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开篇主要介绍了容灾备份系统的意义和发展情况,然后对Oracle数据库的基本体系结构做概要的介绍,并进一步对Oracle Data Guard的基本原理进行探索与研究。通过在虚拟机中搭建Linux系统环境,实现了Oracle Data Guard数据容灾系统的部署。作为数据容灾的解决方案,Data Guard提供了多种数据保护模式来满足不同生产环境的需求。最后,本文将对Data Guard数据容灾系统进行各种压力测试和角色转换,从而体验系统的高可用性和高可靠性。  相似文献   

企业对拥有高可用性的系统有巨大需求,使用Oracle Data Guard是实现高可用性系统的解决方案之一。文章描述了Oracle Data Guard的概念和体系结构,并且对Oracle Data Guard物理和逻辑备用数据库的规划和创建方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Oracle数据库10g中增加的叫做Oracle Data Pump(数据泵)的新的导入和导出特性,彻底改变了数据库用户已经习惯的过去几代Or- acle数据库的客户/服务器工作方式。数据泵除了提供全新的性能外还为用户提供灵活性。这表现在INCLUDE和EXCLUDE参数、QUERY参数、TRANSFORM参数和其他参数的实现中,这些参数使用户能够精细地控制被加载和卸载的数据和对象。  相似文献   

Oracle数据库10g中增加的叫做Oracle Data Pump(数据泵)的新的导入和导出特性,彻底改变了数据库用户已经习惯的过去几代Or- acle数据库的客户/服务器工作方式。数据泵除了提供全新的性能外还为用户提供灵活性。这表现在INCLUDE和EXCLUDE参数、QUERY参数、TRANSFORM参数和其他参数的实现中,这些参数使用户能够精细地控制被加载和卸载的数据和对象。  相似文献   

金融数据是当今企业核心的资产,是企业业务连续性计划(BCP)的一个关键性要求。数据保护和灾难恢复可以帮助企业从可能给金融数据造成不利影响的灾难、人为错误和毁坏中幸免。DataGuard为企业提供的一个全面的数据保护、灾难恢复和高可用性解决方案。  相似文献   

结合云计算技术与烟草制造企业的生产数据保护要求,就烟草制造企业的数据安全保护技术做了理论研究和应用建设探索,指出了烟草制造企业中连续数据保护技术的重要性及实现方法,为今后行业内提升企业数据安全提供理论指导。  相似文献   

周兵 《中国科技纵横》2014,(19):213-214
灾备中心是专门为灾备发生时恢复系统功能而设计建造的高等级数据中心,提供机房和相应的办公生活条件、数据处理设备、网络资源、日常运行管理等。一旦灾备发生,灾备中心将接替网络和数据中心运行,利用其各种资源恢复信息系统运行和业务运作。本文通过对灾备技术分析,介绍灾备中心按照不同数据保护服务级别的灵活设计。  相似文献   

软件业乌云密布 软件业最初的坏消息来自软件巨头Oracle公司.3月中旬,这家全球第二大软件制造商宣布其2002年第一季度赢利比去年同期下降了三分之一.Oracle首席财务官Jeff Henley解释道,虽然整体经济已经开始复苏,但技术开支还是滞后.在某些特定行业,如电信、金融服务、高技术制造业等,Oracle的销售业绩开始大幅度下滑.同时,在其核心业务领域,Oracle还得面对来自IBM和微软的挑战.  相似文献   

Oracle在企业级应用系统中得到广泛应用,系统维护人员会经常对Oracle数据进行导出,进行备份,Oracle提供了几种数据导出的方法,但没有直接将Oracle存储的数据按文本文件形式导出的方法,利用动态SQL4技术实现了将Oracle数据直接导出到文本文件中。  相似文献   

刘丽洁 《科技风》2014,(13):25-26
业务连续性和用户数据的完整性已经成为通信行业最先考虑的问题,OracleDataGuard是保护用户数据和业务连续运行得的最有效解决方案,无论是否发生灾难或其他中断,它能够使数据实时可用、不丢失,本文对Oracle数据库容灾理论及实施提供了详细的方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在农村电子商务环境下物流管理系统的设计与分析,对功能模块和业务流程进行了分析与设计,并提出了利用Oracle 10i技术和EA server组件服务器的三层结构。  相似文献   

The recently passed European Directive on the Protection of Personal Data aims to harmonize European data protection law at a higher level of protection than exists now. It represents a European consensus on a standard for personal privacy and a model for countries without data protection laws. The protracted process for agreement and ratification, however, has produced a document with many derogations and ambiguities, reflecting the wider moves towards 'subsidiarity' within the European Union. Of concern to North America is the stipulation that transborder data flow may not be permitted unless the receiving country can demonstrate an 'adequate' level of protection. While the process through which this provision will be interpreted and applied is so far found to be complicated and unclear, nevertheless European authorities will be reluctant to tolerate 'data havens,' a fact that should concern North American business that relies on the unimpeded flows of personal data from and to Europe. Neither Canada nor the United States can claim 'adequate' data protection according to the European standard. However, Canadian efforts through the Canadian Standards Association and the Federal Information Highway Advisory Council signal an attempt to fashion a more comprehensive policy framework for privacy than the more incremental and reactive approach of the United States. This divergence is explained by key cultural, economic, and political factors within Canada, which have caused a different reaction to the extraterritorial effects of the European Union's Data Protection Directive.  相似文献   

The recently passed European Directive on the Protection of Personal Data aims to harmonize European data protection law at a higher level of protection than exists now. It represents a European consensus on a standard for personal privacy and a model for countries without data protection laws. The protracted process for agreement and ratification, however, has produced a document with many derogations and ambiguities, reflecting the wider moves towards ''subsidiarity'' within the European Union. Of concern to North America is the stipulation that transborder data flow may not be permitted unless the receiving country can demonstrate an ''adequate'' level of protection. While the process through which this provision will be interpreted and applied is so far found to be complicated and unclear, nevertheless European authorities will be reluctant to tolerate ''data havens,'' a fact that should concern North American business that relies on the unimpeded flows of personal data from and to Europe. Neither Canada nor the United States can claim ''adequate'' data protection according to the European standard. However, Canadian efforts through the Canadian Standards Association and the Federal Information Highway Advisory Council signal an attempt to fashion a more comprehensive policy framework for privacy than the more incremental and reactive approach of the United States. This divergence is explained by key cultural, economic, and political factors within Canada, which have caused a different reaction to the extraterritorial effects of the European Union's Data Protection Directive.  相似文献   

Oracle 9i针对分布式计算的需要,提供了一套功能强大的数据复制解决方案。本文概述了Oracle数据复制的分类、Oracle高级复制的发展及应用,介绍了Oracle 9i高级复制技术中常用的基本概念、特点,分析了各种复制技术的优缺点,最后确定了一个完整的复制方案,并应用到实际中。  相似文献   

Agile methodologies were introduced in 2001. Since this time, practitioners have applied Agile methodologies to many delivery disciplines. This article explores the application of Agile methodologies and principles to business intelligence delivery and how Agile has changed with the evolution of business intelligence. Business intelligence has evolved because the amount of data generated through the internet and smart devices has grown exponentially altering how organizations and individuals use information. The practice of business intelligence delivery with an Agile methodology has matured; however, business intelligence has evolved altering the use of Agile principles and practices. The Big Data phenomenon, the volume, variety, and velocity of data, has impacted business intelligence and the use of information. New trends such as fast analytics and data science have emerged as part of business intelligence. This paper addresses how Agile principles and practices have evolved with business intelligence, as well as its challenges and future directions.  相似文献   

介绍了Oracle的应用程序接口OCI,分析了SQL的执行过程。针对常规数据存储方法在海量数据存储和系统并发用户较多时效率低下的问题,定义一种简洁的数据结构,创建存储过程并完成对SQL信息的压缩。对比优化前后的实验数据,可以发现此方法能显著提高Oracle的数据存储效率。  相似文献   

杨光 《科教文汇》2012,(3):89-90
新时代中随着越来越多的商务活动使用"云",云计算不仅是未来的计算趋势,也是当下和过去的计算主流,它是将计算机和网络相连接,并强调了诸如高弹性容量、大幅减少闲置冗余以及灵活可伸缩性等。纵观甲骨文历史,它不断地在产品和服务上进行自我突破,如今也成功和"云"的概念相结合孕育出新一代云服务产品Oracle-12c,其中包含了创新、开放和集成的思想,在改善用户的体验的同时,使Oracle成为唯一一家拥有完整的应用程序和相对应平台的云服务公司,也是唯一的供应商。  相似文献   

陆康  刘慧  任贝贝  杜健 《现代情报》2021,40(10):93-103
[目的/意义] 数字图书馆逐渐向智慧图书馆转变。图书馆数据的收集、分析等数据使用行为不断被实践,并对业务管理与服务创新做出一定的贡献。然而,涉及用户隐私敏感数据的使用可能会带来安全方面的问题。[方法/过程] 本文在分析传统的图书馆数据挖掘方法基础上,尝试引用PPDM(Privacy-Preserving Data Mining)的数据泛化、清洗、屏蔽、扭曲等方法,将数据挖掘与业务需求相融合,并以用户数据规范化使用为目标,探索智慧服务背景下用户隐私保护机制,构建业务实施与数据保护融合的可行性方案。[结果/结论] 智慧图书馆数据收集、数据发布、数据共享、数据汇聚都可以借鉴PPDM方法对用户隐私数据加以保护。智慧图书馆只有紧密联系技术创新才能够保障服务创新,从而促进智慧图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

Oracle数据库是当前应用范围最广的数据库系统之一,其系统安全性也倍受关注。分析了Oracle数据库系统安全存在的问题,分别对Oracle数据库系统安全和数据安全进行了探讨;针对Oracle数据库安全问题提出了一些解决策略,包括用户及权限的管理、数据库的加密及数据库的备份与恢复机制。  相似文献   

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