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Previous research in technical communication indicates service-learning pedagogies can help prepare students for the workplace. The field, however, has only recently and tentatively extended these pedagogies into online environments and has not yet demonstrated how and whether such service-eLearning could as effectively bridge the gap between the classroom and workplace. In this article, the author discusses one such extension and offers a framework and model.  相似文献   


In this 1-year experimental study of 254 students across 27 high-poverty preschool classrooms in an urban setting in the northeast, use of a technology-based prekindergarten literacy curriculum in addition to the district curriculum was compared with the use of the district curriculum alone. Results indicated no main effects for the experimental curriculum. Following the initial analyses, fidelity of implementation in the experimental classrooms was examined and results indicated that children in classrooms rated as having high fidelity of implementation significantly outperformed low-implementing classrooms on two important phonological awareness measures. This trend favoring high-implementing classrooms was also evident on measures of letter-name knowledge, and beginning sounds. These findings suggest that program implementation may be a significant variable when examining the potential effects of literacy curricula on learning outcomes for young at-risk children.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the experience of designing and implementing an action research-based curriculum in a secondary science classroom. By systematically examining ourselves and our practices, we brought to light beliefs and values that were realized through this process, came to a deeper understanding of our own learning, and developed new awareness as teachers and researchers. Here, we provide our perspective on how the process of curriculum design and implementation facilitated our personal and professional growth, and we share this as an example of how teacher educators and kindergarten through grade 12 teachers can position one another as generators and disseminators of knowledge through collaborative self-study to inform their own and others' teaching practices.  相似文献   

近三十年来,思辨能力在国外有了很大的发展,并被西方教育界视为教育重点。一些重视教育的发达国家,如美国、英国等在该领域有比较成熟的理论体系。我国思辨能力发展的研究是近些年才开始的。高等师范院校英语专业是我国培养中小学英语教师的摇篮,英语教师的教学理念与学生英语思维的形成息息相关。本文简要分析了高师英语专业所面临的思辨缺席或欠缺的原因,并针对思辨缺席的现状,阐述了培养学生的思辨能力对高师院校英语专业课程设置的意义和方法。  相似文献   


This study set out to design and implement an approach to Tanakh education that would help students become expert decoders of the Biblical Hebrew text as they became expert interpreters of it. The goal, following existing, research-based best instructional practices from literacy, was to create a curriculum in which language skills and meaning making were intimately connected. This paper describes the curriculum and its implementation.  相似文献   

Behavior issues in the classroom directly relate to the teaching style and the type of interactions between the teacher and students. In particular, Latino/a students need to be engaged in the curriculum content if they are to be successful, both academically and emotionally. If this does not occur, then behavioral issues will arise, which will then feed into the school-to-prison pipeline theory.  相似文献   

PIRLS(国际阅读素养进展研究)是由国际教育成就评价协会(IEA)主持的评价项目,计划五年一轮进行世界范围的四年级学生阅读素养发展趋势研究.PIRLS评价内容聚焦“学生阅读素养”测评和“阅读学习环境”调查两个方面,前者包括阅读目的、理解过程、阅读行为与态度的测评,后者涉及国家、社会、家庭、学校、教室以及学生特点等因素的调查.PIRLS评价内容对我国小学语文阅读课程变革具有积极的启示:小学语文应建构均衡化的阅读课程组织、研制明确而具体的阅读教学内容、营造具有联动性的阅读课程环境.  相似文献   

In this article, we present insights from an ethnographic research that investigated the concept of citizenship in primary schools in Greece. We explored children’s experiences of citizenship in school approaching citizenship as a set of habits that prescribe what is considered ‘legitimate’ in the public sphere. We focused on structures and agents inside and outside the school classroom and the way they may interfere with pedagogical practices and relationships. This work reveals a vicious circle of asymmetrical relationships and hierarchical structures between the society and the school that entrap teachers in assessment-oriented pedagogical practices. We argue that the emergent loyalty of the educational system to traditional pedagogical approaches premised on competition fosters pupils’ incomprehension of the importance of social solidarity. It also contributes to their withdrawal from the public sphere, undermining the transformative potential of education. With the use of a diverse sample, we highlight the shortcomings of the integrated curriculum introduced in 2001, in successfully promoting critical thinking and participatory learner-centred pedagogy, and we discuss the implications for the transformative potential of education arising from the adherence to the implementation of European education policy that is discerned in the text of the newly introduced Curriculum of the ‘New School’.  相似文献   

The problem which stimulated this research is that in Australia, primary school teachers are expected to teach a new subject, Technology, but have had little training consistent with the newly adopted technology curriculum. Using case studies from two Western Australian schools, the paper documents the ways in which one teacher from each school has established successful classroom strategies for incorporating technology into her classroom, and how she has had a significant effect on the practice of other teachers in her school. The relationship between one pair of teachers in each school is used to explore the nature of their collaboration. One pair used joint work, with shared responsibility for the work of teaching, an example of deep collaboration. The other pairing was more one-sided, a collaborative relationship better described as one of aid and assistance. Both relationships were based on mutual respect, and demonstrate how teachers choose to work together towards a common purpose, the implementation of technology education. Implications from the study are discussed in terms of leadership and collaboration, time and integration, and teachers' knowledge.  相似文献   

幼儿园适应性课程是在21世纪课程改革的背景下发展起来的一种整合性实践课程。该课程以多元智能理论、建构主义学习理论和活动课程理论为基础,坚持儿童发展本位的课程理念,构建了纵向课程目标与横向课程目标相结合的课程目标,发展了共同性活动和选择性活动相统整的结构体系,重视整体规划、过程管理、集体审议、教师成长在课程实施中的重要作用。经过近10年来的理论探索与改革实践,幼儿园适应性课程逐步走向完善,并对区域性幼儿教育改革起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

个人知识不仅是一种独立的、与公众知识相对应的知识形态,而且也是一切知识共同的个人特征。个人知识内容具有内隐性、整体性、独特性、客观性。个人知识的探究形式为归纳概括、默会思维。个人知识的表达形式有言述与非言述两种。个人知识存在于个人思维、感受与操作之中。课程实施过程中个人知识的生成大致经历外化表达、交流讨论、活动体验、反思内化等阶段。个人知识的教学策略有:情境激活、表达展现、经验共享、亲历与反思。  相似文献   

课程测量是进行课程评价的前提与基础之一,但由于课程体系自身的复杂性及诸多特点,使得对其量化比较困难。在借鉴国外课程量化研究方法与成果的基础上,结合我国课程体系的自身特点,通过对课程的分层研究与分析,初步建立了我国课程量化的框架和指标体系。框架确立了以课程标准、教材、教师和校长分别作为课程目标、潜在的实施课程与实施课程三个层面的量化点,以学生知识、情感、态度、价值观为整个课程系统的效标,并确定了各个指标对应的量化途径与方法。通过对课程的量化,保证了课程评价的科学性,能为课程改革、教育决策等提供更多的有力依据。  相似文献   

课程问题首先是知识问题,知识选择是课程运作中极为重要的一个环节.受知识现代性信仰的制约,课程知识囿于客观性、普遍性和价值中立性的认识论窠臼,知识的多样性被严重遮蔽.多元化的时代主题及后现代课程观的兴起,消解了科学知识的霸权地位,多样化逐步成为课程知识选择的主导取向.课程知识选择多样化可通过校本课程开发、制度变革及冲突性整合等路径来实现.  相似文献   

论课程知识的评价——教育评价视域的必要补充   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程知识是教育的载体,它直接影响到教育质量的好坏。而在教育评价的领域中,对课程知识评价的关注不多。因此,有必要对知识的类型和价值,以及课程知识与个体思想自由的关系做一些探讨,并指出在进行课程知识评价时,应该要遵循的四个原则。  相似文献   

As nonprofit adult literacy programs are often the only options for low-income Latin American immigrants in North America, problems accompanying these programs affect the ability of immigrants to benefit from them. North American nonprofit adult literacy programs often struggle due to the difficulties inherent in using volunteer instructors (often from different cultural backgrounds than participants) who use curricula that often do not reflect students’ communities of origin. Hence, the outcomes of these programs can be problematic. One potential way to ameliorate these difficulties is found in the critical framework of Paulo Freire, wherein curricula are student-generated. The primary argument in this review essay is that trained community instructors (or Freirean-trained outsiders) – using Freire's model of instruction and curriculum development, working under a demand for true accountability for results from organizational administrators – could improve existent benign North American adult literacy programs into more empowering social resources for Latin American immigrant communities in the United States. The possibilities for such improvement are explored through analysis of positive and negative case studies within the larger literature on adult literacy.  相似文献   

基于科学素养的课程改革要求课程设计的现代化,与其相适应的课程设计理念、目标和方法应具有预期的内在特色,包括同具体学习目标的联结,有效的教学方法、文化多样性的要求,为学生的科学素养发展提供机遇和有益的评估方式。“2061计划”将课程设计作为培养科学素养的方法,强调革新课程设计框架,包括课程价值取向的建构、课程内容的统整、课程时间安排和类别设置、课程实施的多重变量的关注以及课程板块的组合等描述,旨在为研究者、实践者在基于科学素养的课程系统内提供借鉴和新思路,对面向新时代我国创新型人才培养的科学素质课程创新改革提供参考。  相似文献   

苏格兰"人格与社会教育"(PSE)课程起源于20世纪70年代,PSE课程不仅是苏格兰基础教育卓越课程八个课程领域之一,同时也是儿童和青少年学习的核心内容之一。PSE课程聚焦于儿童与青少年的心理与生理健康、人际关系和社会技能,致力打造多学科融合课程,也被苏格兰地区当作学校开展心理健康教育的重要途径。PSE课程基准给出的指标清晰明确,课程内容覆盖面广、划分详细,课程实施以PSE课程共同体开展,凸显了多方协作的优势。苏格兰PSE课程的设计与实施对我国中小学心理健康教育的开展与心理健康课程的改革发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

新课程实施情况调查:问题与障碍   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
课程实施是课程改革的关键环节。通过对课程实施过程中问题与障碍的考察 ,透视课程实施的成效 ,是当前教育理论工作者与实践工作者的当务之急。本研究运用质化与量化两种研究的方法 ,通过对全国十个实验区的调查分析 ,提出当前课程改革的突出问题 :课程实施资源的严重缺乏 ;考试改革的滞后 ;教师面临的压力重重  相似文献   

从结果到过程--论知识观的转变与我国新课程目标的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对知识本身的认识影响着课程目标的建立:如果知识是客观而又普遍的,那么,这种静止、绝对的知识观所导向的是以知识为中心的结果性课程目标。而当前,人们对知识的客观性、普遍性提出了质疑,认为知识是相对的、局部的,知识更多地充满了不确定性,这意味着课程目标应由重视结果向关注过程转变,我国新课程所确定的过程性目标也因此应运而生。  相似文献   

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