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现行司法实践中,法院通常会将混淆误认的可能性作为侵犯注册商标专用权行为的认定要件之一,但对於如何理解混淆误认的可能性,以及哪些因素可能影响混淆误认的认定,实践中的做法差异很大。  相似文献   

在专利授权、确权案件的司法审判实践中,证据的认定直是广受关注的一个问题。其中公知常识类证据的认定不仅涉及程序性规定,在一定程度上还可能决定案件的实体处理结果,例如国家知识产权局专利复审委员会(简称专利复审委员会)以某项区别特徵为公知常识从而否定一项专利权创造性时,法院是否采信该公知常识就将直接决定案件的审理结果。本文将以司法实践中的具体案例为线索,尝试对专利授权、确  相似文献   

商标侵权应以造成相关公众混淆为必要条件,应结合商标的功能分析商标的使用行为,对于定牌加工贸易中加工方在出口商品上贴附商标与中国商标权人的注册商标相同或近似的行为,不应一概认定为构成商标侵权。  相似文献   

本文通过对商标侵权行为的有关法律规定和代表性案件(尤其是最高法院所审结或指导的重大案件)进行疏理,探究商标权在商标、商品名称/装潢、企业名称、域名的排他性的权利效力以及商标显着性和知名程度对商标侵权判断的影响,以展示中国法院界定商标侵权与商标合理使用的实践做法。  相似文献   

《最高人民法院关於审理商标民事纠纷案件适用法律若千问题的解释》第九条第二款规定.‘商标法第五十二条第(一)项规定的商标近似,是指被控侵权的商标与原告的注册商标相比较,其文字的字形、读音、含义或者图形的构图及颜色,或者其各要素组合後的整体结构相似,或者其立体形状、颜色组合近似,易使相关公众对商品的来源产生误认或者认为其来源与原告注册商标的商品有特定的联系。’  相似文献   

商标权人对其注册商标享有禁止他人使用的权利,即他人未经许可不得在相同或类似商品或服务上使用与其注册商标相同或近似的商标。但这一权利并非绝对得到保护,亦应受到相应限制。  相似文献   

The Case in Brief The Perfetti Van Melle Corporation (the Perfetti Van Melle for short), an Italian company, registered three trademarks on sweets and candies in China respectively in January 1999, February 2002, and April 2002. The Perfetti Van Melle Sweets and Candies (China) Co., Ltd. (the Perfetti Van Melle (China) for short) is a sub-company set up with the Perfetti Van Melle‘s investment in 1994 in Shanghai, and is licensed to exclusively use the mother company‘s trade dress of the “阿尔卑斯(pronounced...  相似文献   

The Case in Brief The Perfetti Van Melle Corporation (the Perfetti Van Melle for short), an Italian company, registered three trademarks on sweets and candies in China respectively in January 1999, February 2002, and April 2002. The Perfetti Van Melle Sweets and Candies (China) Co., Ltd. (the Perfetti Van Melle (China) for short) is a sub-company set up with the Perfetti Van Melle's investment in 1994 in Shanghai, and is licensed to exclusively use the mother company's trade dress of the "阿尔卑斯(pronounced as 'a er bei si' in the Chinese pinyin system) Alpenliebe" series of milk sweets (see Fig. 4) and said registered trademarks.  相似文献   

柳春 《未来与发展》2011,(7):80-83,107
涉外定牌加工产品在我国出口贸易中占大部份额。然而,对指定或者提供使用的商标,第三人在我国境内相同商品或者类似商品上注册了相同或近似商标,但境外企业不提供第三人的商标许可证明或商标转让证书,或提供虚假的商标许可证明或转让证书等,导致涉外定牌加工企业商标侵权纠纷不断。涉外定牌加工企业应要求境外企业提供第三人的商标许可证明或商标转让证书,并予以审核,增强商标与合同等,防范涉外定牌加工中的商标侵权风险。  相似文献   

Due to the increase of the number of patent infringement cases in China,there is a need for documentation investigation to protect the legitimate right of patents. This article summarizes the characteristics, main working process and specific applications of information service of this kind.  相似文献   

填目}tem 案件鞭型Cases by Category 敷量Number of Cases 受理申清 APP{ieatjons AecePted 蔽回商襟敲丹申清腹蜜RevieW of Rejeetlon of Trademark APPlieations 8753 商漂果藏腹蜜ReView Of Trademark OPPositions 935 敲丹商漂争激DisPutes over Registered Trademarks 1264 撤稍乱册商漂腹容Review of Caneeilatjon of Regjstered Trademarks 276 腮爵Total 1 1228 不受理申清Appiieatlons Not Aeeepted 90 撤案的申清APPlieatjons Withdrawn 138 砚焉撤回APPlieations Deemed to Be Withdrawn 23 胶回APPlicatio…  相似文献   

On 22 March 2001, P.T. Permona, an applicant from Indonesia, filed an application for registration of the trademark "Rolex" on goods cigarettes in class 34 of the International Classification (hereinafter referred to as the trademark in question as shown in Fig. 1). Upon examination, the Trademark Office held that the trademark in question was similar to No. 566503 trademark (hereinafter referred to as the reference trademark as shown in Fig. 2) in respect of which the Rolex Promotions S. A. had filed international registration on  相似文献   

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