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Increasing attention has been given to the effective development of elite athletes. In this inquiry, the authors used a historical case study to ascertain the ways elite athletes were developed in a different era of sport in the United States. Using the attraction, retention, and transition frameworks, the factors that fostered the development of athletes from the 1968 Summer Olympics were drawn out through oral history interviews. In total, interviews with 59 U.S. Olympians were conducted. The results reveal how the athletes experienced supportive recruitment and retention environments, were able to manage the difficulty of developing elite talent, and encountered both challenges and opportunities transitioning through and out of elite sport. This analysis demonstrates how sport development principles are diverse in their temporal relevance and reinforce the practical implications meant to serve the modern athlete. Further, at least some sport development principles could remain constant regardless of how context and elite athlete experiences evolve in the future.  相似文献   

BackgroundLacrosse is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States. Its rules regarding permitted contact differ by sex and age. There are no known studies using a nationally representative data set to analyze lacrosse injury patterns over several years by sex and age in the youth population.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System for youth aged 11–18 years who were treated for lacrosse-related injuries in U.S. emergency departments from 2000 to 2016. Based on our review of the case narratives, we created and coded a new injury-mechanism variable. We generated national estimates from 6406 cases.ResultsAn estimated 206,274 lacrosse-related injuries to youths aged 11–18 years were treated in U.S. emergency departments from 2000 to 2016. The rate of injuries per 10,000 significantly increased from 1.9 in 2000 to a peak of 5.3 in 2012 (p < 0.0001), followed by a significant decrease to 3.4 in 2016 (p = 0.020). Injury mechanism, body part injured, and diagnosis differed by sex. Boys were 1.62 times (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.25–2.09) more likely than girls to be injured by player-to-player contact. Girls were 2.21 times (95%CI: 1.96–2.49) more likely than boys to have non-contact injuries. Overall, as age increased, the percentage of injuries from lacrosse sticks decreased and player-to-player contact increased.ConclusionDespite additional protective regulations in the sport, lacrosse is an important source of injury where we continue to see differences by sex and age. This study supports the continuation, modification, and addition of rules aimed at reducing lacrosse injury risk.  相似文献   

上个赛季,太阳虽然第一轮就早早回家,但奥尼尔到来后重新回归大前锋位置的斯塔德迈尔的表现却异常出色,在这个更加适合他的位置上,他打出了接近受伤前2004-05赛季季后赛时的巅峰表现。在更加灵活的大前锋位置上,或许是不需要那么厚重的脚踝保护,小斯的第一代签名鞋Air Force S.T.A.T卸下了重重的鞋帮铠甲,别有一般味道。  相似文献   

自从1990年创立以来,大师系列赛就成为级别仅次于四大满贯、完全归属 ATP 旗下的独特风景线。1997年之后,地位与 ATP 大师赛相当的 WTA一级巡回赛也正式形成现有体系。每年初春、仲夏和晚秋时节,大师赛和一级赛在四大满贯空当举行,它们采用的独特赛制也包含着几多玄机。  相似文献   

电影《大话西游》里周星驰扮演的孙悟空,在经历前世五百年和后世五百年的磨难与纠结后,幡然醒悟:“后世的至尊宝不过是前世孙悟空的倒影,自己划过的依旧是前世的轨迹。”  相似文献   


In the following article, it will be argued that there are at least four clusters of arguments generally proposed to justify banning doping in sport and that Simon’s contribution has been of a seminal nature to at least two of the clusters.  相似文献   

5年多来,有这么一群发烧友,遨游在“三U”乐园中。他们一路上举红旗、唱红歌、走“红路”,足迹遍布祖国大江南北。  相似文献   

The present retrospective study intended to determine age, performance, the role of nationality and participation trends across calendar years in runners competing in “Comrades Marathon”, the ultra-marathon with the longest tradition and the highest number of finishers worldwide. We analysed 235,467 finishers (40,211 women and 195,256 men) competing between 1994 and 2017. In women and men, Russians were the fastest (12.55 ± 2.03 km/h and 12.24 ± 2.93 km/h, respectively) and Indians the slowest (7.87 ± 0.64 km/h and 7.91 ± 0.60 km/h) (p < 0.001, η2 = 0.053 and η2 = 0.010, small effect size, ES). Also, Russians were the youngest (33.9 ± 4.6 and 36.3 ± 5.9 years, respectively) and Japanese the oldest (49.3 ± 9.6 and 51.4 ± 12.3 years, respectively) (p < 0.001, η2 = 0.011, small ES). Performance improved (r = 0.90 in women and r = 0.92 in men), age of finishers (r = 0.91 in women and r = 0.97 in men), participation (r = 0.92 in women and r = 0.87 in men) and sex difference in age increased (r = 0.71), whereas men-to-women ratio (r = ?0.91) and sex difference in performance (r = ?0.68) decreased across calendar years (p < 0.001). In summary, runners from Russia were the fastest and the youngest in both sexes. The knowledge of the relationship of nationality with performance, age and participation trends of finishers, and changes across calendar years are of practical importance for ultra-runners and coaches working with them.  相似文献   

如果说1993年全国邮展出现了一些自掏腰包、自管食宿到北京看邮展的"发烧友",媒体当作新闻竞相报道的话,近几年自费参观各地的邮展,已形成相当规模,成为集邮界的一种"时尚"。在2006年太原邮展、2007年洛阳邮展、2008年潍坊、南昌邮展上,自费到邮展展场参观的人越来越  相似文献   

In the 1950s and early 1960s,the American society took on an air of unprecedented material prosperity.However,the flourishing economy failed to provide people with the spiritual content they expected to come with it.The inanition in the spiritual world and the affluence in the material world created a sharp contrast which led to a growing sense of anxiety and dissatisfaction.As a result,"many Americans reacted to these developments with ambivalence,even hostility." (Brinkley 1999:1010) It was against this milieu that Jerome David Salinger examines his growth as a young middle class American in retrospect and started his literary career.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues raised in Paul Ward's essay ‘Last man picked’, focusing on methodological and discipline-refining questions to call for a more open dialogue between sports historians and others in the discipline. The argument includes a call on the wider discipline to both recognise the need for and participation in sub-discipline specific debates.  相似文献   

美国当地时间2009年7月7日,自由球员签约市场开启后的第一时间,湖人用一纸3年1800万(一说5年3400万或3500万)的中产合同签下了“野兽”罗恩·阿泰斯特。而一天之后,帮助湖人夺冠的重要功臣特雷沃·阿里扎与自己的经纪人一起出现在休斯敦,参加了火箭为他举办的签约新闻发布会,火箭为阿里扎提供了5年3395万美元的全中产合同。去年夏天,快船和勇士也曾互相签约对方的球员,快船抢跑了巴郎·戴维斯,勇士随后用巨额合同签走了快船的自由球员科里·马盖蒂,但戴维斯和马盖蒂毕竟不是同位置的球员,球队的挖角行为完全可以用各取所需来解释。可阿泰和阿里扎不仅位置相同、风格类似,还在加盟新球队后拿着所差无几的年薪,所以这使两名球员的互换东家完全可以说是两队赤裸裸的挖墙脚行为。阿泰和阿里扎陷入了一个有趣的境地,他们的表现将直接影响外界给火箭和湖人管理层的打分,那么谁将是这场博弈的胜利者呢?除了球员本身的比较,我们还要以一种发展性的眼光来看待他们能够给球队带来什么,会给球队怎样的影响。  相似文献   

文章主要运用文献资料研究法阐述了当前民族传统体育专业大学生开展创业教育的重要性和存在的问题,并从提高文化素质、完善培养模式、增设创业课程、营造创业氛围、加强创业实践、搭建创业平台等方面探讨了民族传统体育专业大学生实施创业教育的途径。  相似文献   

In today’s leading football training centres, state-of-the-art performance diagnostic systems such as the “Footbonaut” allow controlled and standardized assessments of physical and mental components of agility, e.g. speed of action and ball control, that are considered to be decisive for talent identification and development. However, effects of induced physical and mental strain on performing football-specific practice patterns remain to be elucidated, particularly in youth players, and, thus, characterize the purpose of this study. 33 randomly assigned competitive football players (U14 to U16) performed a standardized Footbonaut practice pattern (i.e. 20 balls randomly drawn at 50?km/h each), prior to and immediately after either mentally demanding tasks (MDT; n?=?11; continuous Vienna Test System’s Stroop task and determination test), physically demanding tasks (PDT; n?=?11; consisted of 4?×?4?min of football-specific high-intensity intervals with 3?min of active recovery in between) or a control condition (CON; n?=?11). Continuous heart rates (HR) as well as self-perceptions of fatigue were assessed. Main findings revealed performances for speed of action (p?=?0.44; f?=?0.01) and ball control (p?=?0.15; f?=?0.03) that were not modulated in the face of induced physical and mental strain as indicated by increased HR following PDT (p?<?0.001; d?>?0.8), or in the face of increased self-perceptions of fatigue following PDT and MDT (both p?<?0.001; both d?>?0.8) compared to CON. This is in line with a suggested talent factor and previous reports on motivational trade-off aspects in youth players. However, the present study’s short-timed practice patterns make it difficult to reliably compare a measuring sensitivity to complex football-specific movement behavioural and technical proficiencies with respect to mental and physical strain of longer-lasting football games and, thus, need further investigation in favour of improving talent identification and development using the Footbonaut.  相似文献   

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