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This study examines the role of membership in multiple issue publics by understanding its relationship to media use, online activity, and political knowledge. Using data from Taiwan's 2008 Social Change Survey, the study shows that members of multiple issue publics was positively associated with television watching, political talk show watching, and online news reading. In addition, they were found to engage in specific online activities, including information browsing, information exchanging, information gathering, taking part in forum discussions, and blogging. Therefore, members of multiple issue publics tend to use media with a high level of selectivity and engage in online activities that allow them to express opinions, gain knowledge, or discuss issues with others. A curvilinear relationship was explored and found between multiple issue-public membership and general political knowledge. This demonstrates that individuals' ability to process information may not extend beyond certain boundaries, no matter how many issue publics individuals are involved in.  相似文献   

The present essay comparatively explores and reflects on popularizing the environment in a changing media ecology wherein content is no longer exclusive to traditional television viewing or distributed for cinematic release. Specifically, the aim of this essay is to illustrate how screened presentations such as film, television, and recently digital media, promote environmentalist ideals in the hopes that if audiences are entertained, then perhaps these narratives can subtly influence thinking and behavior. This review also draws from research on mediating the environment in television and film studies as well as scholarly literature on entertainment-education. The implications of this essay indicate that whether real or fictional, eco-friendly content is growing in popular media and no longer the backdrop to the story being told. As this essay shows, media professionals have started embracing entertaining content infused with content of value so that audiences can “see” why the environment is important.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):274-288
Despite the potential of the uses and gratifications paradigm to explain the etiology of media uses and effects, most research to date has ignored the issue of etiology and has focused on creating motivation typologies. Recent advances in bio-behavioral research provide a new way to address the question of etiology. A survey of 285 adults showed that the biologically rooted individual difference behavior variable of temperament was a consistent and moderately strong causal factor in forming television use motivations. Distinct patterns of relationships between temperament and all television use gratifications were found, supporting the uses and gratifications paradigm. Particularly potent predictors of television use motivations were negative mood, low task orientation, and behavioral rigidity. These results point out the importance of future bio-behavioral etiological media uses and effects research.  相似文献   

Social media technologies have begun to enter the governmental workplace as tools to accomplish improved public service and engagement. Widespread recognition of the potential of social media technology for achieving public outcomes does not match our understanding about how and why specific tools are being used for specific purposes. This paper makes use of newly collected national survey data from local government managers in five different agencies to address the questions: which social media tools are being used, for which tasks or purposes; and what organizational characteristics influence the coupling of task and technology. Findings reveal patterns of social media tool application for particular purposes, although organizations do not all use social media tools in the same way. Moreover, regression analysis shows that different organizational factors – work characteristics, innovativeness, technology and management capacity and stakeholder influence – predict each of the four technology–task couplings — social media for dissemination, social media for feedback on service quality, social media for participation, and social media for internal work collaboration. This study demonstrates that social media tools are not a monolithic group and calls for greater research attention to the complex interactions among social media technology, task and organizational context.  相似文献   

李曦珍  楚雪  胡辰 《新闻与传播研究》2012,(1):23-33,108,109
随媒介技术的进化演进而来的传播信道,始终处于人类传播活动的核心地位。从不断演进的传播信道角度可将人类社会先后出现的传播形式大体归纳为道路传播、纸路传播和电路传播,与此相对应的媒介形态就有实物媒介、纸质媒介和电子媒介。同时,在媒介技术进化的过程中既暗含着不断演变的媒介时空辩证关系,又意味着传播和媒介的含义逐渐被狭义化的必然之势。因此,本文将以传播信道演进的历史轨迹为主线,并批判地运用麦克卢汉主义的唯技术史观分析人类传播活动的时空辩证关系、梳理三种传播形式和媒介形态的演变历程。  相似文献   

The paper reports on a major international survey, covering 2,000 researchers, which investigated the use of social media in the research workflow. The topic is the second to emerge from the Charleston Observatory, the research adjunct of the popular annual Charleston Conference ( http://www.katina.info/conference/ ). The study shows that social media have found serious application at all points of the research lifecycle, from identifying research opportunities to disseminating findings at the end. The three most popular social media tools in a research setting were those for collaborative authoring, conferencing, and scheduling meetings. The most popular brands used tend to be mainstream anchor technologies or ‘household brands‘, such as Twitter. Age is a poor predictor of social media use in a research context, and humanities and social science scholars avail themselves most of social media. Journals, conference proceedings, and edited books remain the core traditional means of disseminating research, with institutional repositories highly valued as well, but social media have become important complementary channels for disseminating and discovering research.  相似文献   


The issues currently facing the book publishing industry are profound and the resolution of these issues will ultimately affect how the industry is defined in the future. One of the most important issues that the industry faces is the emergence of a whole range of new media which have created important managerial tensions within the book publishing firms. These tensions include defining what a book is in light of the multi‐dimensional content available as well as the development of new modes of delivery; whether to remain focused on producing great content or become a more technologically oriented company; and the best organizational approach. While these tensions may be viewed as creating turmoil, they have been catalysts of change and are creating opportunities that will ultimately enable the industry to regenerate its businesses, reach a new generation of readers, and create an environment that is more conducive to innovation.  相似文献   


This article reports on the ways police officers in their everyday conversations reference the entertainment media.  相似文献   

This article explores how Indonesian children have integrated media into their daily lives: media ownership at home, media uses, and gratifications sought, are discussed, as is the way in which gender and social-status influence the children–media relationship. Survey data of Jakarta-based children aged 9–15 (N=589) reveal that Indonesian children live in a media saturated environment, with high availability of media platforms in their homes and bedrooms. Similar to children in the US and Europe, children in Jakarta spend considerable amounts of time on a wealth of media platforms and experience multiple gratifications from using multiple media. Gender differences persist in that boys tend to be more into gaming, while girls focus more on communication aspects. High social-status children tend to have more media at their disposal in their bedroom, especially electronic games, computers, and Internet connections. Television is still prominent in the media menu of today, but mobile phones are ready to take its place in the near future.  相似文献   

郑美莺 《编辑学报》2002,14(Z1):15-16
由于不同媒体的传播个性和所传递信息内容上的差异与目的的不同,编辑有不同的工作中心与职责.从编辑工作的共性和个性角度,论述不同媒体编辑所应承担的职责,以便更好地做好媒体的编辑工作,提高媒体的传播质量和宣传效果.  相似文献   

媒体作为党和国家的“喉舌”,其政治(社会)属性一直被放在最突出的地位。传媒业相对于其他行业,其行业政策性壁垒很高,政府从市场准入、税收等方面直接调控媒介产业,在内容、结构、资本等各个方面影响和干预媒介产业的资本运作。但2003—2004年度国务院和相关部门颁布实施了一系列促进媒介产业化、市场化和资本化的投融资政策法规,使我国传媒资本运营的管理政策更加清晰、系统、合理、有效,对于政策依赖性很强的媒介产业,无疑是一大福音,为我国传媒资本运营构造了良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

A preliminary study suggests that newsgathering technology may have a negative effect on local television news content and on the autonomy of news directors.  相似文献   

从媒介使用到媒介参与:中国公众媒介素养的基本现状   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本研究聚焦媒介素养的两个维度——媒介信息处理能力和媒介参与意向,探讨个体政治认知、人际讨论模式、媒介使用、媒介评价和媒介参与功效意识对它们的影响。在对四城市2409名市民随机面访调查的基础上,研究发现:公民的政治与公共事务兴趣和开放型的人际讨论模式对媒介素养的两个维度均有显著的正面影响,网络新闻和海外媒介的使用对媒介信息处理能力有重要贡献,媒介评价和媒介参与功效意识正向影响公众的媒介参与意向,而更高的媒介信息处理能力也预示着更高的媒介参与意向。  相似文献   

This paper considers the problems of book supply to universities of culture under the conditions of constant increase in the share of electronic educational materials and electronic library systems. The interuniversity mechanism of control over the process of book supply to universities of culture is descried based on the Book Supply Database.  相似文献   

Active use of information and the media may promote healthy aging. The everyday information behavior of older adults' is examined, and the activating role of the media thereon—that is, the use of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Enactment, an evidence-based concept, is introduced as a theoretical tool that refers to the phenomenon of information and media use leading to action in concrete daily activities. The research strategy was qualitative, consisting of content analysis of semi-structured interviews of 13 retired teachers and the media diaries of 306 older adult Finns. Fifteen categories of information and media use were proposed and grouped into four forms of enactment on the basis of their temporal nature, namely, direct or indirect engagement: 1) general routines and housework, 2) healthy lifestyle, 3) cognitive tasks, and 4) interaction with others. Enactment takes place when older adults' everyday information behavior leads to observable actions, such as organizing their daily activities, preparing food, exercising and engaging in healthy activities, practicing language skills, or filling in crossword puzzles. These findings support the notion that use of information and the media can motivate older adults to stay active in life. Therefore, the concept of enactment may prove useful in gaining a better understanding of certain physical, cognitive, and social aspects of everyday information behavior and their impact on people's well-being. However, the findings should be validated in a broader population.  相似文献   

形式多样的新媒体深刻地改变了读者对高校图书馆的利用习惯.面对新媒体技术不断的发展和读者对图书馆基于新媒体的文献信息服务的新希冀,高校图书馆的教育职能也随之发生了深刻变化,呈现新的特征.因此,高校图书馆需要不断创新读者教育新机制,拓展图书馆教育的新职能.  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆信息资源建设的内容与重点   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
文章探讨图书馆适应网络环境 ,运用新思维、新方法 ,更新图书馆信息资源建设的内容 ,提出了现代图书馆信息资源建设的发展策略。  相似文献   

郑莉 《编辑学报》2023,(3):311-315
新媒体出版是科技期刊拓宽传播渠道、提升国内外影响力的重要途径。新媒体技术的广泛应用为科技期刊的发展提供了机遇,但也给学术期刊的生产、传播带来一系列伦理问题。本文通过分析新媒体时代科技期刊在实际工作流程中遇到的主要伦理学风险,如论文生产中弄虚作假、AI技术滥用、盲目追求热点损害论文科学性,甚至产生著作权纠纷、信息泄露等,提出相应的对策:制定严格的出版和传播流程,加强对刊发内容的管理、利用新媒体技术“反制”学术不端、制定信息保密制度、加强网络舆情监测、建设新媒体人才队伍等。期望通过提出相应的建议,强化科技期刊办刊人员风险意识,完善规章制度,为防范和解决上述风险提供参考。  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

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