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In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of affect within education. Within this paper, the authors make a distinction between affective pedagogy, which they refer to as ways of teaching that are designed to evoke particular emotional states, and affective knowledge, which they refer to as aspects of knowledge or knowing which seem to bring forth particular emotions organically. Using explicit grammar knowledge as a test case, they explore student teachers’ affective responses to learning, drawing upon interview data and observations made during a series of grammar courses. They argue that grammar learning is a potential source of pleasure, wonder and intensity. The findings provide an important counter-narrative to the prevailing discourse of grammar as dull and threatening. They also draw broader conclusions about the significance of affect in education, drawing upon affect theory and recent work on epistemic emotions.  相似文献   

Robert Nash describes his cross-pedagogical approach to co-teaching with student affairs colleagues and shares a provocative classroom discussion that illustrates how it can help students create meaning for their lives.  相似文献   

公共教育学作为师范生的一门必修课,长期以来对师范生向师性的培养并未起到应有的作用,其原因在于该课是以教师能教些什么为出发点而组织的教学内容,即教师教育学;而不是以学生为本所建构的教学体系即学生教育学。  相似文献   

This article is an autoethnographic account of a ‘schizoaffective’ sufferer learning about and navigating the environs of saneness as a graduate student resisting traditional sane pedagogic structures. Culling from theories found in adult education, Whiteness Studies, and Mad Studies to show that saneness can be conceptualized as a site of critical pedagogy, the author narrates numerous ways in which saneness is embedded in schools and society. In addition, he describes how sane performativity is taught and made educational by inducting a new notion into educational studies: the pedagogy of saneness.  相似文献   

Pedagogy was initially imported into China, known as “a discipline imported from abroad”. The introduction of Pedagogy and its Sinicization almost went hand in hand. The Sinicization has gone through six stages, which showed that more attention should be paid to Chinese educational reality, scientific research methods and the relationship between academic research and ideology. What is more, original research should be advocated and the relationship between national cultural and educational heritage and foreign educational theory should also be handled well. Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2006, (6): 86–92  相似文献   

教育学作为一门独立学科在我国的出现始于20世纪初.[1]随着教育学的引入,教育学各分支学科纷纷形成和发展,目前己经形成了庞大的学科群.教育学的学科建设无论在广度上还是在深度上,都取得了长足的进步,而且还继续形成新的分支学科.  相似文献   

How might an arts-informed pedagogy in a leadership development programme work to inspire, create and educate the leaders needed for creating more socially just and inclusive communities? This self-study explores how a post-secondary educator has integrated arts-informed approaches to teaching and learning in a leadership development programme at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. Theories of arts-informed learning, pedagogical ambiguity and productive practices inform and situate my approach to engaging adult learners in aesthetic processes of reflexivity, emphasising the situated, inter-subjective and contextual nature of socially just knowledge construction. The article outlines five arts-informed pedagogical strategies described as ‘designs for provocation’ to explore how these aesthetic approaches support the development of creative and emergent leaders and commitments to social justice. It concludes by exploring the promise and limitations of the approaches discussed.  相似文献   

Research on teaching-learning processes in classrooms has increased markedly over the last decade or more. Although the principle long-term aim of these studies has been the improvement of practice, they have been undertaken from different theoretical perspectives, utilizing differing assumptions, foci, and methods. The aim of this article is to analyse this theoretical development and assess the extent to which understandings and explanations of classroom processes and outcomes have been enhanced, and where future developments might lie.  相似文献   

Action research for english teaching: ideology,pedagogy and personal growth   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This article takes as its starting point the notion that the extent to which action research is accepted or rejected as a valid means of enquiry and professional development is largely determined by occupational culture and the ideology of individuals who corporately constitute that culture (Adlam, 1999; Li et al, 1999). Here, the view that the values and ideologies of teachers cannot be separated from their teaching or research into their teaching (Day, 1998) is illustrated in relation to a politically significant and strategically placed group of teachers. With the advent of the National Literacy Strategy in high (secondary) schools in the United Kingdom, there is a need for English teachers to reevaluate the nature of the subject they teach, which is being redefined, as well as their pedagogy. The beliefs of this distinct group of practitioners are explored, and it is suggested that they are positioned, ideologically, culturally and politically to be receptive to and benefit from action research. As the current emphasis on literacy and therefore on the ‘adult needs’ and ‘crosscurricular’ models of their subject contrasts sharply with this group's timehonoured valorisation of the ‘personal growth’ model of English characterised by imagination and creativity, action research is seen to provide an opportunity for these practitioners to reflect on their ‘conscious and unconscious doings’ (Altrichter et al, 1993, p. 6). Throughout this article, reference is made to the author's experience of conducting a 3-year longitudinal action research project as a high (secondary) school teacher of English funded by the ESRC (Pike, 2000a,b,c,d, e), although the intention in this article is to explore the degree of epistemological and ideological congruence between the values and beliefs of English teachers, and some prevalent features of action research  相似文献   

从学科结构,教材结构到教学结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一门科学的学科结构是由诸多科学事实,概念、原理、定律等按照一定的联系和方法构成的逻辑体系。教材内容之间的主要内在联系即教材结构,教学内容结构、教学方法结构、学生心理结构有机地统一于教学过程形成教学结构。一个合格的教师,要深谙学科结构,要精通教材结构,尤其要创造性地针教材结构转化为适宜的教学结构。  相似文献   

The cultural political struggles of five female teachers in a heavily populated minority urban school in Southern California depicts bothsimilarity anddifference. Similarly, each teacher struggles to help overcome her own and students' oppression, subordination, and alienation. Through understandingsimilarity, different teacher and student voices make understanding the other easier. It is argued that understanding similarity within difference opens space for a democratic imaginary, that, while not clearly articulated at any one moment, acts to variously challenge the oppressive forces existing within and outside of schools.  相似文献   

She has published articles on children's literature in relationship to critical theory, and is an officer in the Children's Literature Association.  相似文献   

Following the corporeal turn in social theory, this paper explores how the body is implicated in pedagogic practice and leaning. Focusing on the body has usually been recognised as part of the regulative rather than instructional discourse in schools. Work has begun to redress the mind–body imbalance through the ‘corporeal device’ developed from Bernstein’s ‘pedagogic device’, the fundamental relay through which social inequalities are reproduced in schools. To properly recognise the way bodies act as pedagogic relays requires a robust understanding of persons as multi-sensorial acting beings. Examples for choreographic pedagogy are used to illuminate the complex and multimodal features of instructional discourse and to suggest how the moving body could be enlisted to enhance students’ access to formal academic discourses and better understand why some young people fail to achieve in schools.  相似文献   

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