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This study examined whether teacher-rated versus self-rated student temperaments are different in relation to the school grades in Maths and Mother language (ML) instruction in a nationally representative sample of Finnish Secondary School students (n?=?1,063, mean age 15.1 years). The results indicated that teacher-rated temperament was more strongly associated with students' Maths and ML grades than self-rated temperament. All the teacher-rated temperament traits were associated with school grades, accounting for 38% and 45% of the variance in Maths and ML, respectively. Of the self-rated temperaments, high task orientation and its components, high persistence and low distractibility, were associated with better school grades both in Maths and ML. Low reactivity and low negative emotionality were associated only with better ML grades, whereas high inhibition was associated only with better Maths grades. A temperament-conscious education needs to be taken into account in future teacher training.  相似文献   

The interaction between a temperament profile (four groups determined by high vs. low resistance to control [unmanageability] and unadaptability [novelty distress]) and family stress in predicting externalizing problems at school in children followed from kindergarten through eighth grade (ages 5–13) was investigated. The sample consisted of 556 families (290 boys). At Time 1 just prior to kindergarten, mothers retrospectively reported on their child's temperament during infancy. Each year, mothers reported stress and teachers reported children's externalizing problems. Temperament profile was tested as a moderator of the stress–externalizing association for various time periods. Results indicated that the combination of high resistance to control and high unadaptability strengthens the stress–externalizing association. Findings are discussed in terms of possible underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

In Turkey, responsive behaviors toward kin are expected from children. Despite this, we know little about the factors that influence young Turkish children's prosocial behaviors. The goal was to explore how temperament and parenting are related to children's prosocial development in Turkey. A total of 293 Turkish children (Mage = 49 months; 48.12% females) were followed up for 3 years. Mothers completed measures of their child's prosocial behaviors, as well as measures of their warmth, inductive reasoning, and the child's approach and reactivity. Maternal warmth predicted children's reactivity, and maternal induction predicted children's sociability. Children's reactivity was inversely related to children's helping behavior and sociability was related to more prosocial behavior. Maternal warmth had indirect links with helping through lessening children's reactivity.  相似文献   

In the course of social development, family influences seem to become partly internalized and transformed into personality characteristics that regulate behavior outside the family sphere. In a longitudinal study of 81 boys and their families, we hypothesized that individual differences in boys' self-restraint would serve as a mediator between family factors in preadolescence and sons' delinquent behavior 4 years later. Measures were derived from principal components analyses of multiple indices of each construct as assessed by multiple informants. As expected, parenting practices measured at both pre- and mid-adolescence predicted delinquent acts only indirectly via their association with boys' self-restraint. In addition, general family functioning at preadolescence, independent of other scores, predicted boys' levels of self-restraint 4 years later. There was no evidence that boys' self-restraint at preadolescence systematically affected the quality of parenting that they subsequently received. Parents' and families' role in children's development of self-regulatory skills may be a primary vehicle by which they ultimately influence adolescents' problem behaviors.  相似文献   

Executive control (EC) is related to mathematics performance in middle childhood. However, little is known regarding how EC and informal numeracy differentially support mathematics skill acquisition in preschoolers. A sample of preschoolers (115 girls, 113 boys), stratified by social risk, completed an EC task battery at 3 years, informal numeracy assessments at 3.75 and 4.5 years, and a broad mathematics assessment during kindergarten. Strong associations were observed between latent EC at age 3 and mathematics achievement in kindergarten, which remained robust after accounting for earlier informal numeracy, socioeconomic status, language and processing speed. Relations between EC and mathematics achievement were stronger in girls than in boys. Findings highlight the unique role of EC in predicting which children may have difficulty transitioning to formal mathematics instruction.  相似文献   

教育全球化现象的多维审视   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育全球化是一个十分复杂的现象,利弊互见、机遇与挑战并存。教育全球化还是一个未完成的工程,期待全球力量的积极建构。从中国学者的视野看,当下的教育全球化进程具有经济化倾向,冲击了教育公平理念;具有殖民化倾向,消解了公民身份认同,具有弱控化倾向,侵蚀了国家教育主权。中国应对教育全球化挑战,既应解决好自身内部的问题,促进教育实力的提升,还要积极参与国际教育规则的建构,维护国家的教育利益。  相似文献   

Studies have reported an inverse association between language development and behavioral inhibition or shyness across childhood, but the direction of this association remains unclear. This study tested alternative hypotheses regarding this association in a large sample of toddlers. Data on behavioral inhibition and expressive and receptive language abilities were collected from 816 twins at ages 14, 20, and 24 months. Growth and regression models were fit to the data to assess the longitudinal associations between behavioral inhibition and language development from 14 to 24 months. Overall, there were significant associations between behavioral inhibition and expressive language, and minimal associations with receptive language, indicating that the association is better explained by reticence to respond rather than deficient language development.  相似文献   

网络意识形态是意识形态在网络空间境遇下形成的一种崭新意识样态和认知范式。随着互联网的普及化以及网民规模的激增,网络意识形态的实践场域已不再囿于网络空间,而是以其独特的功能及特质,全方位、全过程、全时域地影响人们日常生活中的思想观念和价值理念。有效梳理网络意识形态的逻辑架构和生成要素显得尤为关键,这是发挥网络意识形态正向导引效力的重要支撑。本文力图从社会之维、技术之维、文化之维、信息之维四个维度探究网络意识形态的生成机理,理清逻辑要素间的内在关联性,进而形成对网络意识形态系统性、理论性的认知与把握。  相似文献   

瞿佑在杭州、南京、周府、保安、北京都留下了足迹,一生交游极广。章在宏观考察瞿佑每个时期的交游的前提下,尽可能微观地考清交游的生平事迹。  相似文献   

Wu  Huimin  Guo  Yiqun  Yang  Yingkai  Zhao  Le  Guo  Cheng 《Educational Psychology Review》2021,33(4):1749-1778
Educational Psychology Review - The reciprocal relationship between academic self-concept (ASC) and academic achievement has been documented in multiple studies. However, this relationship has not...  相似文献   

Affinity for aloneness among youth often is viewed negatively. However, some youth may enjoy solitude for positive reasons, rather than because of social anxiety. The prevalence and adjustment over time of youth with high affinity for aloneness is unclear. Groups of children (N = 605, Mage = 9.29) and adolescents (N = 596, Mage = 12.20) were identified using affinity for aloneness and social anxiety scores, and group differences in adjustment were assessed. Latent class analyses revealed four groups at T1 and T2 for both samples. Among these were Normative (Low.affinity_for_aloneness-Low.social_anxiety) and Affinity for Aloneness (High.affinity_for_aloneness-LowMod.social_anxiety) groups. These groups did not differ longitudinally in adjustment. Having elevated levels of affinity for aloneness without high social anxiety is relatively benign.  相似文献   

孟子道性善,荀子言性恶伪善,一方面,他们所讲的性不同,孟子是从人之所以为人处讲性,而荀子则是从人的官能欲望处言性,并从官能欲望的流弊言性恶;另一方面,他们所讲的善亦不同,孟子是从成善的能力处说善,认为人皆具有成善的能力而言性善,而荀子则从成善的结果说善,认为人必须通过后天的心的思虑和能动的"伪"才能成善而持伪善论。孟荀二人如此言性、言善,根源在于他们所要解决的问题不同,孟子重在解决成就道德的根基问题,荀子则重在解决道德如何达成的问题。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyze the direction of the associations between repeating patterning, growing patterning, and numerical ability. Participants were 410 children who were annually assessed on their repeating patterning, growing patterning, and numerical ability, at ages 4, 5, and 6 years (i.e., spring 2017, 2018, and 2019). A cross-lagged panel model identified bidirectional associations between all three abilities from ages 4 to 5 years while taking into account spatial skills. From ages 5 to 6 years, both patterning abilities predicted later numerical ability, but the reverse was no longer true. Associations between performances on both pattern types also disappeared. Results highlight the unique associations between repeating patterning, growing patterning, and numerical ability, above spatial skills.  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal and concurrent relations between temperament, ability estimation, and injury proneness. Longitudinal assessments of Inhibitory Control were collected through a behavioral battery at toddler (33 months) and preschool ages (46 months). Parent-reported measures of Inhibitory Control and Extraversion also were obtained at those ages. At school age (76 months), children participated in a set of tasks to assess overestimation and underestimation of physical abilities. Parents provided reports of children's temperament and injury history at school age. Results showed that children who were high on Extraversion and low on Inhibitory Control as toddlers and preschoolers tended to overestimate their physical abilities and to have more unintentional injuries at age 6. Children low on Extraversion and high on Inhibitory Control tended to underestimate their physical abilities. Implications for injury prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

An empirical model of temperament that assessed transactional and cascade associations between respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), negative affectivity, and the caregiving environment (i.e., maternal intrusiveness) across three time points during infancy (N = 388) was examined. Negative affectivity at 5 months was associated positively with maternal intrusiveness at 10 months, which in turn predicted increased negative affectivity at 24 months. RSA at 5 months was associated positively with negative affectivity at 10 months, which subsequently predicted greater RSA at 24 months. Finally, greater RSA at 5 months predicted greater negative affectivity at 10 months, which in turn predicted greater maternal intrusiveness at 24 months. Results are discussed from a biopsychosocial perspective of development.  相似文献   

Profiles of infant temperament were derived from 990 infants at 6 and 12 months of age using observed measures from the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery. Mothers and fathers completed questionnaires measuring parent affect and stress. Four profiles emerged at each age (typical, low negative, withdrawn/inhibited, and positive/active or low reactive) using latent profile analysis. Temperament profiles show some evidence of stability and heritability, particularly for the withdrawn/inhibited group. In addition, profiles relate to parent affect and stress in different ways for mothers and fathers. Results highlight the utility of a person-centered approach to temperamental research and are discussed in relation to developmental patterns of infant temperament.  相似文献   

日本多维度建构综合性学习评价标准管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合性学习评价标准的建立是综合性学习的难点和关键。日本是综合性学习实施先行的国家,它在综合性学习评价标准的研制上取得了相当丰富的成果。日本在此方面研究的贡献在于从多维度构建了综合性学习的评价标准。即从目标维度、各科教学关联维度和适应社会新变化维度构建了较为客观的综合性学习评价标准体系。因此,研究其经验对我国的综合性学习评价标准的形成有着重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Literacy data collected over the course of 2 academic years were used to estimate the rate at which full- and half-day kindergartners acquired literacy skills during kindergarten, 1st grade, and the intervening summer. Application of piecewise growth models to the time series data obtained on a sample of students from a large Southwestern school district revealed that economically disadvantaged full-day kindergartners gained literacy skills at a relatively faster rate than their more economically advantaged half-day peers during the kindergarten year. The accelerated gain experienced by full-day kindergartners was sufficient to enable a reversal of the initial performance deficit observed upon entry to kindergarten. However, over the summer between kindergarten and 1st grade, a different pattern of development was observed. Full-day alumni experienced a literacy fallback, whereas their half-day peers maintained the literacy gains acquired during kindergarten, leading to a second performance reversal by the beginning of the 1st grade. The gap in performance (half-day advantage) then remained constant as the literacy growth of full- and half-day alumni was equivalent over the 1st-grade school year. Implications for evaluating the efficacy of school-based initiatives like full-day kindergarten and more generally the effectiveness of schools and schooling are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested the longitudinal association between perceptions of racial discrimination and racial identity among a sample of 219 African American adolescents, aged 14 to 18. Structural equation modeling was used to test relations between perceptions of racial discrimination and racial identity dimensions, namely, racial centrality, private regard, and public regard at 3 time points. The results indicated that perceived racial discrimination at Time 1 was negatively linked to public regard at Time 2. Nested analyses using age were conducted, and perceptions of racial discrimination at Time 2 were negatively linked to private regard at Time 3 among older adolescents. The findings imply that perceived racial discrimination is linked to negative views that the broader society has of African Americans.  相似文献   

高师生与教师职业气质比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用高师生和职业气质问卷对高师生和中小学教师的职业气质进行了问卷调查,结果发现:1、高师专科生在情绪性、亲和性上存在年级显著差异;在情绪性上存在专业显著差异,在表达性上存在性别显著差异;2、高师专科生和本科生在表达性、亲和性、情绪性、容让性四个维度上存在显著差异,专科生得分高于本科生;3、高师生和中小学教师在问卷各维度上存在显著差异,教师得分高于高师生。  相似文献   

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