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Learning to systematically analyze the relationship between teaching and student learning is an important but difficult skill to engender in teachers. In this study, we examine how pre-service teachers who were introduced to a framework for analyzing teaching in a video-based teacher education course drew on this tool to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course. We conceptualize the framework as a conceptual tool that scaffolds pre-service teachers to learn to attend to particular dimensions of teaching and learning and to analyze how their teaching influences student learning. Using the Portfolio Assessment for California Teachers-Teaching Event of 14 English language arts pre-service teachers, we conducted a qualitative analysis to examine the extent to which they applied this framework to analyze their own practice after the conclusion of the course, as well as different strategies they adopted as they analyzed their teaching practice. Findings suggest that pre-service teachers made progress in using the framework to study their teaching, but development of sub-skills for all four facets are needed to develop more productive analyses of teaching and student learning. This study has important implications for the design of teacher education that intends to support pre-service teachers in developing tools for learning to learn from their teaching practice.  相似文献   

在我国大学英语写作教学仍然存在很多问题,新的写作教学方法有待于进一步研究。文章运用定量和定性分析对任务教学法的应用进行研究,提出了任务教学法在大学英语写作教学中的具体运用模式及其优势。  相似文献   

分析了液压系统实验教学课件的特殊需求,并以所开发的液压系统实验教学课件为例,介绍了实验教学多媒体课件设计开发过程,包括结构设计、软件选用、基于Authorware的实验教学课件框架的开发及用Flash动画实现虚拟液压回路的设计方法。对相关应用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

There is general agreement that teachers matter the most when it comes to student learning. However, there is an unquestionable need for educators to understand what constitutes effective teaching in K-12 classrooms. This research studied Chinese high school (N = 359) teachers’ perceptions of effective teaching using an international theoretical framework as guidance. Basic statistics described Chinese teachers’ perceptions on different domains of the teaching effectiveness framework. Statistically, significant results were found when comparing subject matter, gender, teaching experience, school type, award, academic rank and leadership. Furthermore, Chinese and American teachers’ perceptions on effectiveness were compared and contrasted. This study revealed that some findings were rooted in Confucian cultural tradition while others related to China’s current educational reform. Implications, recommendations and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

会计信息系统实验是会计学专业学生步入职业生涯前必修的一门综合性实验课程,是连接理论与实践的重要桥梁课程.为了更好地搭建这一桥梁,从职业规划牵引和知识架构基础两个视角构建会计信息系统实验教学的设计框架,在具体分析职业需求和已获取的专业理论知识的基础上,探讨实验目标、内容和平台选择等要素的具体结构化设计,以期更规范、清晰、合理和有针对性地指引实验教学的设计.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study exploring the author's use of reflective practice to facilitate the transition in role from a clinical manager with teaching responsibilities in a critical care unit to university lecturer. The similarities and differences in the roles with respect to learner characteristics, teaching contexts and effective teaching strategies are discussed. Brookfield's model provides the methodological framework for the process of critically reflective practice undertaken to support and inform the transition. This case study describes a novice academic's reflection through the four lenses of autobiography, the theoretical literature, student feedback and the perspectives of colleagues as she seeks to optimise student engagement and learning using the large lecture as the teaching and learning activity. The author suggests that the use of a framework such as Brookfield's model that supports critical reflection may be of significant benefit to accelerate the personal and professional growth of new academic staff in their teaching practice.  相似文献   

This study analyses several Irish primary school science textbook sets to evaluate their potential to support Inquiry-based Science Education (IBSE). The study was prompted by the results of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) 2008 survey of Irish primary science which indicated that a 72% of surveyed teachers are using science textbooks within their teaching. The reliance on deductive methodologies, such as the using textbooks, has been attributed to a lack of pedagogical content knowledge. As the Irish primary science curriculum was changed to be more experiential in 2003, it is unlikely that deductive teaching from textbooks aligns with the new aims and objectives of the curriculum. This research analyses three textbook groups through the lens of the 5E model of teaching, a well-known framework for teaching through inquiry. A four-layer framework was developed around the 5E model that would highlight the strengths and weaknesses of textbooks in supporting IBSE. The results indicate that the various textbooks contain different structures, pedagogies and content, which can potentially be used to support the development of IBSE schema however, professional development must be provided as to how best to integrate textbooks into practice.  相似文献   

通过对基于SPSS的教育统计学教学案例现状的分析,提出基于SPSS的教育统计学教学案例设计的原则和内容框架,并运用根据该原则和内容框架设计的教学案例进行了教育统计学教学改革实践,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

A crucial skill for researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary environmental projects is the ability to be reflexive about knowledge and knowledge production. Few studies exist on the operationalization of reflexive skills and teaching and learning strategies that help students master these skills. This research aims to contribute in this direction. We distinguished two components of reflexive skills: (i) assessing the relative contributions of scientific disciplines and non-academic knowledge in addressing environmental issues; (ii) assessing the role of norms and values in research. We developed a framework for teaching and learning reflexive skills and evaluated this framework within a quasi-experimental educational setting involving 3 groups of 30 students. Students’ reflexive skills were assessed quantitatively using a pre- and post-test questionnaire. Moreover, students’ reflection papers were analysed to get a better understanding of their perspectives on the teaching and learning framework. We show that it is possible to train students in reflexive skills, but it requires a well-designed learning setting.  相似文献   

Science educators have called for using the learning progression approach to align curriculum, instruction, and assessment. In line with this trend, we conducted both assessments and teaching experiments with students from grades 4 to 12 (717 students participated in the pre-assessments and 682 students participated in the post-assessments). The goal of the study is to develop a learning progression framework that provides effective guidance for curriculum and instruction on carbon-transforming processes in socio-ecological systems. We conducted the study in three research cycles. We developed a matter-and-energy learning progression framework during the first two cycles. This learning progression framework was used to guide the teaching intervention in the third research cycle. Clinical interviews and written assessments were implemented before and after the teaching intervention. In the process of data analysis, we found that the matter-and-energy learning progression framework did not provide a fine-grained depiction of students' reasoning. Therefore, we developed the five-practice learning progression framework, and used it to re-analyze data. Results indicate that the teaching intervention has helped students to achieve significant learning gains, but it was not effective enough in helping students achieve the upper anchor of the learning progression framework—constructing sophisticated scientific explanations. The results also indicate that students tended to rely on coherent and consistent reasoning to construct explanations. Based on the findings, we provide instructional suggestions and discuss the implications for climate change education and learning progression research.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for developing pre‐service teachers’ competencies in using technologies to enhance teaching and learning. It focuses on building the capacity of teacher education institutions (TEI) based on six strategic dimensions: (1) vision and philosophy; (2) program; (3) professional learning of deans, teacher educators and support staff; (4) ICT plan, infrastructure, resources and support; (5) communications and partnerships; and (6) research and evaluation. This paper describes each of these six strategic dimensions and synthesizes these in the overall framework for developing pre‐service teachers’ competencies in generating technology‐enhanced teaching and learning.  相似文献   

本文描述了一项英语口语教学任务的设计和实行,并对这项任务进行简单分析测评,最后讨论如何将它应用于实际教学中。目的是希望通过理论的应用设计制作英语教学任务,并通过分析和论述能为今后的课堂教学提供一些素材,同时也希望运用任务提高学习者的英语口语水平。  相似文献   

阐述了应用型本科机械类专业实践教学培养的内涵,以实践教学框架为主要落脚点,以应用型、职业性和开放式的人才培养为定位目标。搭建了实践教学资源、实践教学保障、实践教学管理和实践教学考核"四位一体"的人才培养框架,从而为培养应用型高水平人才,为区域经济社会发展提供支持。  相似文献   

在现代教育思想、教学理论和学习理论指导下,经过近10年的深入实践与探索,笔者构建出了开放教育工商管理本科专业课程教学模式的基本框架。其基本特征包括:问题导向,启发学习;模块化指导学习,帮助学员知识建构;叠进式实践教学,提升学员实践能力;控制、评价性教学,修正、深化、重建学员的知识结构和多维互动教学,全面支助学员的自主学习。  相似文献   

Kolb学习模式及其在英语教学中的运用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在英语教学中 ,Kolb模式在选择和组织教学材料方面 ,在使用媒体作为教学辅助手段以激发学生对知识领域的认知和情感方面 ,以及在使用经验学习模式方面有着特殊的价值。Kolb把“具体—抽象”、“主动—思考”这两个认知发展过程融为一体。Kolb模式概括了学习过程的四个阶段 :具体经历、思维观察、抽象概念和主动实践。这种模式常见于四分学习法中。Kolb模式易于直接从模式运用于课堂 ,因此它在教学实践和教育研究中具有重要意义  相似文献   

针对高职高专计算机组成原理课程教学质量不高的问题,提出以建立课程整体知识体系为核心的框架式教学法.根据学生的认知特点,对教学内容进行重构,以运算器、中央处理器、存储器、总线及I/O系统等的内容为主线,首先帮助学生形成简单知识框架,然后通过补充知识和加强实践教学等方式不断丰富和完善该框架,最终完成整个课程的教学,并取得良好教学效果.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the requirements of applicants to academic faculty positions, promotion and tenure procedures, nominations for teaching awards, or other application processes for innovative teaching grants worldwide include a teaching portfolio or dossier or a statement of teaching philosophy. Current literature provides a spectrum of approaches to constructing a teaching philosophy statement. While these resources provide practical utility, this literature generally lacks conceptual models that provide clear operational definitions and comprehensive frameworks for the process of generating or evaluating a teaching philosophy statement. However, this literature does illustrate the complexity of the task. Each teaching philosophy statement reflects not only personal beliefs about teaching and learning, but also disciplinary cultures, institutional structures and cultures, and stakeholder expectations as well. This synergy among self, discipline, and institutional context guided the development of a conceptual model for constructing a teaching philosophy statement. Based on the authors' survey of the literature, a conceptual model was developed, and then refined in a series of three workshops that included input from graduate students, academic faculty, faculty developers, and academic managers (administrators). The resulting conceptual framework includes the six dimensions commonly found in a survey of faculty teaching philosophies: the purpose of teaching and learning; the role of the teacher; the role of the student; the methods used; evaluation and assessment of teaching and learning; and also includes two framing devices - a metaphor or a critical incident and a device for acknowledging the impact that contextual factors have on teacher decision making. This paper describes the development of this conceptual model, and provides an evaluation rubric that can be applied to assess teaching philosophy statements generated using the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Eleven tutor counsellors in the British Open University were interviewed to ascertain how they responded to the idea of using a facilitative teaching style in their tutorials. Their responses have been analysed by a systems model of the tutorial process which indicates the extent to which they possessed a coherent framework, appropriate for teaching in a distance education teaching system. The interviews revealed factors which have echoes in student learning research and which, taken together, offer a tentative explanation of why some tutor counsellors were more amenable to changing their teaching styles than others. This has implications for staff development, not only in distance education systems but for teaching in general.  相似文献   

以语言基因观与语言模因观为基础对外语教学的本质进行了理论阐释:以语言基因观为经线,探讨外语教学背后所蕴藏的认知机制;以语言模因观为纬线,探讨外语教学是如何以模因形式进行复制与传播的功能机制。认为成功的外语教学是在语言基因观与模因观两个层面之间获取最佳的平衡点或融合点。  相似文献   

学校管理创新:以促进学科教学改革与教师发展为旨归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学实践领域的变革,必然产生一些新的矛盾冲突和新的发展需求,这就要求学校从教学的领导与管理层面加以有效的引领和协调,进而触发教学组织、制度和文化的变革与更新。以新基础教育成型性研究阶段的过程、经验与成效为基本事实,集中探讨了如下问题:(1)教学管理组织功能与架构的更新,包括行政性教学管理组织的重组、教学专业组织自主化和非行政性组织的创生,以及学校教学管理组织架构的转换与生成;(2)教学管理制度及运作机制的创新,具体呈现了制度的性质及产生方式的改变、教学常规制度和教学研究制度的变迁,以及教学运行机制的动态生成;(3)基于校本教学研究的文化创生,指出制度化教研的规范与推逼是一种必要强制,合作—反思式教学研讨氛围的形成标志着教研文化开始走向自觉,教研活动的日常化和无痕化是教研文化值得追求的境界。教学领域中的组织变革、制度更新和文化生成,不仅每时每刻地改变着课堂,也通过挑战、激励和解放促进着教师成长,引导着作为变革亲历者的教师,从自发走向自觉、从自育走向自强。  相似文献   

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