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There is very little argument that one of the major developments to have impacted in schools in the past decade is the rapid and world-wide development of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet. In Hong Kong, reforms in the ICT teacher training policy, and the fact that Hong Kong is a ‘wired’ city, has resulted in pre-service teachers being well versed in the technical competencies of computer usage and its pedagogical manifestations. However, there has been scant attention paid to the fact that students are actively engaged in large-scale autonomous, teacher-less learning via the Internet. In this paper, it is argued that for teachers to be leaders in contemporary classrooms, teacher education programs need to focus more on the deeper and wider implications of ICT and the Internet in education than has hitherto been the practice.  相似文献   

The standard of English of Hong Kong students is a matter of considerable debate. Academics, business people and others bemoan the deterioration of English-speaking skills and the declining quality of students. Explanations for this situation include the introduction of mass education, the lack of trained English teachers and an exam-centred curriculum. Yet, little research has been undertaken concerning student intellectual ability and English skills. This short report examines the English skills of 146 undergraduates using the ACER Word Knowledge Test - Form F , and their abstract reasoning ability using Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. The results show that Hong Kong students, while low in English skills are superior in intelligence. Although exploratory and subject to qualification, the research has implications for the teaching and continued use of English in Hong Kong schools and universities.  相似文献   

香港特别行政区高校从2015年开始,学生学业评估陆续由常模参照评估转为标准参照评估。本文以香港中文大学通识教育基础课程实施标准参照评估的行动为案例,分析了这项新的学业评估方式在实施中所遇到的问题,讨论了解决方法并提出实施模型。该模型包含评分量表的设计与开发、量表使用、教师意见反馈与量表修改,以及评分之后的集体讨论这一套实施流程。文章最后指出,要保证标准参照评估的有效实施,需建立教师实践共同体。实践共同体的行动包括:教师共同开发评估标准,通过集体讨论对评估标准的含义和使用达成共识,共同审视评估结果,根据评估结果进一步修改和完善评估标准。  相似文献   

港澳台三地依托优势产业,会展业发展各具特色。三地会展专业的办学模式和课程体系值得内地高校学习与借鉴。全面梳理港澳台三地高校开设的会展专业,并从办学目标、依托学科和课程设置等方面进行比较分析,发现:港澳台地区会展专业课程体系注重多元化课程、实践教学环节和学科交叉,以培养国际化、复合型的现代会展人才为目标。这些经验对内地会展专业人才培养模式改革有启示作用。  相似文献   

香港职业教育的发展在世界上处于领先地位,形成了特色鲜明的“香港模式”,为香港经济和社会的进步与发展起到了巨大的推进作用。而香港理工大学“校企合作”人才培养模式又为职业教育提供了典范与经验。合理借鉴香港理工大学“校企合作”的成功经验,对进一步提升内地高职院校“校企合作”水平非常必要。  相似文献   

Differences in curriculum and teaching styles across disciplines in higher education courses are also evident in online courses. This study used two widely available sources of data, CMS tool usage logs and course evaluations, to analyze differences between online courses in disciplinary quadrants (hard-pure, hard-applied, soft-pure, soft-applied) at a large metropolitan university, over five years (2002 and 2007). For 2007, results revealed significant differences in tool usage between disciplines, particularly for assessment tools. Hard-pure courses used Tests and Pool tools more often than did soft-pure courses. The Document tool was used most extensively in applied courses. Data from course evaluations, for spring 2007 online courses, suggested that applied disciplines had a shorter learner–instructor transactional distance than did pure disciplines. Results suggest that over five years, e-learning in pure disciplines has become more commoditized, while e-learning in applied disciplines has become more diversified and more oriented to community practice.  相似文献   

“TeleNex” is a computer network set up to enhance the professional development of inservice English teachers in Hong Kong by allowing them to access and share curriculum materials and to communicate with teacher educators at The University of Hong Kong and fellow teachers in other schools. This paper reports a study on the characteristics of the interactions in the public conferences on “TeleNex” during its first 16 months of full operation and the possible factors contributing to these characteristics. In order to analyze the various aspects of conference interactions, including teacher participation, initiation and response, response patterns and message types, a framework of message analysis was developed, drawing on concepts in conversational and discourse analysis. To investigate the possible contributing factors, a questionnaire was designed and administered to all users at the end of the 16-month period. The interaction analysis results and the questionnaire results confirmed the findings in previous studies carried out by the authors that social and psychological factors were very important in shaping the network interactions. TeleNex (Teachers of English Language Education Nexus) is a computer network set up by TELEC with a generous donation from the Hong Kong Telecom Foundation. The Hong Kong Language Fund provided further funding for its third year of operation (1995-96). The research side ofTeleNex is funded by the Research Grants Council of The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong. The authors wish to thank the Hong Kong Telecommunications Foundation and the Hong Kong Language Fund for their generous support. They also wish to thank all colleagues at TELEC who have worked tirelessly to set up the network. In particular, they wish to thank Suzi Nicholson for her comments on the draft. Finally, they wish to thank the editor Steven Ross for his detailed comments and suggestions for revision.  相似文献   

In order to explore the interrelated impacts of the economical communications between China and Hong Kong SAR, especially after the closer economic partnership arrangement (CEPA) and the Chinese yuan offshore financial business in Hong Kong banks in 2004, the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar are investigated as well-performing market signals that should reflect this historical transformation. With vector autoregressive models (VAR), the Johansen cointegration test and the Granger causality test on the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar adjusted by the consumer price index and inter-bank interest rates are examined. It is found that the exchange rates of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar after CEPA are in long-term equilibrium and Granger causality with each other, which means that the interrelationship of the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar is more closely integrated after the implementation of the CEPA. In conclusion, the cooperation regarding bilateral trade and financial markets between China and Hong Kong SAR has been enhanced after 1997; furthermore, after the implementation of CEPA the interrelationship of the economies between China and Hong Kong SAR is significantly reinforced.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to compare problem based learning (PBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL) in Hong Kong secondary students’ science achievement. Secondary One students were divided into two groups: group A (n = 37), was taught two topics: “Human Reproduction” and “Density” through PBL; group B (n = 38) was taught the same topics by LBL. Multiple choice questions and short structured response items were used to assess students’ academic performance. Pre and post tests were categorized into three domains: knowledge, comprehension and application according to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom 1956). The results of this study suggest first that PBL is at least as effective as LBL in gaining the knowledge required to achieve the syllabus’ learning objectives; secondly, the PBL group shows a significant improvement in students’ comprehension and application of knowledge over an extended time. Seemingly, PBL is favored for knowledge retention compared to a more conventional teaching approach, by these early adolescent children in Hong Kong. An ongoing longitudinal study on students’ interactions will further determine whether students taught through PBL develop improved learning in relation to high order skills, in a local situation which still tends to focus on factual recall but where higher skills are being demanded by systemic reform.  相似文献   

印度人到香港的历史由来已久,19世纪中期,印度人随着英国的商人和军队来到了香港;他们有的经商,但大多数为英国人服务。他们虽然人数不多,但为香港的发展作出了贡献。如今30000名左右的在港印度人更是香港多元社会不可分割的一部分,他们的宗教、教育、社团等活动丰富了香港的多元文化生活;他们大多是第二或第三代印度人,能讲汉语,但不懂汉字。他们大多活跃在商业领域,从事印港贸易。印港之间的贸易与印度人到香港一样历史悠久,印港贸易更是每年都大幅增长。此外,印度和香港政府还致力于科技合作,以充分发挥印度在科技领域的优势以及香港在亚太乃至世界的区位优势。  相似文献   

Web-based and adapted e-learning materials provide alternative methods of learning to those used in a traditional classroom. Within the study described in this article, deaf and hard of hearing people used an adaptive e-learning environment to improve their computer literacy. This environment included streaming video with sign language interpreter video and subtitles. The courses were based on the learning management system Moodle, which also includes sign language streaming videos and subtitles. A different approach is required when adapting e-learning courses for the deaf and hard of hearing: new guidelines must be developed concerning the loading and display of video material. This is shown in the example of the e-learning course, ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). The usability of the e-learning course is analyzed and confirmed using two methods: first, the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) evaluation method, and second, the Adapted Pedagogical Index (AdaPI), which was developed as part of this study, and gives an index to measure the pedagogical effectiveness of e-learning courses adapted for people with disabilities. With 116 participants, of whom 22 are deaf or hard of hearing, the e-learning course for the target group has been found suitable and appropriate according to both evaluation methods.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

Academics in Hong Kong universities are urged to increase their research output. This article investigates the measurement of publication outputs among the three faculties of business, education, humanities & social sciences in the six universities of Hong Kong. Data were collected from the 1990–95 annual reports of research and publication outputs of each university. In order to have a fair comparison of publication outputs of each academic, rank, faculty and university, a framework was developed from practical experience and from literature to investigate the problem. Results indicate that the publication outputs of academics in Hong Kong were about the same as other countries in many aspects. Pressing academics for more research publications may raise the figure in the start, but would not necessarily increase the output in the long run.  相似文献   

采用原始文献分析法,通过对《香港船头货价纸》的内容进行分析,试图探寻并理清第一份中文商业报纸的特点及其创刊的社会背景。《香港船头货价纸》是我国历史上第一份中文商业报纸、最早的经济类报纸和最早的以单页报纸形式两面印刷的中文报纸。其内容以船期、货价、行情和广告等商业信息为主。晚清时期的香港社会结构复杂。第一份中文商业报纸在香港出现并非偶然。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力和国际竞争力的不断提升,香港与内地在教育交流方面日益频繁,来内地高校求学的香港在校大学生数量逐年上升。文章基于计划行为理论,采用结构方程模型对香港8所公立高校在校大学生来内地求学的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制等三个因素进行定量分析。结果显示,三个因素对香港在校大学生来内地高校求学的行为意向均具有显著影响,其中,行为态度对行为意向的影响最大,其次是感知行为控制,主观规范影响最小。基于研究结果,提出提升内地高校质量和国际声誉、改革教学模式、重视对香港在校大学生的招生宣传、创造良好香港在校大学生毕业就业环境等对策建议。  相似文献   

香港职业教育事象及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港职业训练局的发展愿景、品牌标语、课程体系、行动载体、专业教育,以及香港理工大学工业中心"培养首选的毕业生"的人才培养定位等教育事象,真实地解释了香港职业教育的发展轨迹、个性特色。这些先进经验可以为中国职业教育改革提供基本理念、关键要素、发展路径、结构设计、动力来源、机制措施等方面的启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of outdoor education in Hong Kong from its colonial roots to the challenges of its uncertain future. The scene is set by a synopsis of Hong Kong's geography, history, economy, and culture. Next, we trace the history of organised outdoor education from the early 1900s to the present day. This is followed by a critical exploration of issues facing youth adventure education programmes and management development programmes. The paper closes with recommendations to return to “real” outdoor courses in natural environments, to raise the standards of training available to outdoor leaders, and finally, to create a governing body that would facilitate inter-organisational learning, raise standards of programme design and delivery, and help build a body of literature that is specific to experiential learning in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In recent years, the application of Information Technologies (IT) has fostered a tremendous growth in e-learning courses at colleges and universities in the United States. Subsequently, some colleges and universities have reported dropout rates of over 60% in e-learning courses. This research investigated persistence in e-learning courses of 187 college student-athletes. To predict the persistence of college student-athletes enrolled in e-learning courses, a conceptual model was proposed and assessed based on students' factors. The factors investigated included students' attitude toward computers, students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, students' perceived satisfaction, and students' previous academic performance measures (high school grade point average (GPA) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score). These factors have previously shown tendencies toward persistence in e-learning courses. Results of this study indicate that students' high school GPA was a significant predictor of e-learning course persistence for college student-athletes.  相似文献   

李超 《海外英语》2014,(13):262-264
This paper discusses the current language education and issues in Hong Kong,The language apply maintain successfully the international and local identity needs in Hong Kong,both English and Cantonese are mainly in the different areas,meeting the different needs of various aspects of the mainstream language.Hong Kong was a multi-lingual region.English was the official language in more than one hundred years before Return;English enjoyed a dominant position in Hong Kong,where expression under the influence of English,Chinese and English code-switching is also very common.The Return of Hong Kong has a considerable influence to language phenomenon;greatly strengthen the importance of Mandarin.In this paper,from the Angle of social linguistics,this paper discusses the English position before and after Hong Kong's return to China,discussing economic,business,education,and other areas of the social development and changes of English status,and analyzes the Hong Kong residents for English,Cantonese and Mandarin language attitude.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate parents’ understanding of, support for and concerns about e-learning and proposed a school–parent partnership distributing responsibilities to parents and schools based on the results of the study. A total of 61 parents from 21 schools in an e-learning pilot scheme in Hong Kong responded to a questionnaire survey and focus group interviews. Results indicated that there was a high correlation between parental understanding and support for e-learning although parents demonstrated only a basic level of understanding. Four types of parental support and six major areas of parental concern were identified. These results shed light on the school–parent partnership whereby parents should implement a proactive e-learning policy at home to monitor, support and inspire e-learning. Schools should formulate a holistic policy to address parents’ concerns responsively and proactively to gain support. Schools can enhance parents’ pedagogical understanding of e-learning and address parental concerns through school–parent communication and peer support among parents.  相似文献   

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