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This study examines the issue as to whether U.S. educational institutions need a significant change in their policy to deal with the increasing number of foreign students on U.S. campuses. Projections for the 1980s are made using Box-Jenkins and other forecasting techniques. Factors that led to the rapid growth of foreign students in the past are reviewed. The likelihood of their continuation is examined. In the light of these factors, policy implications of the projections are discussed.  相似文献   

社会资本因素对个体高等教育需求的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对中国大陆三省一市10909名高中生和香港3157名高中生的调查研究发现,学生参与社团活动、家庭教育期望,无论是对中国大陆学生还是香港学生的高等教育需求都具有显著影响。家庭中兄弟姐妹的数量、家庭成员辅导学生功课、父母与子女沟通频率等因素,对中国大陆学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响;家庭社会网络广泛度、师生沟通频率,则对香港学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响。研究还发现,一些常被认为影响个体高等教育需求的因素,如家庭社会网络资源、父母与学校的联系等,对学生的高等教育需求并无显著影响。  相似文献   

Foreign students have been attending colleges and universities in the United States at rapidly increasing rates since the late 1960s. Due particularly to demographic changes and cost considerations, U.S. universities have accepted and grown somewhat dependent on these foreign students. This raises the questions of what caused the increased international demand for U.S. education and will that demand continue to grow? We attempt here to provide a theoretical model of educational demand and to test the model employing both time series and cross-sectional data. First, we give background information and a brief literature survey; then we develop the model. Next, we test the model by examining the time series evidence. We then present cross-sectional findings employing the Zellner SUR technique. The paper concludes with policy implications.  相似文献   

The demand for higher education facing an individual institution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to provide an estimate of the elasticity and cros-selasticities of demand for higher education facing an individual institution. The utility which a high school graduate derives from each educational option open to him is assumed to be a stochastic function of the attributes of that option. For certain types of utility functions the maximization of utility results in the logit probability model. This model is used to analyze the choices made by a sample of high school graduates in Hawaii. Estimates of the price elasticity and the cross-price elasticities of demand for enrollment at the University of Hawaii are obtained. It is found that the demand is quite inelastic with respect to both tuition and total cost of education. These estimates imply that changes in tuition will not affect enrollment appreciably.The authors wish to express their appreciation to Arthur S. Goldberger, H. Laurence Miller, and Pan A. Yotopoulos for their comments on earlier drafts of the paper.  相似文献   

高等教育需求及专业选择中的性别差异及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用对我国三省一市90所中学10909名高中毕业班学生的调查数据,探讨了高中生高等教育需求及专业选择中的性别差异状况及其影响因素。研究发现:我国高中生高等教育需求的性别差异已不大,但专业选择中的性别隔离现象比较严重。我国家庭存在的男孩偏好倾向、家庭教育期望的代际传递模式、家庭资源的不充裕等因素是造成高等教育需求中性别差异的重要原因,而性别刻板印象、家庭收入水平、家庭教育期望等因素对专业选择中的性别差异具有重要影响。  相似文献   

This article reports the estimated effects of a country's population and income on its citizens' demand for American higher education. Data are from 1978, 1982, and 1987. With the behavioral variables, the model includes binary variables for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Asian countries. Population significantly affects demand, but the effect is not proportional: A 10% increase in population causes demand for American higher education to rise by about 2%. The impact of income is similar; for this variable, the estimated elasticity is about 0.1. Together, these findings suggest that countries meet the majority of any change in their citizens' demand with domestic supply. For 1978 and 1982, OPEC provided considerably more students than other countries, other things being equal. By 1987. This difference had vanished. At the same time, Asian countries were providing more students than other countries, other things being equal, and the difference increased monotonically through time.  相似文献   

During the 1950s and 1960s, most colleges and universities enjoyed rapid student enrollment increases and liberally expanded their programs and physical facilities accordingly. But the economic, fiscal, and social developments of the 1970s have reduced income sources, increased costs, and diminished traditional student populations. Richard Freeman's work on the demand for higher education and the future worth of a college degree has become a major source of controversy among academicians. To establish a relationship between college attendance and the college job market, Freeman employed a three-equation model to analyze the causative supply and demand determinants. In this paper, we examine the viability of Freeman's Recursive Adjustment Model as a management tool for explaining and predicting enrollments and the job market using macro and micro cases.Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, California, May 1979.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the demand for higher education: The case of Cyprus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proportion of young people opting for third level education in Cyprus is exceptionally high, currently about 60% of the relevant age group. This has caused concern among the country's policy makers who are aware of the limited capacity of the Cyprus economy to accommodate the increasing supply of higher education graduates. In the present study, an attempt is made to identify and examine the factors influencing young Cypriots to select higher education over direct employment at the end of their secondary education. A survey was conducted among 811 final form secondary school students in Cyprus in the academic year 1993/1994. Through factor analysis, seven factors with a potential effect on the students' educational and occupational intentions were identified. They were the following: Psychological/Individual, Occupational I, Occupational II, Economic, Consumption, Secondary School Subjects, and Significant Others. These factors, along with a number of student background characteristics (gender, socioeconomic status, ability, and secondary school specialisation) were used as explanatory variables in a logistic regression model with the student's educational intentions serving as the dependent variable. The psychological/individual factor, the second occupational factor, and secondary school specialisation were shown to have a significant effect on the intention to pursue third level education. The paper points to the importance of analysing and examining student characteristics and motivational patterns in the effort to understand, and, if possible, influence trends in the demand for higher education.  相似文献   

学费与高等教育需求和供给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着世界高等教育大众化的兴起,许多国家出现了高校学生规模激增与政府财政支持能力减退的矛盾,加上计划控制模式的局限性和世界经济一体化的影响,使得世界高等教育朝着市场化的趋势发展。在这种背景下,学费作为一种价格因素,对高等教育需求和供给的作用日益突显出来。在建立高等教育需求与供给模型的基础上,从国内外高等教育的理论与实践及需求的学费弹性方面分析了学费对高等教育需求和供给的影响。  相似文献   

试论高等教育的供求关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
协调教育供求关系,实现教育供求均衡,是当前教育界关注的课题之一。高等学校在实现教育供求均衡的过程中有着举足轻重的地位和作用,主要体现为:高等学校实界有效的教育机会供给是教育供求均衡的前提;高等学校生产合格的教育产品是教育供求均衡的关键;合理引导教育需求是高等学校的使命。因此,作为教育机会供给主体的高等学校,必须增强基础设施建设,多渠道增加投入;作为教育产品生产基地的高等学校,必须深化教育教学改革;作为教育产品供求关系中供给方的高等学校,必须加强与社会的联系。  相似文献   

The Educational Amendments of 1972 marked a new direction in public policy regarding the scope and purpose of financial aid to higher education. Aid became more student-oriented, and equality of opportunity for higher education became a goal. This empirical study with national longitudinal data has made a start in policy evaluation of the effect of the 1972 Educational Amendments on the higher education acquired by young women. The most important result of financial aid receipt for young women is that those who received aid averaged 0.64 more years completed of higher education and averaged .145 greater graduation probability than similar women who did not receive aid. These results were obtained in multiple regression models in which the effects of marital status, parental background, geographic locations and economic characteristics, and tuition level were controlled for. These results suggest that policy attempts to stimulate the higher education acquired by enrolled young women by increasing the availability of financial aid are well founded.  相似文献   

我国高等职业技术教育需求的趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同层次的职业技术教育需求存在着特性和数量上的差异,我国高等职业技术教育的社会需求和个人需求呈背向发展趋势,这不利于高等职业技术教育的发展和经济的发展。因此,我们应当认清这一趋势,并对其进行合理调节,以利于我国高等职业技术教育的发展。  相似文献   

The bibliometric laws formulated by Bradford and Lotka have been applied to the literatures of a number of disciplines. In this instance, the laws are applied to citations to journals in 569 papers on higher education. Bradford's Law focuses on scatter, that is, the distribution of use of items; Lotka's Law concentrates on the productivity of authors. The conformity of higher education literature, as represented by the database used, is not perfect with the two bibliometric laws, but the results do suggest that the underlying concepts of the laws may well have applicability to examination of the discipline. A further suggestion is that this kind of examination has implications with regard to the means by which scholarship is communicated.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined postsecondary-student attitudes and preferences regarding five discrete student loan plans and loan plan features. Certain demographic variables were examined for their relationship to student attitudes toward the various loan plans. The study addressed the following questions: What debt ceiling do students identify as acceptable? Are students willing to indebt themselves over an extended time span? What percent of annual income do they feel reasonably can be applied to loan repayment? Will students alter their repayment plan choices given additional and more detailed information about loan options? A random sample of 218 recipients of federal higher education loans during the 1973–74 academic year was drawn from the population of 6,765 undergraduate borrowers at the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

民办高等教育在高等教育体系中的定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的高等教育类型划分影响了民办大学的准确定位 ,对民办高等教育发展产生了消极影响。本文提出民办高等教育应该属于综合类高等教育 ,民办大学有条件办成以全日制本专科教育为主的综合大学 ,而不是高等职业技术学校  相似文献   

The article examines the reasons for the high demand for higher education in Cyprus. At present, economic, societal, and cultural forces are widely accepted as responsible for the phenomenal increase in demand. A survey of secondary school final form students conducted in Cyprus by the author reconfirms the importance of these forces but also points to another demand influencing factor, namely, the students' psychological motivation in the pursuit of higher studies. The article discusses the policy implications of the findings and suggests the following as measures to help promote a better match between higher education choices and labour market conditions: the provision of greater and more accurate information to secondary school students on the employment opportunities available with a higher education diploma; the promotion of vocational nonuniversity fields of study among secondary school students; and the frequent and closer interaction between higher education institutions and the labour market.  相似文献   

针对我国职业教育与市场需求脱节的现象,通过对劳动力市场分析,从高职院校对学生的培养方面谈出高等职业教育如何适应市场需求的相应途径。  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate a structural model of higher education participation and labour choices in a static setting that accounts for individual heterogeneity and possible nesting structures in the decision process. We assume that young people that complete upper secondary education are faced with three choices, go to higher education, not go to higher education or go to higher education and work part time. We model this choice using Irish data incorporating variation in costs (direct and indirect), the estimated lifecycle returns and household credit constraints. Using a mixed nested logit choice model we find that simulated lifecycle earnings and a choice-specific household income variable impact the educational/labour choices of young people. We also find evidence that preference for choices with higher simulated lifecycle earnings and household income vary significantly across individuals. Policy simulations undertaken find that varying student financial aid can lead to increases in higher education participation.  相似文献   

本文以高中生对农业、林业和师范院校的需求为切入点,探讨了风险因素对个人高等教育需求的影响。实证分析表明,在控制性别、学术能力和高等教育预期收益率等变量情况下,高中生的风险偏好对学生选择农业、林业和师范院校有显著影响。从教育政策制定角度看,如何提高社会弱势群体承受教育投资风险能力的问题值得人们关注。  相似文献   

The increasing availability of data on higher education systems, institutions and their members creates new opportunities for comparative research adopting a quantitative approach. The value of future studies crucially depends on the capability to recognise and address some major methodological challenges existing in quantitative comparative research in higher education. The higher education context presents in fact specific features that can hinder comparisons, and political and social processes occurred in recent decades further enhanced complexity. This article aims to discuss key challenges that are currently met in quantitative comparative research in higher education while developing the conceptual framework and in research operationalisation, to discuss possible solutions and the value of configurational and multilevel analytical approaches in identifying meaningful objects of comparisons, to take into account the complexity of the higher education context and in identifying causal relationships.  相似文献   

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