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为了应对气候变化、资源短缺与环境污染问题,各国都在积极开发清洁能源,风能作为可再生的清洁能源,得到了世界各国的高度重视.在实现2030年碳排放达峰的目标约束下,近年来,中国风电规模也处于快速增长的阶段.风力发电过程虽然不会排放温室气体和污染物,但从产业的生命周期角度分析,在设备制造、运输、安装、运行、废弃等环节也会带来...  相似文献   

随着各种新技术的应用,电压稳定问题日益突出,根据现实情况提出一种新型电压稳定的计算方法。首先给出了小干扰电压稳定极限的数学模型,从而提出新型电压稳定的判据,通过常规潮流计算与病态潮流计算的方法,对过渡运行方式进行分析,最后通过模态分析的方法确定了系统初始稳态点和稳定极限点的电压功率灵敏度及其参与因子,从而更有效地确定系统的关键节点和区域。最终通过PSASP的实验,验证了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

A new method based on statistical simulation for production costing, reliability evaluation and transmission expansion planning of electric power systems is developed. This method considers apparatus outage probabilities and load forecast uncertainties. Random numbers are generated, according to appropriate laws, to simulate the state of the apparatus and the demand of the bus loads. Through successive applications of the minimum cost-maximum flow algorithm, it is capable of handling the economic dispatch problem embodied in the procedures. An expansion algorithm is introduced, which selects the element with the highest full load ratio (FLR) for capacity addition. This method generates, as a byproduct, the expected power flow pattern which is valuable for power system planner. Application of the method is demonstrated using the IEEE five-bus test system.  相似文献   

火电企业在发电过程中同时产生发电量和排污量,两者在物理量方面存在着固定比例的对应关系,且企业可同时参与发电权交易与排污权交易。为理顺发电量、排污量与上网电价、减排量以及企业利润之间的因果传递与反馈关系,综合考虑用电量、发电量、排污量、免费排污份额、发电权交易价格及排污权交易价格等因素,基于系统动力学模型对发电权与排污权组合交易进行模拟仿真。研究结果表明,机组之间电量替换受到发电权交易价格与排污权交易价格的影响,而减少火电机组免费排污配额对火电机组排污具有抑制作用,但同时也会使机组利润减少;此外,发电权交易与排污权交易的实施对于火电上网电价不会产生影响,火电上网电价的变化主要受电煤价格的影响。  相似文献   

基于2000-2015年中国电力行业数据,利用递阶LMDI法分解出电力碳排放的九个影响因素,得出人均GDP贡献度为正向最大,对碳排放的增长起促进作用,生产结构贡献度为负向最大,起抑制作用。根据影响效应的大小,利用情景分析法设置出九种不同的情景模式,借助STIRPAT模型进行建模,对不同情景下电力碳峰值进行预测与分析。结果表明:基准模式(中增长中减排)下,碳排放量在2030年达峰,峰值为494058万吨,但高于2030年的目标排放量;如果火力发电占比一直处于65%以上,仅靠经济增长速率的降低,无法出现峰值,电力碳排放处于持续上升状态;优化电力生产结构,降低火电占比,有效开发利用新能源,完善CCS等减排技术,能够在不降低经济发展速率的情况下实现2030年达峰的目标要求。  相似文献   

The number and power of loads that pollute the electric network, from an electric point of view, are constantly increasing. For this reason this study aims to define a parameter to assess, in terms of distortion and unbalance, the quality of an electric network. Taking as a starting point the advantages and limitations of wavelet methods proposed in the literature, a new index useful to quantify the load characteristics is introduced. The efficiency of this index has been verified by computer simulations to assess the applicability of the method to three-phase systems using three-wire measurements based on the instantaneous power theory, in several typical situations.  相似文献   

近年来国家对火电机组节能减排管理力度加大,促使国内多数火电机组都要进行节能减排技术改造,但多数电厂对自身节能减排潜力不清,盲目投入设备和资金,造成资源浪费.为合理评价电厂节能减排的潜力和状况,首先根据火电厂运行指标的特点建立火电厂节能减排指标体系;然后结合指标特点建立基于改进模糊物元分析理论的节能减排评价模型,利用基于物元分析理论的层次分析法确定权重;最后选取5台发电机组进行实例分析.研究得出的结果与现实吻合,表明改进模糊物元分析理论对发电机组的节能减排评价有其独特的优势.  相似文献   

2012年《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》 (GB13223-2011)正式颁布,从2014年7月1日起,火电厂污染物排放必须符合新的限值指标:SO2小于200mg/m3、NOx小于200mg/m3、烟尘小于30mg/m3.大量燃煤电厂锅炉面临着降低NOx排放浓度的改造.遵循“先降后脱”的原则加装脱硝装置时,需要对锅炉钢架、省煤器和空预器之间的烟道、空预器、引风机以及相关的烟风管道进行必要的改造.  相似文献   

省级电网温室气体排放因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马翠梅  李士成  葛全胜 《资源科学》2014,36(5):1005-1012
火力发电是我国温室气体排放量最大的部门,为有效控制该部门排放,应从生产和消费两个环节采取措施。准确核算电力消费引起的温室气体间接排放量是消费端减排的基础,其中电网排放因子会直接影响核算结果。本文总结分析了国内外相关电网温室气体排放因子研究,在已有的区域电网排放因子基础上,结合省级电网电力来源特点,提出了省级电网温室气体排放因子计算方法,以2010年为例计算得出各省电网因子,与区域电网因子进行对比分析,并估算了不同电网因子对核算各省调入电力间接排放的影响。结果表明,2010年省级电网因子与区域电网因子的差距在-67.4%~51.6%,不同电网因子核算得出的各省调入电力间接排放量相差-60.7%~50.2%。与区域电网因子相比,省级电网因子核算结果更为准确,因此更适合用于估算电力间接排放。  相似文献   

市场机制是实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的基础。通过市场机制,可以全局成本最低实现碳中和。因此,碳中和进程需要充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用。我国在各类市场机制方面已经探索并积累经验超过10年,建立了碳市场、绿色电力证书市场、节能量交易市场(即白色证书市场,本文中二者等同)、用能权市场等,同时电力系统也在加大市场化改革的力度。但各市场之间仍然存在制度的不完善和冲突,亟待对这些市场进行理顺,使其能够最大效应发挥协同作用。文章梳理并分析了现有市场机制的现状和之间的关系,阐述了其中的冲突和交叠;在此基础上,提出应该尽快将用能权市场、节能量交易市场等进行合并,对绿证市场和碳市场进行统一,并充分考虑电力系统的市场化进程,令市场机制提高经济效率和减排效果。此外,随着市场机制、供应链全球化和去全球化的演变,对外合作的话语权变得尤为重要。文章进一步从厘清碳责任、加强碳中和对外合作和传播话语权出发,分析了生产端责任和消费端责任2种基本模式;同时,发现全球碳排放中,中国的排放主要集中在生产端,西方发达国家(特别是美国)的排放更多集中在消费端。基于此,认为在全球碳责任划定问题上中国应当坚持采取“受益者付费”的...  相似文献   

How to design a set of optimal distributed load frequency controllers for a multi-area interconnected power system is an important but still challenging issue in the field of modern electric power systems. This paper presents an adaptive population extremal optimization-based extended distributed model predictive load frequency control method called PEO-EDMPC for a multi-area interconnected power system. The key idea behind the proposed method is formulating the dynamic load frequency control issue of each area power system as an extended distributed discrete-time state-space model based on an extended state vector, obtaining a distributed dynamic extended predictive model, and rolling optimization of real-time control output signal by adopting an adaptive population extremal optimization algorithm, where the fitness is evaluated by the weighted sum of square predicted errors and square future control values. The superiority of the proposed PEO-EDMPC method to a traditional distributed model predictive control method, a population extremal optimization-based distributed proportional-integral control algorithm and a traditional distributed integral control method is demonstrated by the simulation studies on two-area and three-area interconnected power systems in cases of normal, perturbed system parameters and dynamical load disturbances.  相似文献   

火电厂氮氧化物污染防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国NOx污染日趋严重,火力发电厂又是NOx排放的主要污染源。针对国家对电力工业的节能减排政策,通过分析火电厂氮氧化物产生机理,总结各种氮氧化物的净化方法,考虑技术经济发展水平和电力企业承受能力,提出近期火电厂氮氧化物污染防治的主要途径。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel trust-based false data detection method for power systems under false data injection attacks (FDIAs). In order to eliminate the interference posed by false data to the power system in the state estimation process, a trust model is first established to estimate the reliability of the system bus. Then an algorithm is proposed to update the bus trust value, when all the trust value of neighbor buses at one bus node are quite low, then this bus is diagnosed as a malicious node and the false data are detected. This method guarantees that the power systems can estimate the state accurately against FDIAs based on the trust of bus. The simulations on the benchmark IEEE 14-bus, IEEE 30-bus and IEEE 57-bus test systems are used to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

本文在简要介绍电网调度自动化系统的基础上,结合桐乡供电局的实际情况,提出县级电网调度自动化系统的发展方向:应从原来简单的SCADA系统向集数据采集与监视(SCADA)、实时网络拓扑分析、状态估计、调度员仿真系统等各种功能于一体的新一代调度自动化系统向能量管理系统(EMS)方向发展,从而适应不断增长的需求。  相似文献   

Load frequency control of power systems is a very important approach to keep stability and security. Unfortunately, the traditional load frequency control is not effective because of the introduction of communication networks in multi-area power systems. In order to overcome this difficulty, sampling-based load frequency control for multi-area power systems is studied via an event-triggered detector. Unlike published works, an adaptive law for event-triggered scheme is given. Since multi-area power systems with event-triggered scheme are hybrid systems, there are a lot of challenges for analysing load frequency control problem. Some lemmas and a new Lyapunov function are developed to overcome these challenges. The obtained stability and stabilization criteria can provide a tradeoff to balance the required communication resources and the desired control performance. Numerical examples verify effectiveness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

《Journal of The Franklin Institute》2022,359(18):11135-11154
A class of resource allocation problems with equality constraint are considered in this paper, such as economic dispatch problem in smart grid systems, which is essentially an optimization problem. Inspired by the Lagrange multiplier method, the resource allocation problem is transformed into a multi-agent consensus problem for large-scale networked distributed nodes. A consensus-based distributed fixed-time optimization algorithm is presented, where the information exchange network is depicted by a strongly connected and weight-balanced digraph. This type of communication network can ensure that the equality constraint always holds. Moreover, a new globally fixed-time stability theorem for nonlinear systems is first given in this paper. Based on this theorem and consensus theory, the optimal resource allocation scheme can be given in a fixed time. Finally, the application and comparison of the designed algorithm show that the algorithm can effectively solve the allocation problem of power resources such as economic dispatch.  相似文献   

中国1991年至2007年火力发电-燃煤消耗-SO_2排放关系的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王淑娜  孙根年 《资源科学》2010,32(7):1230-1235
我国电力工业以火电为主,是煤炭消耗和SO2排放的最大行业。本文依据1991年-2007年有关统计数据,构建了一个"双三角"的概念模型,一方面分析了我国火力发电量与燃煤消耗量、燃煤消耗量与SO2排放量的关系,另一方面分析了发电耗煤强度和燃煤SO2排放强度随时间的变化。结果表明:①火力发电量与燃煤消耗量为二次函数关系,但二次项系数很小,说明我国火电行业还处于外延性的规模扩张阶段;②燃煤消耗量与SO2排放量随我国国民经济"五年"规划呈周期波动,这反映了我国谋求经济增长与环境保护的动态博弈过程;③发电耗煤强度和燃煤SO2排放强度总体呈下降趋势,但当国家放松节能减排政策及关停小火电的步伐放缓时就会出现反弹期。研究结果为认清我国火电行业的节能减排问题提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

从市场势力角度入手,运用市场势力相关理论,分析现有市场势力对初始排污权拍卖效率和收益的影响,认为市场势力会加剧收入分配中的"马太效应",使分配不均进一步恶化,不利于形成公平、高效的初始排污权拍卖市场。  相似文献   

新建高校电力网迅速发展,科研创新是重要一环。必须确保正常用电。变压器与负载电力负荷科学合理匹配,捕捉各种参数、选择供电电源、电压、高低压配电。防雷等系统寻拟关联参数依据合理设计。另一方面新建高校电力网潮流设计计算线路中,科学使用基尔霍夫电流、电压理论工具,在交、直流等不同复杂电路设计中遵循规律的精确构建正确框架。对它适应普通高校电力网科研工作规划起到重要作用。  相似文献   

为了保障井下工作面作业人员的身体健康和劳动安全,对常村矿N3—3掘进工作面风量分别按瓦斯涌出量、工作面人数、风速、局部通风机供风量及最小全压进行了计算,确定了工作面采用两台功率为45Kw的FBDN07.2型通风杌,并安设合适的局扇管理牌板.出风口距工作面不大于12m,风筒出风口必须上风筒圈,从而保证掘进巷道通风系统的正常运行,以达到安全生产的目的。  相似文献   

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