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2006年通过的<刑法修正案(六)>对重大责任事故罪进行了重大修改.该罪犯罪主体是一切参与到生产、作业中的人员,犯罪客体是生产、作业中的公共安全,犯罪客观方面是行为人在生产、作业中违反有关安全管理规定,或者强令他人违章冒险作业,造成严重后果的行为.本罪是对具体生产、作业领域危害公共安全行为的惩罚之一.  相似文献   

《Teaching Artist Journal》2013,11(3):168-171
Looking at Teaching Artist classroom partnerships through the eyes of teachers, a teacher educator sees language as one indicator of the difficulty in finding equal roles.  相似文献   

不少人说,当老师无非就是靠一张嘴、一支笔。这种说法虽然有些偏颇,但是,我们也不可否认,这句话在一定的程度上也说明教师的“嘴”,亦即口头表达,在教育教学工作中起着极为重要的作用。现代科学和教育技术的迅速发展虽然为教育教学提供了许多有利的条件和用具,诸如电脑、电视、录音机等,但是,我们也不得不承认,  相似文献   

巴门尼德的Being,既是语言学意义上的"是",又是存在论意义上的"在",其残篇中关于Being的五种特征必须作语言逻辑的理解.作为存在的Being是谓词本身的名词化而没有涉及到宾词,而物质或精神已是被谓述的宾词.作为存在的Being内在地含藏合理性作为其基础,这使存在获得了逻辑句法的明晰性和可言说性,语言描述存在,也规定存在.但哲学不能被逻辑学取代,在于哲学总在追述语言背后的存在.具体言说Being的努力,促成了从巴门尼德的Being 到亚里士多德的ousia的转化,而这被海德格尔理解为从"存在"到"在者"的退化.  相似文献   

Denying the sexual subject: schools' regulation of student sexuality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines some of the discourses and practices through which schools produce and regulate student sexual identities. It suggests that schools' ‘official culture’ can be seen as a discursive strategy which identifies a preferred student subject that is ‘non‐sexual’. This preference is communicated through the contradictory nature of discourses and practices which constitute ‘official school culture’ around student sexuality. These discourses work to simultaneously acknowledge student sexuality and position young people as ‘childlike’. Through the tension created by these contradictory positionings, schools can be seen to undermine the kind of sexual agency that young people might access to support their sexual well‐being. It is concluded that schools' deployment of discourses around sexuality produces student sexual positionings that may in fact dilute sexuality education's ‘effectiveness’ (in terms of the production of sexually responsible citizens).  相似文献   

人民检察院对人民法院有错误的裁判进行抗诉与诉讼的不确定性原理并无相悖.人民检察院的民事抗诉也不必然造成对审判权独立行使的损害、对当事人行使处分权的干预和对民事诉讼平等对抗性的破坏.因此,民事检察监督制度的存在是合理的.当然,它还不尽科学和完善,需要实现民事检察监督的新变革;拓展民事检察监督的新天地.  相似文献   

In this paper we make the case that the language of school science and the language of science are widely divergent. We trace the divergence to a simple view of reading that prevails not only in science education but in most of schooling. Based upon the importance of language in science and the role of language in capturing the essential nature of scientific reasoning, we conclude that conceiving of reading as a form of inquiry could assist in bringing the two languages more into alignment. We recommend the use of adapted primary literature as one curriculum and instruction innovation that can be useful in illustrating the nature of reading as inquiry.  相似文献   

语言是人们沟通交流的桥梁和纽带,基于不同的现实环境和文化背景,在统一的语言体系中还是在语言运用上出现了不统一现象。结合具体的环境和文化差异,可以发现语言在不同的地域和群体之间出现了鸿沟,其中地域鸿沟、代际鸿沟、符号鸿沟是信息社会中语言鸿沟的三个主要表征。  相似文献   

This paper points to disparate expectations of language as one cause of staff‐student misunderstandings. It examines the spoken language which students often write together with the written language that staff tend to speak. The two are compared in terms of vocabulary, style of structuring, and orality (use of oral expression). Analysis indicates that the different modes of using language reflect different approaches to learning, so that students may benefit from staff reconsidering the comprehension gap as well as enquiring into other factors which inhibit the tutorial dialogue.  相似文献   

生态语言学(ecolinguistics)又称语言生态学(ecology of language),是由生态科学和语言学相结合而形成的一门新兴学科。大岭壮语属于壮语南部方言,大新白话属于汉语粤方言,二者共存于一个语言生态环境中。从生态语言学视角探讨大岭壮语的生存和变异,并对其原因进行分析。  相似文献   

言语交流是人类特有的一种活动方式,交流中各方都要遵守一些约定的规则,如合作原则等。但即使如此,在现实的言语交流当中,由于交流各方的认知图式不同,以及由此产生的对语境的认识的不同,再兼之音调语法的原因,仍然会产生发话人所发出的言语信息与受话人所接收到的言语信息不等值这一现象,即言语信息差。本文从音调语法层面、语义层面、语用层面对这一现象进行了分析。  相似文献   

With the development of international communication, more than one language are learned by many people all over the world. The studies and discussions on the relationship between first language acquisition(FLA) and second language acquisition(SLA) are carried out among more and more scholars.This paper aims to explore the similarities and differences between the process of FLA and SLA and conclude whether the process of FLA influences the process of SLA.  相似文献   

自主学习是指由学习者自我决策、自我监控、自我管理学习过程的一种独立学习能力,其核心是一种认知的心理机制,学习者情感的介入是自主学习成功的关键因素之一。焦虑是影响语言学习的最大的心理障碍,它会通过影响在自主学习过程其它的情感变量如动机、态度、自信心等来妨碍自主学习进程以及学习效果。  相似文献   

Since 2003, successive British governments have taken steps to develop legislation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning / queer, intersex, asexual and those who are gender / sexuality non‐conforming more generally (LGBTQIA+). In doing so, they have foregrounded the need for educational institutions to respond proactively to this legislation. There is evidence to suggest that homophobia is prominent in UK schools, yet measures to address the issue have largely rested on schools and LGBTQIA+ charities, reducing discussions of homosexuality to anti‐bullying discourses and introducing curriculum modifications that are overwhelmingly homonormative. The limitations of these current approaches ignore the societal and institutional power structures that help to produce homophobia, which is often referred to as heteronormativity. Drawing on aspects of new materialist and queer theoretical perspectives, this article follows the findings of a research project that focused on developing an intervention at GCSE level, exploring non‐normative genders and sexualities in the art curriculum. The research project was based on a class in a secondary school in North London from 2017 to 2018. Through the application of a pedagogy rooted in queer theory, the study explores the possibilities of disrupting heteronormativity and didactic learning by investigating student responses to the interventions. For this article, I focus on one student’s artwork and her reactions to the process of making her artworks during the project. As such, the study is an exploration of an attempt at moving beyond the homonormative inclusion of LGBTQIA+ content, towards a deeper exploration of gender and sexuality within the curriculum cultivated through making.  相似文献   

本文对近三十年来我国教师语言研究的主要领域和热点问题作了评述,认为:(1)我国教师语言研究呈现出理论研究与应用研究并举,其中应用研究成为热点的格局。(2)今后应加强教师语言的基础理论和学科方法论研究,加强该领域的社会化研究和语言信息资源库建设,以适应我国教师专业化需要。  相似文献   

语言文化的差异造成了语言缺失现象,语言缺失是口译现场的一大交流障碍.根据跨文化交际理论,在词汇、短语、语句、段落等语言缺失的几个层面,针对口译现场的语言缺失,有若干翻译技巧可资利用,包括释义、省略或添加、重组或转述等方法,都有助于口译员更有效、更恰当地处理口译现场的语言缺失现象.  相似文献   

体验是西方“感性史”的一个核心概念,体验概念的出现及其发展,是对西方理性主义的一次反击,对凸现西方感性历史的发展具有重要意义;体验和生命具有密切联系,体验是对生命的体验,把体验作为生存范畴来理解有利于进一步明确体验的本质;审美体验与艺术密不可分,研究审美体验对揭示艺术的本质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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