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This article explores the rhetorical work done by discourses of professional development in education. In particular it outlines the ways in which the rhetoric of technical expertise, competence and reflective practice are deployed to mobilise professional practices and identities in particular ways and position certain practices and dispositions as specifically professional. The article explores the ways in which audiences are mobilised and the strategies to persuade educators that particular discourses of professionalism are about and for them. This is illustrated through an analysis of a particular discourse of professional development for academics in the UK. The authors argue for and illustrate the illuminating potential of rhetorical analysis to an understanding of different practices of professional development.  相似文献   

在复Hilbert空间中给出了近似保内积的某个特定值映射的定义,研究了近似保内积的某个特定值线性映射的性质,应用复Hilbert空间中的平行四边形法则证明了非零近似保内积的某个特定值线性映射是有界且下有界的,推广了近似保正交线性映射的定义和结论。  相似文献   

声乐教学中特殊乐器建造、学生状况以及师生关系等几个方面能体现声乐教学的特殊性,对此问题研究,旨在有助于声乐教师能准确地把握其特殊规律,提高声乐教学水平。  相似文献   

毛元晶 《茂名学院学报》2006,16(2):12-15,19
流行词语是在特定时代、特定区域、特定阶层或行业广为流行的一种语言现象。文章通过大量实例,分析研究了流行词语中的时代文化和修辞意义;并指出:流行词语记录了时代特性、文化物质生活和人民思想观念的变化过程,它既表现为社会生活变化在语言(特别是修辞)上的反映,又表现为人们在文化生活、价值取向上的一种趋势,是时代语言、文化的缩影,所以它具有语言学和社会文化学研究的双重价值。  相似文献   

一类二阶微分方程组的特解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用待定矩阵法,给出了非齐次项为一次多项式与三角函数乘积的一类三维二阶常系数线性微分方程组的特解公式,并通过算例验证了微分方程组特解公式的正确性.  相似文献   

The main concerns of the Council of Europe with regard to education are presented. In particular, the Council calls upon education to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, to create a sense of the common European home, and to rise to the major challenges facing European societies. The needs of eastern and central Europe are particular objects of attention as are attempts to deal with cultural diversity and to promote democratic values.  相似文献   

考察自由项为cose~x或sine~x的n阶常系数非齐线性方程,给出了求其特解的两种简单有效的方法:(1)Lagrange参数变易法和函数矩阵的初等行变换相结合的方法;(2)特榜公式.  相似文献   

The paper compares and contrasts two methods or styles of selecting and appointing teachers. In England and Wales, teachers are invariably appointed by interview to particular posts in particular schools; in France, teachers are appointed to life‐long Civil Service positions as a result of a competitive examination or concours. Each of these procedures reflects different assumptions about the education system in general and about the work of teachers in particular. These differences flow from the very different histories of the nation‐states concerned. Recent changes, especially in the French system, are described and discussed. The author points to the tension between pressure from the European Union to integrate and harmonise national qualifications, and the deeply rooted character of distinct national cultures of schooling, teaching and learning and assessment.  相似文献   

客家传统民居的主要类型及其文化渊源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
客家传统民居是集家、堡、祠于一体的天井式民居,其主要类型大致可分为围屋、土楼、围龙屋、天井式院落。追根溯源,客家传统民居的形成,是特殊群体在特定时空下的必然产物,其中承载着客家人独特的生存情感。  相似文献   

不同于传统西洋画的空间特征,中国画以写意传神为主,是一种表现性的空间艺术,它所展示的主要是一种动态的心灵空间——气韵生动的生命律动之境。它采用散点透视,主要以线与点来塑造形象,特别强调黑白虚实。中国画独特的空间特征和其独特的空间处理方式,潜隐着中国人独特的哲学、文化与思雏传统。  相似文献   

Professional development for academics in higher education is increasingly important in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Promoting better teaching practices through professional development is part of the drive for quality and excellence. However, the focus has been on teaching as a "technical" activity, defined as competence in a particular domain of practice. This has obscured the social and discursive practices through which a very particular sort of teacher identity is produced. It is possible, therefore, to examine the ways in which the standards of competence operate to normalise and fashion what it means to be a "good teacher". In this article, we examine extracts from course documentation produced by a UK university through which the professional standards of those working in higher education are being constituted. Our focus is not the quality of these particular materials but the work the documentation performs in building up a particular notion of what characterises a professional teacher in higher education.  相似文献   

实账户、虚账户是西方会计对账户分类常用的一组概念。扩展内涵后的新定义如下:实账户是反映某类或某项资产、负债或所有者权益增减变动及结存情况的账户;虚账户是只反映某类或某项资产、负债或所有者权益在一段时间内全部或部分增减变动情况、但不反映其结存情况的的账户。按照实账户、虚账户理论,收入、费用属于所有者权益,其实质是所有者权益的部分增减变动额。实账户、虚账户理论实证了会计只有一个等式、三个要素的观点。  相似文献   

In this paper, a Foucauldian interpretive framework for analysing the production of subjectivity serves as a basis for investigating the ways in which boys fashion their masculinities at one particular school. Interviews conducted with a group of adolescent boys, aged 15-16, in a catholic co-educational high school are drawn on the document certain social practices and behaviours, which become identifiable as particularised instances of masculinity. Data are used to investigate how these boys learn to relate to themselves and to others within the context of peer-group relations and dynamics at this particular school. Possible implications of this research for educational in schools are indicated.  相似文献   

英语商务电话约请是当今商务活动中经常使用的一种交际方式。从文体学与语用学的角度看,在商务电话约请这个特殊的语境中,交际双方应遵循礼貌原则,采用礼貌策略,以确保约请成功。  相似文献   


Complex, multi-dimensional and often conflicting reform has led in The Netherlands to a situation in which the management of schools is no longer seen as the exclusive preserve of senior management. In order to manage changes within schools it is deemed necessary to expand the management function to other levels of the organization. In this context teams are held increasingly responsible for carrying out the middle management function, in particular in the educational domain of schools. In this article the results of Dutch research into these teams, in particular subject departments, and the way they carry out the middle managment function are presented and compared to results of similar research in other educational settings. The article ends with a reflection on the desirability of departmentalisation. The functioning of departments will be compared with the functioning of teams within different contexts, in particular interdisciplinary teaming. Finally, suggestions for future research into departmentalisation and its alternatives are made.  相似文献   

纳米材料及技术在生物医学领域中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于纳米材料或纳米粒子晶体相对常规微粒粉末具有许多特殊性能,因而在许多领域有着重要而特殊的应用。本介绍了纳米材料或纳米粒子晶体所具有所具有的特殊性能在生物医学领域中的一些最新应用及其发展前景。  相似文献   

Various accounts have noted a growing visibility and influence of presidents, governors, and mayors in the shaping of educational policy. Typically, explanations for this are discrete and situational: specific to particular levels of government, particular jurisdictions, particular visionary leaders, and transitory external events. This article reviews the historical manifestations of growing executive involvement in education throughout the federal system and introduces four rivals to the situational perspective. The emergence of the so-called new educational executives, it concludes, grows out of structural shifts in the institutional landscape and may be best understood as the more visible front edge of a broader reabsorption of education politics into the arena of general-purpose governance.  相似文献   

Reliability consists of both important social and scientific values and methods for evidencing those values, though in practice methods are often conflated with the values. With the two distinctly understood, a reliability argument can be made that articulates the particular reliability values most relevant to the particular measurement situation and then the most appropriate evidence and theory to support an argument for the presence of that value. The steps in making a reliability argument are explained and an extended example is given. The article is intended to provoke discussion, debate, and the development of additional reliability methodologies.  相似文献   

党的民主集中制产生于一个特殊年代的特殊国度里,其体制机制带有明显的革命战争年代和计划经济的痕迹。与党在新世纪新形势下的新任务很不相适应。但只要能够从改革体制机制入手,完善民主集中制,民主集中制必将焕发出时代活力。党的十六大已经为此指明了方向。  相似文献   

徐言于和张爱玲是20世纪40年代游离于主流之外的作家,他们有着相似的人生经历,作品中共同关注的主题是人性,《鬼恋》和《倾城之恋》两个不同风格的爱情故事,一个出世,一个入世,前者传达着徐哥不灭的对真的美的人性的追求,在后篇看到了张爱玲笔下人物的残缺美,人性中恶的东西遮蔽了他们的灵魂。他们还有着对生命的渺小,生存困惑,荒诞的形而上的思考。他们在特定年代,特定背景下,弥补了文学价值的缺失,显示了与世界文学思潮的现代性接轨。  相似文献   

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