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The university of the future: Boyer revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper considers Boyer's declaration that the work of a university centres around four areas of scholarship: discovery, teaching, application and integration. The evolution of the modern university is analysed in terms of the struggle for dominance by each area of scholarship in turn, to meet the needs of the contemporary society. It identifies three major times of upheaval. At the birth of the Civic universities, the scholarship of discovery was added to that of teaching. With the plate glass expansion and the institution of the polytechnic sector, the need for application was acknowledged. As knowledge has expanded and new subject areas continue to form where disciplines connect and overlap, the discipline of integration has become increasingly relevant and, with the merging of the polytechnic and university systems, it could be argued that there has also emerged a need for a management system to support that integration.The paper concludes that Boyer's four areas of scholarship are still necessary, and remain core to the business of universities, but they are no longer sufficient for survival and development unless the scholarships are considered, not only at an institutional and national level, but also as part of a global learning system. The four scholarships will only be guaranteed if the unique role of the university itself is defined and defended.  相似文献   

This article argues that many key theoretical concepts and core areas of study in the educational sciences are couched in paradigmatically vague terms. The shared features of vague terms and two different readings of vagueness are discussed. “Practice”, which is widely used both as a theoretical and an empirical term in the field of educational research, is used as an example of a vague concept that cannot be made more precise, regardless of the quality of definitions or theoretical agreement. Finally, in addition to giving an outline of how the term “practice” is used in the educational sciences, the article refers to contemporary educational research to discuss some of the key methodological implications of vague terms for researchers.  相似文献   

The scholarship on historical and contemporary African‐American teachers highlights the emphasis on community connections in their work. As such, the scholarship portrays African‐American teachers almost exclusively as givers without fully considering what teachers derive from community connections. This paper describes a qualitative study in which intergenerational African‐American teachers illustrate the dual nature of community connections and the ways in which constructs of community informed their work. Three distinct points along the professional spectrum—entry, career development, and long‐term career trajectories—illuminate the ways in which community reciprocity impacts and informs the teachers under study. Study findings elucidated a communal reciprocity in that community connections influenced professional entry contributed to feelings of personal and professional self‐worth and impacted long‐term career goals.  相似文献   

高等教育进入大众化阶段以来,在校大学生数量迅速增加,教师数量也随之激增,教师教学能力问题成为制约高校教育质量提高的重要因素。因此,建立教师教学发展中心,是一项提升高校教师教学学术能力的重要举措。论文围绕该中心的运行机制,从教学学术的视角,探讨如何通过教师教学发展中心的教学活动,促进教学学术五个环节:教学探究、教学整合、教学实践、教学产出与反思的良性循环。将教师教学发展中心模拟为教学学术的催化系统,肯定了该系统对营造教学学术氛围、培养教师教学学术意识、激励教师践行教学学术的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper will review existing literature on Open Educational Resources (OER). It is intended to examine and critique the theories which underpin the promotion of OER in higher education, not provide guidance on their implementation. (1) I will introduce the concepts of positive and negative liberty to suggest an under-theorisation of the term ‘open’. (2) OER literature will be shown to endorse a two-tiered system, in which the institution is both maintained and disaggregated. (3) I will highlight a diminishing of the role of pedagogy within the OER vision and the promotion of a learner-centred model for education. (4) This stance will be aligned with humanistic assumptions of unproblematic self-direction and autonomy. (5) I will discuss the extent to which the OER movement aligns itself with economically orientated models of the university. I offer these critiques as a framework for the OER movement to develop as a theoretically rigorous area of scholarship.  相似文献   

This article—mainly referring to the situation in Germany—consists of three parts. In a first section the current presence of neurosciences in the public discourse will be described in order to illuminate the background which is relevant for contemporary educational thinking. The prefix ‘neuro‐’ is ubiquitous today and therefore concepts like ‘neuropedagogy’ or ‘neurodidactics’ seem to be in the mainstream of modern thinking. In the second part of the article the perspective changes from the public discourse to the disciplinary discourse; a brief excursus into developmental psychiatry, neuropsychology and modern psychoanalysis will be made in order to demonstrate how the results of neuroscientific research are integrated in their theoretical frameworks. These three disciplines have no difficulty in integrating neuroscientific findings because each of them possesses a systematic core composed of ‘native concepts’. In contrast to them, educational theory has much more difficulty with such integration, as will be shown in the third part of the essay. On the one hand, neuroscientific thinking seems to be able to dominate education rather easily and without great resistance, especially in the fields of early childhood education, instruction and learning—mainly by simplifying educational processes and by reducing the complexity of the educational task to a mere ‘relationship problem’. On the other hand, this attraction of neuroscience in education might be understood as the reflection of a theoretical deficit in educational theory itself, with the significance of affect and emotion not receiving proper attention.  相似文献   

Successful aging and lifelong learning are value-laden concepts that are culturally determined. To this effect, people with different value systems and cultural backgrounds may perceive and understand these two concepts differently, resulting in different definitions and conceptualizations by people in diverse cultural contexts. There have been studies of successful aging and lifelong learning that considered what role culture plays in these two constructs separately. However, there is a lack of research studying successful aging and lifelong learning alongside each other, using the same culturally relevant approach to examine the impact of culture on how these two constructs are understood and conceptualized. The aim of this paper is, therefore, two-fold. First, it will examine the concepts of successful aging and lifelong learning and consider the role that culture plays in the understanding of these two constructs. Second, it will present a culturally relevant theoretical framework to theorize and explain older people's own value systems and the predominant cultural values that have influenced their understandings and conceptualizations of what successful aging and lifelong learning mean to them in old age. Considering and examining the theoretical framework from the perspectives of elders themselves is necessary if we are to understand the ways in which culture shapes the experiences of aging and learning in later life.  相似文献   

美国的实践经验与理论研究已然证实,教学学术是教学质量得以保证和提升的黄金法则。然而,教学学术在我国仍停滞于理论探讨而无法落实。学术建制是重要制约因素。不仅既有的学术建制环境不平衡,而且大学教学自身的学术建制也不完善。这不利于大学教学学术性的彰显。为此,我们亟待建立适应于教学学术的学术评价制度、大学评价制度,构建平衡的学术建制环境,建立完备的教学学术人才培育制度、大学教学评价制度、大学教学管理制度、大学教学学术共同体,构建完善的大学教学学术建制体系,为教学学术思想在大学教学实践的顺利落实提供建制保障。  相似文献   

Joseph Wagner 《Interchange》1998,29(3):351-357
Discord in the academy currently manifests in divisions over political correctness, the content of the canon and the defects of modernity. As scholarly and intellectual matters these concerns arise exclusively from the domain of the liberal arts. At their core, these controversies arguably develop from deep epistemic roots reflecting fundamental differences concerning the nature, purpose and value of the liberal arts. At issue is the integrity of the liberal arts and understanding the nature, purpose and value of these fields depends upon appreciating the distinction between professional, theoretical, and moral studies. One can begin to understand these distinctions by considering the contrast in ordinary language between knowledge and wisdom. For it is arguable that while the notion of wisdom is presumably irrelevant to production or dissemination of knowledge in all other disciplines, it is demonstrably central to the purpose and value of both research and teaching in each and every liberal art. If this can be shown then it is possible to understand why emphasis on expertise and professionalism, on knowledge for its own sake undermines commitment to common purposes and concerns. By institutionalizing new patterns of behavior, stress on professionalism changes the nature and conception of liberal arts scholarship in ways that produce deep confusions about meaning and value in these fields. The object of this article is to show that unlike other disciplines the liberal arts depend upon shared purposes and concerns such that participation of in a common moral discourse is essential to the integrity and worth of each field.  相似文献   

本土心理学与心理学的本土化问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本土心理学是一种新兴的力量,它促使我们的心理学研究更加现实化,但是在本土心理学发展的进程中,却陷入误区。主要表现为两个方面:一是试图另起炉灶,建立一种“全新的体系”,二是以研究方法为中心,忽略了本土心理学的实质是研究真实的问题。这两大误区直接导致了现在本土心理学所面临的尴尬境地。本土心理学的理论和方法体系仍未建立,从心理学的发展看,这样的情况本不应该出现,因为,心理学面临的是整合,而不是分裂,同时,心理学的研究必须以问题为中心。  相似文献   

Post‐Fordist approaches offer a stimulating account of recent educational restructuring. There is, however, a problem with the term itself and the way it has framed and defined the debate. Mot only does it combine a number of diverse frameworks, applications and conclusions, but it also composites different levels of definitional coherence. In this way post‐Fordist education tries to operate as a generalised metaphor whilst also incorporating more tightly‐defined conceptual narratives. The result is that these different meanings become collapsed and the term itself swamped by overuse. A consequence is that the model is less able to offer an incisive or distinctive perspective on educational change. When specific post‐Fordist narratives are used to interrogate educational restructuring it is clear that they are unable to capture the range of levels in which change is both generated and manifest. This raises a broader issue for educational theorisationidentifying the structures that mediate and link the economic and educational realms (and in particular, the role of politics and ideology). A further conclusion is that grand theoretical designs need to be chaperoned by a policy analysis approach or at least a more detailed account of the policy sector to be explained.  相似文献   

参与式学习和网络教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对新学习机会的需求持续增长以及新的信息系统和通讯技术不断涌现,使得在线学习成为了教育实践中的中心话题。我们有必要建立一个框架,使那些有着不同文化、语言背景的远程学生产生有意义参与学习的经验。我们使用新术语“Cybergogy“来描述建立在线参与式学习所采用的策略,描述了为不同背景的远程学生创设认知、社会和情感三方面的学习经验。Cybergogy的核心是参与式学习,在参与式学习中学生自己确立学习目标、探索适当的资源、与其他人进行小组协作并以有意义的方式建构知识。我们所建立的“参与式学习的cybergogy模型“包括三个相互重叠/交叉的域:认知域、情感域和社会域。这一模型综合了当前的思想、观念和理论框架,它们是关于学生参与在线学习的这三个域上的程度和性质的。教师可以利用这一模型来描述每个学习者,然后设计针对每个人的策略,我们称这一过程为“customized engagement“。这样,学生不仅有机会实现自己的学习目标,而且将积极地参与学习过程。  相似文献   

数以万计的大学教师发展问题亟待解决,这也是当前提高高等教育质量和建设高等教育强国面临的艰巨任务。引入教学学术理论,从教学学术的视角研究大学教师发展将具有重要意义。教育者、研究者和学习者角色的统一融合体就应该是大学教师最核心和最重要的角色,这样的角色定位有利于大学教师的发展。好的教学还应意味着,教师既是学者又是学生,因此应该加强教师与学生之间的交流,形成一个师生学习共同体。教师与教师之间的学习共同体和教师与学生之间的学习共同体都可以促进大学教师的发展,大学教师的发展也都需要这些学习共同体的熏陶和培养。每位教师都必须坚持忠诚的最高标准,既要重视教师职业道德修养也要加强学术道德修养。  相似文献   

Many international scholarship programs expect that graduates will return home to apply their education for socioeconomic development, yet national contextual factors shape these anticipated outcomes. Through comparing Georgia and Moldova, this research examines how one contextual factor—the home government’s reforms—influenced U.S. higher education graduates’ pathways. Notably, the decade-old, pro-democratic revolutions in each country were identified as “critical moments” that shaped how international scholarship alumni estimated their role and responsibility in their country’s progress. Findings contribute to nuanced understanding of how student mobility influences change in post-Soviet countries, leading to improved international education programs.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, item response theory (IRT) has had a dramatic impact on the field of educational measurement. At the theoretical level and for educational researchers, it has shown itself to have certain advantages over classical theory both in terms of the research questions it can address and in terms of the applications it can support. For these benefits to be realized by the measurement practitioner, however, two major difficulties must be confronted: (a) the enormous complexity of IRT theory and procedures and (b) the lack of robustness of IRT procedures to violation of assumptions.  相似文献   

Although it is assumed that semantics is a critical component of visual word recognition, there is still much that we do not understand. One recent way of studying semantic processing has been in terms of semantic neighbourhood (SN) density, and this research has shown that semantic neighbours facilitate lexical decisions. However, it is not clear if this facilitation reflects actual word recognition processes or is instead due to participant strategies used during the lexical decision task. To address this, the current research used college students as participants and tested the effect of SN density using the semantic categorisation and progressive demasking tasks. Both of these tasks require word identification and are not susceptible to the participant strategies that are seen when using the lexical decision task. The results show that SN facilitates responding in both tasks, indicating that SN effects are not due to task‐specific strategies.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a rapid increase in opportunities for very young children in the UK to participate in musical activity. These opportunities are provided by a range of music professionals who are expanding their work into the early years sector. Support for this increase in early childhood music draws on recent research into aspects of musicality, fuelling a growing conviction that music is developmentally beneficial. This article, while not implying any diminution in the potential value of music in the upbringing of very young children, calls for a more rigorous and critical use of research evidence. The main argument presented is that research evidence is being used discriminately to divert attention onto the transferable benefits of music into domains such as basic skills—music as means—rather than direct attention to musicality as it is manifest in earliest childhood. The article draws on ideas evolved in practice during an action‐research project which aimed to develop arts practice in early childhood settings. The project team of artists—recruited from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including music—gradually developed a generic model of improvisatory arts activity which emphasized dynamic temporal‐spatial activity. This model of practice connected with the corpuses of recent research into infant musicality at points which, I will argue, are more congruent with their findings than the discriminatory readings. The revised model is further discussed and expanded with reference to some priorities and theoretical positions which are currently influential in early childhood arts practice.  相似文献   

In recent decades reading research has moved from predominantly quantitative work to more qualitative studies in which individual readers are observed in interaction with texts. Considerable differences have been found in the strategies employed by these readers, especially by those of different social and cultural backgrounds. These diverse strategies can be partly attributed to the different processes by which people learn to read and through the different ways in which they see written texts used in their own social environments; the contrasting situations and strategies of Japanese and Nigerian readers are used to illustrate the point. If teachers are to deal effectively with readers of various cultural backgrounds—as they must do in ESL and EFL classes—they need to know more about such contrasts; more work is therefore needed on the relationship between the literacy practices of cultural communities and the reading strategies of particular individuals.  相似文献   

As new technologies shape and are shaped by human practices, educators and researchers must consider the impact that participating in social media—to access, reflect upon, question, evaluate and disseminate scholarship—is having on their professional development and practices. This paper investigates how members of the educational research community use social media to advance professional learning and scholarship dissemination in online–offline networks. Specifically, we examine whether and how participating in the microblogging service, Twitter, as a conference backchannel, facilitated professional learning and participation in the annual meetings of American educational researchers in 2012 and 2016, respectively, and the nature of that participation. Insights from this paper will benefit educators of varying disciplines and experience levels interested in the changing nature of social media in education, scholarship, and professional learning ecologies.  相似文献   

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