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夏丽 《海外英语》2014,(11):99-100
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of English reading strategies by the science-oriented college students in relation to their genders. The participants were 401 first year science-oriented college students. A reading questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that the male and female students existed significantly difference in reading strategy use, with female students employed reading strategies significantly more frequently than did the male students.  相似文献   

Many primary grade students are not afforded nonfiction-rich opportunities, with fiction comprising the majority of books read aloud in classrooms. With the Common Core Standards recommending that half of the texts made available to students be nonfiction, educators are increasing their use of informational text. The present study explored the impact of explicitly teaching reading comprehension and vocabulary strategies with nonfiction text compared to fiction text in primary-grade classrooms. Two first-grade (n = 39; 25 male, 14 female) and one second-grade class (n = 20; 13 male, 7 female) participated in the quantitative study that followed a repeated measures design in which the students alternated every 2 weeks between fiction-based instruction and nonfiction-based instruction for a total of 8 weeks. Vocabulary and use of comprehension strategies were assessed at the end of each 2-week period. Overall findings indicated that students were better able to apply the comprehension strategies and define vocabulary following nonfiction-based instruction; they also were more motivated to read informational text. The authors recommend that teachers use more nonfiction texts in the primary grades to support students’ reading comprehension and vocabulary development.  相似文献   

该文通过问卷调查的形式,研究了非英语专业大一学生的词汇学习策略使用情况,并对比了男生和女生词汇学习策略的差异。结果表明:学生的元认知策略和社会/情感策略运用不够;相对男生而言,女生是更多更好的策略使用者。  相似文献   

汉、藏高中生阅读中元认知策略运用调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用Mokhtari等人的阅读策略中的元认知意识和策略量表对 5 71名高中生进行测试。结果发现 ,汉、藏高中生在整体阅读策略和支持阅读策略上差异显著 ,汉族学生整体阅读策略的运用高于藏族学生而在支持阅读策略上则低于藏族学生 ;汉、藏高中男生之间无显著差异 ,女生在支持阅读策略上有显著差异 ,汉族女生高于藏族女生 ;汉、藏一年级学生在支持阅读策略上差异显著 ,藏族学生的策略运用高于汉族学生 ;二年级学生在整体阅读策略上差异极显著 ,汉族学生高于藏族学生。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究中学生在英语学习中对动机调控策略的使用情况及其和英语成绩的关系。采用问卷的方式对105名高中二年级学生进行了调查,并使用SPSS11.5对数据进行了描述性统计分析、独立样本T检验和相关分析。结果表明:中学生对八种动机调控策略的使用频率均达到了中等或较高水平;女生对动机调控策略的使用频率高于男生;八种动机调控策略中,除后果设想之外的其他七种策略均与英语成绩正相关。  相似文献   

为提高本科院校英语专业教师的写作教学质量和英语专业学生的写作水平,本研究以本科院校英语专业学生写作策略的运用与写作成绩的相关性为调研问题,以105名铜仁学院2年级英语专业本科生为调查对象,以学期成绩考试卷和写作策略问卷调查量表收集的相关数据为依据,结果显示:(1)学生运用写前策略的频率最高(平均值=3.88,标准差=0.164);(2)性别差异影响了写作策略的运用,其差异性主要体现在写作策略的认知和社会情感上;(3)写作策略的运用与写作成绩呈正相关。  相似文献   

师专学生英语学习策略调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对桂林师范高等专科学校354名学生的英语学习策略进行了问卷调查。调查的目的是了解学生英语学习策略的总体使用情况,文理科学生在策略使用方面的不同特征以及策略使用在性别上的差异。  相似文献   

对高职学生英汉阅读策略的使用情况进行了调查研究。研究结果显示:高职学生在汉语阅读中通常使用基于语篇的阅读策略,在英语阅读中通常使用基于单词的阅读策略;高职学生在阅读过程中存在阅读策略的迁移,基于句子的阅读策略迁移较弱,而基于语篇和单词的阅读策略迁移较强。  相似文献   

从阅读策略和学习策略的关系出发,结合我国听障学生的阅读实际编制了听力障碍学生阅读策略问卷,进行了信度、效度检验,并对359名听障学生的阅读策略特点进行了初步考察。研究发现听障学生阅读中策略运用的整体水平偏低,大多数学生在阅读过程中不善于使用阅读策略;不同年级听障学生在阅读策略的运用方面存在差异,大学阶段学生明显优于高中阶段和初中阶段学生,高中阶段是听障学生阅读策略发展的关键时期;听障女生阅读策略运用的总体水平优于听障男生。  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of the modality of reading formats (electronic vs. print), online reading habits (engagement in different online reading activities), use of cognitive strategies, metacognitive knowledge, and navigation skills on printed and electronic reading literacy across regions. Participants were 31,784 fifteen-year-old students (50.78% female) from 19 countries and economies in the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment database. Results showed that students exhibited better reading literacy in the print environment. Moreover, information-seeking activities, control strategies, knowledge of metacognitive strategies, and navigation skills positively predicted reading literacy in both print and electronic formats for all regions, whereas social reading activities negatively predicted reading literacy in print and were most harmful for the Asian region in both formats. Memorization strategies were negatively associated with reading literacy in both formats for Australasian, Western and Eastern EU, and South American regions, but not for the Asian region. Online reading habits, regardless of types, had no impact on reading literacy in both formats for the South American region. The study findings provided suggestions for literacy instruction in the e-learning era across different regions.  相似文献   

英语阅读策略使用之定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查中专学生英语学习策略。主要探讨阅读策略是否有最高的使用频率;高分组和低分组之间及男女生之间在阅读策略使用上的差异。结果显示,阅读策略的使用频率不是最高,但明显高于听的策略和词汇策略的使用频率;高分组与低分组学生之间及男女生之间在阅读策略使用的频率上存在显著差异。最后,建议英语教师应引导和训练学生使用更主动的阅读策略。  相似文献   

This study assessed the validity of the Kindergarten Teacher Rating Scale (KTRS) in predicting reading achievement for male and female students. The KTRS was a significant predictor of reading achievement for both boys and girls; differential predictive validity for boys and girls was not found. The KTRS explained about 30% of the variance in reading achievement both at the end of the 1st grade and the beginning of 2nd grade. The proportion of variance in reading achievement explained by variance in KTRS scores was significantly greater than the proportion of variance in reading achievement explained by variance in reading readiness scores. There were no significant differences in the mean KTRS scores for male and female students.  相似文献   

研究各阅读策略与英语阅读能力之间的相关性以及不同英语阅读水平组在使用阅读策略上的差异性,结果表明:三种策略中认知策略对英语阅读成绩的影响力最大,元认知策略其次,而社交/情感策略对英语阅读成绩的影响力最小。阅读成绩高分组的学生在阅读时更多地使用元认知策略进行调控,而低水平组的学生则更多地使用认知策略;两组学生在认知策略的使用上表现出显著差异;但两组学生在社交/情感策略的使用上差异不大,比较趋向一致。  相似文献   

本文以学习者性别差异为切入点,通过对348名大学新生所做的定量研究,观察并分析学习者英语自我概念与英语水平之间的关系。研究发现:(1)女生的整体英语自我概念、听力自我概念和阅读自我概念都明显高于男生,但在口语自我概念和写作自我概念上男女生不存在显著差异;(2)女生的综合英语水平及各项技能水平均高于男生,尤其是听说水平;(3)男生的英语自我概念与英语各项技能水平间的相关系数均高于女生,同时男生和女生的口语自我概念与口语水平的相关系数均最高;(4)在英语自我概念高分组中,女生只在口语水平上明显地高于男生,而在低分组里,女生的英语各项技能水平都明显高于男生,最为突出的是写作水平。  相似文献   

Reciprocal teaching (RT) has been used to improve English as Foreign Language (EFL) students’ reading comprehension in face-to-face instruction. However, little was known about how they use the RT to comprehend English texts in an online environment. This study explored how the implementation of RT strategies with the use of an annotation tool to improve low-achieving students’ English reading comprehension in an online environment. A total of 22 low-achieving EFL students participated in this study. The pre- and post- reading comprehension tests showed that the students’ English reading comprehension improved after practicing RT strategies with annotation tools. Questioning and predicating strategies were ranked as the two most useful strategies, as both promoted successful collaborative reading among students. Summarizing and clarifying were less useful than questioning and predicting strategies because the low-achieving EFL students faced language difficulties when summarizing and clarifying. The annotations supported RT strategies by (1) establishing a collaborative environment for students to discuss RT strategies any time, (2) organizing and indexing reading content in multimodal forms, and (3) helping students review and revise their comprehension.  相似文献   

本文探讨了英语应用能力考试中阅读能力的提高的方法和策略。首先,要打下扎实的阅读理解基础。阅读基础是阅读的起码要求,不具备基础阅读就无法进行。其次,要掌握正确的阅读方法。考生可根据文章的难易程度和自己对文章的理解程度采取不同的阅读方法。再次,在阅读过程中运用一些技巧,可提高速度和正确率,促进英语综合能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

集中识词 ,快速提高英语阅读能力一直是困扰英语教学的难题。为更好地对这一问题进行探讨 ,这里以我国师专英语教育专业 85名大学生为研究对象。研究结果显示 ,我国师专英语教育专业学生的英语阅读能力偏低 ,其水平离大纲的要求尚有相当大的差距。同时 ,词汇能力与阅读能力呈显著性的正相关关系 ,不同性别的学生在英语阅读能力上存在着差异 ,女生的词汇能力显著高于男生 ,在阅读能力方面也是如此  相似文献   

基于"高职英语专业学生经过显性阅读策略教学之后,策略的使用情况是否存在差异","高职学生的阅读策略使用频率与阅读测试成绩之间是否相关"2个问题,通过阅读策略教学前后的问卷调查、差异显著性检验和策略使用与CET-4的相关分析,证实阅读策略训练有助于学生培养个性化的阅读习惯,阅读策略训练效果与学生的语言水平有较强的关联。指出阅读策略训练必须遵循从单一训练到综合训练,从指导练习到半指导练习,再到独立练习的原则。  相似文献   

The present study describes the self-reported learning strategies and study approaches of college and university students with and without dyslexia and examines the relationship of those characteristics with reading ability. Students with (n = 36) and without (n = 66) dyslexia completed tests measuring reading rate, reading comprehension, reading history, learning strategies, and learning approaches. The results indicated that students without dyslexia obtained significantly higher scores than students with dyslexia in their reported use of selecting main ideas and test taking strategies. Students with dyslexia reported significantly greater use of study aids and time management strategies in comparison to students without dyslexia. Moreover, university students with dyslexia were significantly more likely to report a deep approach to learning in comparison to university students without dyslexia. Reading ability correlated positively with selecting main ideas and test taking strategies and negatively with use of study aids. The authors interpret the learning strategy results as consequences of and compensations for the difficulties that students with dyslexia have in word reading.  相似文献   

赵莉丹 《天津教育》2021,(11):179-180
在阅读教学中教师应帮助学生掌握正确的阅读策略,提升学生阅读能力。预测策略是最常用的阅读策略。预测策略作为第一个出现在统编教材的阅读策略,具有划时代的意义。教师应培养学生的预测能力,使学生自觉、灵活地运用阅读策略进行阅读。  相似文献   

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