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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for people worldwide. To combat the virus, one of the most dramatic measures was the lockdown of 4 billion people in what is believed to be the largest quasi-quarantine in human history. As a response to the call to study information behavior during a global health crisis, we adopted a resource orchestration perspective to investigate six Chinese families who survived the lockdown. We explored how elderly, young and middle-aged individuals and children resourced information and how they adapted their information behavior to emerging online technologies. Two information resource orchestration practices (information resourcing activities and information behavior adaptation activities) and three mechanisms (online emergence and convergence in community resilience, the overcoming of information flow impediments, and the application of absorptive capacity) were identified in the study.  相似文献   

企业文化冲突给战略联盟的管理带来了挑战,因此对企业文化冲突产生的原因进行分析,并制定相应的管理策略是十分有必要的。从文化差异和文化距离两个概念入手分析文化冲突产生的原因,按照战略联盟的结构类型来分析不同类型的联盟所面对的不同的文化冲突现状,并提出实现文化融通这一管理策略。  相似文献   

In social networking services (SNSs), users’ unclear understanding of the large and invisible audience increases the chances of online turbulence, which is a key source of SNS-induced stress. This growing phenomenon has gained increasing attention in academia and industry due to the undesirable consequences for users and SNS platforms. In this study, we draw from the transactional model of stress to examine how audience management strategies impact online turbulence and lead to neglected unintended audience concern and lurking. We also investigate the role of self-monitoring as a stress inhibitor. We test our model with data collected from 301 SNS users. The results show that the four types of audience management strategies have different effects on online turbulence, which significantly impacts neglected unintended audience concern especially when users have high self-monitoring skills. We believe that this work contributes, both from scientific and practical standpoints, to the understanding of the interventions and stressful responses of online turbulence in SNSs.  相似文献   

The case(s) demonstrates the importance of business process management (BPM) and business intelligence systems (BIS) in achieving better firm performance. It has been well documented in the literature that research on the effectively usage and combination of knowledge from BPM and BIS in turbulent service environments is limited. In response, we conduct an exploratory comparative case study of four firms in banking and telecommunication industries that have implemented BPM initiative and BIS solution. Our results firstly highlight that actual results of applying BPM and BIS differ greatly from the results that were originally planned. Secondly, we find that BIS initiatives are usually driven by improving marketing and sales, while BPM initiatives are driven by improving business processes. Thirdly, we identify that there is a lack of strong commitment to using both systems for supporting performance management.  相似文献   

国内外优秀企业人力资源管理对我国国有企业的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楚旋 《科技与管理》2006,8(4):131-133
市场经济加剧了人力资源市场的竞争,人力资源开发与管理对企业发展起到十分重要的作用。我国的国有企业的人力资源管理存在着一些问题和不足,以至于影响了国有企业与社会的同步发展。针对这些问题进行分析,进而通过借鉴国内外优秀的企业人力资源管理的经验,提出有利于改善我国国有企业人力资源管理的对策性意见。  相似文献   

于斌斌  陆立军 《科研管理》2019,40(11):185-195
本文构建了一个关于专业市场经营户选择线下与线上渠道的策略模型,并利用义乌小商品市场的调查问卷进行了实证分析。研究发现,替代效应、恢复速率、政策扶持、生产规模、市场交易效率、经济集聚效应等是影响经营户策略选择的重要因素,并且都显著促进了经营户的市场绩效,最终线下与线上融合的双渠道模式成为经营户的最优选择;而且,晚加入线上渠道的经营户会比早加入线上渠道的经营户面临更高的机会成本,前者主要通过经济规模效应和经济集聚效应来提升自身的市场绩效,而后者通过改善恢复速率和市场交易效率来提高自身的市场绩效。  相似文献   

With the proliferation of e-commerce, a large part of online shopping is attributed to impulse buying. Hence, there is a particular necessity to understand impulse buying in the online context. Impulse shoppers incline to feel unable to control their tendencies and behaviors from various stimuli. Specifically, online consumers are both the impulse shoppers and the system users of websites in the purchase process. Impulse shoppers concern individual traits and system users cover the attributes of online stores. Online impulse buying therefore entails two key drivers, technology use and trust belief, and the mediator of flow experience. Grounding on flow experience, technology-use features, and trust belief, this study proposes a novel research model to examine impulse buying behavior in a complete manner. Data were collected from an online survey. Data analysis considers structural equation modeling technique with formative structure. Empirical results showed that flow experience is an important factor to affect impulse buying from its original drivers. Trust belief is also critical to impulse buying as perceived usefulness is not. Implications for managers and scholars are further discussed.  相似文献   

知识管理中隐含经验类知识的开发利用策略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王江 《科研管理》2003,24(3):63-67,108
隐含经验类知识被认为是企业核心竞争力的主要源泉,是知识管理的重点内容。本文从隐含经验类知识的内涵入手,将其划分为个人技巧、心智模式、处理问题的方式及组织惯例等4种类型。在此基础上重点提出了开发利用隐含经验类知识的4种策略。  相似文献   

在当今数字经济和VUCA时代,如何提高创新柔性以响应动态环境是摆在所有制造企业面前的难题。对中小制造企业而言,由于自身资源相对短缺和资源管理能力不足,其创新柔性的提升机制具有特殊性。基于资源编排理论的过程视角,结合中小制造企业固有特性,引入平台生态嵌入作为构建资源组合的新形式,数据赋能作为实现资源连接和供需精准匹配的前提和基础,价值共创活动作为推动资源有效利用的新途径,并建立了三者与创新柔性间的理论模型。基于106家嵌入工业互联网平台生态的中小制造企业样本进行实证检验,结果表明:平台生态嵌入对创新柔性具有倒U形影响,并受到数据赋能的正向调节;价值共创活动在平台生态嵌入与创新柔性间存在部分中介作用;数据赋能对创新柔性具有正向作用,并调节了价值共创活动在平台生态嵌入与创新柔性之间的中介作用。本文在理论上揭开了中小制造企业创新柔性的提升机制,对资源编排理论做出有益补充,同时对中小制造企业如何有效利用工业互联网平台等资源以提升创新柔性具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

    在激烈的市场竞争下,企业如何快速协调机会情境与战略执行之间的关系从而突破商业模式既定框架以抢占市场先机成为实践界和学术界重点关注的问题。本文选取“蒙草生态”进行探索性单案例研究,基于动态资源管理视角探究机会窗口驱动下主导逻辑指导商业模式创新的演进路径。研究发现:(1)主导逻辑作为管理者感知外部情境的认知桥梁,因其呈现较强能动性使得组织可以快速捕捉外部机会情境信息进行内部战略响应与更新,是组织将信息内化的重要媒介;(2)动态资源管理具体表现为主导逻辑指导下资源能力与资源行动交互产生瞬时行动驱动差异性战略结果生成的过程,其作为沟通管理者认知与商业模式创新的核心组件,推动了管理层认知向组织战略执行层行为的跨越;(3)管理者与外界机会情境互动产生的主导逻辑指导企业改变资源能力与资源行动的协奏模式促使企业在创业过程中依次形成“市场适应型-技术引领型-共享开放型”的商业模式创新类型。  相似文献   

Using a process component lens, this paper decomposes an e-business process into technical, relational, and business components. We then draw on resource orchestration theory to identify two managerial actions, resources structuring and capabilities leveraging in using e-business process components, to explain how these three components work together to improve competitive performance in supply chain operations. Two interesting insights emerge from our empirical research corresponds to value creation mechanisms. First, we identify the critical three portfolio effects to promote platform architecture flexibility and partner engagement to develop e-business operations capabilities (EBOCs) in three major e-business processes. Second, we reveal the transformation effect of EBOCs in different e-business processes in obtaining competitive performance. The notion of portfolio and transformation mechanisms of e-business process components offers theoretical and practical implications for developing successful digital supply chain platform.  相似文献   

唐小飞  周磐  苏浩玄 《科研管理》2020,41(6):172-180
企业创新活动逐渐由封闭走向开放,互联网品牌创新社区成为企业创新的重要场所。本文基于社会心理学的视角,以在线印象管理为核心概念,对用户创新参与动机、印象构建行为及对创新绩效的影响进行了研究。实证发现:追求知识共创动机和追求网络社交动机的社区成员,采用获得性印象管理行为的可能性显著大于采用保护性印象管理行为;追求社群认同动机的社区成员,采用保护性印象管理行为的可能性显著大于采用获得性印象管理行为。品牌创新社区成员的社龄长短对采纳印象管理行为产生影响。获得性印象管理行为较保护性印象管理行为对品牌创新社区的创新绩效有更正面的影响。本研究拓展了品牌创新社区用户研究的理论视角,也为企业识别在线用户创新参与动机,从而制定合适的激励机制以提升创新绩效提供了建设性的启示。  相似文献   

穆胜 《科研管理》2011,32(6):75-83
我国国有企业绩效管理能否推行依赖于代理人的动机,这种动机由代理人损益决定,技术因素只是影响损益的因素之一。通过搭建代理人推行绩效管理的损益模型,刻画了国有企业诸多特性对于代理人损益的影响。通过对典型国有企业G机场集团推行绩效管理的过程进行实地跟踪研究,证实了这些影响的存在,明确了影响机制,为国有企业绩效管理困境成因给出了一种解释。绩效管理对代理人来说是长期投资,国有企业的产权属性和组织文化使投资期过于漫长,加上代理人的短期行为倾向和有限理性,导致绩效管理普遍被放弃。从根本上说,公有制经济中各级代理人剩余索取权的缺失是国有企业绩效管理困境的根本成因。  相似文献   

Organizations, of all types, live in an increasingly dynamic world. Much of this dynamism is generated by developments or innovations in technology, especially information and communication technology (ICT). Some organizations take advantage of this dynamism and create new products and business models and thrive. Others ignore it or take a long time trying to adapt to it and struggle, often with negative consequences. Some of these innovations, to use the terminology of Christensen, are of a “disruptive” nature such as the telephone, the Web and recently cloud computing. This paper explores the innovation phenomenon of cloud computing and Web 2.0 and specifically examines their impact on organizational knowledge.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to examine enterprise information security in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bursa, Turkey and to compare the results with similar data gathered from different countries. This study was conducted through questionnaires consisting of 49 questions grouped into 9 sections. The questionnaires were delivered to 97 SMEs in Bursa, Turkey. The companies have been operating for 15.93 ± 11.67 (2-54) years. The number of PCs in the companies and their years of use were in the ranges of 53.51 ± 64.88 (2-240) and 12.47 ± 6.32 (1-30) years, respectively. According to the findings of this study, it can be speculated that when Communications and Operations Management and security policy improve, other security parameters in the companies, such as Organizational, Personnel and Physical and Environmental Securities improve as well. In addition, the results have shown that Turkish companies do not attach as much importance to information technology security as their counterpart companies from different countries do.  相似文献   

A business school declares its strategy as becoming a leading European institution. As main vehicle for achieving recognition is the implementation of a top-down strategy naming five academic fields as key – (a) finance, (b) economics, (c) marketing, (d) law, accounting, and auditing, and (e) organizational behavior (OB). Top management allocates resources for research, academic activities, and positions to these five strategically chosen areas. Academic areas that are not strategically named must generate their own income through educational programs and research grants. Can OB serve as the platform to ensure the survival of IS/KMS? In our analysis, we found no other business school formulating a strategy along these lines; dominating strategic themes are internationalization, research excellence, and student environment. No academic field is singled out as strategic. We argue that selecting a few academic areas as a strategy is dysfunctional. We also found that OB is not very actively employed in research, be it positioning, theory, research model, analysis, or discussion. Hence, we do not find that OB offers any theorizing help to IS/KMS – this in contrast to innovation and change theories, for which we propose an framework as a means of defining IS/KMS research projects.  相似文献   

摘要:以重庆市制造企业为样本,运用基于Bootstrap的结构方程方法,对质量管理在先进制造技术与企业绩效间的中介作用进行了实证检验。中介效应的三步检验结果表明:先进制造技术对企业绩效的直接作用并不显著;先进制造技术对质量管理、质量管理对企业绩效均有显著的直接影响,质量管理活动在先进制造技术和企业绩效的关系中起到了完全的中介作用。中介效应的进一步分析显示,先进制造技术通过对质量管理核心活动与基础活动的递进作用,最终经由员工管理和流程管理活动间接改善了企业的绩效水平。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究新闻传播学期刊中更正的内容特征与存在的问题,为学术期刊编校出版质量的提高提供参考。【方法】 以2014—2015年中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)新闻传播学期刊中的更正内容为例进行内容分析。【结果】 新闻传播学期刊更正内容的特征为:事实型错误比例大,人名更正占主导;文字型错误类型集中,错别字现象严重;专业知识型错误更正条数少,对期刊质量影响大。在更正过程中主要存在更正栏目不规范,更正滞后、效果差,致歉少、责任归属不明确的问题。【结论】 需要从加强编辑团队建设、完善编校环节,同行专家审查与作者自查并行、规避学术硬伤,常设更正栏目、完善公开更正制度这三方面强化学术期刊的编校质量管理。  相似文献   

Information and knowledge can be seen as key resources for improving the internationalisation processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Collaboration has also been considered as an important facilitator of these processes, particularly by nurturing information and knowledge sharing. However, the current literature is unclear about the way SMEs can access information and assimilate knowledge in a collaborative network context, to support decision-making. This paper systematically reviews the literature, examining the role of information, knowledge and collaboration in internationalisation decisions of SMEs. To this end, 38 relevant journal articles were analysed, with the identification of some important issues, as well as gaps in the existing empirical knowledge. This analysis provided valuable input for the development of research suggestions and directions for future work in this area.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨基于ISO 9001质量管理体系构建的质量控制程序在提高医学期刊编校质量工作中的有效性。【方法】 以《现代医药卫生》为研究对象,统计该刊2016年6—12月每期杂志刊前、刊后审读所得编校差错率。以刊前审读编校差错率不达标的2期杂志作为典型案例进行分析,发现不合格程序,实施改进措施,与该期刊后差错率比较;统计不断实施改进措施后近期(2017年1—3月)杂志刊前审读编校差错率。【结果】 2016年6—12月刊前审读编校差错率较高的刊期为11、14期,差错项目以文字差错、数据差错为主,追溯不合格程序,发现“三校”中的轮校不合格。实施改进措施后,11、14期刊后编校差错率较刊前审读差错率降低。2017年1—3月6期杂志刊前审读编校差错率均合格,较2016年6—12月杂志各期刊后编校差错率明显降低。【结论】 参考ISO 9001部分条款构建的相关质量控制程序实施效果较好,能够有效控制期刊编校质量,但是依然需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

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