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Students who have been taught regression properly are certainly familiar with the dangers and curiosities to which the regression analysis leads when only two data points are available. However, one may ask whether students are familiar with the effects of adding a third observation into this data set. The purpose of this article is to illustrate some unexpected phenomena related to this situation using a specific map technique.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the difficulties frequently encountered by students when analysing bivariate data and suggests how they might be overcome.  相似文献   

A picture of a 95% confidence interval (CI) implicitly contains pictures of CIs of all other levels of confidence, and information about the p‐value for testing a null hypothesis. This article discusses pictures, taken from interactive software, that suggest several ways to think about the level of confidence of a CI, p‐values, and what conclusions can be drawn from inspecting a CI.  相似文献   

This article evaluates and explores the correlation (+0.892) between the United States federal election winner and the most recent Washington Redskin home‐game winner, a relation perfectly linked for 17 of 18 elections since franchise inception in 1936.  相似文献   

This article illustrates that not all statistical software packages are correctly calculating a p‐value for the classical F test comparison of two independent Normal variances. This is illustrated with a simple example, and the reasons why are discussed. Eight different software packages are considered.  相似文献   

张永雄 《中国德育》2006,1(3):36-43
香港特别行政区推行的课程改革,将德育及公民教育作为首要发展项目,并就具体的推行策略建议中小学校应优先培育学生五种价值观和态度:坚毅,尊重别人,责任感,国民身份认同及承担精神;强调以学生为本的方针,鼓励学校将学生身边发生的事情灵活地融入课程设计中。此目标和策略的厘定,是回应现今香港的社会情况及未来发展方向,亦考虑到学校现况及参考其它国家的实践经验。学校推行德育及公民教育的策略,除了开办正规的德育及公民教育课程外,亦会在正规的学科学习中,渗透一些涉及价值判断的讨论活动,藉此提升学生的道德判断能力;或是藉实践学习的经验培养学生的价值观。教育统筹局作为推动香港德育及公民教育发展的官方机构,负起带领学校推行课程改革的职责:引入新思维、鼓励新尝试及交流新知识;目的是希望将课程改革的信息带到学校,以提升教师在这方面的认识和教学技巧,并为学生提供一个有利培育正确价值观的学习环境。  相似文献   

苗族史诗《亚鲁王》讲述了苗族英雄亚鲁一生的英雄业绩,其命运之坎坷、其性格之坚韧、其对手之凶残建构了史诗的发展脉络.亚鲁一生中拥有诸多对手,但其与兄长赛阳、赛霸的争斗才是贯穿整部史诗的主线.文章通过分析亚鲁英雄形象,在比较多篇《亚鲁王》异文的基础上,以英雄对手母题为切入点,探讨了史诗蕴含的苗族“人类同源”的观念,并分析了史诗内蕴的麻山地区苗族传统的祖先崇拜意识,认为史诗是对苗族远古社会历史事实的反映.  相似文献   

Using dummy variables, this note offers a convenient illustration to demonstrate that regression can replace both the one‐factor analysis of variance and the two‐population t test with independent random samples. The exercise also helps to develop students’ intuition regarding regression coefficients.  相似文献   

After reunification with the People's Republic of China in 1997, Hong Kong was turned into a special administrative region. The new government has repeatedly emphasised the development of national identity and patriotism. One of the locations where these issues might be expected to appear is in the teaching of Government and Public Affairs (GPA), an optional subject offered to secondary students aged 15–18. The aim of this paper is to study the perceptions of GPA teachers in order to address two issues. First, how do GPA teachers who teach politics in schools construe ‘national identity’ and ‘patriotism’? Second, do the teachers believe studying politics through the subject GPA can enhance national identity and patriotism among the students? The findings show that the teachers understand national identity and patriotism critically. They insist politics should be taught in a rational way. At the same time, they think teaching politics in a rational way, with no appeal to the emotions as is the current practice, will enhance neither the students' sense of national identity nor their patriotism.  相似文献   

This article describes a simple computer program which graphically demonstrates both Type I and Type II statistical errors.  相似文献   

本文介绍了香港特区2005年至2008年在中小学开展的“优化课堂学习计划”的背景、内容、实施情况、实施成效等。该计划以“课堂学习研究”为平台,致力于改善课堂教与学、促进教师的专业发展,取得了丰富理论和改进实践两个方面的丰硕成果,对教师专业发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

论价值、教育价值与价值教育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当代西方迅速崛起的“价值教育”思潮以其巨大的声势影响着教育实践的发展,本文站在教育哲学层面从马克思主义教育哲学角度,对价值、教育价值和价值教育问题进行分析,并结合对西方“价值教育”思潮的评述,提出在中国今天的教育改革中同样可以借鉴这一思潮,以推进当前深入开展的素质教育,同时,也有助于人文精神的弘扬和民族素质的构建。  相似文献   

This study compared the values of college open admissions students and of college police students to their teachers' values. It was found that for both groups new students differ from the faculty more than do advanced students, suggesting value changes in the direction of the faculty. Also found was no relationship between students' value similarity to the faculty and their academic success.  相似文献   

In this column, the new editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses the significance of legacies, transitions, and advancing normal birth. The editor pays tribute to the legacies left behind by former editors Francine Nichols and Sharron Humenick and shares her vision for The Journal of Perinatal Education as it transitions into the next phase of advancing normal birth. The editor also describes the contents of this issue, which offer a broad range of resources, research, and inspiration for childbirth educators in their efforts to promote normal birth.  相似文献   

The 2014 objection to birth in water voiced by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in ACOG Bulletin #594 on immersion in water during labor and birth is nothing new. The Committee on Fetus and Newborn published the very same opinion in 2005, based on a case report that was published in 2002 in the journal Pediatrics. What has changed since 2002 is a growing body of evidence that reports on the safety and efficacy of labor and birth in water. This article reviews the retrospective literature on water birth and explains newborn physiology and the protective mechanisms that prevent babies from breathing during a birth in water.  相似文献   

Infants are not too young to engage in real, useful statistical work. This activity allowed comparisons between distributions of two species of flowers in three different habitats.  相似文献   

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