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While evaluating a project designed to improve certain skills and motivation of disadvantaged tenth graders, the authors developed a unique scoring system for measuring college interest with the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey (OIS) Form DD. This system permits the user to obtain a single score which if obtained from both pretest and posttest administrations attempts to measure change in interest toward college related occupations. In effect, it is anticipated that this would reflect change in interest in pursuing a college education.  相似文献   

同伴接纳、友谊与学业成绩的关系探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同伴关系表现为两种,一种是同伴接纳,一种是友谊.通过分析友谊与同伴接纳的关系及它们在青少年发展和社会适应中的不同功能,揭示这两种同伴关系对学业成绩的不同影响,以期对青少年的教育有所帮助.  相似文献   

中学生学习压力、成就目标与学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用问卷对686名中学生进行调查,探索学习压力、成就目标与学业成绩的关系。结果发现:对于掌握目标组,掌握目标对学业成绩起正向直接作用,学习压力起负向直接作用,成绩目标通过学习压力对学业成绩起负向间接作用。对于成绩目标组,成绩目标通过学习压力对学业成绩存在间接消极作用,掌握目标通过学习压力对学业成绩存在间接积极作用。  相似文献   

Peer Interactions and Friendships in an Ethnically Diverse School Setting   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Peer interaction, social status, and reciprocated friendships were examined in 2 ethnically diverse groups of children: 104 kindergartners and 106 third graders. There was no correlation between social status and ethnicity. Third-grade children formed more cross-ethnic friendships and engaged in more cross-ethnic positive peer interaction than kindergartners. Children with more cross-ethnic friendships and more cross-ethnic peer interaction were no different in social status than children with fewer cross-ethnic experiences.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in improving academic outcomes for students by enhancing mindfulness, there is a paucity of evidence that greater mindfulness is associated with success in school. We measured mindfulness with the short‐form Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in over 2,000 urban students in Grades 5–8. The MAAS had good internal consistency and scale homogeneity. Greater mindfulness correlated significantly with better academic achievement as measured by grade point average and standardized tests of mathematics and literacy, greater improvement in academic performance from the prior school year, better attendance, and fewer suspensions. The relation between mindfulness and academic achievement was similar across demographic characteristics. These findings support the reliability of the MAAS as a measure of mindfulness among youth and provide initial evidence of an association between mindfulness and academic achievement. This association strengthens the rationale to explore whether mindfulness‐based interventions can enhance academic outcomes by leveraging the malleability of mindfulness.  相似文献   

This study offers new insights into the power of peer networks for shaping intergroup relations in a diverse school. Data were drawn from a longitudinal study of sixth–eighth graders (N = 524; MageT1 = 11.87; 48% girls; 9% Asian American/Pacific Islander, 28% African American, 13% Latino, 1% Native American, 31% White, 5% Other, and 11% Multiracial) in the Midwestern United States. Students with more positive intergroup contact attitudes (ICA) were most likely to be friends with similarly minded students. Students with more positive ICA were less likely to select friends of the same race/ethnicity than those with less positive ICA. Finally, students’ ICA became more similar to their friends’ ICA over time. Results implicate school-level norms and contagion in students’ ICA.  相似文献   

采用《认知灵活性问卷》和《所罗门学习风格自测问卷》对273名初中生进行调查,考察认知灵活性、学习风格对学业成绩的影响,结果表明:(1)认知灵活性与学习风格关系密切,认知灵活性高的学生偏爱直觉型、沉思型的学习风格;(2)认知灵活性与语文、数学及各学科总成绩均呈显著正相关,并对语文、数学及各学科总成绩均具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)学习风格各维度中,信息输入对数学及各学科总成绩具有显著的正向预测作用,信息感知对数学成绩具有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

本研究利用元分析与结构方程模型相结合的方法,综合分析了教师支持、学业自我效能感与中小学生学业成绩的152项独立研究结果,随机效应模型结果表明:教师支持、学业自我效能感与学业成绩显著正相关,教师支持与学业自我效能感显著正相关。调节分析发现,城乡调节了教师支持、学业自我效能感与学业成绩的关系。元分析结构方程模型结果发现,教师支持不仅直接影响学业成绩,而且通过学业自我效能感产生间接影响。这一结果为教师支持和学业自我效能感能预测学业成绩提供了有力的证据,表明该理论模型在中小学生群体中的普遍适用性。  相似文献   

Two prospective studies examined a theoretical model wherein exposure to victimization, resulting from early behavioral risk, heightens children's social alienation and subsequent deviant peer affiliation (DPA). Across Study 1 (298 girls, 287 boys; K–7th grade; 5–12 years) and Study 2 (338 girls, 298 boys; 2nd–6th grade; 8–12 years), children, parents, peers, and teachers reported on children's externalizing behavior and internalizing symptoms, peer victimization, social alienation, and DPA. Path analyses supported the proposed pathway: Peer victimization predicted social alienation, which then predicted DPA. Early externalizing behavior set this path in motion and made an independent contribution to DPA. This research identifies an important pathway through which externalizing behavior and consequent peer victimization launch children onto a risky social trajectory.  相似文献   

研究初一学生数学学业自尊、成就目标和数学学习成绩关系。采用数学学业自尊量表和成就目标量表,调查成都和平学校268名初一学生数学学业自尊、成就目标。使男女生数学成绩无显著性差异;男生数学学业自尊显著高于女生;男生掌握趋近目标高于女生;女生成绩回避目标高于男生。数学掌握趋近目标、成绩趋近目标以及数学自尊和数学成绩呈正相关;掌握回避目标与数学自尊、掌握趋近以及数学成绩呈负相关。成绩回避和成绩趋近是影响数数学学业自尊和数学学习成绩主要因素。本研究对于促进初一学生数学学业自尊和学习成绩的教育实践具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

A cohort of children was followed across the first 2 years of their middle school experience. Utilising a multi‐method, longitudinal research design, children's school peer networks were described as they moved from sixth to seventh grades. Next, predictive relations between these school peer network variables in sixth grade and seventh grade adjustment was determined. Results indicated that social groupings became more gender integrated from sixth to seventh grades. Further, adjustment can be explained in terms of children adjusting to gender roles.  相似文献   

采用“学习习惯与应试技能自我测量表”对100名中学生进行测试,经过相关分析以及成绩良好组和成绩不良组总分差异的显著性检验,发现学习习惯和应试技能对初中生的学业成绩有影响。  相似文献   

Four 8th graders with learning disabilities were taught to recruit assistance from peers during cooperative learning activities in two general education classrooms. The students were taught to show their work to a peer and make statements such as:“Can you help me?” or “How am I doing so far?” Training was conducted in the special education classroom and consisted of modeling, role playing, corrective feedback, and praise. A multiple baseline across students design showed that recruitment training increased (1) the rate of recruiting responses by the students, (2) the rate at which the students received instructional feedback and praise from peers, and (3) the productivity and accuracy with which the students completed their language arts assignments.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of school organizational structure on interracial friendships among middle school students. Students evaluated a white friend and a black friend on a modified semantic differential scale and reported the number of their other-race friends. Responses of students in two team-structured schools were contrasted to those of students in three traditionally structured schools. Multivariate analysis revealed that the organization of a school affects number of other-race friends and that whites with even "some" black friends are more positive in their perceptions of blacks than are those who report having "almost no" black friends. Variations in the nature and extent of contact between white and black students in schools does affect the racial attitudes of whites. Black students rated white and black friends the same regardless of the organizational structure of the school.  相似文献   

Aj M  Cdm FH  Pj L 《The Urban Review》2010,42(5):458-467
Community and school violence continue to be a major public health problem, especially among urban children and adolescents. Little research has focused on the effect of school safety and neighborhood violence on academic performance. This study examines the effect of the school and neighborhood climate on academic achievement among a population of 3rd–5th grade students in an urban public school system. Community and school safety were assessed using the School Climate Survey, an annual City-wide assessment of student’s perception of school and community safety. Community violence was measured using the Neighborhood Inventory for Environmental Typology, an objective observational assessment of neighborhood characteristics. Academic achievement was measured using the Maryland State Assessment (MSA), a standardized exam given to all Maryland 3rd–8th graders. School Climate Data and MSA data were aggregated by school and grade. Objective assessments of neighborhood environment and students’ self-reported school and neighborhood safety were both strongly associated with academic performance. Increasing neighborhood violence was associated with statistically significant decreases from 4.2 to 8.7% in math and reading achievement; increasing perceived safety was associated with significant increases in achievement from 16 to 22%. These preliminary findings highlight the adverse impact of perceived safety and community violence exposure on primary school children’s academic performance.  相似文献   

王平 《宜春学院学报》2011,33(1):99-101
目的:分析初中生自我概念与学习成绩的相关性。方法:采用田纳西自我概念量表,对宜春市二中150名初中生进行问卷调查,结果:除家庭自我维度外,自我概念其余各维度在年级上呈现显著性差异;除心理自我和社会自我两个维度外,自我概念其余各维度在性别上不存在显著性差异;自我概念与学习成绩呈现出显著的正相关,除生理自我和道德伦理自我外,自我概念其余各维度在学习成绩上均呈现出显著性差异。  相似文献   

分析初中一年级学生各门课程的学业成绩状况.一方面,利用独立样本检验方法分别对普通班和快班不同性别的学生各门课程的学业成绩是否存在显著性差异进行检验;另一方面,对快班和普通班各门课程的学业成绩进行相关分析,在此基础上进一步对各门课程的学业成绩进行回归建模分析.  相似文献   

The proposition that relationships make differential (i.e., unique, redundant, contingent) contributions to adjustment was examined by investigating the linkages between children's participation in different types of peer relationships (i.e., friendship, peer acceptance, peer victimazation) and their adjustment to school. Relationship measure were gathered for 5-to 6- year-old children(105 males, 95 females) twice during kindergaten (i.e., fall and spring) nad were correlated with adjustment indicators at each time of assessment and used to predict changes in school adjstment over time. Examination of the relative associations between the relationship measures and children's adjustment revealed of both unshared (i.e., unique) and shared (i.e., redundant) linkages, depending on the form of adjustment examined.These findings suggest that adjustment may be influenced by the diverse experiences (i.e., provisions) that children encounter in different forms of relationship, and that certain types of relationships may have greater or lesser adaptive significance depending on the adjustment outcome examined  相似文献   

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