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This article describes how The Levy Library at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai founded its institutional Publishing Press and journals to support scientific publishing education. By creating trainee-driven open access journals, the library was able to offer students, trainees and faculty an opportunity to edit, manage and publish scientific articles while learning first-hand about the many facets of scholarly publishing.  相似文献   

陈斌 《档案与史学》2009,(10):28-34
陈中伟医师是我国首例“断肢再植”手术的主刀医师。于仲嘉医师是世界首例“不锈钢叉代替掌骨再造手掌”手术的主刀医师,两人为人类医学事业作出了不可磨灭的贡献,在世界医学界享有崇高的声誉。但是,却很少有人知道20多年前,在究竟谁是“再造手”发明者的问题上,陈中伟先生与于仲嘉先生之间曾发生过一场激烈的争议与纠葛。近日翻阅当年的采访笔记和内参文稿,使我回想起自己参与调查这场“再造手”发明者之争的来龙去脉和陈中伟与于仲嘉之间的是是非非……  相似文献   

黎楠  杜永萍  何明 《情报工程》2015,1(3):090-097
LDA 主题模型可用于识别大规模文档集中潜藏的主题信息,本文提出了一种基于LDA 建立发明人兴趣主题模型的方法,合并每位发明人的专利数据,专利信息基于发明人进行划分,将标准的文档- 主题-词的三层LDA 模型变为专利数据中的发明人- 主题- 词的发明人兴趣模型,实现发明人的主题发现,并利用该模型中主题分布之间的相似性进行发明人的个性化推荐。在采集真实专利数据集上的实验结果表明该方法相比传统的向量空间模型方法和隐马尔科夫模型方法具有更高的准确率,推荐效果更优。  相似文献   

在台湾大学的牵头和推动下,台湾地区机构库近几年发展十分迅速,在台湾地区影响较大.文章主要分析了台湾地区机构库运行机制,包括宣传推广机制、技术保障机制、管理机制三部分,并对存在的一些问题进行分析.  相似文献   

2006年5月10日,吸引了70万参观者的法国巴黎列宾国际发明展览会举行隆重的颁奖仪式,中国的"抓斗大王"包起帆,迎着来自世界各地的发明家们的钦佩目光和热烈掌声,一次又一次走上领奖台,连续从颁奖者手中接过了4枚闪光的金质奖章.  相似文献   

Mobile talent brings different expertise, perspectives, knowledge, and experience into an organization. With a diversity of views, organizations can obtain new ideas that help improve research and development. National diversity can be deemed to represent the mobile talent within an organization, which might increase innovation. Organizations with national diversity are more innovative. Performance is generally based on collaboration between domestic and international talent, which provides the opportunity to capture benefits from the knowledge transfer effect. Most studies on national diversity generally take a headcount of countries on an organizational basis to calculate the National Diversity Index; however, this approach fails to reveal the contribution of knowledge transfer between domestic/international inventor team collaborations. In this study, the authors propose an index, which includes two parts, in which values are assigned based on domestic/international collaboration and international/international collaboration. The index can determine the level of national diversity. The authors further provided a mechanism for visualizing the diversity of inventor teams. An empirical analysis that focuses on the pharmaceutical industry was conducted to test the proposed model.  相似文献   

聚集学术机构知识的中心:机构库(Institutional Repository)探析   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
董文鸳  袁顺波 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(8):51-55,59
本文首先介绍了机构库的定义及产生的原因,阐述了机构库的特点及国内外相关项目,然后从知识产权保护、经费管理、质量控制等方面论述了机构库存在的问题,最后分析了图书馆应如何面对机构库带来的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

图书馆与制度公正——制度图书馆学研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
从制度视角研究图书馆现象,认为图书馆是民主社会的制度公正的产物,图书馆制度体现了社会制度的公正性,图书馆制度是民主社会为了保障公民的知识权利而选择的一种制度安排。体现了知识自由、知识平等和知识共享的公正理念。最后,提出“制度图书馆学”这一新概念。  相似文献   

文章介绍了机构仓储的概念和建设机构仓储的意义等,提出了一个构建高校机构仓储平台的规划,该规划包括前期准备、功能规划以及模块设计。文章还提出了规划实现过程中应注意的问题。最终揭示了建设高校机构仓储平台对于收集、长期保存学术资源、促进知识共享和学术交流具有极其重要的作用,应该在各高校及科研机构大力普及和应用。  相似文献   

走近学术机构仓储   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当今,世界上越来越多的大学或研究机构的图书馆建立了本机构的学术机构仓储.学术机构仓储(IR)是收集、存放、传播由某一个或多个学术机构如大学、研究所、图书馆等专家、教授、学生创造的、可供机构内外用户共享的学术文献的数据库,它是实现网络学术信息"开放获取"的途径之一.文章探讨了机构仓储的定义、意义、构建的背景,以及实现IR的软件与标准.  相似文献   

图书馆制度伦理探微   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
制度伦理的实质是对制度设计、制度结构和制度安排的伦理要求。图书馆制度伦理,是图书馆制度本身所蕴涵的相应的伦理价值、道德原则和伦理追求。图书馆制度伦理的意蕴是维护社会信息公平,即保障信息自由、维护信息公平、体现信息共享的原则。其评价标准包括合法性标准、有效性标准和读者满意标准等。参考文献25。  相似文献   

近五年来我国机构知识库研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机构知识库研究一直是图书情报领域的研究热点。从理论研究、建设机制研究、服务模式研究、构建工具研究等方面介绍了机构知识库研究的现状,并指出研究中存在的不足。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


As library service providers for distance learners, we are constantly searching for ways to improve communication, share our knowledge, and make distance learners aware of our resources. Virtual (real-time chat) reference is yet another tool to utilize in reaching these students. While virtual reference has been around for several years, and is offered by many libraries, the four institutions comprising this service have taken a variety of paths to reach the current stage-a collaboration among academic state university libraries of varying size. This paper discusses collaboration aspects such as differences in institutional cultures, negotiations, planning and implementation, developing policies and best practices, staff training, technology issues, and lessons learned that can be applied to any collaborative project.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore whether in today's changing landscape libraries institutional repositories are used, in order to develop collections of locally produced geospatial data. Furthermore, this study will explore the use of policies in developing geospatial collections in order to reveal whether this tool is necessary for librarians who deal with geospatial collections. Finally, it will also detect the role of cooperation in respect to the development of geospatial collections.This research is addressed to librarians working on geospatial collections so as to ascertain their perceptions since they are considered to be the professionals leading changes. The results demonstrate that Map/GIS libraries, along with analog geospatial collections, tend to develop collections from the data their academic community produces. Librarians seem to be convinced that the formulation of policies, the open access to the data, and the establishment of cooperation among stakeholders will be the critical points to accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

图书馆制度是国家及政府为了保障公民的知识权利而选择的一种制度安排。对“制度意识”的许多问题,图书馆学界已基本达成共识。在“制度意识”之后,图书馆更需要的是“制度安排”。我国图书馆的“制度安排”的缺陷在于不够完整、不够合理、缺乏预见性、有失偏颇。在研究和建设“制度安排”方面,要作通盘考虑;要进行制度创新;要整合出一整套合理而有效的图书馆制度。  相似文献   

图书馆VS机构库——图书馆战略发展的再思考   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
从20世纪90年代开始,“DC热”、“语义热”及“机构库热”等新技术和管理方法,不仅 对图书馆业务,而且对其生存发展提出了严峻挑战。图书馆必须重新审视其技术发展路线.积 极应对范式转变,确立其知识交流中心的核心作用。参考文献14。  相似文献   

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