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论自然科学、社会科学、人文科学的三位一体关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
自然科学、社会科学和人文科学是人类科学体系中的三大主干门类,这三大科学门类之间相互差异和相对独立、呈三足鼎立之势,又相互依存和相互关联,共同组成了一个共生共荣、三位一体的整体科学系统。科学的这种三位一体关系要求我们在发展科学的过程中必须注意保持科学系统的整体优化和综合平衡,也即必须坚持和贯彻促使三大科学协调发展的基本原则。  相似文献   

In developing countries, taxation is perceived as a brake on economic growth. Indeed, taxes in most of these countries are not sufficiently adapted to the specificity of the taxpayer and often do not consider the weak administrative capacity of the countries in the region. In this context, reforms have been initiated over the last decade to create tax environments that encourage savings, investment, entrepreneurship, and social innovation. This study provides an overview of research on the effects of taxation on social innovation and the corresponding implications for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries, taking three approaches: thematic, chronological, and methodological. Most studies agree that high taxes in business undermine social innovation and thus the achievement of SDGs, as social innovation is known to be a driver of most SDGs and business the vehicle. The majority of the selected studies used primary data collected from samples whose representativeness with respect to the population concerned (notably businesses) is still not explicitly justified.  相似文献   

随着我国对食品安全重视程度的提高,发达国家的科学监管经验具有重要的借鉴意义。谷物作为世界上最重要的食物来源,其产品质量标准的安全程度一直受到国际社会的广泛关注。通过对欧盟现有谷物安全科学监管的体系及政策梳理,主要关注谷物最大风险来源的真菌霉素的多方面污染危害及治理模式,重点介绍欧盟食品安全科学监管的相关条例以及处理措施,并在一些方面得出对我国的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

张之沧 《科学学研究》2001,19(1):100-106
鲍吉人先生建立的“社会科学的三维框架-知识经济的总方程,用“复数矩阵图表”不仅完美地表达了社会现实中“领导,专家和公众”相互作用的三维关系,且具有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to achieve a better understanding of the processes underlying knowledge transfer (KT) in social sciences and humanities (SSH). The paper addresses: first, the extent of SSH research groups’ engagement in KT and the formal KT activities used to interact with non-academic communities; and second, how the characteristics of research groups may influence engagement in various types of KT. The empirical analysis is at research group level using data derived from a questionnaire of SSH research groups belonging to the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). We find that KT activities are based on relational rather than commercial activities. The most frequent relational activities in which SSH research groups engage are consultancy and contract research. We find also that the characteristics of research groups (e.g. size and multidisciplinarity) and individuals (e.g. academic status and star scientist) are associated with involvement in KT activities and that a deliberate focus on the societal impacts and relevance of the research conducted is strongly related to active engagement of research groups in all the modes of KT considered in this study. From a managerial perspective, our findings suggest that measures promoting a focus on the societal impact of research could enhance research groups’ engagement in KT activities.  相似文献   

以收录于Web of Science的国家自然科学基金资助论文为对象,从高被引论文和平均引用影响两个视角,评价我国与G7国家的合作效果。研究表明,美国是第一大合作伙伴,加拿大、日本、英国、德国和法国与我国的合作规模相当,意大利与我国合作最少;在提升国际合作影响力(高被引论文份额和平均引用影响)方面,NSFC对数学、化学与化工、以及物理学与材料科学领域的提升作用明显,但这种提升效果因合作国家不同而异;NSFC资助对国际合作影响力提升作用较好的领域也是我国总体上实力相对较强的领域,而需要付出更大努力的是我国影响力远低于世界平均水平的领域(如环境与生态学、神经科学与行为学、微生物学、分子生物学与遗传学、以及临床医学等),NSFC资助的国际合作效果甚至不及非NSFC资助的国际合作。文末提出资助政策建议。  相似文献   

基于技术科学视角的现代政策科学体系新架构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在回顾现代政策科学发展历程,系统分析其两个基本范式得失利弊的基础上,借鉴我国关于技术科学体系结构的最新研究成果,提出现代政策科学学科体系新架构的基本设想,初步探讨这一工作的重要意义,并展望政策科学未来的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

【目的】 通过统计分析我国哲学社会科学学术期刊分布特征,探讨我国社科期刊生产、分布的现状和存在的问题。【方法】 以国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库中收录的1007种社科期刊作为研究对象,从出版周期、创办时间、主办单位、地区分布四个角度进行统计分析。【结果】 从出版周期看,我国社科期刊以月刊和双月刊为主;从创办时间看,新老期刊结构不合理;从主办单位看,科研机构和学校是社科期刊主办单位的主力;从地区分布看,社科期刊地区分布不平衡。【结论】 我国社科期刊的发展存在分布不平衡的问题,不利于提升社科期刊的学术传播力和社会影响力,据此提出改进建议,对我国社科期刊繁荣发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

【目的】 明确现阶段我国人文社会科学学术期刊国际化所处的宏观环境,为推动我国人文社会科学学术期刊国际化提供相关参考与政策建议。【方法】 运用战略外部环境分析工具——PEST分析法,以一种全新思路,从政治、经济、社会和技术4个角度总结我国人文社会科学学术期刊国际化的若干影响因素。【结果】 综合考虑各种外部环境因素后可以发现,充分依托“一带一路”等国家政策、加大资金投入力度、创办英文期刊并坚守学术自信、借力数字化出版模式等手段是推进我国人文社会科学学术期刊国际化的有效途径。【结论】 全面了解当前我国人文社会科学学术期刊国际化的宏观环境,因时制宜、有的放矢地实施人文社会科学学术期刊国际化策略有助于加快其国际化进程。  相似文献   

欧盟作为大型的国际联盟,在数字资源长期保存方面还未建立起统一的法律法规或者战略来联合维护欧盟范围内的数字资源的统筹管理。本文试图通过欧盟对数字资源长期保存的发展简介、议程安排以及欧盟和成员国对此作出的战略部署进行分析和梳理,从而为我国的数字资源长期保存提供生动的实例。  相似文献   

张云昊 《科学学研究》2011,29(7):984-990
 资助制度作为哲学社会科学研究制度的一个基本组成部分,其优先性和重要性不言而喻。基于当下中国学术制度背景,从资助制度的理论基础、国际经验和发展趋势出发,系统地分析了中国哲学社会科学研究资助制度的组织体系、主要模式及其存在的问题,在此基础上,深入探讨了进一步改革和创新的基本路径。  相似文献   

蒋晨 《科技管理研究》2012,32(3):190-192,201
根据全国哲学社会科学规划办公室网站公布的国家社科基金项目立项资料,重点分析2001-2010年社科院系统承担的国家社科基金立项的基本情况、特点,借以探讨社科院系统在国家高水平的社会科学研究中的现状及十年间变化状况。  相似文献   

华薇娜  羌丽 《科学学研究》2011,29(5):670-677
 运用文献计量方法,通过美国汤森路透公司的核心期刊论文数据库WoS中的社会科学专题数据子库,检索了中国大陆在世界核心刊物上自1900年至1949年间发表的几乎全部的论文。并从文献量、著者、机构、学科主题、核心期刊、引文等角度进行了归类统计和分析,用定量数据从一个侧面反映了20世纪上半叶中国社会科学研究的历史实况、研究水平、科研布局等具体信息。  相似文献   

The current paper is concerned with exploring the role of absorptive capacity in extending the reach of innovation-related collaboration in high technology small firms. Drawing on survey data from a sample of 316 Dutch high-tech small firms, engaged in 1245 collaborations, we explore the relationship between R&D expenditure and distance to collaboration partners. In general terms, we find most partners to be ‘local’. However, controlling for a variety of potential influences, higher R&D expenditure is positively related to collaboration with more distant organizations. The implications of our results for policy, practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

欧盟东扩对中东欧国家FDI流入的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋耀  李宁 《中国软科学》2004,(11):124-131
2004年5月1日,八个中东欧国家正式成为欧盟成员国。这些中东欧国家加入欧盟,会对本国今后FDI的流入产生何种影响?本文通过对原有文献的回顾以及对现有数据分析后认为:中东欧国家加入欧盟后,可能会迎来FDI流入的第二次高峰,但是增幅规模不会超过在转轨过程中发生的第一次流入高峰。  相似文献   

本文将内容分析方法用于管理科学学科领域的研究中,通过系统分析国内外核心管理期刊从1994年到2005年12年间刊载的学术文章,并且结合其他研究方法得出的管理科学学科发展趋势来判断国内外管理科学学科领域的发展趋势,期望能辅助探索管理科学领域的发展规律。  相似文献   

This study furthers investigation into exactly how Social CRM (S-CRM) is different from traditional CRM, and models the interrelationships between its capabilities. It is underpinned in dynamic capabilities theory, to explain how social media, as a resource all organizations use, can lead to differing performance outcomes. It is underpinned in seminal research into traditional CRM, but which does not cater for the disruptive nature of social media. We outline how S-CRM is a second-order dynamic capability consistng of a set of first-order integrative dynamic capabiliies that, when properly interrelated, lead to performance outcomes. We particularly model the role of S-CRM front- and back-office technology capabilities, customer engagement initiatives, and social information processes in driving customer relationship performance. Findings show that S-CRM is different from traditional CRM in a range of ways in the front- and back-offices, and provide a framework for researcher and managers in information systems and marketing to operate at strategic and tactical levels within S-CRM, while being congisant of both.  相似文献   

Different approaches have been used to analyse international collaboration in science but none can fully explain its rapid growth. Using international co-authorships, we test the hypothesis that international collaboration is a self-organising network. Applying tools from network analysis, the paper shows that the growth of international co-authorships can be explained based on the organising principle of preferential attachment, although the attachment mechanism deviates from an ideal power-law. Several explanations for the deviation are explored, including that of the influence of institutional constraints on the mechanism of self-organisation.  相似文献   

Social collaboration technologies have rapidly spread across organizations, offering a unique opportunity to improve the exchange of knowledge among employees, especially in distributed work environments. The increasing popularity of social-collaboration tools as an employee-oriented communication channel, inevitably raises questions about the future of email as its intensive use by knowledge workers is more and more perceived as being inefficient and unproductive. Through a quantitative case study methodology, this study seeks to explore the role played by the notion of habit in explaining employee knowledge sharing capability for firms implementing social collaborative practices in the context of no-email initiatives. Data collected within a large international IT services company, which is among the first firms having made such shift, were used to test the developed conceptual model. The findings suggest that habit is positively influenced by relative advantage and perceived ease of use while relative advantage was found to positively impact knowledge sharing capability. Besides, habit moderates the relationships between three attributes (relative advantage, perceived ease of use, and compatibility to a lesser extent) and knowledge sharing capability. Theoretical and practical implications developed from these findings are then discussed.  相似文献   

Information and knowledge can be seen as key resources for improving the internationalisation processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Collaboration has also been considered as an important facilitator of these processes, particularly by nurturing information and knowledge sharing. However, the current literature is unclear about the way SMEs can access information and assimilate knowledge in a collaborative network context, to support decision-making. This paper systematically reviews the literature, examining the role of information, knowledge and collaboration in internationalisation decisions of SMEs. To this end, 38 relevant journal articles were analysed, with the identification of some important issues, as well as gaps in the existing empirical knowledge. This analysis provided valuable input for the development of research suggestions and directions for future work in this area.  相似文献   

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