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1.a cup of Joe 一杯咖啡。A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。这个说法是从纽约一公司Martinson’s Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字得来的,  相似文献   

我想要的就是一个合适的咖啡,用合适的铜咖啡杯泡的咖啡。信不信由你。但是我只想要一杯咖啡,用合适的咖啡杯。听装咖啡对我没有用处。如果我不能拥有一杯用铜咖啡壶泡制的咖啡,我就来一杯茶。All I want is a proper cup of coffee.Made in a proper copper coffee pot.You can believe it or not.But I just want a cup of coffee.In a proper coffee pot.Tin coffee pots.Are no use to me.If I can‘t haveA proper cup of coffeeIn a proper copper coffee pot,I‘ll have a cup of tea.绕口令@刘贝妮  相似文献   

张保 《中学文科》2000,(3):23-23
1.桌子上有一杯茶和三瓶牛奶。[误]There are a cup of tea and three bottles of milk.[正]There is a cup of tea and three bottles of milk.  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2000,(5):40-41
1.桌子上有一杯茶和三瓶牛奶。[误]There are a cup of tea and three bottles of milk.[正]There is a cup of tea and three bottles of milk.[析]当there be结构含有两个或两个以上的主语时,be动词的数应和它临近的那个主语保持一致。即临近原则。  相似文献   

海逸 《英语沙龙》2010,(5):16-17
Encourage someone's dream, no matter how big or small it is. 鼓励某人的梦想,不管梦想是多么远大,还是多么渺小。 Pay for a stranger's cup of coffee without him/her knowing it. 为一位陌生人付杯咖啡的钱,而不让他/她知道。  相似文献   

伍莉芳 《成才之路》2012,(13):48-48
正在日常教学活动和生活中,我们经常会碰到这样的问题:当外国人提到"I'd like a cup of black coffee"时,学生就将其理解为某人想喝黑色的咖啡,结果引起误解。而有的学生则不了解英美文化习俗,在同外国人交流时经常会问到  相似文献   

下面的每一个句子都缺一个表示颜色的词,你能根据 首字母和句子的意思填写出正确的颜色词来吗? 1.We want a cup of tea and two w___coffees.我们要一 杯茶和两杯加奶的咖啡。 2.She's very b___after her summer holiday in the south. 她在南方度完暑假回来后晒得很黑。 3.He is too y__to go swimming in the sea.他胆小,不 敢在大海里游泳。  相似文献   

Five cups of tea keep the doctor away. Scientists at Harvand university have found a way to boost your immune system:a small cup of tea,five times a day.  相似文献   

cup和glass均表示"杯子",但前者主要指带有手柄的杯子,如茶杯、咖啡杯等;而后者意为"玻璃杯",指由玻璃做成的杯子,如喝啤酒用的啤酒杯,喝红酒用的高脚酒杯等。汉语说的"一杯……",英语可用a cup of和a glass of,其大致区别如下:  相似文献   

A 13th century gothic architecture becomes a bookstore through continuation of dialogue between history and modernity.In Maastricht,Selexyz Dominicanen is a project with multiple souls,where tradition and innovative solutions come together over a good book and a good cup of coffee.  相似文献   

请看一道高考题: He dropped the_______and broke it. A.cup of coffee B.coffee’s cup C.cup for coffee D.coffee cup 答案为D。这道试题旨在考察名词作定语。在英语中,有些名词可直接作定语来修饰另外一个名词,不需要任何的变化,这种定语叫做名词定语。例如:a paper  相似文献   

1.a cup of tea指一个人喜欢做且能做之事 2.know…like a book对……了如指掌 3.throw sb the book给某人严厉的惩罚 4.bring sb to book责问或斥责某人 5.an open book尽人皆知的事 6.a closed book完全不懂的学科 7.yes-mail唯唯诺诺、唯命是从的人 8.know-it-all用以形容自称无所不知的人 9.sit on two chairs脚踏两只船  相似文献   

Test 5     
Part One: Quick Responses Please make a quick response to the sentence you will hear.1. Would you like a cup of coffee?  相似文献   

One day,two students of the teacher Chang Hu came to his house.They sat down at the table.Chang Hu put a golden cup in front of one of his students,and in front of the other student,he put an old and 1)cracked jar.Both the cup and the jar were filled with water. "Help yourself," Chang Hu said.  相似文献   

Our village carpenter,Alf Winn,came one day and made a kitchencupboard for my wife.He made it just the right size to fill the uselessspace between the cooker and the door.When I got home that even-ing,Alf was drinking a cup of tea and making out his bill for the job.My wife said to me quietly,‘That's his ninth cup of tea today.’But  相似文献   

C arol gets G erry a cup of coffee. G errym ilk in her coffee,butno sugar.C arolnever drnight.Itkeeps him aw ake. C arol:C an I getyou som ething to drink? G erry:A cup ofcoffee,please. C arol:W ith m ilk and sugar? G erry:A little m ilk,butno sugar. C arol:I never drink coffee atnight. G erry:W hy not? C arol:Itkeeps m e aw ake. G erry:W hat do you drink w ith dinner? C arol:Tea,ithelps m e relax. G erry:I don’tlike tea. 卡 洛 给 盖 瑞 倒 了 杯 咖啡。 盖 瑞喜 欢…  相似文献   

Carol gets Gerry a cup of coffee.Gerry likes a little milk in her coffee,but no sugar.Carol never drinks coffee at night.It keeps him awake.  相似文献   

在英语中,“提建议”的表达方式有多种,现就常见的用法总结如下:1.用“Why not 动词原形?”或“Whydon’t we/you 动词原形?”提出看法,征求对方意见,表示“你/我们为什么不……?”例如:Why not take a chance on it?为何不冒险试一试这件事?Why not make your dress instead of buy-ing it?为什么不做衣服,而要去买呢?Why don’t you come and sit next to me?你为什么不来紧挨着我坐呢?Why don’t we go and ask our teacher forhelp?我们为什么不去找老师帮忙呢?2.用“What/How about 名词或动名词?”提出建议,表示“……怎么样?”“,……好吗?”或“……行不行?”about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如:What about a cup of water?喝杯水,好吗?—How about having a cup of coffee withme?和我一起喝杯咖啡,怎么样?—All right.好的。What about...  相似文献   

一、数量词的正确用法量词是表示人、事物或动作的单位的词(词组),有些量词(词组)可以表示确定的数量,如a cup of tea,two pieces of bread,a bar of soup等;有些量词(词  相似文献   

问句 一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句,否定疑问句 1)一般疑问句:助动词/be动词+主语 Are you a teacher? Do you want to have a cup of tea?  相似文献   

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