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The development of excitatory backward associations in pigeons was demonstrated in three experiments involving conditional discriminations with differential outcomes. In Phase 1 of all three experiments, correct comparison choices following one sample were followed by food, whereas correct comparison choices following the other sample were followed by presentation of an empty feeder. In Phase 2, the food and no-food events that served as outcomes in Phase 1 replaced the samples. When the associations tested in Phase 2 were consistent with the comparison-outcome associations developed in Phase 1, transfer performance was significantly better than when the Phase 2 associations were inconsistent with the Phase 1 associations. In Experiment 1, an identity matching-to-sample task was used with red and green samples and red and green comparisons. In Experiment 2, a symbolic matching task was used with shape samples and hue comparisons, and it was shown that the backward associations formed were between the trial outcome (food or no food) and the correct comparison. In Experiment 3, it was determined that the transfer effects observed in these experiments did not depend on either the similarity of behavior directed toward the samples in the training and test phases, or the similarity of food and no-foodexpectancies generated by the samples in Phase 1 to food and no-foodevents presented as samples in Phase 2.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were trained on many-to-one delayed matching in which samples of food and one hue were each associated with one shape comparison, and samples of no food and a different hue were each associated with a second shape comparison. When later tested with delays between sample and comparison stimuli, pigeons showed nonparallel delay functions, typically found with food and no-food samples (i.e., steeply declining food-sample delay functions, and relatively flat no-food-sample delay functions). Furthermore, the slopes of the hue-sample delay functions were similar to those on the food/no-food-sample trials. In Experiment 2, following many-toone delayed matching, when the hue samples were associated with new comparisons and then food and no-food samples replaced the hues, evidence was found for transfer of training indicative of the common coding of samples associated with the same comparison in original training. The transfer results suggest that the asymmetrical hue-sample functions resulted from the common coding of samples associated with the same comparison.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match temporal (2 and 8 sec of keylight) and color (red and green) samples to vertical and horizontal comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, samples that were associated with the same correct comparison stimulus displayed similar retention functions; and there was no significant choose-short effect following temporal samples. This finding was replicated in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 for birds maintained on the many-to-one mapping, and it was also obtained in birds that had been switched to a one-to-one mapping by changing the comparison stimuli following color samples. However, in Phase 2 of Experiment 2, when the one-to-one mapping was produced by changing the comparison stimuli following temporal samples, a significant choose-short effect was observed. In Experiment 3, intratrial interference tests gave evidence of temporal summation effects when either temporal presamples or color presamples preceded temporal targets. This occurred even though these interference tests followed delay tests that failed to reveal significant choose-short effects. The absence of significant choose-short effects in Experiment 1 and in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 indicates that temporal samples are not retrospectively and analogically coded when temporal and nontemporal samples are mapped onto the same set of comparisons The interference test results suggest that the temporal summation effect arises from nonmemorial properties of the timing system and is independent of the memory code being used  相似文献   

Two pigeons matched to sample in a three-key operant conditioning chamber. In Experiment I, two different kinds of samples were presented on the center key.Element samples were members of one of two sample sets — colors (a red or blue disk) or lines (a vertical or horizontal orientation of a set of white lines). These samples were followed by their respective sample sets on the side keys as comparison stimuli.Compound samples consisted of a set of lines superimposed on a colored disk. Following these samples, either sample set could appear as comparison stimuli. Matching to compound samples was less accurate than matching to element samples. One interpretation is that sharing of attention among elements of a compound sample weakened stimulus control by each element. A different interpretation is that an element sample controlled matching better because it was physically identical to a comparison stimulus whereas a compound sample was not. Experiments II–IV evaluated this “generalization decrement” alternative by testing element- vs. compound sample control with both element and compound comparison stimuli. Irrelevant elements were added to form compound comparison stimuli, some of which were physically identical to a preceding compound sample, but never identical to an element sample. In all experiments, the addition of irrelevant elements of comparison stimuli reduced sample control. However, the generalization decrement hypothesis failed to predict how differences in performance maintained by element and compound samples were affected by different tests of sample control. Matching accuracy appeared to be independently determined by the number of elements in a sample and whether irrelevant elements were present during tests of sample control.  相似文献   

During training intended to establish positive and negative backward associations, pigeons received periodic 3-sec illuminations of a grain magazine, with food simultaneously available on 50% of the illuminations. For backward-positive subjects, a red keylight followed food trials only; for backward-negative subjects, it followed no-food trials only. During this training, the birds hardly ever pecked the red stimulus (no evidence of backward conditioning). However, when the red stimulus subsequently preceded and signaled grain for all birds, the backward-positive subjects pecked sooner and more often than did the backward-negative subjects, and control subjects performed at an intermediate level. Increases in the amount of original training did not significantly change the facilitatory effects of the backward-positive stimulus, but seemed to enhance the retarding effects of the backward-negative stimulus. These group differences cannot be attributed to what happened after the backward stimuli during original training. The features of the present technique that could possibly have produced strong and long-lasting positive and negative backward associations are discussed in comparison to prior research that has indicated weak or transitory evidence of true backward conditioning.  相似文献   

A three-phase transfer design was used to determine whether pigeons use a single, common code to represent line and duration samples that are associated with the same comparison stimulus. In Phase 1, two sets of samples (two lines and two durations) were associated with either a single set of comparisons (Group MTO, many-to-one) or with different sets of comparisons (Group OTO, one-to-one). In Phase 2, one set of samples was associated with a new set of comparisons. In Phase 3 (transfer test), the alternate set of samples was substituted for the Phase 2 samples. Group MTO, but not Group OTO, demonstrated immediate transfer. It was concluded that associating a line and a duration sample with the same comparison stimulus results in representation of those samples by a single code.  相似文献   

The present experiments assessed cue utilization in pigeons and quail on similar tests of poison-based aversion learning. In Experiments 1 and 2, three groups of pigeons were given colored water, flavored water, or colored flavored water prior to induction of sickness; these experiments differed only as to the specific colors and flavors used as stimuli. In both experiments, the birds trained with flavored water exhibited reliable taste aversions when tested with uncolored flavored water. Similar degrees of aversion were observed whether the flavored water had been colored or uncolored during training, suggesting that the color cue had little or no effect on the conditioning of the flavor cue. In contrast, the flavor cue had a pronounced effect on the conditioning of the color cue. When tested with unflavored colored water, the birds trained with colored flavored water exhibited significantly stronger color aversions than those trained with unflavored colored water. That is, the flavor cue enhanced or potentiated the conditioning of the color cue. In a third experiment, quail were trained in the same way as the pigeons with virtually the same result. The pattern of cue utilization observed in the present experiments with pigeons and quail differs markedly from that proposed by Wilcoxon, Dragoin, and Kral (1971) for quail. However, a reexamination of the results obtained by Wilcoxon et al. suggested that they are susceptible to an alternative interpretation consistent with the present results.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated emergent conditional relations in pigeons using a symbolic matching-to-sample task with temporal stimuli as the samples and hues as the comparisons. Both experiments comprised three phases. In Phase I, pigeons learned to choose a red keylight (R) but not a green keylight (G) after a 1-s signal. They also learned to choose G but not R after a 4-s signal. In Phase II, correct responding consisted of choosing a blue keylight (B) after a 4-s signal and a yellow keylight (Y) after a 16-s signal. Comparisons G and B were both related to the same 4-s sample, whereas comparisons R and Y had no common sample. In Phase III, R and G were presented as samples, and B and Y were presented as the comparisons. The choice of B was correct following G, and the choice of Y was correct following R. If a relation between comparisons that shared a common sample were to emerge, then responding to B given G would be more likely than responding to Y given R. The results were generally consistent with this prediction, suggesting, for the first time in pigeons, the emergence of novel relations that involve temporal stimuli as nodal samples.  相似文献   

Short-term memory for order information in pigeons was explored by using a delayed matching-to-successive-samples task (DMTSS). Experiment 1 indicated that pigeons can accurately report the order of two successively presented samples. Experiments 2, 3 and 4 specifically addressed the representation of order information in short-term memory. Experiment 2 showed that when the duration of the first sample (S1) was very long, or when the duration of the second sample (S2) was very short, order errors increased relative to baseline (S1 and S2 of equal duration), suggesting that memory strength plays an important role in the discrimination of order. The possibility that strength information is necessary for accurate DMTSS performance was tested in Experiments 3 and 4. Pigeons continued to match accurately when memory strength and order were uncorrelated.  相似文献   

In a Pavlovian procedure, groups of pigeons were presented with a compound auditory-visual stimulus that terminated with either response-independent electric shock or food. In a subsequent test, the tone CS was dominant in aversive conditioning, reliably eliciting conditioned head raising and prancing. The red light CS was dominant in appetitive conditioning, reliably eliciting pecking. This result was replicated in a second experiment, in which trials were widely spaced. Pour additional groups of pigeons received pairings of the separate element CSs with the USs. Red light, but not tone, was an effective CS in appetitive conditioning, whereas tone, but not red light, was effective in aversive conditioning. There was no discriminative responding in zero-contingency control groups. Several theoretical accounts of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded on a two-component multiple token-reinforcement schedule, in which tokens were produced according to a random-interval 30-sec schedule and exchanged according to a variable-ratio 4 schedule in both components. To assess the effects of contingent token loss, tokens were removed after every second response (i.e., fixed-ratio 2 loss) in one of the components. Response rates were selectively lower in the loss components relative to baseline (no-loss) conditions, as well as to the within-condition no-loss components. Response rates were decreased to a greater degree in the presence of tokens than in their absence. To control for the effects of changes in the density of token and food reinforcement, two parts consisted of additional conditions where food density and token loss were yoked to those in a previous loss condition. In the yoked-food condition, tokens were produced as usual in both components, but the overall density of food reinforcement in one of the components was yoked to that obtained during a previous token-loss condition. In the yoked token-loss condition, tokens were removed during one component of the multiple schedule at a rate that approximately matched the obtained rate of loss from a previous token-loss condition. Response rates in these yoked components were less affected than those in comparable loss components, despite similar densities of token, exchange, and food reinforcement. On the whole, the results support the conclusion that contingent token loss serves as an effective punisher with pigeons.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that demonstrate temporal integration of independently acquired temporal relationships, including backward associations, in both human (Experiment 1) and nonhuman (rats, Experiment 2) subjects. The experiments were designed and analyzed in the framework of the temporal coding hypothesis (e.g., Matzel, Held, & Miller, 1988; Savastano & Miller, 1998) as a strategy toward illuminating the use of temporal information and assessing the existence of temporal backward associations. Both experiments provided evidence of retrieval of associations to an event that was expected to occur prior to the moment in time at which a stimulus was presented (i.e., backward associations). In addition, Experiment 1 constitutes the first controlled demonstration of temporal integration by human subjects.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ delayed matching performance on Trial n was examined as a function of whether the correct and incorrect comparison stimuli from Trial n?1 were maintained in the same role on Trial n (positive transitions), were reversed in role on Trial n (negative transitions), or were absent on Trial n (neutral transitions). Relative to neutral transitions, positive transitions did not significantly facilitate performance. Negative transitions, however, produced significant proactive interference on Trial n, and the magnitude of proactive interference was greater when the Trial n retention interval was 1 sec than when it was 0 sec. As the intertriai interval increased from 2 to 10 sec, the amount of interference dissipated. The results suggest that a prior delayed matching trial can serve as a significant source of forgetting but not a significant source of facilitation on an immediately following delayed matching trial.  相似文献   

After backward pairings with a paraorbital shock, a tone CS was an effective punisher of licking in rabbits, yet yielded retarded forward acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response. The observation of both excitatory and inhibitory associative effects after a common training protocol challenges the assumption of a unidimensional associative continuum and supports approaches that assert a multidimensional structure to associations.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium pentobarbital on matching and oddity performance in pigeons were examined by employing a higher-order conditional discrimination paradigm. In this paradigm, the line orientation which was superimposed on all of the response keys signaled whether a response to the matching color or a response to the nonmatching color was correct. All pigeons had extensive previous training in this paradigm and were tested at each of three dosage levels: 5, 7.5, and 10 mg/kg. For all birds, a clear dose-related decrease in accuracy was observed; however, the effect was not differential for matching and oddity trials. Accuracy reductions were accompanied by an increase in position preference on both types of trials. The data are compatible with recent claims that physical identity of the sample and correct comparison stimulus need have no special status for pigeons.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a two-stimulus-shape (a plus and a circle) complex conditional discrimination that required birds to match sample and comparison stimuli on some trials and to mismatch on other trials, depending on the level of chamber illumination (bright or dark). Following acquisition, the birds were transferred to a novel color (red and green) task. For half of the birds, the contingenties between levels of illumination and the match/mismatch response requirements were consistent with training (nonreversal condition). For the remaining birds, the contingencies between levels of illumination and match/mismatch response requirements were the opposite of those established in training (reversal condition). Birds in the nonreversal condition acquired the color match/mismatch task at a significantly faster rate than birds in the reversal condition. These results indicate that relation-based responding (generalized matching/ mismatching) is subject to discriminative control.  相似文献   

Two sets of experiments examined how differential outcomes affect conditional stimulus control by the samples in delayed matching-to-sample. Pigeons were initially trained on symbolic delayed matching with reinforcing outcomes that were either differential or nondiffereatial with respect to the samples. In one set of experiments, the outcome manipulation involved different (p = 1.0 vs. 0.2) versus the same (p = 0.6) probabilities of food; in the other, food and no-food outcomes were used. Following initial acquisition and mixed-delay tests, the matching procedure in each study was discontinued while the samples were nondifferentially reinforced with the same probability of food, or with food and no food, respectively. When later retested on delayed matching with those nondifferential outcomes, birds initially trained with different reinforcement probabilities matched at the same levels of accuracy as those trained with the same probability. By contrast, birds initially trained with food versus no-food outcomes showed lower levels of matching accuracy than their nondifferential controls. Subsequent transfer tests showed that matching performances by the differential birds in both studies had been originally cued in part by differential outcome expectancies. Apparently, the expectancies based upon different probabilities of food provided a source of conditional stimulus control that did not compete with the samples. By contrast, the expectation of food versus no food reduced (overshadowed) sample-stimulus control.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, pigeons’ spatial working memory in an open-field setting was examined under conditions that differed in terms of working-memory load (number of sites visited prior to a retention test) at various delays between initial choices and the retention test. In Experiment 1, pigeons were tested under two conditions of memory load (three or five sites visited prior to the delay) and two delay intervals (15 and 60 min). Accuracy declined as a function of delay but was not affected significantly by memory load. In Experiment 2A, pigeons were tested under three conditions of memory load (two, four, or six sites visited prior to the delay). In separate phases, the delay was 2, 15, and 60 min. Accuracy was not affected by memory load in any of these phases. In Experiment 2B, three conditions of memory load (two, four, or six sites visited prior to the delay) were tested at two delays (2 and 60 min) within a test phase. Accuracy declined with increasing delay, but memory load again had no significant effects. These results are inconsistent with previous suggestions that pigeons’ retention of spatial information may decline as working-memory load is increased. In Experiment 3, cue-manipulation tests confirmed that pigeons’ choice behavior in the open-field task is controlled by memory for previously visitad room locations.  相似文献   

钱澄之是明末清初皖籍重要文人、学者,性情洒脱,交游广泛。钱澄之一生按其生活经历可分为早、中、晚三个阶段,考察钱澄之的中后期的交游情况,有助于进一步了解钱澄之的文学创作和思想。  相似文献   

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