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This is the fourth part of a comprehensive, quantitative study of biomedical book reviews. The data base of the total project was built from statistics of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books taken from all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. This part of the study identifies the major American and British biomedical book publishers in terms of their quantitative production of book titles reviewed, and determines the relationships among these publishers. It is found that Williams & Wilkins, Charles C Thomas, Academic Press, and Springer Verlag are the most productive biomedical book publishers in terms of books reviewed in 1970. These four publishers accounted for 32% of the 1,674 books available in the United States and reviewed in the reviewing media in 1970. Williams & Wilkins is especially significant by virtue of reprint activity. The present study also explores the price trend of biomedical books. It is found that the mean price for 1,077 books studied was $16.20 per volume, with a standard deviation of $9.42.  相似文献   

史明文 《新世纪图书馆》2008,(1):101-101,42
吴慰慈先生主编的<图书馆学书目举要>一书由北京图书馆出版社于2004年10月出版.论文对该书从内容到构架进行了全面分析和评价,并指出该书是图书馆学入门的指南,是目前导读书目的精品.  相似文献   

The authors examine trends in Russian book publishing in 2006, including statistics and subjects covered. Russia has been the guest of honor at several recent international book fairs, a testament to the vibrancy of its publishing culture. Major prizes and anniversaries related to books, journalism, and scholarship are discussed. The article concludes with a consideration of past, present, and future price increases for books and serials—wholesale prices in Russia and Russian Press Service's prices for its library customers.  相似文献   

文摘杜定友的《学校教育指导法》不是中国现代最早附有书后索引的中文书籍。商务印书馆是中国现代出版书后索引最早的一家著名出版社。  相似文献   

书评应成为图书控制的一种有效形式。书评的生命在于随变而适,根据图书生产和图书传播的不同特点,用不同的书评品种和类型有针对性地实现对图书的控制。在图书生产领域提出了“版前书评”概念,讨论了其实施生产控制的具体步骤。在图书流通领域,提出了针对图书的纵向流通和横向流通的不同书评类型,并提出通过浓缩性书评以颠覆“选者”的先入之见,直接面向个体读者,真正实现书评的图书控制价值。  相似文献   

《四库全书荟要》是《四库全书》的精选本,与《四库全书》相比较,二者一极其精,一极其博,互为补充,相得益彰。《四库全书荟要》体现出精、善、真、简、珍的特点。随着台湾世界书局影印本的发行,《四库全书荟要》在当今学术研究和古籍整理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

文章描述徽州商人的三个帐簿,即盘货帐簿、当铺经营帐簿与生活消费帐簿。徽州商人经商的帐簿现存很少,特别是清咸丰年间的帐簿,图书馆少见,是经济史研究的珍贵文献。文章重点研究了帐簿的版本状况、帐簿的记帐格式,及其帐目内容,并做了相应分析。  相似文献   

Children’s book publishing has grown dramatically over the past ten years. John Donovan reviews trends in children's book publishing and bookselling, focussing on retail sales. Although he sees cause for satisfaction and optimism, he warns against complacency. He has written several books for young readers.  相似文献   

Little research has focused on what factors undergraduate students consider when selecting books at academic libraries. In order to better understand student book choices at Niagara University Library, we chose 11 sets of two books with the same LC subject headings but with other differences and asked students to select one book over another. Twenty potential factors in their decision making were investigated in particular. The data and observations indicated that navigation factors were most important to the students in selecting the books presented to them.  相似文献   

胡应麟是明朝中后期的著名学者。他酷爱藏书,以一介布衣散尽家财,通过多种途径收藏图书,其聚书达4万余册。为妥善保管图书,他还专门建立藏书室。胡应麟认为藏书当以“用”为目的,他本人也身体力行,用功甚勤,为一著述型藏书家,一生笔耕不辍,在文学、史学等领域取得很大的成就。  相似文献   

周叔,名暹,字叔,以字行,晚号翁,署老。安徽至德县人,周学海之子。光绪十七年(1891)六月十三日生,1984年2月14日病逝于北京,享年94。早年就读私塾,获候补通判衔。民国8年,随四叔学熙在青岛,任华新纱厂常务董事。后历任唐山、天津华新纱...  相似文献   

洪夷周编撰的《洪氏读书录》是朝鲜时代私家书目的代表。在分类上,洪氏采用了中国传统目录书的四部分类法。对于书籍的选择,洪氏有一定的标准,归纳起来大概有15条。在择书的同时,洪氏尊崇宋学,鄙弃汉学的学术取向展露无遗。对于所著录书籍的版本,洪氏常常笼统地以今本、旧本来区别,只对少数书籍的版本、注本优劣作了评骘。  相似文献   

董康日本访书述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董康是晚清、民国年间赴日访书的代表人物之一。其访书兼涉日本图书寮、内阁文库等著名藏书处及学者私人秘籍,以 唐写宋刊珍本及戏曲小说稀本为主要搜寻目的,访书所获或购归,或著录,或影印刊行,对中日典籍文化交流作做出了贡献。  相似文献   

黄丕烈是清代乾嘉时期苏州的著名藏书家,所藏皆为善本,同时他还刻书、校书、赏鉴书,并写作了大量极具价值的题跋。姚伯岳撰写的《黄丕烈评传》是第一部完整地反映传主一生事迹与思想面貌的人物传记,不仅全面地写出了这位藏书家在藏书以及在版本、校雠、目录学等领域的创造性成就,同时更刻画出他对于古书如魔似痴的心灵世界,让人对这位传统文化的赤诚护卫者、传承者肃然起敬。  相似文献   

为加强图书印制成本管理,降本增效,文章分析了图书直接成本的构成要素,从优化排版制作质量、优化出版设计细节管理、合理确定印刷工艺、规范印刷流程、降低材料成本、加强计划管理、控制制作损耗等方面提出了图书印制成本经营的有效举措,以适应图书市场多样化、复杂化与个性化需求,降低印制成本,提高图书品质。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为改进当前图书评价体系在反映图书内容质量方面的不足,将图书评论指标纳入评价体系,并应用不同学科图书分析评价体系的适应性,探索中文图书质量评价。[方法/过程] 从传统计量指标、Altmetrics指标和图书评论指标中筛选出16个指标,构建以CRITIC方法赋权的中文图书综合评价体系,同时选取经济学、计算机科学和物理学图书进行实证研究,分析图书评论指标在图书质量评价中的效用,并检验该评价体系在评价不同学科图书方面的适应性。[结果/结论] 实证结果表明,中文图书综合评价体系对不同学科图书具有较好的适应性,评价结果可以对总被引、入藏馆量反映的图书影响力和质量进行补充;图书评论指标可以反映不同学科图书读者的阅读倾向,有助于筛选出具有较高可读性、科学性与知识性的学科图书,为阅读推广、书目推荐等图书质量评价活动提供参考。  相似文献   

Compared with journal articles, books can provide broader, deeper and more comprehensive information, and often have higher expertise and academic depth. However, most researches on book assessment focus on measuring academic value of books (e.g. citations analysis) or identifying attitudes of readers (e.g. book review mining), depth and breadth reflected by book contents is neglected. Therefore, in this paper, we measure books’ depth and breadth by mining books’ tables of contents, so as to enrich resources and methods for book assessment research, help users understand book contents quickly and improve efficiency of book selection. Specifically, we measured books’ depth and breadth based on books’ tables of contents via two levels: topic level and feature level. Firstly, we obtained topic-level metrics by identifying topics expressed in tables of contents and calculating topic distributions. Then, we got feature-level results via feature extraction and feature distribution calculation. Finally, we compared depth and breadth metrics and other book assessment metrics. Experimental results reveal that, books’ depth and breadth at two levels are different, and substantial differences between disciplines and book types are obvious. In addition, books’ depth and breadth can provide alternative and supplementary information for assessing multi-dimensional values of books.  相似文献   

《直斋书录解题》是南宋末年著名的藏书家、目录学家陈振孙编著的著名私目.因其著录的图书数量众多和解题精审而获得历代学者的赞誉,在我国目录学史上占有重要的地位.它的解题言简意赅,涉及内容广泛,但往往侧重于某一方面,大致论及作者、书的价值、内容、取材、体例、真伪、撰述时间、学术源流、图书版本等.为考证、辑佚古代典籍和辨别图书真伪"之所必资",并有利于"辨章学术、考镜源流".  相似文献   

浅论明朝中期私人藏书家丰坊及其藏书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丰坊是明朝中期著名的藏书家和书法家。丰氏藏书数万卷,建有万卷楼。他的藏书来源主要包括世代相传、购求、造伪等三个方面,而尤以“造作伪书充实所藏”为主要特色。丰坊晚年因对万卷楼管理不善,大量藏书被人偷盗,加之遭遇火灾,最后将所剩书籍售予范钦,转而成为范钦“天一阁”藏书的重要来源之一。  相似文献   

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