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The present study was concerned with the development and testing of a structural equation model wherein the relation of interparental conflict to the adjustment problems of young adolescents is mediated through its impact on 3 aspects of parenting behavior: lax control, psychological control, and parental rejection/withdrawal. The model was tested separately on a sample of 46 young adolescents from intact families and a group of 51 adolescents from recently divorced families. The hypothesis that most of the relation between martial conflict and adolescent adjustment problems could be explained through perturbations in the parent-child relationship received considerable support; the only direct effect of conflict was on externalizing problems in the intact sample. The results also suggested that the mediational patterns were somewhat different for the 2 samples, and that the model accounts for a greater proportion of the variance in the adjustment problems of adolescents from intact homes than of those from recently divorced families.  相似文献   

The impact of role congruence and role conflict on work, marital, and life satisfaction was studied using Super’s life-span, life-space theory. A conceptual model of relationships between these variables was proposed, and gender differences were examined. Participants were 35 male and 60 female college graduates who completed surveys by mail. Results indicated adequate fit for the proposed model. Results of gender analyses indicated that women in this study participated more in parenting and housework, whereas men participated more in career and leisure activities. Despite the differences in actual role participation, no gender differences were found regarding ideal role participation. Both men and women reported that the parent role was most rewarding. Implications for counselors and directions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Guided by Grych and Fincham's theoretical framework for investigating the relation between interparental conflict and child adjustment, a questionnaire was developed to assess children's views of several aspects of marital conflict. The Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC) was initially examined in a sample of 222 9-12-year-old children, and results were cross-validated in a second sample of 144 similarly aged children. 3 factor analytically derived subscales (Conflict Properties, Threat, Self-Blame) demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The validity of the Conflict Properties scale was supported by significant relations with parent reports of conflict and indices of child adjustment; the Threat and Self-Blame scales correlated with children's responses to specific conflict vignettes. The CPIC thus appears to be a promising instrument for assessing perceived marital conflict, and several issues regarding its interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether childhood interparental conflict moderated the mediational pathway involving adolescent exposure to interparental conflict, their negative emotional reactivity to family conflict, and their psychological problems in a sample of 235 children (Mage = 6 years). Significant moderated-mediation findings indicated that the mediational path among Wave 4 interparental conflict during adolescence, change in youth negative reactivity (Waves 4–5), and their psychological problems (Waves 4–6) was significant for teens who experienced low, rather than high, levels of childhood interparental conflict (Waves 1–3). Supporting the stress sensitization model, analyses showed that adolescents exposed to high interparental conflict during childhood evidenced greater increases in negative reactivity than their peers when recent parental conflicts were mild.  相似文献   

性别角色冲突是指个体社会化的性别角色行为模式对自己或其他人产生消极影响的心理状况,性别角色冲突会对男性青少年压力的感知、负面情绪的积累和危险行为的选择甚至心理发展水平与功能产生明显的消极影响,家庭教养环境和同辈群体环境是影响男性青少年性别角色冲突形成的重要因素。未来须编制适合我国文化背景的研究工具,考察中介变量、调节变量的影响,引入纵向研究,探讨性别角色冲突的形成和发展机制。  相似文献   

“无论何时何地,每个人都有意无意地扮演着某种角色”,教师亦是如此。每一位教师都扮演着多种角色:社会中的公民、学校中的教师、家庭中的成员等等。教育学将教师视为“教育者”,社会学视角下的教师则是一种“社会角色”。本文试图从另外一个视角,即社会学的视角对教师的角色特征进行剖析,充分理解教师角色,缓解角色冲突的危害,推动教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

2 studies examined children's appraisals of marital conflict. In Study 1, 45 11- and 12-year-olds reported cognitive, affective, and coping responses to conflicts varying in content and intensity. When conflict concerned the child, children reported more shame and fear of being drawn into the conflict and tended to endorse coping responses that involved direct intervention in it. More intense conflicts led to greater negative affect and perceived threat. In Study 2, 112 12-year-olds responded to conflicts that included a parent-blaming or child-blaming explanation or gave no explanation for the conflict. Explanations that absolved the children of blame for the conflict decreased their fear of becoming involved in the conflict and their desire to intervene in it. These findings show that appraisals of marital conflict are influenced by its content, intensity, and cause and suggest that the meaning of conflict to children is an important determinant of its impact.  相似文献   

角色冲突和角色模糊对护士工作倦怠的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对392名护理人员的调查,研究角色认知及其维度与护士工作倦怠的关系。结果表明:角色认知是护士工作倦怠的重要预测变量;人口统计学变量会影响角色认知和护士工作倦怠;角色冲突对玩世不恭具有较强的预测作用,角色模糊对情绪衰竭具有较强的预测作用。  相似文献   

论校长的角色冲突与核心角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对校长的基本角色与相关角色冲突的主要类型和成因进行分析基础上,提出确立校长核心角色———学校专业领导者的必要性与价值,应具备的素质和主要职责。  相似文献   

目前,乡村教师正面临着局内人与边缘人、“教书匠”与“行政人”、教育者与监护人等多重角色冲突。究其原因,主要在于乡村教师身份的制度性区隔与日常生活的城市化,师资配置不合理与“政-校”权责关系模糊化,以及家庭教育功能弱化与学校职能扩张等。基于此,乡村教师角色冲突的应对之策为促进乡村教师互动与推动城乡一体化发展,增加师资供给与厘清行政部门和学校的权责关系,以及强化家庭教育作用与厘清学校职责边界。  相似文献   

Japanese and U.S. preschool children's responses to hypothetical interpersonal dilemmas were examined as a function of culture, gender, and maternal child-rearing values. U.S. children showed more anger, more aggressive behavior and language, and underregulation of emotion than Japanese children, across different contexts of assessment. Children from the 2 cultures appeared more similar on prosocial and avoidant patterns, though in some contexts U.S. children also showed more prosocial themes. Girls from both cultures expressed more prosocial themes and sometimes more anger than boys. Maternal encouragement of children's emotional expressivity was correlated with anger and aggression in children. It was more characteristic of U.S. than Japanese mothers, while emphasis on psychological discipline (reasoning; guilt and anxiety induction) was more characteristic of Japanese than U.S. mothers. The relevance of a conceptual framework that focuses on differences in Eastern and Western cultures in self-construals regarding independence and interdependence is considered.  相似文献   

和平有积极和平和消极和平之分.作为积极和平的代表型态,和平教育在化解冲突、构建永久性和平方面大有可为.和平教育从理念的提出到有组织地推行,再到和平教育的制度化.经历了一个较长的过程.从全球比较的视角看,当前和平教育的实施主要有宣传共享价值观、开设相关课程、推动群体间接触、组织和平实践活动等方式.  相似文献   

Child temperament was examined as a moderator of the link between family conflict and child behavior problems. Temperament assessed in early childhood was used to predict the relation between family conflict and externalizing behavior problems measured during the early elementary school years. For children with difficult temperament, a strong association between subsequent family conflict and behavioral adjustment was predicted; for children with easy or intermediate temperaments, low to moderate associations were predicted. These hypotheses were tested across 3 temperament groups (easy, intermediate, and difficult). Data were collected from 108 children and families participating in the Fullerton Longitudinal Study at ages 3 through 10 years. Consistent with the hypotheses, the data provided support for the moderating role of temperament in predicting the association between family conflict and child externalizing behavior problems. These findings suggest that temperamental difficultness operates as a vulnerability factor with respect to the development of children's behavior problems in families with high conflict.  相似文献   

Objective. Gaps in cross-cultural study limit understanding of whether effects of marital discord on children are culturally universal. Design. Israeli (39 boys; 40 girls) and U.S. (97 boys; 118 girls) kindergarteners responded to analog presentations of resolved and unresolved marital conflicts. Results. Children reacted negatively to marital conflict across cultures and were sensitive to the topics of conflict, whether or not it was escalating and whether or not conflict was resolved. Modest differences in responding also emerged: U.S. children reported more happiness for resolved conflicts and more distressed emotions and coping responses to unresolved conflicts. Moreover, only the expectations of U.S. children about future marital relations were affected by resolution. Conclusions. The evidence mostly supported similarities between the United States and Israel with regard to children's responding to conflicts, extending findings based on extensive research in the U.S.  相似文献   

家庭是青少年重要的生活和成长场所,个体的身心发展、社会适应能力与其所在家庭功能状况有密切联系。良好的家庭功能发挥是亲子关系健康发展的必要条件。目前青少年亲子冲突主要来源于不完善的家庭功能,如解决问题的能力较低,沟通方式不合理、情感反应不到位等。完善家庭功能是消除亲子冲突,促进亲子关系的重要举措。  相似文献   

This study tested whether the mediational pathway involving interparental conflict, adolescent emotional insecurity, and their psychological problems was altered by their earlier childhood histories of insecurity. Participants included 230 families, with the first of the five measurement occasions occurring when children were in first grade (Mage = 7 years). Results indicated that interparental conflict was associated with increases in adolescent emotional insecurity that, in turn, predicted subsequent increases in their psychological problems. Childhood insecurity predicted adolescent maladjustment 5 years later even after considering contemporaneous family experiences. Moderator findings revealed that adolescents with relatively higher levels of insecurity in childhood evidenced disproportionately greater and reduced levels of insecurity in the context of high and low levels of interparental conflict, respectively.  相似文献   

Issues of equality and fairness and invasion of the personal domain, 2 previously identified topic areas of adolescent sibling conflict (N. Campione‐Barr & J. G. Smetana, 2010), were examined in 145 dyads (Mfirst‐born = 14.97, SD = 1.69 years; Msecond‐born = 12.20, SD = 1.90 years) for their differential effects on youths' emotional adjustment over 1 year. The impact of internalizing symptoms on later sibling conflicts also was tested. Invasion of the personal domain conflicts were associated with higher levels of anxiety and lower self‐esteem 1 year later, whereas Equality and Fairness issues were associated with greater depressed mood. Conversely, greater internalizing symptomatology and lower self‐esteem predicted more of both types of conflict. Moderating influences of gender and ordinal position were also examined.  相似文献   

The protective role of strength of group identity was examined for youth in a context of protracted political conflict. Participants included 814 adolescents (Mage = 13.61, SD = 1.99 at Time 1) participating in a longitudinal study in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Utilizing hierarchical linear modeling, the results show that the effect of exposure to sectarian antisocial behaviors has a stronger effect on youth emotion problems for older adolescents. The results also show that youth with higher strength of group identity reported fewer emotion problems in the face of sectarian antisocial behavior but that this buffering effect is stronger for Protestants compared to Catholics. Implications are discussed for understanding the role of social identity in postaccord societies.  相似文献   

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