that it can be said to develop? According to the results obtained (dealing with subjects nine‐, 11‐, 13‐, 15‐ and 17‐years‐old), the cognitive‐developmental hypothesis of moral development is only partially confirmed. Namely, there is a development from the less to the more mature forms of moral reasoning, but the course of that development is not entirely such as the theory assumes. Moreover, moral reasoning of the subjects in this study is more advanced than their intelligence level as expressed by the IQ score.  相似文献   

不同性别儿童数学学习情感发展差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章研究了小学儿童数学学习的情感发展特征,采用自编"儿童数学学习情感发展水平"量表,以梅州市三所小学1-6年级共860名学生为被试,考察男女生数学学习情感发展水平的差异。结果表明:(1)小学男、女生的数学学习情感发展水平存在极显著差异,女生数学学习情感发展水平明显比男生高。(2)除师生关系水平存在显著的性别差异,女生比男生与老师有更良好的师生关系外,儿童数学学习情感的其他因素,男、女几乎没有不同。(3)低年级儿童的数学学习情感发展水平存在显著的性别差异,中、高年级儿童不存在显著的性别差异,数学学习情感发展水平随年级升高而降低,女生数学学习情感发展水平变化较大,男生则相对平稳。  相似文献   

采用儿童性别概念认知调查问卷与性别角色量表调查了儿童性别概念认知与性别角色发展状况,以便提出有针对性教育策略。结果发现,四~六岁儿童性别同一性认知发展基本处于同一水平;六岁儿童性别稳定性水平均显著高于四岁、五岁儿童,但后者性别稳定性认知水平差异不显著;性别恒常性认知水平年龄差异均显著,从低到高的顺序为四、五、六岁组。四种性别角色类型在学前儿童中已分布,四岁儿童女性化与双性化的比例均在30%左右,五岁儿童双性化比例达到74.32%的峰值,六岁儿童双性化比例逐渐下降为54.65%;男性化比例有所偏低,最高的出现在四岁组20.28%。总的来说,学前儿童的性别概念认知与性别角色类型发展状况均表现出年龄差异,随着年龄的增长,性别特征分化愈加明显。  相似文献   

Ninety‐six 5‐year‐old girls and boys and their mothers (n ‐‐ 87) participated in a cross‐cultural study on prosocial behaviour in Germany and the former USSR. Each child was observed interacting with a playmate who appeared to be sad. The mothers’ educational belief systems were examined on the basis of: (i) a semi‐projective instrument (So‐Sit) depicting everyday conflicts between mother and child; (ii) an interview on a recent conflict. The intensity of prosocial behaviour was higher in German girls than in German boys or Russian girls. More Russian boys than girls showed at least some kind of prosocial behaviour. Russian mothers described their handling of conflicts as more harmonious than German mothers, whereas sex differences occurred within each culture. The results are discussed with regard to the impact of different child‐rearing belief systems in individualistic versus collectivist cultures on the social behaviour of children.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,伴随着大量农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,出现了农民工子女教育问题.作者概述了该问题的产生原因,并结合美国解决流动人口子女教育问题的成功经验,提出解决这一问题的建议.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that oral narrative skills are a linguistic strength for African American children, yet few studies have examined how these skills are associated with reading for African American boys and girls. The current study uses longitudinal data of a sample of 72 African American 4‐year‐olds to examine how preschool oral narrative skills predict reading from first through sixth grades and explores differences by gender. Findings indicate that although girls demonstrated stronger narrative skills, their narrative skills did not moderate change in reading. For boys, narrative skills moderated change in reading over time such that as preschool narrative skills increased, their reading scores showed greater change over time. Educational implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童性别恒常性发展与性别角色偏好的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用实验测试法,选取了72名被试,分为3~4岁、4~5岁、5~6岁三个年龄组,每个年龄组各24名被试,男女各半.研究者通过性别恒常性测验和性别角色偏好测验,验证了柯尔伯格性别认知发展理论提出的性别认同性、性别稳定性以及性别一致性三个阶段发展的线性模式.在考察性别、年龄与性别恒常性发展水平之间的关系时,研究者发现性别恒常性发展的年龄效应非常突出,但性别恒常性水平的高低与性别角色偏好之间并没有出现如柯尔伯格理论所假设的高相关性.  相似文献   

在加入WTO后的新环境下,我们更需从全球化的背景来思考和认识化以及化产业的多重属性与功能。故此,章通过对入世后化产业资源配置方式的转变、推动先进民族化走向世界以及传统化产业创新发展等几方面问题的分析,探讨了我国化产业发展的取向问题。  相似文献   

本文选取新疆南疆园艺村和阔纳协海尔村作为田野调查个案,通过对村落中汉族移民在生计方式、语言、风俗习惯、房屋建筑风格等文化要素变迁及其特点的考察,探讨了移民区域在移民文化适应过程中所形成的一种类型——多元文化格局,及移民在文化适应过程中的内外层次差别。最终认为,移民的外在文化特质的适应相对较快,但内在的深层次的文化特质的适应肯定要滞后于外在适应,甚至停滞不前。但是,深层次的文化调适是移民与迁入社会和谐发展所不可或缺的。  相似文献   

通过阐述高校女教师全面发展的潜质和诉求,分析落后的社会性别文化观念对高校女教师成才发展的阻碍,如价值取舍矛盾的纠结、在竞争中的滞后和退让,多重角色下的心理压力、职业领域里的隐形障碍等,并结合先进性别文化观念,从政策制定、社会层面、学校机构以及个人意识层面提出了清除高校女教师成才发展障碍的可操作性干预设想与措施。  相似文献   

Using data spanning 1996–2009 from multiple panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation, this study investigates children’s (average age 8.5 years) physical health, dental visits, and doctor contact among low‐income children (n = 46,148) in immigrant versus native households. Immigrant households are further distinguished by household citizenship and immigration status. The findings show that children residing in households with non‐naturalized citizen parents, particularly those with a nonpermanent resident parent, experience worse health and less access to care even when controlling for important demographic, socioeconomic, and health insurance variables.  相似文献   

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