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The purpose of this article is to respond to Bernice Wong's questions regarding the efficacy of the risk and resilience model for studying social problems in students with learning disabilities. Two factors render this framework particularly inviting to special education researchers. First, it is inherently optimistic because it assumes that once we identify factors that contribute to resilience, we can train less‐resistant individuals to be more resilient. As such, it moves us away from deficit models to empowering models. Second, the model forces us to look beyond the characteristics of the individual to consider external factors that have a significant influence on development and behavior. At the same time, however, we still need to advance our knowledge regarding the basic dimensions of social problems among students with learning disabilities. Hence, this article argues for multiple approaches to advancing knowledge about students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Research on Resilience: Response to Commentaries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clarifications are provided with respect to two sets of issues raised in preceding commentaries. First, interaction effects are undoubtedly salient in resilience research; yet main effect findings can be equally critical from an intervention perspective. Second, although resilience research and prevention science reflect similar broad objectives, the former (but not usually the latter) involves explicit attention to positive adjustment outcomes in addition to the avoidance of psychopathology.  相似文献   

以4900名7年级学生及其家长为被试,采用亲子亲合问卷中文版(FACESⅡ-CV)、心理韧性量表中文版(CD-RISC)、领悟社会支持量表、自尊量表以班级为单位进行团体施测,以探讨领悟社会支持与自尊在亲子亲合与青少年心理韧性间的链式多重中介作用。结果:相关分析显示,青少年亲子亲合、心理韧性、领悟社会支持与自尊及其各维度两两呈显著正相关;中介效应检验表明,亲子亲合不仅直接作用于青少年心理韧性,还间接通过领悟社会支持与自尊的链式多重中介对其心理韧性产生作用。  相似文献   

人类社会在科学技术革命的驱动下由农业社会转型为工业社会后,以核技术、新能源技术、纳米技术为代表的新技术及其产业使现代生活发生巨大变化,其为人们提供舒适生活环境的同时,也使人们面临生态危机等各种环境风险。改变环境法固有的以政府为主导管制的思想,设立新的公众等利益相关者参与决策和监督程序,增加对环境风险评估的深度与广度,从而形成环境风险治理的有效机制。  相似文献   

竞技健美操参赛风险的发生看似偶然,但却隐含着必然。在竞技健美操比赛过程中,当体能、技能、心理、伤病等风险因素积累到一定数量,加之诱发因素的作用,风险就会不可避免地发生。本文通过文献资料法、数理统计法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法等对竞技健美操参赛选手易出现的参赛风险进行了深入解析,并提出针对性的风险应对措施。  相似文献   

文章回顾了心理弹性的研究历程,阐述了其内在作用机制以及应用成果。心理弹性通过内外在保护性因素,使有弹性的个体在面对逆境时积极应对,是生活实践中不断发展的动态过程,成为个体健康发展的一个正常组成部分。心理弹性理论,对促进个体健康发展以及潜能开发有重大的意义,在个体心理咨询、家摩教育、学校教育、社区服务等领域有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Vulnerability and Resilience: A Study of High-Risk Adolescents   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Factors that allow children to maintain socially competent behaviors despite stress were examined among 144 inner-city ninth-grade students with a mean age of 15.3 years. Stress was operationalized by scores on a negative life events scale, and definitions of social competence were based on peer ratings, teacher ratings, and school grades. Moderator variables examined included intelligence, internal locus of control, social skills, ego development, and positive life events. Following theoretical models by Garmezy and Rutter, distinctions were made between compensatory factors (which are directly related to competence) and protective/vulnerability factors (which interact with stress in influencing competence). Ego development was found to be compensatory against stress. Internality and social skills proved to be protective factors, while intelligence and positive events were involved in vulnerability processes. This study also revealed that children labeled as resilient were significantly more depressed and anxious than were competent children from low stress backgrounds.  相似文献   

Schwitzgebel (1999) has proposed an account of theories that can be used in deciding whether children's cognitive development is like theory change in science. In this article we outline an account of conceptual learning in terms of the conceptions that people hold, the status they award to their conceptions, and the conceptual ecology containing the criteria they use in determining status. A comparison of our account with Schwitzgebel's shows an equivalence between Schwitzgebel's subscribing and one component of status (fruitfulness), but no counterpart to another (plausibility). In addition, Schwitzgebel's account predicts that people possess an explanation-seeking curiosity that is associated with patterns of arousal and affect when anomalous phenomena are encountered. We present the results of empirical work that demonstrates that students do exhibit strong affective reactions to awareness of experimental anomalies and their resolution.  相似文献   

随着我国高校学生团体迅猛发展,学生法律意识不断增强,高校对学生团体的认识和管理却未能实现同步发展,这给高校的管理带来一定的法律风险。高校应进一步树立依法管理的观念,培养法律风险防范意识,厘清对学生团体所涉及法律关系的认识,明确高校在管理学生团体中的权利义务,提高监管水平,建立和完善对法律风险的整体评估制度。  相似文献   

Genre theory has been around for a long time now. The exchange between Michael Rosen and Frances Christie recently featured in Changing English is the latest in a series of exchanges between advocates of genre and their critics over the past three decades or so. Our aim in this response-essay is not to weigh up the merits of the cases made by Rosen and Christie. Rather, we want to think about how individual teachers might confront the hegemony of genre theory and the harmful effects we believe it is having on language education. Our starting point is Lisa’s own professional practice, as she enacts it from day to day at a state secondary school in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, one of the most ethnically diverse regions in Australia. We draw on Lisa’s journal to construct a sense of the time and place, as well as samples of students’ writing that she gathered in the course of a year with her Year 7 class, in order to gain a better understanding of her work as an English teacher. How does this material compare with ‘all the genre work done over some 25–30?years’ by the genre theorists? What ‘knowledge’ will she be able to construct on the basis of the classroom observations that she made over that time? What should we make of the fact that her world is not the same as the world as genre theorists conceive it?  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the topic of resilience. We consider some of the ways that resilience relates to managing stress levels, with the intention of developing a capacity to “keep going.” However, we find that this model does not match our clinical experience and propose instead that resilience is about the ability to think perpendicularly. We define this as the developmental capacity to take perspective and alter one’s coordinates to think and feel about things in new lights. We locate this achievement in a developmental model originating with Object Relations, and relate it to achieving the “depressive position,” which recognizes the substantial gray areas in life. Finally, we use Plato’s allegory of the Cave to underscore our thinking.  相似文献   

从心理弹性理论视角看留守儿童的社会支持网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守儿童在逆境中的适应情况因其内部心理弹性,外部保护资源的不同而呈现出差异,其中社会支持是心理弹性最重要的保护因子之一,来自家庭、同伴、社会的支持有利于留守儿童的适应与心理健康恢复。心理弹性和社会支持对留守儿童的成长有着重要的意义和作用,并以此为出发点,构建针对留守儿童个体、家庭、学校和社会等方面的社会支持的网络系统。  相似文献   

The goal of this qualitative 2-year study was to examine the resilience building process in four novice secondary science teachers and its link to teacher retention. To achieve the research goal, a resilience framework was established. Three factors were instrumental in creating the framework. The first focused on stressors and protective factors in the lives of novice secondary science teachers and provided direction and goals for the research. Second, a case study was developed for each of the four teachers participating in the research in order to emphasize the detailed analysis of factors linked to resilience. Finally, cross-case analysis was employed to identify similarities and differences and provide insight into issues concerning the resilience process. Results of this study suggest that the interaction between stressors and protective factors acts as a primary force in the resilience process and stimulate responses to help counteract negative effects of resulting stress. Therefore, it can be reasoned that resilience can be fostered in novice teachers as a means to encourage teacher retention.  相似文献   

以201名小学随迁子女为被试,采用随迁子女复原力量表、状态焦虑量表、简易应对方式量表、自尊量表,考察了应对方式、自尊在随迁子女复原力与焦虑关系间的多重中介作用,以积极应对、自尊为中介变量建立多重中介模型.结果显示,x2/df=46.283,CFI=0.959,TLI=0.936,RMSEA=0.08,表明模型拟合良好,并行式多重中介模型能较好地解释积极应对与自尊在复原力与焦虑关系间所起的中介作用.  相似文献   

面对日趋复杂多变的内外部经济环境,在加快构建新发展格局的进程中,以创新驱动增强城市经济韧性的重要性愈发明显。基于WIPO专利匹配城市层面数据,实证考察创新网络对城市经济韧性的影响机制发现,粤港澳大湾区创新网络尤其是联合创新网络的形成有利于城市经济韧性的提升。为保证联合创新活动的持续稳定进行并助力韧性城市建设,建议构建“核心—边缘”、以点带面、等级清晰的联合创新网络,其中香港、深圳、广州等核心节点城市应加强联系并发挥主导作用,尤其是在数字经济等高科技领域,网络边缘城市需积极寻求同层级城市合作,并参与到核心城市主导的高技术含量创新中去。  相似文献   

Community colleges in Tennessee, either directly or indirectly, experienced unprecedented change as a result of Tennessee Promise. The present study explored how student support service administrators at three community colleges responded to organizational change as a result of the Tennessee Promise legislation. Investigators selected community colleges for the multi-site case study because the legislative impact would be actualized by the preparations made to serve incoming Promise recipients. The delivery of orientation services framed organizational change because the service staff facilitate connections and provide information to incoming students. Challenges like a shifting population, ill-equipped infrastructure, inadequate remediation support, heightened interest for social engagement opportunities, misinformation, and unmet fiscal needs left administrators seeking coherence through the change process. Investigators found community college administrators react to change similarly. Administrators acknowledged change as continuous, created a culture of innovation among stakeholders, and were not afraid to fail as responses to the organizational change phenomenon.  相似文献   

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