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In three experiments with rat subjects, we examined the effects of trial spacing in appetitive conditioning. Previous research in this preparation suggests that self-generated priming of the conditional stimulus (CS) and/or unconditional stimulus (US) in short-term memory is a cause of the trial-spacing effect that occurs with intertrial intervals (ITIs) of less than 240 sec. Experiment 1 nonetheless showed that a trial-spacing effect still occurs when ITIs are increased beyond 240 sec, and that the effect of ITI over 60–1,920 sec on conditioned responding is best described as a linear function. In Experiment 2, some subjects were removed from the context during the ITIs, preventing extinction of the context. Removal abolished the advantage of the long ITI, suggesting the importance of exposure to the context during the long ITI. Experiment 3 still produced a trial-spacing effect in a within-subjects design that controlled for the level of context conditioning and reinforcement rate in the absence of the CS. Overall, the results are most consistent with the idea that adding time to the ITI above 240 sec facilitates conditioning by extinguishing context-CS associations—and possibly context-US associations—that otherwise interfere with CS-US learning through retrieval-generated priming (see, e.g., Wagner, 1981).  相似文献   

In seven experiments, an effect of the intertriai interval (ITI) duration on barpressing by rats was studied. A stimulus signaled a 15-sec variable-interval trial. The first response after the interval elapsed turned the stimulus off and was rewarded with food. Trials were separated by long (about 300 sec) or short (about 10 sec) ITIs. A within-subjects design established that response rate on trials after long ITIs was lower than that after short ITIs (Experiments 1 and 3–7). The effect was not cumulative (the effect of one and five consecutive short ITIs was the same). Response rate after short and long ITIs was the same when a between-subjects design was used (Experiment 2). Response rate was higher after 160-sec ITIs than after 300-sec ITIs, suggesting that the ITI duration at which all longer ITIs are treated the same (i.e., the upper limit) is greater than 160 sec (Experiment 3). When food, the trial stimulus, a novel stimulus, or a familiar stimulus never paired with food, was presented 10 sec before the next trial during some of the long ITIs, response rate on the next trial was similar to that found after 10-sec ITIs (Experiments 4–6). This similarity suggested that these events could mark the start of the ITI. However, the familiar stimulus did so only when it reliably predicted that the next trial would occur after a short interval. The effect of ITI duration on responding was apparently attributable to response latency. Response latency was greater after long ITIs, but once responding began, it was similar after long and short ITIs (Experiment 7).  相似文献   

Treatments that attenuate latent inhibition (LI) were examined using conditioned suppression in rats. In Experiment 1, retarded conditioned responding was produced by nonreinforced exposure to the CS prior to the CS-US pairings used to assess retardation (i.e., conventional LI). In Experiment la, retarded conditioned responding was induced by preexposure to pairings of the CS and a weak US prior to retardation-test pairings of the CS with a strong US (i.e., Hall-Pearce [1979] LI). Both types of LI were attenuated by extensive exposure to the training context (i.e., context extinction) following the CS-US pairings of the retardation test. Experiment 2 examined the specificity of the attenuated LI effect observed in Experiment 1. After preexposure to two different CSs in two different contexts, each CS was paired with a US in its respective preexposure context. One of the two contexts was then extinguished. This attenuated LI to a greater degree for the CS that had been trained in the extinguished context. Experiment 3 differentiated the roles in LI of CS-context associations and context-US associations. Following preexposure to the CS in the training context, LI was reduced by further exposure to the CS outside the training context. This observation was interpreted as implicating the CS-context association as a factor in LI. Thus, the results of these experiments suggest that LI is a performance deficit mediated by unusually strong CS-context associations. Implications for Wagner’s (1981) SOP model and Miller and Matzel’s (1988) comparator hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons were trained to discriminate the duration (2 or 8 sec) of an empty interval separated by two 1325-Hz tone markers by responding to red and green comparison stimuli. During delay testing, a choose-short bias occurred at 1 sec, but a robust choose-long bias occurred at 9 sec. Responding in the absence of tone markers indicated that the pigeons were attending to the markers and not simply timing the total trial duration. The birds were then trained to match short (2-sec) or long (8-sec) empty intervals marked by light to blue/yellow comparisons. For both visual and auditory markers, delay testing produced a choose-short bias at 1 sec and a choose-long bias at 9 sec. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shifted from a fixed to variable intertrial intervals (ITI) within sessions. On trials with tone markers, the duration of both the empty interval and the preceding ITI affected choice responding. On trials with light markers, only the duration of the empty interval influenced choice responding. Subsequent delay testing in the context of variable ITIs replicated the memory biases previously obtained. In Experiment 3, performance was assessed at various delay intervals on trials in which either the first or the second marker was omitted. The data from these omission tests indicated that the first marker initiated timing but that the second marker sometimes initiated the timing of a new interval. Explanations of these effects in terms of the internal clock model of timing are discussed, and a simple quantitative model of the delay interval data is tested.  相似文献   

The study involved three experiments. The first, a parametric investigation of nictitating membrane conditioning with eight constant intertrial intervals (ITIs) between 5 and 120 sec, orthogonal to interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 250 and 750 msec plus three temporal conditioning control groups, revealed that performance improved rapidly with increasing ITI but stabilized at relatively low ITI values. At 750-msec ISI, a decrement in performance was found at 60-sec ITI. Experiment II, using constant ITIs of 45–75 sec in 5-sec steps, at 750-msec ISI confirmed the trend toward a performance decrement around 60 sec, although the trend was weak and highly variable. Experiment III evaluated the differences in performance between constant and variable ITI, using three ITI values and three conditions of variation at each value. Findings were discussed in terms of differences in conditioning resulting from both length and degree of variation of ITI and some subtle effects which may emerge only when constant ITIs are used.  相似文献   

Two experiments used rats in a conditioned lick suppression preparation to investigate how the conditioned stimulus (CS)-duration and partial-reinforcement effects (i.e., weakened responding due to conditioning with a CS of longer duration and presenting nonreinforced CSs intermingled with CS—unconditioned stimulus [US] pairings, respectively) interact with overshadowing. Experiment 1 found that when overshadowing treatment was combined with either extended CS duration or partial reinforcement, the response deficit was weaker than when either of these three treatments was administered alone. In Experiment 2, the generality of the findings in Experiment 1 was investigated by replicating it with various US—US intervals. This time counteraction was observed only when both the absolute duration of total CS exposure and the US—US interval were short. The results support neither the view that the ratio between the total CS exposure and total time in the context determines the CS-duration and the partial-reinforcement effects nor the view that these two effects arise from a loss of effectiveness of the excitatory CS—US association during CS-alone exposures in partial reinforcement or early periods of CS exposure with long CSs.  相似文献   

Accuracy on even-numbered trials was assessed as a function of (1) the relation between the sample on the immediately preceding trial and that on the current trial and (2) the length of the intertrial interval (ITI) that intervened between odd- and even-numbered trials. A relatively long interval intervened between pairs of trials in the clustered-dyads procedure, whereas this interval was equal to the ITI in the massed-trials procedure. Both procedures revealed an intertrial agreement effect in that accuracy was higher when the sample on the immediately preceding trial was identical rather than opposite. A decrease in the magnitude of this effect at longer ITIs was apparent only in the clustered-dyads procedure. The insensitivity of the intertrial agreement effect to variations in ITI in the massed-trials procedure may reflect floor effects and the carryover of memory from multiple prior trials that mask the true magnitude of the intertrial agreement effect at short ITIs.  相似文献   

The crabChasmagnathus granulatus reacts to a shadow passing overhead with an escape response that habituates after 30 trials and for 5 days at least. The effect of a wide range of different intertrial intervals (ITIs) (0, 9, 27, 45, 81, 135, and 171 sec) on theChasmagnathus long-term habituation (LTH) was evaluated at 24 h. Memory retention was estimated separately at two phases of a six-trial testing session: at first trial (the initial testing phase) and at the subsequent block of five trials (the retraining phase). A training of 30 trials with an ITI equal to or longer than 27 sec induced LTH at both testing phases, however, with a 0- or a 9-sec ITI, training wholly failed to build up LTH. When the number of trials was increased, a massed training (ITI=0 or 9 sec) induced LTH at retraining but not at initial testing. Thus, massed training produces LTH only at retraining, whereas spaced training (ITI ≥ 27 sec) produces LTH at both initial phase and retraining. An ITI shift from training to testing diminished or abolished retention at retraining regardless of the direction of the shift, thus suggesting that crabs acquire a memory of the trial-spacing at training. According to these results, it is postulated that LTH consists of two memory components: one produced by spaced training and expressed at both initial testing and retraining, and one yielded by massed training and expressed only at retraining. The possibility that the two components of LTH were differentially affected by cycloxemide and context shift is discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrated that transfer of training between CSs from different sensory modalities survived substantial reductions in responding to the first CS. In both experiments, animals received three stages of training. Stage 1 entailed CS-US training with a CS from one modality (e.g., light), and Stage 3 entailed CS-US training with a CS from another modality (e.g., tone). The experiments differed in treatment during Stage 2. In Experiment 1, animals either remained in their home cages or received unreinforced exposures to the first CS, which extinguished the original CR. In Experiment 2, the animals received either continued CS-US training or exposure to the CS and US but at a long interval (2,800 msec), which eliminated the original CR. As the baseline for detection of transfer effects, each experimental group had a control group that received Stage 1 training with a 2,800-msec CS-US interval, which produced minimal CR acquisition. The results of both experiments revealed substantial positive transfer across CS modalities regardless of the treatment during Stage 2. The transfer did not appear immediately on test presentations of the second CS in Stage 3. Rather, the transfer appeared as an enhancement in the rate of CR acquisition after reinforced training with the second CS had commenced. The results are discussed with respect to stimulus generalization, neutralization of background stimuli, and learning processes superordinate to specific associations.  相似文献   

The form of rats’ Pavlovian conditioned responses to visual and auditory conditioned stimuli (CSs) paired with a variety of unconditioned stimuli (USs) was examined in three experiments using direct behavioral observation techniques. In Experiment 1, the form of conditioned behavior occurring most frequently during later portions of the CS-US interval depended only on which of several appetitive USs was used, but the form of behavior occurring most frequently during early portions of the CS-US interval depended only on the nature of the CS. US-dependent behaviors resembled the response to the US, and CS-dependent behaviors resembled the original orienting response (OR) to the CS. In Experiment 2, the use of larger magnitude appetitive USs resulted in higher frequencies of US-dependent behaviors, but lower frequencies of CS-dependent behaviors in the presence of auditory and visual CSs. In Experiment 3, US-dependent conditioned behavior to auditory and visual CSs paired with shock was more frequent when high-intensity shocks were used, but CS-dependent behavior was more frequent when low-intensity shocks were used. These results suggested that Pavlovian conditioned responding may involve two independent types of behavior—one appropriate to the US and another based on the original OR to the CS.  相似文献   

Water-deprived rats served in seven conditioned lick suppression experiments designed to assess the effects on responding to a target CS of a series of unsignaled USs given in the training context following completion of CS training. Such treatment has been hypothesized to increase (inflate) the associative strength of the background cues from training (putatively, the CS’s comparator stimuli), thereby reducing responding to excitatory CSs and increasing the inhibitory potential of inhibitory CSs. Although posttraining extinction (deflation) of the CS’s comparator stimuli usually decreases inhibitory potential and increases excitatory potential of the target CS, posttraining inflation of the comparator stimuli had no effect on either excitatory responding to the target CS or summation test performance indicative of conditioned inhibition. This outcome was consistently obtained across a number of training, inflation, and test conditions selected to maximize sensitivity to any possible effects of comparator inflation. Implications of these null results for the comparator hypothesis of conditionedresponse generationare discussed.  相似文献   

The experiments reported in the present study tested whether decreasing intertrial intervals (ITIs) intensifies the disruptive effects of increasing retention intervals (RIs) in a delayed conditional discrimination by decreasing the animal’s trial tracking accuracy (Cohen & Armstrong, 1996; Cohen & Roberts, 1996). Rats responded on a fixed ratio (FR) 1 or fixed interval (FI) 10-sec reinforcement schedule at a second light or tone stimulus, S2, when the first light or tone stimulus, S1, had signaled an FI 10-sec or FR 1 schedule, respectively. RIs between S1 and S2 were increased from 3 to 24 sec and never exceeded ITIs that were reduced from 24 to 6 sec. For some rats, the trials were separated from each other by extending the lever at S1 and retracting it at the end of S2 (ITI lever-retracted group). For other, control rats, the lever remained extended throughout the session (lever-extended group, Experiment 1) or was extended and retracted with the onset and offset of each stimulus (RI/ITI lever-retracted group, Experiment 2). The rats under all trial conditions learned to delay leverpressing on the FI 10-sec schedule. Latency to begin leverpressing on the FI 10-sec schedule declined as RIs were increased, but this effect was attenuated in the ITI lever-retracted groups in both experiments, as would be predicted by thetrial tracking hypothesis. Decreasing ITIs from 24 to 6 sec intensified the disruptive effects of increasing RIs from 3 to 6 sec in the RI/ITI lever-retracted group (Experiment 2), as would be predicted by the trial tracking hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rat subjects in a conditioned punishment paradigm are reported. These experiments attempted to determine if the events entering into association with the CS following conditioning with informative (forward) and noninformative (simultaneous) CSs were comparable. In Experiment 1, exposure to intense shock alone following trace (ISI = 10 sec) conditioning with moderate shock enhanced the suppressive effects of a 2-sec CS. A similar manipulation following explicitly unpaired CS-US presentations (ISI = 2 min) had no effect. These data were taken as evidence that the CS and US were associated during trace conditioning. Experiment 2 showed that exposure to intense shock following simultaneous conditioning also enhanced suppression to the CS. These results suggested that simultaneous and forward conditioning procedures yield similar forms of associative learning.  相似文献   

“Comparator” accounts of associative conditioning (e.g., Gibbon & Balsam, 1981; Miller & Matzel, 1988) suggest that performance to a Pavlovian CS is determined, by a comparison of the US expectancy of the CS with the US expectancy of general background cues. Recent research indicates that variation in the excitatory value of cues in the local temporal context of a CS may have a profound impact on conditioned responding to the CS (e.g., Kaplan & Hearst, 1982), implicating US expectancy based on local, rather than overall, background cues as the critical comparator term for a CS. In two experiments, an excitatory training context attenuated responding to a target CS. In Experiment 1, the context was made excitatory by interspersing unsignaled USs with target CS-US trials. In this case, posttraining extinction of the conditioning context restored responding to the target CS. In Experiment 2, the target CS’s local context was made excitatory by the placement of excitatory “cover” stimuli in the immediate temporal proximity of each target CS-US trial. In this experiment, posttraining extinction of the proximal cover stimuli, not extinction of the conditioning context alone, restored responding to the target CS. An observation from both experiments was that signaling the otherwise unsignaled USs did not appear to influence the associative value of the conditioning context. The results are discussed in relation to a local context version of the comparator hypothesis and serve to emphasize the importance of local context cues in the modulation of acquired behavior. Taken together with other recent reports (e.g., Cooper, Aronson, Balsam, & Gibbon, 1990; Schachtman & Reilly, 1987), the present observations encourage contemporary comparator theories to reevaluate which aspects of the conditioning situation comprise the CS’s comparator term.  相似文献   

Conditioned lick suppression in rats was used to explore the role of timing in trace conditioning. In Experiment 1, two groups of rats were exposed to pairings of a CS (CS1) with a US, under conditions in which the interstimulus interval (ISI) that separated CS1 offset and US onset was either 0 or 5 sec. Two additional groups were also exposed to the same CS1→US pairings with either a 0 or a 5-sec ISI, and then received “backward” second-order conditioning in which CS1 was immediately followed by a novel CS2 (i.e., CS1→CS2). A trace conditioning deficit was observed in that the CS1 conditioned with the 5-sec gap supported less excitatory responding than the CS1 conditioned with the 0-sec gap. However, CS2 elicited more conditioned responding in the group trained with the 5-sec CS1-US gap than in the group trained with the 0-sec CS1-US gap. Thus, the CS1-US interval had inverse effects on first- and second-order conditioned responding. Experiment 2 was conducted as a sensory preconditioning analogue to Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, rats received the CS1?CS2 pairings prior to the CS1→US pairings (in which CS1 was again conditioned with either a 0 or a 5-sec ISI). Experiment 2 showed a dissociation between first- and second-order conditioned responding similar to that observed in Experiment 1. These outcomes are not compatible with the view that differences in responding to CSs conditioned with different ISIs are mediated exclusively by differences in associative value. The results are discussed in the framework of the temporal coding hypothesis, according to which temporal relationships between events are encoded in elementary associations.  相似文献   

The serial presentation of two different CSs, with each stimulus having an 8-sec duration (S18/S28), consistently has resulted in most of the shuttlebox avoidance responses being recorded to the S2 component. Experiment 1 attempted to attenuate this serial CS, delayed-response effect by conditioning the separate components of a serial CS prior to ordering them sequentially. Ten component-training trials were administered, with subjects receiving CS-US pairing to S1 only, S2 only, or to both S1 and S2 presented on separate trials. Two CS durations (8 or 16 sec) during this phase also were compared. Subjects were then given 100 avoidance test trials using the standard serial procedure. The 10 best avoidance responders in each group were selected for analysis. Shorter avoidance latencies were obtained only for subjects receiving component conditioning to S1. CS duration was not a factor in establishing the shorter latencies. Component conditioning to S2 resulted in increasing the total avoidances. Experiment 2 increased the number of component-training trials and the generality of the findings by using a different strain of rats and by extending the testing phase of the study so that all subjects could be included in the analysis. Comparable results were obtained. The theoretical implications of these data were discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of within-session variations in the intertriai interval (ITI) and delay on pigeons’ memory for event duration were studied in delayed symbolic matching-to-sample tasks. Pigeons were trained to peck one color following a long (8 sec) sample and another color following a short (2 sec) sample. In the first three experiments, the baseline conditions included a 10-sec delay (retention interval) and a 45-sec ITI. During testing, the delay was varied from 0 to 20 sec, and the ITI that preceded the trial was varied from 5 to 90 sec. When the ITI and delay were manipulated separately (Experiments 1 and 2), the pigeons displayed a choose-short tendency when the delay was longer than 10 sec or when the ITI was longer than 45 sec, and a choose-long tendency when either the delay or the ITI was shorter than these baseline values. These effects occurred whether the sample was food access or light. When the ITI and delay were manipulated together, the pigeons showed a large choose-long error tendency when the short delay was tested together with a short ITI, and no systematic error tendency when the short delay was tested together with a longer ITI. A very large choose-short error tendency emerged on trials with a long delay and a long ITI; a reduced choose-short tendency was present when the long delay was presented together with a short ITI. In Experiment 4, the baseline conditions were a 0-sec delay and a 45-sec ITI. In this case variations in the ITI had a smaller and unidirectional effect: the pigeons showed a choose-long error tendency when the ITI was decreased, but no effect of ITI increases. Two hypotheses were proposed and discussed: (1) that pigeons judge sample durations relative to a background time composed of the ITI and delay, and (2) that the delay and ITI effects might arise from a combination of subjective shortening and proactive effects of samples from previous trials.  相似文献   

Pavlov (1927/1960) reported that following the conditioning of several stimuli, extinction of one conditioned stimulus (CS) attenuated responding to others that had not undergone direct extinction. However, this secondary extinction effect has not been widely replicated in the contemporary literature. In three conditioned suppression experiments with rats, we further explored the phenomenon. In Experiment 1, we asked whether secondary extinction is more likely to occur with target CSs that have themselves undergone some prior extinction. A robust secondary extinction effect was obtained with a nonextinguished target CS. Experiment 2 showed that extinction of one CS was sufficient to reduce renewal of a second CS when it was tested in a neutral (nonextinction) context. In Experiment 3, secondary extinction was observed in groups that initially received intermixed conditioning trials with the target and nontarget CSs, but not in groups that received conditioning of the two CSs in separate sessions. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CSs must be associated with a common temporal context during conditioning for secondary extinction to occur.  相似文献   

Two autoshaping experiments with pigeons examined contextual control of responding to conditioned stimuli (CSs) when separate phases of reinforcement and nonreinforcement occurred in different contexts. In Experiment 1, a CS was first conditioned in Context A prior to nonreinforcement in Context B. In Experiment 2, a conditional discrimination reversal procedure was employed in which one CS was first reinforced in A prior to nonreinforcement in B, and another CS was first nonreinforced in A and then reinforced in B. In both experiments, the extent of contextual control was assessed by testing the CSs in A and B. The CS specificity of control was assessed by examining control of CSs that had been treated like the original CSs, but in a different pair of contexts. The results show that contexts control responding to CSs through a CS-specific mechanism, as well as through a mechanism that is independent of the identity of the CS. However, the extent to which control is mediated by a CS-independent mechanism depends on the training history of the CS.  相似文献   

The acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a tone + light compound and its components was examined as a function of the CS-US interval (Experiment 1) and CS duration (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, responding to the compound attained high levels in all groups, but responding on component test trials declined to low levels as the CS-US interval increased across values of 300, 800, and 1,300 msec. Further disparities between the compound and components appeared when the animals were shifted to a positive patterning schedule. In Experiment 2, disparities between the compound and components increased as the duration of the CS was increased across values of 50, 200, and 800 msec within a fixed CS-US interval of 800 msec. The results are discussed with respect to distributive processes, configuration, and speed-accuracy tradeoffs.  相似文献   

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