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现代远程教育学习中心的管理是我国现代远程教育管理中比较薄弱的环节。本文运用现代营销关系渠道理论,分析了远程教育渠道,并对试点高校远程教育渠道的管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国观代远程教育迅速发展,不论从社会需求角度,还是消费者、主办院校角度出发,远程教育在我国已形成“几头热”的良好态势。那么,我国现代远程教育能够有多远?“热浪”过后的远程教育怎样应对未来变化?或许从远程教育特点、服务营销和消费者角度.可以找到答案。  相似文献   

农村中小学现代远程教育理论体系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村中小学现代远程教育的本质是提高农村教育质量,促进城乡教育协调发展。文章从农村中小学现代远程教育的内涵、农村中小学现代远程教育的基本构成、农村中小学现代远程教育的目的、农村中小学现代远程教育的基本特征、农村中小学现代远程教育的研究内容和农村中小学现代远程教育的实施动力等6个方面对农村中小学现代远程教育进行了全面论述。  相似文献   

关于现代远程教育发展的冷思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“现代远程教育工程”为标志的中国现代远程教育正在迅速地扩充和发展。发展有中国特色的第三代远程教育的实践之路同样充满了挑战。作者结合中国的具体情况,依据现代远程教育的办学规律,分析了我国现代远程教育实践中的过热现象、盲目性和中国现代远程教育产业化道路中的问题,并提出中国现代远程教育发展的策略建议。  相似文献   

针对如何开展好军队现代远程教育,提出了要从准确把握军队现代远程教育的内涵和特点、充分发挥军队院校在开展军队现代远程教育中的作用、努力推动军队现代远程教育与现有教育形式的融合、不断深化军队现代远程教育的探索与实践四个方面着手,积极探索、实践军队现代远程教育,推动军队现代远程教育不断发展。  相似文献   

对加快现代远程教育发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从远程教育的产生和发展出发,分析了现代远程教育的涵义,指出现代远程教育是整个远程教育发展过程中的一个阶段,是一种新型的教育方式。分析了目前教育领域存在的对现代远程教育认识上的某些误区,进而提出了对发展现代远程教育的几点思考。  相似文献   

利用现代远程教育的优势,实施农村现代远程教育,服务"三农",建设现代农村、发展现代农业,培养具有现代意识的农民是我国现代远程教育的一项重要任务。本文从目前我国农村现代远程教育的状况入手,分析了存在的问题,构建了现代远程教育服务三农的新体系和未来发展之路。  相似文献   

现代远程教育与终身教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文给出了现代远程教育和现代终身教育体系的内涵,论述了现代远程教育是构成现代终身教育体系的基础,讨论了如何利用现代远程教育技术构建现代终身教育体系。  相似文献   

本文回顾了远程教育的发展过程,突出技术的进步对远程教育的影响,从三个方面分析论述了现代信息技术对现代远程教育的影响:教材在远程教学过程中起着决定性作用,现代信息技术的发展使现代远程教育的教材发生了很大的变化;远程教育的基本特点是教学的“远距离”传输,现代信息技术使远程教学传输过程网络化,网络远程教学模式使得教学资源更加丰富,最终达到国际共享;现代远程教育的教师要掌握现代远程教育技术和科学知识。教师肩负着现代远程教育发展的使命,必须认识现代信息技术对其发展的影响,勇敢地迎接新的挑战。  相似文献   

现代远程教育作为一种新的教育形式,被广大高校广泛应用,发展势头迅猛。但由于远程教育中师生时空分离的特性,师生交互不良成为制约教学质量的瓶颈,因此产生了对现代远程教育中师生交互行为的研究。从现代远程教育中交互的概念及内涵入手,探讨了现代远程教育中师生交互的涵义及分类,并阐述了现代远程教育中师生交互所出现的问题及行为控制策略,旨在优化师生交互效果,提高现代远程教育绩效。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in e-learning competences of teachers. The independent variables used were geographic location, teaching experience, Internet access, e-learning training needs, ICT teacher/non-ICT teachers, and status. A questionnaire was developed to examine the e-learning competencies of vocational high-school teachers in North Cyprus. Findings reveal that the e-learning competencies of teachers in North Cyprus can be classified according to technology-based e-learning, web-based e-learning, and administrative e-learning. In addition, there is an e-learning divide between those teachers who are experienced and those who are not, those who have limited Internet access and those who have unlimited Internet access, those who have less training needs and those who have more training needs, and between ICT teachers and non-ICT teachers.  相似文献   

This special issue of Learning and Instruction examines the role of emotions in academic learning, with a special focus on emotions in computer-supported academic learning (or e-learning). Three central research challenges concerning emotion in e-learning are: identification (e.g., what are the key emotions in e-learning?), measurement (e.g., how can we tell how strongly a learner is experiencing each key emotion during e-learning?), and explanation (e.g., what are the causes and consequences of the learner's emotional state during learning?). A useful goal of research on emotions in e-learning is to test an affective-cognitive model of e-learning with links among an e-learning episode, the learner's emotional reaction during learning, the learner's cognitive processing during learning, and the learning outcome.  相似文献   

Research on e-learning in the workplace has proliferated over the past decade. Various topics on e-learning in workplace settings have emerged, showing the complex, dynamic and multi-disciplinary nature of the field. In this context, there is a need for an extensive, thematic overview of related studies for a better understanding of this broad domain. Using co-word analysis and text analysis methods, this study presents a bibliometric analysis of 324 articles on workplace e-learning published in academic journals and conference proceedings from 2000 to 2012. The results identify six research themes in the field, which are further categorized into four dimensions: e-learning for continuing education and professional development, e-learning in the healthcare sector (as one of the most prolific e-learning initiatives), use of social media for e-learning, and the integration of knowledge management with e-learning. By incorporating the analysis results with relevant reviews, this study offers a comprehensive picture and a holistic view of the workplace e-learning domain, and suggests directions for further work.  相似文献   

During the recent years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a significant role in the field of education and e-learning has become a very popular trend of the education technology. However, with the huge growth of the number of users, data and educational resources generated, e-learning systems have become more and more expansive in terms of hardware and software resources, and many educational institutions cannot afford such ICT investments. Due to its tremendous advantages, cloud computing technology rises swiftly as a natural platform to provide support to e-learning systems. This paper focuses on the research on the application of cloud computing in e-learning. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the current state and the impact of the use of cloud computing for e-learning. Thus, at first the paper introduces concepts of e-learning and cloud computing infrastructure with their key characteristics. The paper analyzes also challenges facing e-learning systems deployment. In follow the paper considers cloud-based e-learning solutions by focusing on the raisons of the convenience of cloud computing for e-learning. Therefore cloud computing benefits are introduced as a solution for these challenges. Finally, the paper presents some solutions of cloud computing in e-learning and describes the most common architecture adopted. Issues in implementing cloud-based e-learning systems and some potential ways to overcome them are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于Web数据挖掘的个性化e-learning解决方案推荐系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内外e-learning个性化推荐系统的现状进行了分析,建立了一种综合性的个性化e-learning解决方案推荐系统,解决了目前e-learning解决方案推荐系统中学习者兼容性、资源充足性、智能挖掘性、推荐整合性这四大挑战。并主要从技术上对个性化e-learning解决方案推荐系统进行构建,重点对Web数据挖掘算法设计、挖掘引擎设计、系统功能模型、数据库设计、推荐界面进行探讨。  相似文献   

我国网络高等教育发展迅速,但在此领域中出现的服务质量问题影响了网络高等教育的可持续发展。学生是网络高等教育服务的直接顾客,学习者角色性质导致其成为网络高等教育质量评价的主体。服务业普遍用CSI(顾客满意度)测评来考量顾客对于服务质量的评价,这里以开放教育学员为对象,采用CSI测评方法对海南网络教育用户满意度进行实证研究。  相似文献   

To ensure the success of the e-learning initiatives, OUM has developed its own e-learning management system, known as myLMS. Since its introduction, many modifications and improvements have been introduced to increase its effectiveness. It is now timely that OUM take stock of its students' attitudes towards e-learning. Thus, a survey was conducted on about 1,000 students at one of OUM's own learning centres, that is, the Kelantan Regional Centrel. The study indicated that generally the teacher cohort had a somewhat neutral attitude towards e-learning. The use of e-learning was more specifically aimed at achieving short term goals of obtaining good coursework and examination grades by capitalizing on the use of the Discassion Board and Courseware. A closer examination reveals that the females prefer the Discussion Board while the males prefer the Courseware. Learners in the Engineering and English programmes had more positive attitudes towards e-learning compared to learners in the Mathematics and Science programmes. Learners with CGPA 〉 3.0 who are categorized as high achievers are more positive towards e-learning as compared to the low achievers ( CGPA 〈 3.0). Age difference, learners' income per month, learners' Internet and e-learning habits were also found to be predictors of attitude towards e-learning.  相似文献   

It is significant to highlight that educational technologies cannot improve academic performance if they are not widely accepted and used. Unfortunately, the decision not to accept e-learning continues to be a fundamental issue. The current research provided an alternative lens to view a decision to accept and use technology in a developing country landscape. Accordingly, the present study focused on the impact of human and social factors on the decision to accept e-learning. The undergraduate students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) formed the contextual setting. The theoretical framework employed was a modified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Accordingly, a survey questionnaire was used to employ a dataset of 204 and 15 students in April 2015 for quantitative and qualitative data. Overall, the principal findings show that social influence, attitude and perceived usefulness, stress, satisfaction and fatigue are critical to behavioural intention to accept e-learning. Meanwhile, strong correlations between perceived usefulness and social influence; previous e-learning experience and average time spent using e-learning; previous e-learning experience and behavioural intention demonstrate how the human and social factors influence the e-learning acceptance culture. Ultimately, the contribution provided valuable insights on how to speed up the process of adoption, the use and continuance of e-learning by an understanding of human and social factors. Moreover, recognising human, social and cultural components make it possible to improve e-learning experiences of users. The implications suggest that a better integration of human and social factors to e-learning may help reduce forms of e-learning challenges and shed new insights for theory.  相似文献   

论网络课程及其开发   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
本文从分析当前网络课程研究中存在的问题出发,辨析了网络课程的概念,界定了网络课程的构成要素,分析了网络课程和网络课件、网络教学系统的关系。论文讨论了影响网络课程开发的特殊因素,对网络课程开发的目标模式赋予了新的内涵,提出了目标导向的网络课程开发模式(ODeCDM),并对该模式的主要环节进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In recent years, advances in technology and changes in the market place for education and learning have resulted in a rapid growth of interest in e-learning. Early experiments in the area have indicated that e-learning may not be the apparent panacea to issues of cost effectiveness and widening participation that was initially mooted. Undoubt edly, e-learning provides the opportunity for wider access to learning at all levels, however, such promise is not always fulfilled. E-learning is often construed as simply putting existing teaching materials ‘on the Web’. A shift towards learner-oriented developments requires a major paradigm shift for learning providers, both at the institutional and individual level. Institutions need to be aware of the commitment required to make e-learning effective, while individuals need to accommodate a shift towards greater learner control and responsiveness to the flexibility requirements. Many of the issues surrounding the effectiveness of e-learning initiatives stem from inadequate consideration of whether e-learning is an appropriate solution to a learning need and insufficient consideration of the design and implementation of the resulting product. This paper proposes a set of criteria for those new to e-learning design to consider when exploring whether and how to implement e-learning. These criteria relate to the appropriateness of an e-learning strategy, the interaction between the proposed market and the design of an e-learning product, the nature of student–faculty interaction within the e-learning environment and issues of evaluation. The relationships between these criteria at a generic level are outlined and guiding principles for the development of e-learning proposed.  相似文献   

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