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胡敏 《双语学习》2013,(9):29-29
It's your birthday today, today.
It's your birthday today!
Let's make a birthday cake.  相似文献   

金易 《今日中学生》2005,(13):18-21
二十二、天气1.W hat’s the weatherlike today?今天天气怎样?2.H ow’s the weatherin...?……的天气怎样?3.It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy/snowy....今天天晴(天阴、有风、雨天、下雪)……4.It’s getting cold/warm....天气转冷(暖和)……5.It’s a beautifulday today.今天天气真好。6.It’s ratherwarm/cool/hot/cold today,isn’tit?今天相当暖和(凉爽、炎热、寒冷),对吗?7.H opefully tom orrow willturn fine.明天可望转晴。二十三、购物1.Can/M ay Ihelp you?/W hatcan Ido foryou?你要买点什么吗?2.I’d like/Iwant....我…  相似文献   

考点精析1谈论天气(Talkingabouttheweather)(1)What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?Howistheweatherin…?……的天气怎样?(2)It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy,etc---天晴/阴/有风/有雨等。It’s rather warm/cold/hot today,isn’t it?今天很暖和/冷/热,是不是?2购  相似文献   

*What a beautiful day!天气真好!*How hot is it outside?外面有多热?*It’s going to be a hot day!今天将是一个热天!*It’s raining.下雨了。*I hear it’s going to rain.我听说要下雨。*I love a rainy night.我喜欢雨夜。*It’s cold outside.外面很冷。*It’s snowing outside.外面在下雪。*What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?*It is a nice day,isn’t it?今天天气很好,不是吗?*How was the weather yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?*It was raining cats and dogs yesterday.昨天下了一场倾*It is much colder today…  相似文献   

席月 《今日中学生》2016,(Z3):55-56
(Winter is coming!一入冬,寒冷便会陪伴许多人度过漫长的几个月。下面整理了一些关于winter的英文表达,供大家阅读学习参考。)1.It’s freezing/chilly out there!外面冷死了!2.There is a real nip in the air today.今天寒冷刺骨。3.It’s a bit nippy,but I will still go jogging every morning.虽然天气有点冷,但我还是会每天  相似文献   

席月 《高中生之友》2016,(Z2):55-56
(Winter is coming!一入冬,寒冷便会陪伴许多人度过漫长的几个月。下面整理了一些关于winter的英文表达,供大家阅读学习参考。)1.It’s freezing/chilly out there!外面冷死了!2.There is a real nip in the air today.今天寒冷刺骨。3.It’s a bit nippy,but I will still go jogging every morning.虽然天气有点冷,但我还是会每天  相似文献   

说起寒冷的天气,同学们想知道"寒冷"用地道的英语应该怎样表达吗?1.It’s freezing there!外面冷死了!2.It’s a bit nippy today,but I will stilll run my usual distance.虽然今天有点冷,但我还是会坚持和往常跑一样远的。  相似文献   

On Saturdays, I always have three lessons; they are Maths, English, and Pingpong lesson. It's very tired! I don't like today.  相似文献   

让我们来看一个带有普遍性的课前导入的例子:T:Who' s duty on today?S: I am.T: What' s the date today?S: It' s March 20^th.  相似文献   

A cold winter morning... Mr Dog: It's snowing again. It's boring. I want to watch TV.  相似文献   

A Lazy Bee     
一、故事内容 There are two bees. One is Jack, and the other is Tom. One sunny day, Jack is working, but Tom is sleeping. So Jack says to Tom, "Tom, Tom, get up. It's sunny. It's warm. It's time to work." Tom gets up and says, "It's sunny and warm today. It's time to play." One day, it's cloudy. It's cool.  相似文献   

语言背景对初次和英美人士接触的中国人来说,最保险的话题就是谈论天气。尤其是英国人特别喜欢谈天气。这也许是英国的天气变化无常,为人们提供了话题。英国人有独特的谈论天气的方式。一般性谈论天气:Lovely day,isn’t it?真是个好天气,是吗?Miserable weather,isn’t it?天气真糟糕,是吗?谈论气温:It’s ever so cold today,isn’t it?今天特别冷,是吗?谈论风:It’s extremely windy today,isn’t it?今天风特别大,是吗?谈气候变化:It’s a bit warmer today,isn’t it?今天暖和点儿,是吗?谈过去的不正常的天气:That was a violent st…  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1. Revision 1. Free talk T:What day is it today? Ss:It's … T:What date is it today? Ss:It's…… 2. Revision a.(课件呈现Unit 1所学的几个标志图片,并排列好顺序)  相似文献   

一、强调程度时当用于形容词或副词前,强调程度(通常译为“特别”)时,三者都可用。如It is particularly [especially, specially] cold today.今天特别冷。I was feeling particularly [especially, specially] tired this evening. 今天晚上我感到特别累。有时还可修饰动词。如:  相似文献   

Halloween It's Halloween today, all the students and teachers are very excited.  相似文献   

1. Hello,boys and girls. I'm Ms. Sha. I'm so happy to be your teacher today. First,let' s talk about something ! What's the weather like today? What day is it today? (课件出示三月份日历 )What day is it tomorrow? What day is it?  相似文献   

<正>说到冬天,同学们除了会想到刺骨的寒风、保暖的衣物、漫天飞舞的雪花外,还会想到什么呢?今天,我们一起来学习4句与冬天有关的地道英语表达。1.今天天气很冷。中国式:The temperature is very cold today.美国式:The temperature is very low today./It’s very cold.当我们想用“temperature”来表示天气冷或热时,正确的单词搭配应该是“high”或“low”。如果要用“cold”或“hot”去表示天气的冷热,  相似文献   

功能口语1谈论天气 西方人重视隐私,不会轻易与别人谈论私事,因此聊天时会选择一个共同的话题:天气.其实,他们大多数时候并非真正关心天气,只不过是以谈“天”作为开场白,再慢慢转换话题谈正事. 常考口语 What's the weather like today?今天天气如何? How's the weatherin...?……的天气怎么样? It's sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.天气晴朗/多云/有风/有雨. It's rather warm/cold/hot today,isn't it?今天挺暖和/挺冷/挺热的,是吧?  相似文献   

小兰 《红领巾》2009,(10):37-37
1.该起床了! It's time to get up! It's time to wake up! It's time to get ready.  相似文献   

教学步骤: Part 1.Revision.巩固已学知识,活跃课堂气氛。 1. Revision A. Guessing game. It' s a sunny day. We're going on a camping trip today. Look, I have a backpack. There're many things in it. What's in my backpack? Can you guess? (Ask Ss to guess with the key structure “Is/Are there … ”)[第一段]  相似文献   

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