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While much is known about faculty time allocation, we know very little about how traditional managerial factors influence faculty time allocation behaviors. We know even less about the possible downsides associated with relying on these traditional managerial factors. Using survey data from the National Science Foundation/Department of Energy Survey of Academic Researchers, our study predicts faculty time allocations to grant writing as a function of pressure from administrative superiors. We then examine how pressure from administrative superiors influences faculty job satisfaction and the likelihood to pursue uninteresting research grants. Our findings indicate that faculty time spent pursuing grants increases in response to pressure from administrative superiors but that this same pressure is associated also associated with increases in pursuit of uninteresting research grants as well as decreases in work satisfaction. Our study contributes to better understanding of the merits and limitations of traditional, hierarchical approaches to managing university faculty behavior.  相似文献   

学术投入对于学术产出具有显著影响,但是当前基于学术时间投入影响效应的研究并不丰富。文章基于2017年"首都高校学生发展质量监测"调查数据,分析了学术型硕士研究生在课程学习、科研活动和自主学习方面的时间投入,以及学生的时间投入量和时间投入偏好对其期刊文章发表量的影响,探讨了时间投入的累积效应和分配效应。研究发现:(1)学术型硕士研究生的时间投入及偏好类型在不同院校层次、性别、就学学科专业和就学年级间存在差异;(2)学术型硕士研究生的科研时间投入与期刊论文发表间存在非线性关系;(3)时间投入不仅具有累积效应,还要重视其分配效应,配置得当也会给学术型硕士研究生带来积极的产出结果。  相似文献   

Child-directed (CD) speech segments produced by 20 mothers who varied in self-reported symptoms of depression, recorded during a structured play interaction with their 2- to 6-month-old infants, were used as conditioned stimuli with face reinforcers in a conditioned attention paradigm. After pairings of speech segments and faces, speech segments were assessed for their ability to increase time spent looking at a novel checker-board pattern (summation test) using 225 4-month-old infants of nondepressed mothers. Significant positive summation, an index of associative learning, was obtained in groups of infants tested with speech produced by mothers with comparatively fewer self-reported symptoms of depression (Beck Depression Inventory or BDI < or = 15). However, significant positive summation was not achieved using speech samples produced by mothers with comparatively more symptoms of depression (BDI > 15). These results indicate that the CD speech produced by mothers with symptoms of depression does not promote associative learning in infants.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that study time allocation partially mediates age relations on memory performance in a verbal task. To identify whether this applied to a different material modality, participants ages 20–87 completed a spatial task in addition to a traditional verbal task. In both the verbal and the spatial task, increased age was associated with poorer utilization of study time, suggesting that age differences in study time allocation are qualitatively similar across material modality. Furthermore, age differences in how individuals allocated their study time partially mediated the age relations on memory performance in both tasks, indicating the importance of effective regulation of study time when learning information. Finally, age differences in study time allocation did not appear to be due to differences in awareness of performance. When a subset of participants was asked about their prior performance, awareness of previous performance was not associated with study time allocation on either task. Interestingly, asking participants about their prior performance tended to decrease recall performance. Overall, these results illustrate that how one allocates study time is related to subsequent memory performance in both a verbal and spatial modality, but knowledge about prior performance is not associated with study time utilization, and inquiring about past performance during study may disrupt rather than facilitate learning.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested that study time allocation partially mediates age relations on memory performance in a verbal task. To identify whether this applied to a different material modality, participants ages 20-87 completed a spatial task in addition to a traditional verbal task. In both the verbal and the spatial task, increased age was associated with poorer utilization of study time, suggesting that age differences in study time allocation are qualitatively similar across material modality. Furthermore, age differences in how individuals allocated their study time partially mediated the age relations on memory performance in both tasks, indicating the importance of effective regulation of study time when learning information. Finally, age differences in study time allocation did not appear to be due to differences in awareness of performance. When a subset of participants was asked about their prior performance, awareness of previous performance was not associated with study time allocation on either task. Interestingly, asking participants about their prior performance tended to decrease recall performance. Overall, these results illustrate that how one allocates study time is related to subsequent memory performance in both a verbal and spatial modality, but knowledge about prior performance is not associated with study time utilization, and inquiring about past performance during study may disrupt rather than facilitate learning.  相似文献   

The majority of bilingual speech research has focused on simultaneous bilinguals. Yet, in immigrant communities, children are often initially exposed to their family language (L1), before becoming gradually immersed in the host country's language (L2). This is typically referred to as sequential bilingualism. Using a longitudinal design, this study explored the perception and production of the English voicing contrast in 55 children (40 Sylheti‐English sequential bilinguals and 15 English monolinguals). Children were tested twice: when they were in nursery (52‐month‐olds) and 1 year later. Sequential bilinguals' perception and production of English plosives were initially driven by their experience with their L1, but after starting school, changed to match that of their monolingual peers.  相似文献   

ActiveX技术是一种共享程序数据和功能的技术。本文介绍了利用ActiveX技术在Authorware中实现实时语音输出功能的软件环境要求,结合实例从三个层次分析了实现该功能的程序结构、程序代码和注意事项等。  相似文献   

Learning to be a competent language user may be the most complex task human beings undertake, yet the one most taken for granted. This paper examines a song spontaneously created and sung by a 44-month-old child. The song, an element of bath-time play, weaves a chapter in her ongoing self-narrative, disclosing not only her sense of herself as a developing person, but also revealing her struggle with this development. Examination of the relation of the structure and functions of the song demonstrates that it is a variation of egocentric speech clearly connected to her thinking and not merely a tuneful accompaniment to her imaginative play. Early childhood educators and care-givers often witness similar episodes of language use among children engrossed in play in school settings. Observation of the form and content of such language use can provide the early childhood teacher or caregiver with information about a child's language development, sense of self, and readiness for formal and informal literacy experiences, which presume a developing facility and competence in thinking through language.  相似文献   

国外言语行为跨文化研究在其发展的不同阶段涉及到了语用语言学、社会语用学、学习者语用能力的习得与发展等内容。为满足不同研究的需求,言语行为的研究手段也不断推陈出新,除了传统的语篇补全测试外,逐渐出现了与二语习得及语料库语言学研究方法相融合的趋势。我国言语行为研究还存在实证研究少、范围小、研究手段单一等问题,相关研究人员应加强理论探索、拓宽研究宽度与深度,逐步与国际研究同步。  相似文献   

根据演讲的目的,可以将演讲分为知识性演讲、说服性演讲、仪式性演讲等几类。仪式性演讲在各类特殊场合扮演着重要角色。随着国际交流日趋频繁,仪式性演讲的翻译也显得至关重要,理应引起重视。仪式性演讲作为一种集实用性和艺术性于一体的特殊文本,对其翻译应有特殊的方法,这正是文本类型理论的内涵所在。拟以赖斯的文本类型理论为指导,结合实例,从音韵修辞、语义修辞和结构修辞三个层面探讨仪式性演讲的汉译,希望为演讲英语的汉译研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of a protocol mandating psychological assessment of college students exhibiting specific signs of suicide risk and/or nonsuicidal self-harm. Thirty-seven current and former students who had been documented as at risk completed a structured interview in person or by phone. Outcomes suggest this protocol identifies students at risk for suicide, with 27% having made an attempt at some point in their lives and 50% having been suicidal at the time the report was written. The majority of participants endorsed the value of this intervention.  相似文献   

语言产生中词汇加工的时间进程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过视觉呈现图形命名的方式研究汉语语言产生中词汇加工的时问进程,结果发现,实验一中,SOA为57ms时,语义干扰词有明显的抑制效应,而语音干扰词则没有效应;实验二中,SOA为157ms时,语义干扰词没有效应,而语音干扰词出现促进效应,这表明汉语语言产生中词汇加工也存在两个独立的加工阶段。  相似文献   

臀肌挛缩发病聚集区人群干预效果的前瞻性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用控制可疑致病因素,进行人群干预试验并观察效果,探讨臀肌挛缩症的病因及控制方法。方法:在控制苯甲醇青霉素肌肉注射这一因素后,从2001-2005年连续五年对病区进行观察,通过计算发病率和患病率来探讨该干预措施的效果。结果:苯甲醇青霉素肌肉注射是一种危险的致病因素,但不是唯一的、必须的致病因素。结论:臀肌挛缩症是一种社会性疾病,要杜绝此病的群体发生,除了药物因素,社会因素更重要。  相似文献   

称呼是言语交际的重要组成部分,它能最直接地反映交际者之间的社会关系和社会地位,称呼的使用受"权势""对等"、社交距离等多种因素制约,交际者只有准确判断,并依此来选择称呼才能保证交际的顺利进行。但在以差序格局、集团意识为主要特征的日本文化中,集团意识超出了其他文化中构成"权势"的年龄、社会地位等而成为决定称呼的主要因素,一旦与集团外部人员接触,人们往往忽略集团内部的上下关系而优先考虑内外关系。受集团意识影响,在集团内部交往中,交际者遵循上尊下卑的称呼准则,但与集团外人员进行交际,则须使用内外有别、贬己尊他的称呼策略。  相似文献   

在对贵州省三都水族自治县苗草村开展的个案调查中发现:家庭内部教育资源分配差异是导致女童失辍学的主要原因。这种分配差异主要表现在教育投资等物质资源以及家长对男女童的教育观念等人文资源的分配差异。家庭的社会经济地位、家庭内部男女地位结构等因素与教育资源分配的性别差异形成有极大关系。  相似文献   

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