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Inequalities are derived relating the impedance and admittance matrices of parallel connections without ideal transformers to the matrices of parallel connections with ideal transformers; necessary and sufficient conditions for equality are given. Equivalent conditions for equality, but not the inequalities themselves, were previously obtained in the invertible case by Lempel and Cederbaum and by Murti and Thulasiraman.  相似文献   

It is shown that for DC networks in which certain components are allowed to vary, the worst case DC problem can be solved by solving a linear programming problem. The constraints used in the linear programming problem are determined from the elements tolerance regions. This enables us to obtain the worst case solution without having to compute the gradient of the network functions.  相似文献   

新农村建设中知识服务网络模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立具有知识服务特点的新农村将对构建和谐社会提供多方面的支持,如何构建与城市无缝衔接的先进的知识服务模式成为目前新农村建设中不可避免的问题.本文针对目前新农村建设中的热点问题,注重各种知识在农村领域的应用,提出了构建知识服务网络的机制,并对文化知识网络模式、村务公开服务网络模式、科技知识协作网络模式和农产品知识服务网络模式进行了较详尽的阐述,为相关研究决策提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   

Tunable resistive pulse sensing (TRPS) has emerged as a useful tool for particle-by-particle detection and analysis of microparticles and nanoparticles as they pass through a pore in a thin stretchable membrane. We have adapted a TRPS device in order to conduct simultaneous optical measurements of particles passing through the pore. High-resolution fluorescence emission spectra have been recorded for individual 1.9 μm diameter particles at a sampling period of 4.3 ms. These spectra are time-correlated with RPS pulses in a current trace sampled every 20 μs. The flow rate through the pore, controlled by altering the hydrostatic pressure, determines the rate of particle detection. At pressures below 1 kPa, more than 90% of fluorescence and RPS events were matching. At higher pressures, some peaks were missed by the fluorescence technique due to the difference in sampling rates. This technique enhances the particle-by-particle specificity of conventional RPS measurements and could be useful for a range of particle characterization and bioanalysis applications.  相似文献   

通过收集分析103例民航协同创新案例,以机构类型分布为研究视角,建立创新集群和协作网络的结构模型对比进行分析。采用复杂网络的研究方法建立民航协同创新协作网络,分析网络的整体特征,进一步运用聚类分析找出协同创新网络中协作关系较为紧密的集群类型,重点研究民航协同创新网络中的主要集群结构特征,找出网络中重点机构类型并研究其在网络中的作用,探讨与其他机构类型形成的集群现象,论证政产学研协作关系在民航协同创新发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

在探讨蓝海战略和技术创新网络的相关研究基础之上,分析企业如何利用技术创新网络开创蓝海战略,同时提出企业在利用技术创新网络实施蓝海战略时应当注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

本文构建了国际合作网络结构通过知识扩散影响科学会聚的理论模型,并运用社会网络分析法和科学计量分析法进行定量研究。在合作网络结构层面,考虑了多层网络结构对知识扩散的影响,即个体网络的中心性和整体网络的密度。以全球各国1992-2016年间在物理储能、化学储能、电磁储能3大领域发表的SCI-E论文数据为样本,通过Spearman相关分析对理论模型的相关性进行验证。结果表明:在国际合作网络中,高中心性的国家更易成为新知识的早期采纳者,从而促进知识扩散;整体网络密度与知识扩散显著正相关关系;知识扩散促进科学会聚的形成;储能领域的科学研究相对集中,形成以“化学”、“材料科学”、“能源燃料”、“物理学”为中心的学科共现网络。  相似文献   

异构无线网络中移动用户通过在多种接入技术不同异构网络之间漫游,核心问题是通过不同的垂直切换判决策略,选择最合适的接入网络确保多模终端在异构网络移动过程中保持连接。通过对异构网络垂直切换判决方法对比分析,其中接近理想方案的序数偏好法TOPSIS对网络更为敏感,而简单加权法SAW则相对稳定。  相似文献   

简要介绍了钢结构防火涂料的防火原理,分析了当前厚涂型、薄涂型,超薄型及室外钢结构防火涂料的研究和应用,及其在使用过程中存在的主要问题,并提出了具体的改进措施,对我国钢结构防火涂料今后的发展进行了展望并提出建设性的意见.  相似文献   

浅析尿素合成塔腐蚀原因及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了尿素合成塔衬里腐蚀情况,分析了工艺方面、设备制造方面、正常生产中的防腐控制、系统停车和长停开车防腐控制、检修防腐控制、腐蚀监控等多种腐蚀原因,并提出相应的防腐预防措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigate the generalized synchronization and pinning adaptive generalized synchronization for delayed coupled different dimensional neural networks with hybrid coupling, respectively. First, some sufficient conditions for reaching the generalized synchronization and pinning generalized synchronization of the considered network are acquired by using some inequality techniques and Lyapunov functional method. Second, because the precise parameter values of network cannot be obtained in some situations, we also purse the study on the generalized synchronization analysis and pinning control for the case of coupled different dimensional neural networks with parameter uncertainties. Third, two numerical examples are provided for substantiating the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   

Networks in which each node is directly linked to its nearest neighbors exhibit high reliability and message handling capability. The construction of such networks guaranteeing minimal length, for a given degree of redundancy, is formulated in zero-one integer linear programming terms. Initial feasible solutions to the programs are presented, but connectedness is not guaranteed. In the latter case further zero-one integer programs are proposed assuring connectedness, with given initial feasible solutions. The inefficiency of zero-one programs for large networks leads to consideration of alternate redundant connected networks, without guaranteed minimal length. These networks are based on “nearest- neighbor edge sets”, and are simple to construct. Various theorems on the properties of such networks are presented with applications to one-way communicability.  相似文献   

本文论述了企业技术创新网络及其存在的机理,从企业创新网络的选择、治理机制和国家创新系统角度,对企业创新网络的治理进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
本文通过分析复杂网络的结构特征及其内在嵌入性机理,回顾了复杂网络的基本理论现状。然后,分析得到了组织网络的非线性、多模块特征,发现了组织网络与复杂网络共同的行为模式。据此,将复杂网络引入到组织网络的研究中来,分别从组织网络的表示方法与分析手段,组织网络的互动关系和程度对其鲁棒性和适应性的影响,组织网络内在的协调机理,以及其局部互动与全局演化动力学特征之间的关系等几个方面探讨了复杂网络理论在组织网络研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

在概述前人研究的基础上,基于知识流动这一崭新的视角,提出了由主体、资源、活动三要素组成的企业创新网络理论构架,将由核心企业、其他企业、大学和科研机构构成的创新主体要素及由主体资源与网络特殊资源组成的资源要素整合在知识获取、知识创造、知识转移和知识应用这一完整的知识流动过程中.这一构架的提出,有利于我们加深对企业创新网络本质的理解.  相似文献   

Wearable hydrogel sensors provide a user-friendly option for wearable electronics and align well with the existing manufacturing strategy for connecting and communicating with large numbers of Internet of Things devices.This is attributed to their components and structures,which exhibit exceptional adaptability,scalability,bio-compatibility,and self-healing properties,reminiscent of human skin.This review focuses on the recent research on principal structural elements of wearable hydrogels:tough...  相似文献   

周密  赵西萍  司训练 《科学学研究》2009,27(9):1384-1392
 实现个人知识在研发团队内部的有效转移对组织的知识创造至关重要,而团队内社会网络又是影响团队内知识转移的重要渠道。研究考察了团队成员个人团队内的社会网络中心性和网络信任对团队内部知识转移成效的影响。研究认为团队成员个人在团队内的社会网络中心性对个人知识在团队内转移的成效以及个人团队内的网络信任均具有促进作用,在此基础上进一步提出了团队成员的网络信任在网络中心性影响知识转移成效中的中介作用。研究对所提假设进行了实证检验,并对结果进行了进一步的解释,旨在进一步剖析知识活动的规律,从而为企业有效的管理知识提供指导。  相似文献   

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