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Youwillhavealotofreadingtodoinyourgradethisyear.Youcandomoreofitinlesstimeifyoulearntoreadrapidly.Perhapsyouhavebeentoldaboutsomehabitswhichkeepapersonfromreadingfastandhavebeenstronglyaskedtobreakthosehabitswhichyoumighthave.Doyoustillhaveanyofthesebadhabits?Checkyourselfbyanswering“yes”or“no”tothesequestions:a.Doyoumoveyourlipswhenreadingsilently?b.Doyoupointtothosewordswithyourfingersasyouread?c.Doyoumoveyourheadfromsidetosideasyouread?d.Doyoureadonewordatatime?Ifyouanswer“yes”toany…  相似文献   

(A)ItissometimessaidthattheEnglisharepolitepeople.Thiscanmakelifedifficultforforeigners.SupposeaforeignboyasksanEnglishgirltogooutwithhimandshesays,“IfIfinishmywork,Illmeetyouinthecaféat7oclock.Isshesaying“yes”or“no”tohisinvitation?”Ingrammaticalterms,sheisusingtheconditionalstructure.Byusingtheconditional,speakersofEnglishcanavoidgivinga“yes”or“no”answertoaquestion.Itenablespeopletobediplomatic.Ifthegirldoesntwanttogooutwiththeboy,shewontturnupatthecafé.Shewilllethimunderstan…  相似文献   

在初中英语课本中,or常用作连词。笔者就其用法分述如下:一、or表示选择关系时,意为“还是”或“或者”。例如:Is this book new orold?这本书是新的还是旧的?W hich do you prefer,white,grey or black?你喜欢哪种颜色,白色,灰色还是黑色?二、or表示并列关系,相当于“and no/not”。例如:Ithas no legs orfeet.它没腿也没脚。H e doesn tlike to go to bed late orgetup late.他不喜欢晚睡晚起。三、or表示转折关系时,常和else连用,意为“否则”或“要不然”。例如:H urry up,or(else)you llbe late.赶快,否则你要迟到了。W ork hard,or…  相似文献   

Tea or Coffee?     
Once a man took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter,“Waiter,is this tea or coffee?”The waiter said,“Can't you tell the difference,sir,by the taste?”“No,”the man said,“I cant.”“Well,”answered the waiter.“If you can't tell the difference,what does it matter which it is?”Tea or Coffee?!河南@马志芳…  相似文献   

“Which language is the most .widely spoken,English, Russian or Chmese? ”“Which football team won the World Cup in 1978?” “How many kilometres are there in 64 miles?”  相似文献   

连词or的含义及用法甚多。现对其略作归纳如下:1.or表示选择意义时,意为“或者”、“还是”。例如:W hich do you like best,tom atoes,cabbageorpeas?你最喜欢哪一种蔬菜,是西红柿、卷心菜还是豌豆?当or连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式要与后一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:Y ouorI am w rong.不是你错了,就是我错了。2.or意为“大约”、“或许”。例如:I gave it to X iao Liorsom ebody.我把它给了小李,或是哪一位了。or so表示“大约”、“左右”之意。例如:M y parents will m ove back into tow n in a year or so.我父母大约…  相似文献   

并列连词用来连接并列的词、短语与分句,现将其分类归纳如下:一、表示选择关系的并列连词1.or意为“或”、“或者”。例如:A re you in G lass Two or Class O ne?2.either...or...意为“或者……或者……”、“要么……要么……”,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式与or后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:Either you or your friend is good atEnglish.注:在“祈使句+or+简单句”的结构中,or意为“否则”、“要不然”。该祈使句相当于if引导的表示否定意义的条件状语从句。例如:H urry up,or you llm iss it.(=Ifyou don thurry up,yo…  相似文献   

Do you have trouble with your age? Are you fed up with the words“You are too young to go travelling by your-self.” or “Kids should not ask so many questions.”?  相似文献   

“Tipping”is always a difficult business. You do not want to give too much or too little, or tip the wrong person. In Britain and America, people usually tip waiters in restaurant, porters, taxi drivers and hairdressers. They do not tip people in office, cinemas, garages or airports. Do you invite your friend to the restaurant? Then you pay the bill. Does your friend invite you? Your friend pays. I…  相似文献   

or是初中教材使用频率较多的单词之一 ,我对其词义和用法方面作了如下小结 ,供同学们在学习中参考。一、or用在选择疑问句中 ,表示两个或两个以上的人和物中选择其中之一 ,意为“还是”。例 :1、Isherfriendaboyoragirl?她的朋友是男孩还是女孩 ?2、IsLucylikehermotherorfather?露茜像她母亲还是父亲 ?二、or用在肯定句中 ,连接两个并列成分 ,表示部分肯定 ,意为“或 ,或者”。例 :ItusuallycomesinSeptemberorOctober .它 (中秋节 )通常在 9月或 1 0月。三、or用在否定句中 ,连接两个并列成分 ,表示全部否定 ,意为“和”。例 :1、Ithas…  相似文献   

“Tipping”is always a difficult business.You do notwant to give too much or too little,or tip the wrong person. In Britain or America,people usually tip waiters inrestaurants,porters,taxi dirvers and hairdressers.They denot tip people in offices,cinemas,garages,or airports. Do you invite your friends to the restaurant?Then youpay the bill,Does your friend invite you?Yeur friendpays.If there are men and women in the party,men usu-ally pay. These days,men and women are equal in many  相似文献   

教你在餐厅“吃饭”——就餐用语“大盘点”1.Can I help you?/What would you like?你想要点什么?2.I!d like…我想要……3.What kind of…do you have?你们有什么样的……?4.What size bowl of noodles would you like?你要多大碗的面条?5.Do you like Chinese or Western fo  相似文献   

一、宾语从句宾语从句可分为以下几类。1.以连词 that引导的宾语从句。that在口语中常省略。“They m ay know him.”He says.→He says(that) they m ay know him.2 .以连词 if/whether引导的宾语从句。“Will it rain tom orrow?”He asks.→He asks if/whether it will rain tomorrow.whether引导的宾语从句可与连词 or或 or not连用 ,而 if不行。 People often ask m e whether I likebeing a twin or not.3.以 Wh- /h-引导的宾语从句。如 who,whom ,whose,which,when,where,why,how等。“What is he reading?”→Can you see what…  相似文献   

1.How ya doing?你好!(最常用的一句问候语) 其中ya=you。完整的句子应该是“How are you doing?”,“are”在这里被省略了。回答通常为:“I'm doing fine.”,也可以说“Good.”or“Great.”。A:Hi.Frank.How nice to bump into you.How ya doing?嗨,弗兰克。遇见你真高兴。你好吗?B:I'm doing fine.Thank you!How about you?我很好,谢谢你!你怎么样?A:Good.Thanks!我很好。谢谢!  相似文献   

“早晚”一词在古汉语里频频出现,既可译成“in the morning and in the evening”,“earlier or later”,“sooner or later”,也可译成“time”,“now”,“at thistime”,“at the moment”,“at all times”。例如: 例1.原文:盖生育有早晚。(《三国志·魏志·王朗传》) 译文:It may be earlier or later for a woman togive birth. 例2.原文:你哪里去了,这早晚才来。(《红楼梦》) 译文:Where have you been?You came here solate. 在例2里,如果把”早晚”译成“now”,就译不出原文略带抱怨的口气。 我想在本文里着谈一谈“早晚”的另一用法,即作疑问词,用来询问时间。译成“What time”,”When”。用作疑问词时,有以下两种情况: 一、“早晚”用于表示已发生了的动作。 例3.原文:王令言急呼其子曰,“此曲兴自早晚?”其子对曰,“顷来有之。”(《隋书·艺术传》) 译文:Wany lingyan ashed his son eagerly, “When did the music become popular?” His son answered,“Not long ago.”  相似文献   

or是一个连词,它在初中英语教材中出现的频率很高,应用也非常普遍,且用法也十分灵活。一、or表示选择,用来连接两个或两个以上平行的成分,意为“或者”、“还是”。例如: Is it green or blue?它是绿色的还是蓝色的? 当or连接的两个主语的人称、数不一致时,谓  相似文献   

<正>“Keep your elbows1 off of the table.”“Don't slurp2 your soup.”“Say ‘please’”Most of us have heard our parents say these phrases many times. Did our parents simply enjoy enforcing3 these rules, or do good manners actually have a purpose in life? As we mature4, manners, or the socially correct way of acting, become more and more important. Good manners are nec-essary to succeed in business, social, and family situa-tions.  相似文献   

In the United States,mostinvitations are made by phoneor in person.“Hello,Tom!We're having a party onSunday.Why don’t youcome?”or“Come over forsupper tonight about six.”That’s what we'll probablyhear an American say,most  相似文献   

A Faithful Pupil     
“bars need wtr,” sftltl he teaCher.“Wtr yOW nowers eVely dy,or they加m伽.” O朋。lugM毗轴r s。e on in he en nd asked,“W41at eW如M山,Mq?” “Waterng noes,”皿叮 anset. “But it is l?alrling nw!” “Oh,it doesn’t matte,MUm.IhaVe an IJlllr)rella广(一 兵供稿)A Faithful Pupil@一兵…  相似文献   

Step1.W arm ing upAnswer quickly:please answer with“yes”or“no”.T:Are you a girl/boy?S1:Yes.Are you a teacher?S2:No.Are you in Class5?S3:Yes.Is ita window?S4:Yes.Is everyone here?S5:No.Is she yourclassm ate?S6:Yes.Are you in Row2?S7:No.Is yourfatherath…  相似文献   

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