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教育技术能力是高校教师开展教育教学必需具有的一种能力.对某一工科为主、多学科协调发展的高校新进教师教育技术能力进行调研,采用问卷调查法、访谈法和课堂观察法,从责任与意识、知识与技能、设计与实施、教学评价、科研与创新和学习需求等方面收集数据,总结了新进教师的培训需求,并提出了开展教育技术培训的建议,以期为新进教师这一群体制定更加科学合理的教育技术培训方案,促进教师专业发展.  相似文献   

In recent years, a significant problem that has manifested in the quest to capitalise on the pedagogical potential of technology in schools is that veteran teachers are unwilling to integrate these resources into their practices. Given that veteran teachers comprise up to 40% of teachers, their lack of use is important. This paper aims to shed light on the issue of detachment by presenting empirically based findings of a five-year, grounded theory examination of the technology practices of a small group of veteran teachers. Data included classroom observations, teacher interviews and document analysis of teacher and school planning documentation, student focus groups, interviews with teaching colleagues and key school technology personnel observation. Analysis included the application of the teachers’ data to a framework of dilemmas teachers encounter when expected to change their practice. In using this process, change fatigue and knowledge insecurity (brought about by cultural and political changes to their contexts) were prominent factors which contributed to the teachers’ lack of technology use. Identifying their challenges opened scrutiny to the myriad of factors they drew on when making decisions about how and whether to use technology in their practice. The longitudinal analysis of the data showed that as these dilemmas alleviated, the teachers became more committed to educational technology. The findings inform how we can move forward from the issue of veteran teachers’ lack of use of technology to how to support this group in the development of their practices. In particular, the need for a re-imagining of professional learning to one which focuses on reshaping cultural and political aspects of technology practices. This includes changes to the management of technology-related policy changes as well as facilitating learning communities that promote a valuing and sharing of relevant knowledge amongst teachers and students.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to computer technology training for early childhood teachers. Departing from the singular goal of conveying skills and knowledge, a comprehensive program targets the development of teachers' attitudes and practices as well as knowledge and skills. All 3 areas are regarded as equally important for the development of teacher technology proficiency. Evaluation of the program documented its effectiveness. Compared to nonparticipants, teachers in the training program had significantly higher scores in all 3 goal areas: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and practices. Results of the study indicate that a comprehensive approach is an effective means of training teachers in computer technology. Implications of the study are discussed with regard to the strategy of developing the "whole teacher" and emergence of the domain of educational technology.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to computer technology training for early childhood teachers. Departing from the singular goal of conveying skills and knowledge, a comprehensive program targets the development of teachers' attitudes and practices as well as knowledge and skills. All 3 areas are regarded as equally important for the development of teacher technology proficiency. Evaluation of the program documented its effectiveness. Compared to nonparticipants, teachers in the training program had significantly higher scores in all 3 goal areas: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and practices. Results of the study indicate that a comprehensive approach is an effective means of training teachers in computer technology. Implications of the study are discussed with regard to the strategy of developing the “whole teacher” and emergence of the domain of educational technology.  相似文献   

This study determines the preferable leadership practised by colleges’ directors, institutional factors and challenges encountered in knowledge sharing in Malaysian technical higher learning institutions (HLIs). Using a pragmatic mixed-method strand, we obtained 212 teachers and instructors’ viewpoints on knowledge sharing factors and barriers. The study also interviewed four teachers in exploring college directors’ leadership practices and issues faced while sharing their knowledge and experiences with their colleagues. The findings revealed that technical college teachers favoured enabling others to act as a preferable leadership practice that empirically supports their knowledge sharing practices. Thus, reward system and culture were antecedents and significant predictors for teachers’ knowledge sharing practices in technical HLIs compared with their colleges directors’ transformational leadership practices. Teachers also highlighted that their directors provide affirmative responses concerning the knowledge sharing activities; thus, practising their roles as a knowledge sharing catalysts. However, lack of support from the management, micro-politics and teachers’ own negative perceptions were identified as challenges and constraints teachers encountered while sharing their knowledge with their peers. The findings put forward some suggestions for improvement on technical college’s knowledge sharing practices.  相似文献   

3D printing implementation in educational contexts has gained considerable attention in recent years. However, research shows that both in-service and pre-service teachers lack digital literacy and the confidence required to teach this emerging technology. This study reports the current challenges and opportunities in 3D printing education in Korea and identifies the range of knowledge required for teachers to integrate 3D printing technology into classrooms in meaningful ways. The technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) framework was used to analyze the certificate program for 3D printing educators and in-service teachers’ practices. The findings from interviews with 10 in-service teachers and participant observation in the 3D printing training workshop for pre-service teachers revealed that technological knowledge is overly emphasized in the 3D printing teacher training curriculum. Thus, many in-service teachers develop their content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge by exchanging ideas with other teachers online and running project-based courses with flipped classroom approaches. Two potential paths were discovered for developing curricula that cross over the domains of the TPACK framework to successfully integrate the technology into classrooms: collaboration between teachers in different subject areas and industry experts to develop technical knowledge and curriculum, and contextualizing 3D printing technology in relation to open-source digital culture.  相似文献   

Advances in the field of multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) research is often accomplished by actively exploring new technologies and techniques related to the collection and analysis of data. Exploration of ethical principles and procedures for governing the use of new technologies and techniques, however, is not as readily pursued. As collected data grow in complexity and invasiveness, potentially, a growing need is arising to scrutinize ethical aspects of MMLA research. In our study, we introduce an informed consent comprehension test for educational technology research and assess the effects of enhancing MMLA consent forms on comprehension of informed consent and on rates of enrollment in a MMLA study. One form is written from a researcher perspective and the other from a participant perspective. Results of the study involving first-year undergraduate students suggest that the overall level of comprehension did not differ between conditions. Yet, the participant-oriented consent form resulted in significantly lower rates of enrollment. Implications for MMLA researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper concerns the acquaintance of student teachers with the educational and wider pastoral experiences of children and young people who are or have been ‘looked after’ and who they may well teach at some point, together with the familiarisation of student teachers with the ‘looked after’ system in the UK. We discuss an exploratory awareness‐raising curriculum project within a Teacher Education Department at a University in the UK that utilises digital multimedia to develop a ‘community of awareness’ of young people and student teachers. As a result of this work, the student teachers were able to reflect on their pedagogical knowledge and practices related to teaching and wider pupil pastoral care. Further, those involved in the project therefore not only learned how to use technology, but to apply it in meaningful, productive ways, which were potentially transforming in terms of appreciation and knowledge of diversity. Benefits for the participants – the young people involved and the student teachers, as well as implications for both student teachers’ understanding of diversity and limitations of the technology – are discussed.  相似文献   

在教育信息化2.0背景下,提升教师整合技术的学科教学知识(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,TPACK)水平显得尤为重要。为了探究职前教师个人知识管理(Personal Knowledge Management,PKM)与TPACK水平的关系,文章采用基于问卷调查数据的定量分析和基于深度访谈数据的定性分析相结合的方法,以S大学化学专业30名职前教师为研究对象,就其PKM与TPACK水平的相关性进行了多方面分析,发现:职前教师的TPACK水平与PKM能力显著相关,基于PKM的TPACK课程培训可提升职前教师的TPACK水平。此结论为发展职前教师的TPACK水平提供了一个新的思路,有利于推动信息技术与课程的深度融合。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a qualitative case study, as part of which staff perspectives of student disclosure of mental health issues in an Australian post-secondary vocational education setting were explored. Twenty teaching and specialist support staff from four vocational education and training institutions participated in individual semi-structured interviews. Institutional policies and practices related to the management of disability at each site provided contextual information relevant to the staff experience. All data were analysed thematically. Staff participants strongly supported student disclosure of mental health issues. Staff linked the likelihood of course success for students experiencing mental illness with disclosure and the implementation of educational supports. Findings draw attention to subtle differences in constructions of student disclosure reported by the specialist support staff and the teachers: differences in perspective which were consistent across locations. This study highlights the influence of personal experience of mental illness and institutional processes for educational adjustment on staff perspectives of student disclosure. Implications of the current practices in post-secondary education student support services are discussed. Further research on disclosure beliefs among teachers and specialist support staff, in a wider range of educational settings, would allow for a deeper exploration of issues raised by this study.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,教师网络研修由于其时空分离、开放灵活的特征,受到各国教育行政部门和一线教师的青睐。然而目前的教师网络研修存在研修方式单一、参与者少、交流内容浮于表面、持续性差等问题。基于活动理论和现代远程教育理论构建的教师网络实践共同体研修活动设计模型,纵向结构上以规范、统一的教师基本网络研修活动为基本构件,通过活动调用接口,形成多层次的教师网络研修活动流;横向结构上按对活动任务起直接或间接作用的因素进行区分,以完成活动设计过程中的主次问题,最终解决教师网络研修活动设计复杂、重用与共享难、实践性弱等问题。  相似文献   

教师知识共享是教师个体知识向教师群体知识转移的过程。教师知识共享能够实现教师个体缄默知识显性化,丰富教师共同体实践性知识库,并促进学校知识的生产和再生产。然而,教育实践中存在的“沉默的螺旋现象”“人际关系差序格局的现象”以及“学校组织无意识知识管理的现象”等现实境况致使教师知识共享无法充分发挥出其应有的多元价值和意义。这些阻碍教师知识共享的现实因素背后反映出教师之间缺乏人际信任、社会互动、合作意识和共享文化以及学校组织知识管理意识淡薄等问题。为促进教师个人知识向集体知识转化,应积极构建教师知识共享文化,提升教师知识共享意愿;营造教师知识共享的“创造的空间”,增强教师之间的社会互动;完善学校知识共享的制度支持,引领教师知识共享行为。  相似文献   

云教育融合了云计算及现代教育技术。云教育平台涵盖了符合国际标准的优质教学资源,并提供接口开放、分布式、高性能的教学平台,给多种人群提供多模式的自主协作、研究性的虚拟学习环境。云教育推动了知识结构优化、优秀师资和资源共享、创新型思维模式培养与科研环境支撑,因此和研究型大学培养创新型精英人才的首要目标契合。云教育可以极大地覆盖受教人群,拓展研究型大学的社会影响力。当前,国际顶尖研究型大学正在发起云教育资源及平台建设热潮,并由此推动配套的研究型大学教学机制改革。  相似文献   

教师教育技术水平已成为制约学校教学水平的重要因素,在政府和学校的支持下,许多高校都有专门的机构负责教育技术培训。然而在培训实施过程中,出现了许多问题,影响了培训质量。文章根据中南大学教育技术培训中心多年的实践经验,总结出应对这些问题的有效办法,即加强培训过程中的"管理三部曲"——组织管理、教学管理以及机房管理,从而有效推进高校教育技术培训和谐持续发展。  相似文献   

高等教育信息化改革促使教育技术能力成为高校教师专业能力的核心组成部分。高校教师教育技术能力的构成要素包括意识要素、情感要素、意志要素、知识要素、技能要素、行为要素、道德要素。高校教师教育技术能力培养的途径:教师层面包括个体研修、群体交流方式。学校层面包括:创造良好信息文化氛围;制订相关支持保障措施;开展教育技术应用比赛;实施教育技术能力校本培训。  相似文献   

教师教育技术能力培训在取得显著成效的同时也凸显出缺乏实效的问题,主要原因是忽视了培训成果的有效转化。研究将绩效评估的概念引入培训后一年的实践应用中,通过系统、科学的培训后评估,促进教师对培训知识、技能等的迁移与应用。实践证明,研究所采用的评估测量工具和实施程序是合理可行的,能有效提高培训后教师的教育技术应用能力。  相似文献   

参与式教师培训效果的评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
参与式教师培训是当前国际上普遍认可的教师培训模式,自2001年我国启动新一轮基础教育课程改革以来,也运用该模式开展了大规模的教师培训。本研究对2所小学54名教师进行了以“合作学习”为主题的参与式教师培训并评价了培训效果,结果表明:(1)培训提高了教师对合作学习有关知识的掌握水平;(2)教师组织合作学习的教学行为有了显著的改善;(3)教师对培训的整体感受比较好,乐于在教学中尝试运用培训中学到方法、理念等。  相似文献   

The Principle of Assumed Consent: The Ethics of Gatekeeping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The obligation to inform and obtain the consent of human subjects is axiomatic in social and medical research. Yet educational researchers are often reluctant to inform their subjects: class teachers and headteachers, for example, are often used as gatekeepers, and investigators sometimes do not so much seek consent as assume it. This chapter discusses the principle of informed consent, in particular that of children. It proposes guidelines for gatekeepers who may be called upon to authorise research and to grant to investigators access to children in their care.  相似文献   

A dominant theme arising out of a research project concerned with elucidating theory–practice relations in prospective and practicing teachers is the role and place of fear in what it means to teach and to learn. The text for this paper grew out of extended conversations the researcher had with 12 of these participants forming a self‐study research group centered on reconfiguring the concept of fear as holding agency within teaching and learning. Fear and its relation to the lives of teachers is examined alongside these 12 teachers naming fear as an internal concept they grapple with daily in their teaching/learning practices as they confront the given risks and opportunities inherent within the acts of teaching and learning. Participating teachers portray fear as a disconnect between self and other(s) that contains and restrains their practices, compartmentalizing knowledge, separating pedagogy from content, and theory from practice, halting fear as a moving force to be grappled with through deliberation and interaction. Such contained disconnect between teachers and their teaching/learning practices is evidenced through a disregard for self‐understanding, pedagogical tone, and plurality and natality. The result of such disregard is teacher epistemological and ontological insecurity undermining teaching and learning. The relevance and power of theory in addressing such insecurity is evidenced. Seeking accordance within the act of teaching for learning’s sake are the fearful risks and opportunities integral to the work of teachers.  相似文献   

文章通过分析高校教师队伍的现状和存在的问题,认为在提高教师学历水平的同时,应注重教师的工作能力的培养;而稳定现有人才是高校引进人才的基础;提高非教师人员的管理服务水平是保障教学科研工作顺利进行的前提;教师不仅要更新知识,紧跟学科前沿,而且要学会运用现代化的教育教学技术  相似文献   

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