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本文通过对国产灯心草属植物的研究,提出了一个中国灯心草属分类系统排列,首次确认我国产6亚属,14组(包括10个新组),4个系(包括3个新系),77种(包括14个新种),l亚种(新亚种)和10变种(包括4个新变种),对其中一些种类作了归并及处理。  相似文献   

本文修订了鳞毛蕨属泡鳞亚属的特征范围,对该亚属的2个组12个种进行了分类研 究,发现其中有新种1个,云南新分布的种5个。本文还对长期混淆不清的Dryopteris labo-rdei与D.gymnosora 的分类特征还进行了清理,恢复前者为独立存在的种。  相似文献   

 本文对中国叶下珠属植物进行了整理,记载了6个亚属,7个组,33个种和4个变种,    其中有1个新亚属,5个新种,1个新名称,9个新异名。  相似文献   

本文通过对东亚和南亚马兜铃属的研究,修改了马兜铃属的分类系统,补充论证了演化趋势;并   在分析该属地理分布的基础上提出马兜铃属分布与分化的第二个中心——中国的横断山区。  本文确   认2亚属、7组、4系、68种和1变种,其中有3新组、2新种及13个新异名。  相似文献   

在详细检查了K,BM,E,P,AAU,L,KEP,BKF,BK,SING,PSU等标本馆馆藏茜草科粗叶本属Lasianthus Jack.植物标本基础上,研究了泰国产粗叶木属植物的分类学,共归并7个种名,建立3个新种,3 个新变种,1个新等级,以及8个泰国分布新记录种及8个泰国分布新记录变种,确认泰国共有粗叶木属植物52种,1亚种,12变种;讨论了易于混淆的种的界线、它们可能的亲缘关系以及识别要点。  相似文献   

中国菊科菜蓟族植物研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是对国产菜蓟族两个属研究的一个小结。一个是蓟属(Cirsium Mill. Ecmend.Scop.),将全部国产蓟属49种植物分隶排列在8个组中,其中3个组为新成立的组,1个组为新的组合。记载了9个新种,1个新组合种,4个种为中国分布新记录。将过去学者们发表的组、种 及变种等各级上的65个名称处理为新异名,检查出错误鉴定8处,对变异较大的种给予了说明和讨论。另一个是刺膜菊属(Alfredia Cass.),记载了一个新种。  相似文献   

 本文报道了谷精草属3个新系,7个新种、5个新变种、2个新组合、3个新记录、修正了5个种的特征记载,新归并学名15个,共涉及全国32种8变种中的34个。  相似文献   

贵州兰科植物增补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 对贵州兰科植物区系新资料进行了报道,包括:1个新种(兴仁开唇兰),1个新记录属(无叶兰属)和15个新记录种。  相似文献   

记述了菊科6个属的一些新分类群和新分布,包含1个新组、3个新种、3个新变种、1个新名称、1个新组合和5个种的新记录。这些新分类群是黄鹌菜属蓝舌组、振铎黄鹌菜、蓝花黄鹌菜、青海乳苣、黄苞垂头菊、尼泊尔橐吾和半裂橐吾。  相似文献   

 本文报道了沙棘属的2个新组:即无皮组Hippophae和有皮组Gyantsenses,1个新等     级种H.gyantsensis(Rousi)Lian和中亚沙棘H.rhamnoides L.subsp.turkestanica Rousi  在     甘肃省的新分布, 同时附有该属的分组和分种系统检索表,记述了沙棘属的一个新的分类方案。  相似文献   

本文通过对半夏属Pinellia 5个种10个群体的染色体计数和珠芽数量统计,首次报道了5个染色体数目,同时发现珠芽的发生与染色体基数及多倍化程度有关:x=13的类群无珠芽,而x=9的有珠芽;在有珠芽的半夏P.ternata(Thunb.)Breit.中,平均每叶珠芽数随倍性的提高而增大。半夏是一个多倍体复合种,起源于无珠芽、染色体基数为x=7~9的二倍体祖先,可能是在该属的早期进化中由鹞落坪半夏P.yaoluopingensis X.H.Guo et X.L.Liu的x=13经非整倍性跌落而成,在发生上比鹞落坪半夏进化。  相似文献   

 本文对金缕梅科Hamamelidaceae双花木属Disanthus Maxim.的长柄双花木D.cercidifolius subsp.longipes和单种属壳菜果属Mytilaria Lec.首次进行了染色体计数和核型分析。结果表明:长柄双花木与产自日本的双花木D. cercidifolius subsp.cercidifolius的体细胞染色体数目一致,均为2n=16,前者无“st”或“t”染色体,表明该亚种可能比较原始;壳菜果Mytilaria laosensis Lec.的染色体数目为2n=26,x=13。前人报道的金缕梅科染色体基数为x=8和x=12,因此x=13可能是金缕梅科的一个新染色体基数。联系该属的形态特征及其与马蹄荷属Exbucklandia R.W.Brown的关系,作者支持将壳菜果属处理为独立的亚科,即壳菜果亚科Mytilarioideae。  相似文献   

文章报道了13种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的染色体核型,并对属内核型进化规律作了总结。作者认为随体染色体和第1对染色体可以作为本属核型的特征染色体。染色体数目变异与花部式样密切相关。本属植物原始的染色体基数为x=19。此外,对非整倍性变异的主要机制也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

研究了国产毛茛属Ranunculus L.11种及其4个近缘属——美花草属Callianthemum C.A.Meyer、   侧金盏花属Adonis L.、碱毛茛属Halerpestes E.Greene、水毛茛属Batrachium S.F.Gray 5种植物的染色体   数目和形态。发现美花草C.pimpinelloides(D.Don)Hook.f.et Thoms.、川滇毛茛R.potaninii Kom.、深   齿毛茛R.popovii var.stracheyanus(Maxim.)W.T. Wang、高原毛茛R.tanguticus(Maxim.)Ovcz.、石龙   芮R.sceleratus L.、西南毛茛R.ficariifolius Lévl.et Vant.、褐鞘毛茛R.sinovaginatus W.T. Wang、三裂碱毛茛H.tricuspis(Maxim.)Hand.-Mazz.和碱毛茛H.sarmentosa (Adams) Kom.9种植物为染色体基数x   =8的四倍体(2n=4x=32);短柱侧金盏花A.brevistyla Franch.、丝叶毛茛R.nematolobus Hand.-Mazz.、   棱喙毛茛R.trigonus Hand.-Mazz.、茴茴蒜R.chinensis Bunge 4种植物为染色体基数x=8的二倍体(2n=   2x=16);毛茛B.japonicus Thunb.、黄毛茛R.laetus Wall.2种植物为染色体基数x=7的二倍体(2n=2x   =14);水毛茛R.bungei (Steud.) L. Liou  有二倍体(2n=2x=16)和三倍体(2n=3x=24)两种细胞型。根  据染色体资料,讨论了上述5属的属间关系和毛茛属中一些种的种间关系。  相似文献   

对中国云南西部和西北部分布的腋花扭柄花Streptopus simplex的4个居群进行了细胞学研究。生长在云南西北香格里拉县(原中甸县)碧塔海和小中甸冷杉林中的腋花扭柄花两个居群的体细胞染色体数目为2n=2x=18,而生长在高黎贡山的福贡县片马和贡山县的灌丛中的植物体细胞染色体数目则为2n=2x=14。2n=14为腋花扭柄花一个新的染色体数目,x=7为扭柄花属一个新的染色体基数。香格里拉碧塔海和小中甸两个居群的核型公式分别为2n=4m+8sm+4st和2n=8m+2sm+6st,染色体逐渐变小;贡山和福贡片马两个居群的核型公式分别为2n=14=4m+10sm和2n=14=7m+7sm,其中第一对中部着丝粒的染色体显著大于其余染色体。由于x=8是扭柄花属最常见的染色体基数,因此可认为x=8是腋花扭柄花的染色体原始基数,x=7的数目是衍生的;x=7居群染色体的一条大染色体可能是由x=8的染色体的两条st型染色体的着丝粒发生了罗伯逊易位而来。  相似文献   

 利用细胞学方法观察统计了中国4种水韭属Isoestes植物的染色体数目。结果发现4个种的染色体基数均为x=11,其中高寒水韭I.hypsophila Hand.-Mazz.为2n=22,为首次报道;台湾水韭 I.taiwanensis DeVol为2n=22;中华水韭I.sinensis Palmer 2n=44为四倍体;而产于云南贵州一带并一直被当作是宽叶水韭I.japonica A.Br.的水韭属植物2n=22,与文献报道的宽叶水韭(2n=66,67,77,87,88,89)完全不同,应重新予以认识和评价。依据本文和其他相关的研究结果,对东亚水韭属植物进行了分类处理。  相似文献   

1.  The present paper describes the observations of chromosome  numbers  and karyomorphology of 2 species of 2 endemic genera and I endemic species of Chinese Ranunculaceae: Asteropyrum peltatum (Franch.)  Drumm et Hutch. 2n=16, x=8; Kingdonia unifolia Balf. f. et W. W. Sm. 2n=18, x=9 and Calathodes oxycarpa Spra- gue 2n=16, x=8.  The chromosome counts of three ranunculaceous genera are repor- ted for the first time.       2.  The morphylogical, palynological and cytological date in relation to the syste- matic postition of Asteropyrum, Kingdonia and Calathodes within the family Ranun- culaceae are diseussed and resulted in following conclusions:       (1).  On the basis of the basic number x=8 in Asteropyrum, it is further con- firmed that this genus is distinct from the r elated genera such as Isopyrum, Dichocarp- um and other allied taxa.       The comparison of Asteropyrum with Coptis shows that they are identical in short chromosomes, with magnoflorina and benzylisaquinodine type of alkaloides, but dif- ferent from coptis in the chromosome numbers (T-type), pantocolpate pollens, united carpels and the dorsi-ventral type of petioles.  In view of these fundamental morpho- logical and cytological differences, Asterop yrum is better raised to the level of Tribe. However Asteropyrum and Coptis may represent two divaricate evolutional lines of Thalictroideae.       (2).  The systematic position of the genus Kingdonia has been much disputed in the past.  We support the view of Sinnote (1914), namely, the trilacunar in leaf traces “the ancient type”, appeared in the angiosperm line very early, while the uni- lacunar of Kingdonia may be derived from the trilacunar.  On the basis of the chromo- some numbers and morphylogical observation, the present writer accept Tamura’s and Wang’s treatment by keeping Kingdonia in Ranunculaceae instead of raising it to a family rank as has been been done by Forster  (1961).  Kingdonia and  Coptis are similar in having short chromosome with x=9, but with one-seeded fruits; therefore it is suggested that placed into Thalictroideae as an independent tribe, indicating its close relationship with Coptideae.        (3).  Comparing with its allies, Calathodes being with out petals, seems to be more  primitive than Trollius. But Calathodes differs from Trollius with R-type chromosomes in having T-type chromosome with x=8 and subterminal centromere.  Those charac- teristics show that it is very similar to the related genera of Thalictroideae.  But as Kurita already pointed out that most speci es of Ranunculus have usually large long chromosomes but some species have compar ativelly short chromosomes, therefore we regard T-type and R-type chromosomes appear independently in different subfamilies of Ranunculaceae. According to Tamura, G alathodes seems to be  closely related  to Megaleranthis, because of the resemblance in follicles.  But due to lack of cytological data of the latter genus, the relationship between the two genera still is not clear pen- ding further studies. From the fact that the  morphology and  chromosomes  of  the Calathodes differs from that of all other genera of the Helleboroideae, we consider Calathodes may form an independent tribe of its own with a closer relationship withTrollieae.  相似文献   

四川宝兴地区几种豆科植物的染色体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Meiosis and/or mitosis of six species  of  Fabaceae  (Leguminosae)  from Baoxing County,  Sichuan,  China,  were investigated.  The voucher specimens are con- served in PE. Eight pairs (n=8) and 10 chiasmata in meiosis of pollen mother cells have been observed in Medicago lupulina L. (Pl. 1,  A-C).  Meiotic observation on pollen mother cells in Lotus tenuis W. et K. shows 6 bivalents (n=6) in MI and 9 chias- mata in diakinesis (Pl. 1,  D-E).  In this species 12 somatic chromosomes (2n=12) in anther wall cells have also been observed. The chromosomal formula may be expressed as 2n=12=8m+2sm+2smSAT (Pl. 1,  F-G). In pollen mother cells of Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.,  7 bivalents in MI and 7 chromosomes in A II have been observed (Pl. 2, A-B). From A II (Pl. 2,  B,  the inset on the right) the chromosomal formula,  n=7= 2m+2sm+lstSAT+2t,  may be constructed. Only three chromosomes in this karyotype may be found to have counterparts in the one reported by Srivastava (1963),  which shows striking differences between these two karyotypes.  Meiotic MI shows 7 pairs (n=7) in Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. Vicia sativa L. is very variable in its chromosomes. Our observation shows 6 pairs (n=6) in MI and in diakinesis in pollen mother cells. In Vicia villosa Roth,  all the previous chromosome reports are 2n=14 or n=7,  but the result of our work shows that somatic chromosomes are 2n=12 in anther wall cells  (Pl. 3,  D,  E). The karyotype in our material (Pl. 3,  E) is that the longest pair of chro- mosomes are metacentric, the pairs 2-4 are terminal, 5 are metacentric and last pair are submetacentric,  differing vastly from the idiogram (Pl. 3,  F) presented by Yama- moto (1973). Therefore both the chromosome number and structure in our material are greatly different from those in all the previous reports.      The evolutionary trends of chromosomes in the genus Vicia is discussed in the work.  Srivastava (1963) holds that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 6 and thus both 5 and 7 are derived.  The present author would propose ano- ther possibility that 7 is the original basic number and the other numbers are derived ones.  First,  as shown in Table 1,  x=7 occurs in 47 per cent of species in the genus, but 6 only in 28 per cent.  Secondly,  x=7 is predominant in the perennial and primitive section Cracca.  Thirdly,  in genera related to the genus under consideration,  such as Lens,  Pisum and Lathyrus,  x=7 is also the predominant basic number.  Fourthly,  ac- cording to Raven (1975) 7 is the primitive basic number in the angiosperms and x= 7,  8 and 9 are the predominant in the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Leonurus japonicus Houtt. [L. heterophyllus Sweet, L. artemisia  (Lour.) S.  Y. Hu]  is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines used as a remedy for gynaeco- logical disease since ancient times.  A cytological investigation on the species was carried out and the materials for chromosomal examination were collected from 26 localities in 20 provi- noes and autonomous regions of this country.  The number of chromosomes in root tip cell of the species was found to be 20 on the whole (Tab. 1:1), agreeing with those reported by Ma and al.[2] and probably by Chuang and al.[3] as well.      The genus Leonurus L. is variable in its  chromosomes with an aneuploidy of x=9, 10 and 12.  The present authors would propose that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 9, and thus both 10 and 12 are derived, for: (1) among the 9 species (including 1 sub- species) heretofore cytologically examined, x=9 occurring in 66.7%, x=10 occurring in 22.2%, while x=12 occurring only in 11.1%; (2) in generaclosely related to the genus under considera- tion, such as Panzeria, Galeobdolon and Lamium x=9 being the sole basic number.      But L. japonicus exhibits a mixoploidy of 2n=20 (occurring at the rate of 53.30% of the total amount of cells examined), 2n=18 (30.70%), and 2n=16 (15.99%) in our work. (Table 1).  Since the original basic number of  chromosome of the genus is 9 as proposed above, 2n= 20 would be considered as a derived one and the occurrence of 2n=18 probably suggests an early evolutionary trend of 2n=18→20 of the pecies in question.  相似文献   

本文对浙江产的Disporum sessile, Tricyrtis macropodo,  Scilla rcilloides,Ophiopogon japoni-   cus,Liriope platyphylla和Allium macrostemon的核型作了分析,并报道了Polygonatum odoratum   和Asparagus cochinchinensis 的单倍体染色体数目。其中绝大多数为国产材料的首次记载。  相似文献   

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