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Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit didn't like each other very much. One day, while walking through the woods, they came across a golden frog. They were amazed when the frog talked to them. The golden frog admitted that he didn't often meet anyone, but, when he did, he always gave them six wishes. He told them that they could have 3 wishes each.  相似文献   

2005是中国的鸡年。关于鸡这个属相和年轮有着是是非非的评说和推测。信不信全由你。但是编辑们的真情是不容质疑的。恭祝:幸福、幸运2005!吉运、吉祥鸡年大吉!  相似文献   

Custom er: H ello! H ow m uch isthe cat?Salesm an:$100,sir.Custom er: But you only asked$20 yesterday.Salesm an: It ate a parrot at hom ethis m orning. The parrot costs$80.The Price Of The Cat  相似文献   

The sun comes up in the east(东) and goes down in the west(西). When the sun rises(升起), it is morning.When the sun sets(落下), it is evening.When the sun is shining(照耀), it is  相似文献   

Themaninthemoonlookedoutofthemoon,lookedoutofthemoonandsaid:“It'stimeforallchildrenontheearthtothinkaboutgettingtobed.”The Man In The Moon  相似文献   

一轮红日冉冉升起,空气清新令人心旷神怡。沉迷于网络的史努比决定自即日起改掉夜猫子的坏习惯,早睡早起。不必学才女蒋方舟,说“一生下来就紧张地筹备写书”,全世界都知道史努比的作家梦由来已久。“早熟的苹果好卖”,可不见得好吃。史努比用不着制造轰动效应吸引眼球。“早啊史努比!闻鸡起舞啦?”天生好动的糊涂蹋克掠过上空,知道在屋顶上对着稿纸发呆的史努比不宜打扰,哼着小曲儿展翅远飞。大器晚成的写作需要耐得住寂寞。要成为伟大作家,得有生活阅历,有像样的笔名,  相似文献   

·童心剧场·Actor:L——The little crow F——The fox M——The little crow’smother (The little crow’s mother拿着一块肉准备给小乌鸦做一顿丰盛的午餐) L:Oh, it is smell well. (The fox东张西望地走过来,它闻着美味的肉香,馋得  相似文献   

从前,有一棵很大的苹果树。有一个男孩很喜欢它,每天跑来和它一起玩耍。男孩会爬到树顶,吃吃苹果,在它的树荫下睡觉……男孩好爱这棵树,树也好喜欢和小男孩一起玩。  相似文献   

The Turtle     
~~The Turtle@耳双~~  相似文献   

The Rescue     
Joe Langton worked at the Thorby paint factory,but he did not likehis job as an electrician.His main interest in life was playing and wat-ching football.On several occasions he had gone to watch a matchinstead ofgoing to work~2.He used to tell the manager that he hadbeen ill.The manager suspected that Joe was lying,as it was usuallya Saturday when Joe was ill.He threatened to dismiss him if he everdiscovered that he had been absent without a good reason.  相似文献   

The Browns     

The Universe     
Whenwetalkabouttheuniverse,wemeannotonlytheearth,thesun,themoonandthestars,butalsoallthethingstoofarawaytosee.Inthepastfiftyyearsorso,scientistshavebeenableto“see”fartherandfartherintothesky.Theyhavefoundmany“new”stars.Thosestarsarenotreallynew.Theyhavebeentheremillionsofyears.Ofallthestarsthesunisthenearesttotheearth.Youcantseetheminthedaytime.Butifyougooutatnight,youllbeabletoseethousandsofthem.Theearthisoneofthesunsplanets,andthemoonisoursatellite.Itsournearestneighbou…  相似文献   

The Flower     
There is a red flower in a garden.Notfar from the flower,there is some grass.Theflower looks very beautiful and smellsfragrant.So she thinks that she is the most  相似文献   

The Sun     
Tere is nothing more important than the sun.1 the sun all livingthings on the earth will 2. The sun is a star.In the sky there are 3 stars 4 the sun.Theyare 5 bigger than the sun and as 6 as the sun.At night you can seemany stars,but in the daytime you can see only one star——the sun.  相似文献   

The Waiter     
If you have strong arms and feet, a lot of patience and a very goodtemper, you might make a good waiter. You must start, however, notin the restaurant, but in the kitchen, helping the chef,to learn exactlyhow each dish is prepared. Then you will be able to tell the customerswhat the ingredients are and how the food is cooked. From this first  相似文献   

The Hula     
吃过早餐,Goldie和Lilo来到热闹的大街上。他们看见很多人围在一起,就使劲挤了进去。一看,原来是很多打扮奇特的男男女女在跳草裙舞。  相似文献   

The Ghost     
大家听过鬼故事吗?几个人在一间漆黑的屋子里讲鬼故事真的很过癮哦!听着听着还会有人尖叫呢。下面就有一个鬼故事,你可以讲给你的朋友听听,记住一定要在晚上关了灯之后才讲哦!  相似文献   

The Seaside     
I like going to the seaside very much, because I like the sea, the sunshine and sailing ships.At the seaside the broad sea and much sunshine can make you feel carefree and joyous. The sea water is blue, ex-  相似文献   

The Thinker     
.招吐响争: 1 think he’sthink泊9 about喃erehe put hisdothes.我想他在想他把自己的衣服放在哪儿了。The Thinker@佚名 @陈烨霓$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

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