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Within modular degrees it is sometimes possible for students to broaden their education by taking modules from outside their main programme of study. This is one significant aspect of modular degrees which has not been studied. In an effort to better understand this issue, the research reported in this paper explored the experiences: (1) of students taking modules from outside their programme of study and; (2) of staff teaching modules with significant numbers of students from other programmes. In total, 820 undergraduate students responded to an on-line survey; 12 academic staff members participated in interviews. The survey focused on students’ reasons for choosing the module, their experiences of assessment and their perceptions of workload. Interviews with academic staff focused on the influence of non-programme students on teaching and assessment practices. The discussion addresses the implications of student choice and classroom diversity for teaching and assessment in modular systems.  相似文献   

Background: Academic staff have a key role to play in the innovation efforts of universities aiming to exploit the potential of web-based learning technologies. Although learning technologies are an important building block of educational innovation, the eLearning adoption rate of European academic staff appears disappointing. The majority of curricula in European universities are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission, which continues to dominate teaching and learning.

Purpose: This conceptual paper explores underlying structural and cultural barriers to technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Sources of evidence: Starting from the underdeveloped state of eLearning in European universities, the paper challenges arguments that visible barriers such as technical issues, budget constraints or lack of interest in technology amongst academic staff represent the actual reasons for the slow advancement of learning technologies in university curricula.

Main argument: The paper argues that the lack of faculty interest and engagement for eLearning are visible symptoms for deeply rooted causes, which hinder current innovation efforts of universities. It explores theoretical viewpoints for structural peculiarities of universities, motivational and habitual traits of academic staff, and long-standing cultural values in the academic community in an attempt to understand their impact on technology-enhanced innovation in higher education.

Conclusions: The real dilemma for eLearning innovation is caused by macro-level influence factors that even committed universities can hardly overcome at institutional level. University leaders have to take the underlying innovation barriers into account when they try to engage academic staff for the use of learning technologies. With a realistic view on existing limitations, institutional eLearning adoption efforts have to be tailored to serve real learning needs and motivations of academic staff; and they have to consider specific goals and contexts within different universities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experiences of undergraduate university students in response to the employment of video podcasts to support learning and teaching about exotic ecosystems. Six, 15–20‐minute podcasts were made accessible to students through a virtual learning environment, either online or to download to mobile technology. The students were free to watch the podcasts whenever and wherever they chose to. The perceived and actual effectiveness of the technology was assessed by written questionnaire, focus groups and summative assessment results. Students agreed that the podcasts were effective in supporting learning and teaching on the course, largely by offering a flexible and visual learning experience. The podcasts were also perceived as a useful resource for revision and assessment, providing visual images that stimulated factual recall and highlighted knowledge gaps. There were no significant differences, however, in examination essay grades comparing cohorts prior to and post adoption of podcasts. The key to improving the student learning experience appears to lie not in adopting new pedagogy, but in reflexively developing the existing pedagogic strategies employed by both teachers and learners. Of primary importance is uniting the individual learning experience of podcasts with group exploration and critical discussion in a collaborative learning framework.  相似文献   

There is pressure on academic staff to respond to changes produced by the increasing globalization of education markets, and the capacities of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to transform the ways education is delivered. This presents a serious challenge for many academics whose own formative educational experiences and professional orientations were shaped under different circumstances. This paper will focus on an innovative scheme designed to support university staff in their understanding and application of ICTs in student learning. The course was delivered to a small pilot group of experienced teaching staff who wished to explore the uses of ICTs. It aimed to provide an understanding of the available technologies, and how these might be utilized in the support of teaching, learning and assessment. Throughout the course's duration, one of the authors conducted an independent evaluative programme of research involving confidential questionnaires and observation sessions. The paper's two remaining authors have made further contributions as participant and course leader. Combining these sources of data, the paper reviews the course evaluation and discusses how staff approached the development and use of ICTs with varying levels of confidence, and with different practical issues and agendas concerning the incorporation of ICTs in teaching and learning. Placing the study's major themes within the changing contexts facing university staff, it concludes with a discussion of its wider implications for all practitioners involved in staff development that is both general and ICT-specific.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of the introduction of a virtual learning environment (VLE) on teaching practices within a new university in the UK, and explores the factors that have encouraged or, conversely, discouraged, the adoption of the VLE by teaching staff, from the latter's perspective. It is based on findings from the analysis of qualitative interviews with 23 members of academic staff from across four subject areas at Kingston University (KU), conducted as part of a broader research project on the use of VLEs in teaching and learning at KU (2002–2005). It reports on the areas of teaching that have been most affected by the VLE; details the specific ways in which practice has been transformed by the VLE and describes the nature of the adjustments that staff have had to make; and specifies the factors that have encouraged the adoption of a technology such as a VLE as part of teaching on undergraduate courses.  相似文献   

The economy has always been a knowledge economy. We accept as a premise of this paper that phenomena such as the explosion of information, information technology, intellectual capital, knowledge workers and firms as knowledge systems are real, while reserving space elsewhere for the critique of such phenomena. To date, doctoral education in business has focused almost exclusively on the needs of future academic staff. One response to the growing demand for a practitioner-oriented doctoral education is the rise of Doctorate of Business and Administration (DBA) programmes. The DBA differs from a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) because of its increased focus on the application of knowledge, in addition to the development of that knowledge. While PhD research needs to make a significant contribution to theory, DBA research is expected to contribute to both theory and practice. This paper provides a brief history of doctoral education in business. We discuss the choices that have been taken in the design and content of the Massey DBA in relation to the academic/practice divide. An interim report of experiences by both academics and students is provided. The implications for doctoral education in areas that span the research/practice divide are then identified.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the reported use of literature‐based essays (i.e., essays that draw upon established literature in their construction) in assessing students within an Education Faculty in an Australian University. Interviews with academic staff and with students were used to explore how literature‐based essays were used in the context of the assessment program for the unit (subject) and how such assessment tasks were viewed by academic staff and their students. The reported use of literature‐based essays is evaluated in terms of three criteria for sound assessment derived from the literature and the perceptions of academic staff and their students are compared in relation to each criterion. It is concluded that a number of the academic staff within the Education Faculty displayed significant shortcomings in their theoretical knowledge of assessment and that their use of literature‐based assessments frequently failed to meet one or more of the requirements for an adequate assessment program at tertiary levels.  相似文献   

This paper started with the review of the history of technology acceptance model from TRA to UTAUT. The expected contribution is to bring to lime light the current development stage of the technology acceptance model. Based on this, the paper examined the impact of UTAUT model on ICT acceptance and usage in HEIs. The UTAUT model theory was verified using regressions analysis to understand the behavioral intention of the ADSU academic staffs’ acceptance and use of ICT in their workplace. The research objective is to measure the most influential factors for the acceptance and usage of ICT by ADSU academic staff and to identify the barriers. Two null hypotheses were stated: (1) the academic staff of ADSU rejects acceptance and usage of ICT in their workplace. (2) UTAUT does not predict the successful acceptance of ICT by the academic staff of the Adamawa State University. In summary, our findings shows that the four constructs of UTAUT have significant positive influence and impact on the behavioral intention to accept and use ICT by the ADSU academic staff. This shows that university academic staff will intend to use ICT that they believe will improve their job performance and are easy to use. The facilitating conditions such as appropriate hardware, software, training and support should be in place by the management. In the Adamawa State University, EE and SI are found to be the most influential predictors of academic staff acceptance of ICT and use among the four constructs of UTAUT. The greatest barriers are time and technical support for staff. Knowledge gained from the study is beneficial to both the university academic staff and the Nigerian ICT policy makers.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a case study of an Australian university involved in the delivery of transnational programs in an educational environment that has been increasingly characterized by commercial considerations. The researchers conducted focus group interviews with both general and academic staff to ascertain the personal, academic and administrative issues affecting the delivery of educational programs in Asia that arose as a result of one particular crisis in 2003: the SARS epidemic. The findings indicate that both administrative and academic staff felt personally and professionally challenged by the complexity of the issues involved in interrupting the pattern of transnational teaching. Potentially conflicting rationales emerged through the focus group discussions, with administrative staff expressing concern with maintaining services, while lecturers articulated a preoccupation with the safeguarding of assessment standards.  相似文献   


Although academic staff have a key role to play in innovation at higher education institutions (hEIs), current innovation adoption among academic staff is disappointing. Most curricula at hEIs are stalled in the traditional pedagogical model of knowledge transmission for teaching and learning with little exploration of technologies for innovative/inventive outputs. This article explores the essential issues of innovation/invention in higher education and provides criteria for empowering innovation. Starting from reflections and perspectives on innovation at South African hEIs and the theories on innovative problem solving, the article provides arguments on multiple issues of innovation/invention that culminate in crucial criteria for innovation. The real dilemma for innovation is caused by external and macro-level factors that require the analysis of existing business models. The management of HEIs have to take into account the underlying barriers, such as knowledge of patenting and academic valorisation, when they create policies that encourage academic staff to explore innovative endeavours.  相似文献   


This article addresses how technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is implemented in higher education institutions. The study is based on data collected from a nationwide survey and semi-structured interviews with academic managers. The findings suggest that: (1) members of the academic management staff have limited knowledge of institutional strategies; (2) there is a gap between what academic managers believe they do to support and implement TEL and what other academic staff perceive them to actually do; and (3) TEL is seldom discussed during performance assessment reviews. In addition, the study reveals that academic managers have different understandings of the use of educational technology. Those differences appear to be closely related to the individual managers’ assessment of TEL’s role in supporting teaching.  相似文献   

This paper explores case study research of the group process for teachers as learners in an Online Learning Module delivered in a blended problem‐based learning (PBL) environment. Blended learning, as the name suggests, consists of a blend of at least two pedagogical approaches: within the context of this research, blended learning is the integration of the PBL face‐to‐face learning in a classroom with an e‐learning environment. The 10‐week module was part of an accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching for academic staff (lecturers, librarians, learning technology support staff) from a range of higher education institutions in the Republic of Ireland. This Postgraduate Diploma attracts academic staff keen to experience and implement a variety of pedagogical approaches within their own teaching. Over the four years of the module’s existence, there have been a wide variety of subject disciplines in higher education represented. This paper shares experiences and lessons learnt from the case study, and provides a set of recommendations for other teachers pursuing this form of blended PBL with students.  相似文献   


This qualitative study utilized episodic narrative interviews to investigate assessment thresholds involved in the development of assessment literacy. The goal of the study was to inform efforts toward quality improvements in higher education. Thirty-five academic staff from universities in Australia, Canada and Sweden shared stories of significant changes they made to their assessment practice. Thematic analysis found troublesome aspects to include instructor expectations, lack of consistency, differentiation of performance, student expectations, time constraints/workload, logistical/technological constraints and assessment policy. A belief in meaningful learning, embracing constraints and the desire to meet the needs of students, added to other enablers for assessment change, such as resources, support and strategic use of technology. Findings suggested assessment thresholds of constructive alignment and differentiation of standards. Reflection, collaboration and professional development were found to support the integration of assessment knowledge and build conceptual understanding of assessment thresholds. Authors recommend that higher education institutions provide academic staff with a foundation of conceptual understanding of these key areas to promote moves toward quality assessment practices.  相似文献   

The work that this paper reports concerns a small scale investigation and evaluation of the technique of peer group review in the assessment of design and technology project work. A cohort of fifty first year undergraduate students of Industrial Design and Technology was involved in the assessment of four practical design coursework projects which they had submitted.

Two particular aspects of peer group review are considered: the validity of student assessment in relation to parallel judgements made by academic staff; the perceptions which undergraduate students hold regarding the benefits and difficulties of this system of assessment. The paper seeks to identify the potential contribution that the technique of peer group review could make towards more effective and efficient assessment of design and technology project work from student and staff perspectives.  相似文献   

Ownership of smartphones and tablets among the student population is growing. Students are using their devices to support their learning. Employers and employees are increasingly bringing their own smart devices into private and public organisations to support their business. This is leading to employees driving the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) agenda in organisations. It is not clear the extent to which academics are embracing smart technology to manage their workload or to enhance the student experience of learning. This paper presents a qualitative study of how engineering academics are using their own BYOD or institutionally provided smart devices. A 6Cs (connect, communicate, collaborate, curate, create and coordinate) framework has been used to analyse the results. The findings indicate that academics are primarily using devices to create materials, second to coordinate their work and third to communicate with students about their learning. However, there are a number of inhibiting and enabling factors that need to be addressed by academic institutions to develop the effective adoption of smart technologies for academic practice. Infrastructure, including developing widespread access to WiFi, and the prioritisation of opportunities to support staff to learn how to apply the technology to enhance student learning and experience are key areas of necessary development.  相似文献   

This paper is an investigation of understandings of critical thinking from two teaching perspectives: academic staff and tutors. It explores critical thinking as situated within an assessment task in introductory macroeconomics. This study found that while the two academic staff conceptualized critical thinking as a set of concrete cognitive skills, the tutors challenged this notion. Although tutors used the way of understanding critical thinking identified by the academic staff in their teaching and marking, they also discussed broader notions of critical thinking that they saw as a fundamental aspect of the discipline. The paper examines the multiple constructions of critical thinking in this setting and its broader implications.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a study that focused on the experiences of research-intensive academics in relation to the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Framework. Interviews with academic staff at different career stages and across all academic faculties followed completion of a short survey in which respondents compared their publishing behaviour before and since implementation of the new Framework. Respondents were highly conscious that ERA had prompted a shift in publishing behaviour to meet often competing demands of individual research interests, institution, discipline and the international research community. Indeed, the study revealed academics to be positioned in contradictory ways in relation to their research and publishing, heightened by the instability of the Framework's assessment mechanisms. The experience of researchers up to, and including, the decision to abandon journal ranking provides valuable insights into the precarious and reactionary nature of academic research careers and the ability of both individuals and institutions to negotiate the rapid rate of change. These insights include tension between personal research priorities and ERA requirements, particularly in relation to writing for the most relevant audience, and concerns about the right to exercise academic freedom.  相似文献   

Assessment of student performance is a crucial professional responsibility of teachers. At the tertiary level in New Zealand there is no pre‐service training requirement and staff are ‘trained’ on the job. In New Zealand polytechnics, the academic staff (tutors) are entitled to 12 weeks induction training, but with the increasing use of internal assessment there is a recognised need for in‐service training and resources.

This paper describes the development and content of an in‐service professional development programme designed to meet the needs of part‐time staff as well as experienced staff. The principal sponsor of the project was an external examination body.  相似文献   

应用型本科高校师资的知识结构和能力特质要求有别于研究型本科高校,队伍组构与管理策略应适于需要自成体系,然而由于各校学科实力差距过大,致使迄今尚无成型借鉴经验。针对师资队伍组构与管理过程中直接影响办学定位实现和教师队伍沉淀的学科规划与队伍组构、学科实力与业绩考核、专长特质与岗位聘任等关键问题,遵照策略对策与客观实际对等适用的原则,提出应用型本科高校应理智决断学科布局并按需量化组构师资队伍、客观评价学术平台支撑能力并以此调整教师业绩考核力度、动态监控各学科师资队伍能力结构发展趋势、岗位聘任考察项目中应包括专长  相似文献   

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