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本阐述了性骚扰的法律概念,指出只有通过立法手段才能解决我国的性骚扰问题,并指明了我国对性骚扰立法的关键和形式。  相似文献   

近年性骚扰事件在中国不断爆光 ,首例进入诉讼程序的性骚扰案 ,也因证据不足被驳回起诉而告一审终结。对比中外反性骚扰法律规定 ,如何用法律手段防范和解决性骚扰问题 ,是摆在立法者、执法者面前亟待解决的法律问题。  相似文献   

性骚扰已经成为一个严重的社会问题,美国、英国和我国台湾对反性骚扰的立法都有各自不同的特色,值得借鉴。美国将性骚扰定性为性别歧视,规制性骚扰以工作场所为主,范围不断扩大,并确立了雇主责任原则。我国台湾的反性骚扰立法明确界定了性骚扰的概念,特别是直接将性骚扰纳入了劳动法的调整范畴,认为工作场所性骚扰侵犯的是劳动者的工作环境权,开创了劳动立法的新篇章,并建立了完整的反性骚扰法律体系。我国应当在劳动法特别是《劳动合同法》中用工作环境权构建反性骚扰制度,以规制工作场所的性骚扰,在民法(民法典)中建立反性骚扰民事侵权制度,以之为反性骚扰的一般法。  相似文献   

美国经过20世纪60年代的民权运动,女性权益保障的观念日益深入人心.20世纪70年代中后期,美国大学校园的性骚扰问题开始受到学术界的关注.迄今,美国联邦政府颁布了一系列法案以扼制校园性骚扰和性侵害现象,并通过行政监督的手段敦促大学和学院建立起防范与处理性骚扰的机制和程序.美国各级法院则通过对案件的审理和判决,促进了反性骚扰法律从文本走向实践.  相似文献   

对我国性骚扰问题较早关注的是北京红枫妇女心理咨询服务中心,通过由它创办的妇女热线在电话分类统计中对性骚扰所做的单独来话统计来看,自1992年9月热线电话开通不久即接到反映性骚扰问题的电话,到1997年,虽然有关性骚扰的求助电话不太多,仅占每年来话数的1%左右,但问题的性质却是严重的。1993年,中国社会科学院社会学所研究人员唐灿用随机抽样的办法,在北京和上海对她所接触到的169位女性进行调查发现,84%的人表示曾遭受过不同形式的性骚扰,其中有107人(占调查人数的63%)遭受过两次以上的性骚扰,有152人(占90%)表示知道周围其他女性也受到过性骚扰。  相似文献   

性骚扰的现状及立法对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我们国家的法律中没有关于性骚扰的明确规定,实践中对该种行为的认定和惩治都没有法规可以遵循。而现实生活中的相关案例因法律规定的不完善而缺乏审理的依据。性骚扰行为在国际国内都广泛存在,国外已有关于性骚扰的立法,提出了我国目前防治性骚扰立法的较为可行的办法。  相似文献   

论构建以私权利保护为中心的性骚扰法律规制体系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
性骚扰以及规制性骚扰,既是一个社会问题,也是一个法律问题.从法律上研究性骚扰和规制性骚扰,一方面是要研究性骚扰行为的性质和构成以及法律制裁,另一方面更为重要的是要研究规制性骚扰制度的构建.后者的意义和价值更为重大.世界各国的规制性骚扰制度的历史,从一开始就是沿着两个方向发展的,一个是以职场的劳动者保护为中心,一个是以人的私权利保护为中心.中国特色的规制性骚扰法律制度,应当以人的私权利的保护为中心,保护人的性自主权不受非法侵害.  相似文献   

在当今社会,性骚扰已成为一个较为严重的社会问题。何谓性骚扰呢?性骚扰是指异性在语言,心理或身体上以性的方式实施的性的行为。职业成年女性受到性骚扰,未成年女孩子更是一些心怀歹意的男人  相似文献   

杨天红  马晶 《复旦教育论坛》2021,19(5):35-41,48
为加强校园性骚扰规制,《中华人民共和国民法典》规定高校负有性骚扰防治义务。但当前高校普遍存在将性骚扰防治单纯按师德师风处理的问题,面临未履行性骚扰防治义务的法律风险。高校性骚扰防治义务包括“建立性骚扰防治体系”和“性骚扰防治措施必须合理”两个维度。前者包括性骚扰防治机构设置与人员配备、校内性骚扰防治专项规范、校内性骚扰防治法律及政策宣传等方面,后者则主要从性骚扰认定标准、性骚扰事实证明标准、性骚扰处置结果判断标准、交叉询问调查方式适用、校内调查与刑事调查之间关系的处理等方面予以判断。同时,为确保上述义务履行更有效果,高校在性骚扰防治时还须注重案件信息保密和受害人保护  相似文献   

《妇女权益保护法》禁止对妇女实施性骚扰,受害妇女有权向单位和有关机关投诉.这是我国首次将反性骚扰写进立法,但在我国司法实践中,存在许多难以解决的问题.本文从性骚扰的由来、我国反性骚扰的现状及如何构建我国反性骚扰立法体系等问题进行阐述.  相似文献   

As the focus on bullying has grown, attention to incidents of and concern about sexual harassment has diminished. It is easy to understand that sexual harassment can be a form of bullying, especially when it is used to intimidate, but it is also a form of discrimination prohibited by federal and state laws. Effective implementation and enforcement of bullying and sexual harassment policies can only occur when administration and staff are knowledgeable about each policy, can differentiate between the two, and use appropriate discretion in applying the correct policy. This article discusses current legal developments concerning sexual harassment and bullying in K-12. It examines strategies for developing and implementing policies and training to help create a safe, secure educational environment that is conducive to learning.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of certain discourses as they relate to sexual harassment in a Swedish higher education setting. Using a semiological perspective, the author analyzes notions of existence, range, prevention, and stability in order to demonstrate the way they aim at signifying a limited and, from a bureaucratic point of view, legitimate reality of sexual harassment. The empirical material consists partly of material drawn from public policies, legal documents, and research reports on sexual harassment in higher education, and partly of fourteen semi‐structured interviews with equal opportunity practitioners responsible for implementing equality legislation at a Swedish university. A semiological view on the construction of sexual harassment in public texts and ordinary speech is given through an analysis of the use of language and the internal and external relations of signs. By focusing simultaneously on the stable and variable aspects of the sign, interpretations of the specific notions of limitation, variability, and experience are put forward as critical tools aimed at changing normative views of sexual harassment.  相似文献   

This article discusses research undertaken with a group of ten adolescent school girls about their understandings and perceptions of sexual harassment. The research took place 2 years after the Department of Education, Queensland, had developed and disseminated its Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures (1994). In a series of interviews, the research participants revealed their understandings of sexual harassment and the factors they considered when making the decision to report sexual harassment and/or to utilize existing grievance procedures. The research indicates that the elimination of sexual harassment must take into account the complexities and ambiguities at work in the school lives of adolescent girls. At present it would appear that schools are driven by the legal imperative to implement policy, and have yet to focus on the educative responsibility attending the policy. Schools’ educative responsibility for the effective implementation of sexual harassment policy requires that students have opportunities to examine in the formal curriculum a range of discourses that expose the contradictory ways in which gender, power, sexuality and desire are constructed in education and schooling. The findings of this research therefore have significant implications for school communities, curriculum developers and policy makers  相似文献   

For most females, crude language and other forms of sexually harassing behaviour are part of the fabric of our daily lives. To date, however, our focus on sexual harassment has been limited primarily to the experiences of adult women in academic and work place settings. What has not been explored is the prevalence of sexual harassment in schools and the way it interferes with young women's education. Equal opportunity programmes are of limited use if, for example, we urge female students into traditional male courses but we neglect to consider the hostile climate they encounter there. In this study I explored young women's experiences of sexual harassment in the setting lauded as their gateway to opportunity: school. Based on their testimonies I make recommendations for educators who are committed to making high school a more equitable place for female students.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment in university communities is, at best, understood as the exercise of power by deviant individuals and is dealt with through sexual harassment policies, grievance procedures, reprimands and educational measures. Through a discursive analysis of one case of sexual harassment, this article illustrates how power is not merely attached to specific individuals. Rather, university communities provide the conditions under which sexual harassment is naturalised. The article illustrates how conservative and liberal discourses of academic freedom, juridical interpretations of collective agreements, and anti-feminist backlash discourses shaped knowledge in the public domain, while the voices of women students and feminist discourses on sexual harassment were either marginalised or silenced. The article supports the view that the discursive framing of sexual harassment constitutes power relations in the academy and ultimately legitimises sexual harassment. The article offers some discursive strategies for dealing with sexual harassment in university communities.  相似文献   

The pervasiveness of sexual harassment in US academic institutions is widely documented. However, little is known, and little has been written about the extent of sexual harassment in UK universities. The study reported here investigates this issue through a qualitative survey of women academics in a UK university using intensive interviews. It analyses these women's perceptions and experiences of sexual harassment, from both colleagues and students. The findings are conceptualised using a recent comprehensive categorisation of types of harassment by Gruber (1992). It raises important questions about the possible under‐reporting and underestimation of the incidence of sexual harassment and its effect on professional women.  相似文献   

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