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The goals of the present research were: a) to characterize children's interventions into disputes involving mothers and siblings, b) to examine symmetry between siblings' intervention behaviors, and c) to investigate how children's conflict interventions were linked to the quality of sibling relationships. During home observations of 50 families observers audiotaped family conversations, including conflicts that simultaneously involved 33-month-old younger siblings, their elder siblings and their mothers. Siblings' interventions most often concerned rules of the house, and were most likely to occur when mothers were not upset. Opposition was the most common strategy for both siblings, however alliances were asymmetrical, eldest siblings offered greater support to younger siblings. Alliances between siblings were linked to more harmonious sibling relationships. Results were discussed with regard to children's responses to anger and conflict in the home. The development of mediation skills within the family and their implication for family relationships was also considered.  相似文献   

The goals of the present research were: a) to characterize children's interventions into disputes involving mothers and siblings, b) to examine symmetry between siblings' intervention behaviors, and c) to investigate how children's conflict interventions were linked to the quality of sibling relationships. During home observations of 50 families observers audiotaped family conversations, including conflicts that simultaneously involved 33-month-old younger siblings, their elder siblings and their mothers. Siblings' interventions most often concerned rules of the house, and were most likely to occur when mothers were not upset. Opposition was the most common strategy for both siblings, however alliances were asymmetrical, eldest siblings offered greater support to younger siblings. Alliances between siblings were linked to more harmonious sibling relationships. Results were discussed with regard to children's responses to anger and conflict in the home. The development of mediation skills within the family and their implication for family relationships was also considered.  相似文献   

This study examined longitudinal effects of adolescent and parent cultural stress on adolescent and parent emotional well-being and health behaviors via trajectories of adolescent and parent family functioning. Recent immigrant Latino adolescents (Mage = 14.51) and parents (Mage = 41.09; N = 302) completed measures of these constructs. Latent growth modeling indicated that adolescent and parent family functioning remained stable over time. Early levels of family functioning predicted adolescent and parent outcomes. Baseline adolescent cultural stress predicted lower positive adolescent and parent family functioning. Latent class growth analyses produced a two-class solution for family functioning. Adolescents and parents in the low family functioning class reported low family functioning over time. Adolescents and parents in the high family functioning class experienced increases in family functioning.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the links among attachment, child temperament, and the quality and frequency of mother–toddler conflict. Sixty-four mothers and children took part in a series of laboratory tasks when the child was 30 months of age and an audiorecorded home observation when the child was 36 months of age. All episodes of conflict were identified from the videotapes/audiotapes, transcribed, and coded for conflict strategies, resolution, and themes. Mothers also completed measures of attachment security and child temperament. Concurrent attachment security was related to the quality of mother–toddler conflict (including resolution, justification, and compromise) at both periods but not to the frequency of conflict. In addition, aspects of child temperament (i.e., negative reactivity and activity level/impulsivity) were related to both the quality and the frequency of mother–toddler conflict.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine acculturative changes, and their effects on mental health and family functioning, in recent‐immigrant Hispanic adolescents. A sample of 302 Hispanic adolescents was assessed five times over a 2½‐year period. Participants completed measures of Hispanic and U.S. practices, collectivist and individualist values, and ethnic and U.S. identity at each time point. Baseline and Time 5 levels of mental health and family functioning were also assessed. Latent class growth analyses produced two‐class solutions for practices, values, and identifications. Adolescents who increased over time in practices and values reported the most adaptive mental health and family functioning. Adolescents who did not change in any acculturation domain reported the least favorable mental health and family functioning.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生乐观发展特点及其与心理健康的关系。方法:在国内14所高校抽取1 253名本科生,施测乐观问卷、领悟社会支持问卷、简易应对策略问卷、压力感问卷和压力反应问卷,采用结构方程建模对数据加以分析。结果:1.大学生的乐观不存在性别差异,大二学生的乐观水平显著低于大一和大三学生。2.乐观可直接负向预测压力反应,同时,乐观还可通过社会支持、积极应对、消极应对间接负向预测压力反应。直接效应大于间接效应。结论:社会支持、应对策略是乐观影响压力反应的中介变量。  相似文献   

英国、瑞典作为分权制与中央集权制国家,对少数群体分别采取了融合中同化和接纳中平等的教育均衡发展政策模式,保证了社会稳定,促进了人的发展。均衡发展中,政府应该差别对待少数群体教育,提供更多机会,使其不会因为自身所属群体而影响对生活的期望,此外还应注意文化多样性,促进各种群体受教育者充分而全面的发展。  相似文献   

Cochise College, Cochise County, and the Cochise Community Foundation partnered to create the Cochise County Quality of Life Index—the first to be developed in Arizona. The project brought together stakeholders to address shared problems in new ways, based on non-traditional partnerships. The college's Center for Economic Research provided technical expertise.  相似文献   

当前高校单独培养职业教育硕士研究生存在诸多问题,其素质不高、素质结构不健全等问题尤为突出.文章论述了职业教育学硕士研究生素质结构的培养,重点谈到要通过校企合作来确定职业教育硕士研究生的培养目标、课程设置、培养途径及导师结构,从而达到提高其素质、完善其素质结构的目的.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present cross-sectional study investigated the question of whether 6 different temperament dimensions (inhibition to novelty, social orientation, motor activity, positive emotionality, negative emotionality, and attention) influenced cognitive and affective theory of mind (ToM) in 168 children (86 three/four-year-olds and 82 four/five-year-olds). Temperament was measured via a parent-report questionnaire, cognitive ToM via a classical false-belief task, and affective ToM via a comprehensive test tapping 3 levels of emotion comprehension (external, mental, and reflexive). In addition, language competence was assessed with a direct test evaluating both receptive and expressive language. The results showed that after we controlled for language ability, inhibition to novelty predicted higher levels of cognitive ToM in 4/5-year-old children. In addition, higher levels of social orientation predicted better comprehension of the external aspects of emotion in both younger and older children. Practice or Policy: Our results highlight the importance of the early identification of less sociable children, who might benefit from training interventions aimed at increasing their affective ToM abilities. At the same time, they are also consistent with previous evidence indicating that an inhibited approach to social interaction can promote false-belief understanding.  相似文献   


This is a comparative study, drawing on data obtained from interviews conducted with headteachers, that compares the roles of Swedish and British headteachers as pedagogical leaders. For its analytical framework the study uses the qualitative research approach known as phenomenography and, in the context of the guiding legal documents related to education, examines the study's findings as frame factors and as tight and loosely coupled systems. Based on interviews with the study's subjects (five Swedish and five English headteachers), discernible differences were noted between Swedish and English headteachers in their roles as pedagogical leaders. Both groups are responsible for the administration and management of the school but, compared to the Swedish headteachers, their English counterparts have greater personal responsibility for the school's overall performance and are more focused on providing leadership in teaching and learning. In contrast, the Swedish headteachers had a greater separation of the two roles, with the headteacher taking responsibility for administration and leaving responsibility for teaching and learning to the teachers.  相似文献   

Drawing from a Scottish study, this article examines ways in which the school environment can impact upon the well-being of pupils and their associated behaviour. It identifies tensions between existing school structures and cultures and the promotion of positive mental health, particularly in relation to the curriculum, pastoral care, discipline and teacher/pupil relationships. In many cases, schools attempt to address mental well-being by bolting fragmented initiatives onto existing systems, and we argue that a more fundamental review of values, policies and practices throughout the school is needed. This paper also looks at the roles of interagency workers in schools, and reports that, in most cases, these workers are seen as offering a parallel service to the mainstream school, targeted at the most troubled or troublesome pupils. We suggest that schools should draw on the skills and understandings of these workers to help build new cultures throughout the school for the benefit of all children and young people.  相似文献   


Adolescent sexual health programs often frame needs assessments using risk-taking, disease, or fertility data, fostering a narrow perspective of sexual health and limiting scopes of related programs. We address the gap between traditional measures and the socioecological lens used by many in the field. Using Washington State as an example, we report methods for developing and mapping an index of sex education needs that integrates social determinants of health (SDH) to reflect the complex, interrelated influences affecting adolescents. The generated index and maps support a holistic approach to assessing inequity, resource allocation gaps, and specific programmatic needs of young people. This case study demonstrates that it is possible and important to align adolescent sexual health measurement strategies with more holistic adolescent sexuality development frameworks. We recommend that public health professionals consider a broader range of data on SDH in their sex education policy and program decision making.  相似文献   

Treatment expectancies and outcome have been robustly associated, although these constructs are understudied within college mental health populations. This is partially because of the lack of psychometrically sound expectancy measures for campus clinics. This study examined the validity, reliability, and clinical utility of a novel expectancy measure developed for use in campus clinics. The measure was found to have sound psychometric properties and may prospectively identify pretreatment expectancies that adversely affect treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

为探讨学习压力与乐观对农村留守中学生抑郁的影响,采用随机整群抽样法,对湖南省两所农村中学的999名留守学生进行问卷调查.结果发现:在学习压力对农村留守中学生抑郁的影响中,乐观既是调节变量,也是中介变量,可以起到部分中介作用.基于此,学校和教师可以通过相关心理健康课程的开设,教授学生乐观应对压力的方法;通过学科教学的渗透,帮助学生树立把压力变为动力的信心;通过学习小组的设立,营造学生之间互帮互助的氛围.  相似文献   

文章采用自传式的叙事法,以“关键事件”阐述“流动性”的个人故事如何建构其身份认同的历程.作者以自传式的书写方式叙述其生命故事,以“我”入文,既拉近研究者与读者的距离,也突出质性研究最大的人本关怀取向.通过三个小故事展示“在地性”、“流动性”、“空间性”和“暂时性”如何型构身份认同.  相似文献   

This study examined the concurrent validity of concept maps as vehicles for documenting and exploring conceptual change in biology. Students (N = 91) who enrolled in an elementary science methods course were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Subjects in both groups were administered a multiple-choice/free-response inventory which assayed their knowledge of “Life Zones in the Ocean,” and then were asked to construct a concept map on the same topic. Those in the experimental group subsequently received 45 minutes of computer-assisted instruction on marine life zones, while those in the control (“placebo”) group received an equivalent exposure to an unrelated topic (“Body Defenses”). Upon completing the instructional sequence, subjects were again administered the “Life Zones” inventory and asked to develop a postinstruction concept map on marine life zones. The data analysis employed a split plot factorial design with repeated measures. Differences among treatment groups were documented by analysis of variance and chi-square procedures. Subjects in the experimental group showed evidence of significant and substantial changes in the complexity and prepositional structure of the knowledge base, as revealed in concept maps. No such changes were found in the control group. Results suggest that concept mapping offers a valid and potentially useful technique for documenting and exploring conceptual change in biology.  相似文献   

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