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Although religiosity promotes resilient outcomes in African American (AA) adolescents, there is a lack of research that examines the protective role of religious development in the context of stressful life events (SLEs). In 1,595 AA adolescents, a cohort-sequential design was used from ages 12 to 18 to examine subtypes of religiosity, as well as distinct developmental patterns within subtypes. The protective role of religious development was also examined in the context of SLEs. The study findings indicated two subtypes of religiosity—extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity—as well as low and high developmental patterns in the identified subtypes. Furthermore, the protective influence of extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity gradually diminished from age 12 to 18 in the context of SLEs.  相似文献   

The educational system in major parts of Africa, where post-primary enrolment rates are the lowest in the world, is treated in this article. In particular, female access patterns to formal education in Botswana, Liberia, Niger and Somalia are compared. One primary conclusion reached by the authors is that enrolment levels are linked with general economic development. Factors leading to the comparatively high rate of females having gained access to a primary level of education on the one hand, and a very low rate of post-primary enrolment on the other, are discussed and the following issues are touched on: the marginal link between school expansion policies and actual female enrolment, and their predominance in the urban sector.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel wird das Erziehungssystem in großen Teilen Afrikas besprochen, wo die postprimare Einschulungsraten die niedrigsten der Welt sind. Insbesondere wird der Anteil von Mädchen und Frauen in formalen Bildungsstätten in Botswana, Liberia, Niger und Somalia verglichen. Die Zwischenbilanz der Verfasser zeigt, daß die Einschulungsraten an die allgemeine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gekoppelt sind. Die Faktoren, die zu einer vergleichsweise hohen Anzahl von Mädchen und Frauen auf der Primarstufe der Bildungsstätte auf der einen Seite und einem sehr niedrigen Anteil im postprimaren Bereich auf der anderen Seite führen, werden diskutiert. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die folgenden Fragen gestreift: Die marginale Verbindung von der Expansionspolitik der Schulen und dem derzeitigen Anteil von Mädchen und Frauen in Bildungsstätten sowie deren Überwiegen im urbanen Bereich.

Résumé Dans le cadre d'une analyse empirique des structures d'accès des femmes à l'éducation formelle en Afrique, on compare les développements et les tendances dans différents pays tels le Botswana, le Liberia, le Niger et la Somalie. Les auteurs soulignent, en guise de conclusion essentielle, que les effectifs sont liés au développement économique général. L'accès des femmes à l'éducation dépend également de l'expansion du système d'éducation dans son ensemble. On analyse les facteurs permettant un taux relativement élevé de femmes ayant eu accès à l'enseignement primaire d'une part, et le taux très bas des effectifs post-primaires d'autre part. Les problèmes suivants sont soulevés: le lien marginal entre les politiques d'expansion scolaire et les effectifs actuels des femmes, et leur prédominance dans le secteur urbain.

阐述了汽车隔音毡阻气性能的测定和数据处理方法,通过在负压下针对700 g/m2×9 mm、1000 g/m2×15 mm、1400 g/m2×20 mm这3种规格隔音毡阻气性能的测定,发现隔音毡的两侧压差与流量间存在一定联系,并可以用幂函数方程式表示出隔音毡阻气率与两侧压差(或流量)之间的关系,为新产品的开发提供了理论上的引导。  相似文献   

Between 1994 and 1999, new discourses of social justice and gender equity enabled the entry of significant numbers of women into the previously all-male domains of the educational bureaucracy. At the same time, women in one bureaucracy were leaving as fast as they were entering. This article probes this phenomenon of the simultaneous transformation of the educational administration and the apparent consolidation of earlier patriarchal forms of control, albeit on a non-racial basis. On the basis of 16 in-depth interviews conducted in the Gauteng Department of Education with key decision-makers, the article argues that these developments can be explained by the particular constructs and practices of leadership in educational administration that associate leadership and competence with masculinity, rationality and whiteness. This is evident in how interviewees framed their experience of authority and leadership, visibility and recognition and balance between public and private life. The experience overall was such as to lever women out of their positions. All interviewees drew on a range of personal and social resources to deal with the stresses and strains of working in educational administration. Black women drew strength from a belief in the collective strength and capability of women rooted in maternal feminism.  相似文献   

长期以来,北欧神话一直以其传奇性对人类社会产生着深远的影响。北欧有着特殊的自然、历史和人文等特征,所有这些都影响了北欧神话的形成与发展,造就了北欧神话特有的海洋情节、崇拜战争等特色。在这一过程中,北欧神话的结局在一定层面上体现了面对恶劣的自然环境,人类坚强的求生意志以及对战争背后的和平与安定的渴求。  相似文献   

This study employed an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design to examine the intersection of race and gender among Black American adolescents, aged 11–19. The quantitative component (n = 344) used survey data to examine gender differences in peer-perpetrated and adult-perpetrated racial discrimination experiences, and no gender differences were evident. Qualitative data (n = 42) probed how males and females interpret discrimination experiences given the intersection of race and gender. Although the majority of participants believed that Black males and females have similar experiences, some believed that Black males face more racial discrimination. However, analyses revealed social disadvantages for Black females given that they report inappropriate comments and unwelcome hair touching and limited opportunities for interracial dating compared with Black males.  相似文献   

The worries & wishes of 14 -19 years-old adolescents of Abadeh, Bavanat & Khorambid cities in the north of Fats province are investigated in this research. The wishes & worries are measured by wishes measurement scale (WMS) and Ahwaz worry inventory (AWI) respectively. The Ss consisted of 300 Adolescents (150 girls & 150 Boys) that selected by ratio sampling method. The most important results of project are as following :(1) there are significant positive correlations between wishes & worries. (2) Girls in comparison with boys have been significantly higher on emotional-psychological and moral-philosophical wishes. Further more, they haven't been different on somatic- physical & social - familial wishes. (3) In self -esteem, vocational, other relations, insecurity, detail problems worries and AWI, girls have been significantly worrier than boys. While in cognitive & future worry factors their situation have not been different. (4). According to the influence of gender on adolescents, worries and wishes for prompting of their mental health should be used in different ways.  相似文献   

In recent years, student bodies at public universities in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia have grown rapidly, outside the direct control of university authorities. But although entry to higher education remains open to all who pass the baccalauréat examination, the prospect of continued expansion has led to reevaluations of how universities are to serve society by producing trained professionals. Government officials, school authorities, and the public have focussed attention on the entry point as a crucial moment for maintaining educational standards within universities and other higher institutes and for determining the social and economic outcomes of higher education. In this article initial attention is given to how the three North African nations differ in their policies regulating which students may study which subjects. This is followed by a discussion of the implications of these policies for the goals higher education is ostensibly meant to serve.This article is based on field research in North Africa. I am indebted to the Spencer Foundation for their support of my study.  相似文献   

This study examined the developmental trajectories of maladaptive perfectionism over a 7‐year period among African American youth living in an urban setting (= 547). In particular, the study attempted to determine whether two maladaptive aspects of perfectionism (socially prescribed and self‐critical) changed over time and could be distinguished by variables in 6th and 12th grades (Mage at study entry [first grade] was 6.22 years [SD = 0.34]). Four classes best described the developmental trajectories on both measures of maladaptive perfectionism: high, low, increasing, and decreasing. Sixth‐ and 12th‐grade correlates, including measures of internalizing symptoms, mostly confirmed the distinctiveness of these classes. Parallel process analyses suggested that the two processes are complementary, yet distinct. Implications regarding the prevention of maladaptive perfectionism are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study linked gender and grade level to homework management strategies and homework completion behaviours. The participants were 685 African American students in the south‐eastern USA, including 370 eighth graders and 315 eleventh graders. Gender appeared related to the majority of homework measures examined in the present study. Specifically, compared with boys, girls reported more frequently working to manage their workspace, monitor motivation and control negative emotion. In addition, girls reported that they were more likely to complete their assigned homework and were less likely to come to class without their homework. On the other hand, grade level (eighth graders vs. 11th graders) did not relate to homework management strategies and homework completion behaviours.  相似文献   

论全球化与当代青少年同一性的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全球化是当今社会不可阻挡的世界性潮流,它已深深影响了人类的物质和精神生活。对青少年来说,全球化最深远的影响主要表现在自我同一性的建立上。在全球化时代背景下,青少年的自我有了许多新的表现形态,但只有建立起双重化同一性,青少年才能更好地适应社会、顺利渡过青少年期。我们的学校和社会要共同负起责任,采取有效的措施帮助青少年建立适应全球化发展的双重化同一性。  相似文献   

本文从三个方面论述了明代小说典型论取得的成就,即小说人物与现实生活的关系,艺术典型的共性与个性,人物形象的形与神,对明人在小说典型问题上的不同认识进行了细致的分析,肯定了他们对古代小说美学的开创性贡献及对后世的巨大影响,充分评价了明代小说典型论在小说理论发展史上的重要地位。  相似文献   

Second and fourth graders received 1 of 3 lists of items differing in category representativeness in either a free recall or a sort-recall task. The selection of list materials permitted a separation of the effects of age differences in category knowledge from those of that knowledge per se on children's recall behavior. Proximal and distal measures of metamemory also were derived. Levels of recall and clustering were superior in the sort-recall task and for items of high category typicality. Recall also increased with age, while grade effects for clustering were restricted to the sort-recall/high typicality condition. The deliberate use of an organizational strategy increased with items' category typicality and with age, and was more frequent in the sort-recall than in the free recall task. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that most 10-year-olds are capable of strategically activating category knowledge in appropriate task environments when items of high category typicality are provided.  相似文献   

Historic racial disparities in the United States have created an urgent need for evidence-based strategies promoting African American students’ academic performance via school-based ethnic-racial socialization and identity development. However, the temporal order among socialization, identity, and academic performance remains unclear in extant literature. This longitudinal study examined whether school cultural socialization predicted 961 African American adolescents’ grade point averages through their ethnic-racial identities (49.6% males; Mage = 13.60; 91.9% qualified for free lunch). Results revealed that youth who perceived more school cultural socialization had better grades 1 and 2 years later. In addition, identity commitment (but not exploration) fully mediated these relations. Implications for how educators can help adolescents of color succeed in schools are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the content of education on the primary and secondary levels, in some francophone countries of the Sub‐Sahara. The author has made a comparative study on education in Ivory Coast, Dahomey, and East‐Cameroon. Since fourteen francophone African states (most of them members of O.C.A.M.‐‐Organisation Commune Africaine Malgache), guided by the ex‐metropole, follow similar systems of education, a number of generalizations may be applied to these countries.  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal trajectories of parental involvement across middle and high school, and how these trajectories related to adolescents' academic, behavioral, and emotional adjustment. In addition, ethnic and socioeconomic status differences in longitudinal associations and the potential moderating role of parental warmth were assessed. Longitudinal growth modeling technique was used to describe trajectories of different types of parental involvement and adolescent outcomes over 7th, 9th, and 11th grades (mean ages = 12.9, 14.3, and 17.2 years, respectively) on an ethnically and economically diverse sample of 1,400 adolescents (51% female, 56% African American, 39% European American, 5% others). Each aspect of parental involvement contributed differentially but significantly to adolescent outcomes. Finally, parental warmth moderated the associations between providing structure at home and adolescent grade point average and problem behavior.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the usefulness of the Korean version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A; Blazina et al. 2005) in Korea. Korean high school students (N = 374) completed the K-GRCS-A. Results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the original 4-factor structures. Reliability was acceptable to satisfactory limits. Further evidence of construct validity was found in modest correlations with psychological well-being variables. Taken together, this study sustained the utility of the K-GRCS-A.  相似文献   


Since women struggled to access higher education during the colonial era, tackling gender imbalances post-independence became a major focus for Kenya and South Africa. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that affirmative action has not guaranteed gender equity in South African and Kenyan higher education systems. the author argues that, although higher education is generally available to all in both countries, women still struggle with access and “success”. This is besides the existence of post-independence higher education policies and parallel gender frameworks meant to bolster women’s access. The article uses a critical and thematic exploration of secondary literature, theory and data. The article contends that the unresolved gap between policies and the reality of the lived experiences of women exacerbates inequalities. It is suggested that both countries refocus and recalibrate existing policies and remedial action measures in order to ensure that academically deserving women are able to access and participate meaningfully in higher education.  相似文献   

聋生性知识来源及青春期教育现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究对上海市聋哑学校的部分1 2~1 9岁共92名聋生进行了性知识了解状况和青春期教育状况的调查研究,结果显示:青春期聋生的性知识相对缺乏,他们获得性知识的主要途径为电视、同学或朋友、课外读物等,较少使用的途径是热线电话、录像、因特网,广播等。青春期教育对聋生来说非常重要,学校的教师和家长对聋生已进行了有针对性的教育,但仍需要改进。  相似文献   

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