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The article investigates the issue of teaching evaluation in higher education, providing a picture of the phenomenon into the Italian specific context within a European dimension. Starting from the premise that in Italian universities, teaching evaluation is based on general indicators which reflect a simplification of a complex phenomenon, scientific research related to teaching evaluation in higher education is presented and discussed. In this perspective, it will be argued that nature of teaching evaluation is characterized by multidimensionality and complexity. Only in this way it can represent a useful instrument for the improvement of teaching process and for the comprehension of the importance of being effective teachers. Moreover, on the basis of a participative model, it seems important to involve teachers and students in the formulation of relevant questions related to teaching. The aim of the research is represented by highlighting the specific aspects of teaching process dependent from the context through a comparison among faculties. Seventy interviews have been carried out with teachers and students of the same four faculties (Humanities, Psychology, Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Natural Sciences). Qualitative analysis of the data collected are conducted using the scientific software Atlas.ti. The outcomes confirm our initial assumptions showing differences among the four faculties considering the multiple dimensions of the university teaching.
Elisabetta GhedinEmail:

学生是教育对象更是教育资源,如果能充分利用这一资源,借力学生,那么教学会产生事半功倍的效果。本文据此观点及结合多年教学实践,对在专业技能教学中采用“类传销教学法”发挥学生资源的作用,上好专业技能课进行了实践探索,收到了良好效果。  相似文献   

非研究型大学科研与教学关系的思考   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
非研究型大学是指除研究型大学以外的所有本科高校。非研究型大学应以教学为中心,但由于多种原因,我国相当多的非研究型大学过度重视科研,以至严重冲击教学。这与科学研究由"小科学"走向"大科学",高等教育从精英教育走向大众化教育的趋势相悖,既不利于教学也不利于科研,必须切实加以转变。  相似文献   

Research into the effects of large classes demonstrates that students are disadvantaged in terms of higher order learning because interactions between teachers and students occur at lower cognitive levels. This has significance for social work education, with its emphasis on the development of critical thinking and problem solving, both higher order cognitive skills. This paper reports on quantitative and qualitative research that explored social work students’ perceptions of different teaching and learning strategies in a large mental health course designed with reference to principles of student‐centred learning and constructive alignment. Findings revealed that well‐integrated design, relevance to the real world and teacher enthusiasm were seen as most useful by students, rather than particular learning strategies per se. Higher satisfaction ratings and grades were also associated with this student‐centred course compared with an earlier traditional lecture‐style course. The paper concludes that design based on the interplay between diverse learning activities, including lecture input, strengthened the student‐centred orientation of learning and recommends further research that compares learning outcomes associated with these contrasting approaches to professional education.  相似文献   

中国科学技术大学经过46年的努力,取得了令人鼓舞的成绩。如今如何发挥科大自身特点,坚持原有的成功的办学理念,进一步制定完善的政策导向,提升教学质量和研究水平,是值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

Exploring student and teacher perspectives on approaches to learning and teaching reveals interesting insights and new understandings for practice by involving the two key groups of participants in the learning and teaching story. Do students understand and experience learning and teaching similarly or differently from the way teachers intend them to? This paper describes the findings of a study that explored perceptions of learning and teaching in one discipline of an Australian dual-sector university from both a student and staff perspective. Teachers’ conceptions of teaching are also explored and provide extra insight and understanding of the approach to learning and teaching taking place. Key findings of this multifaceted study employing a case study with a mixed method approach include a difference between students’ and teachers’ perceptions of approaches to learning and teaching. Implications for broader practice are highlighted and explored.  相似文献   

河北师范大学顶岗实习支教刍议   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
顶岗实习与教育实习相比较,在承担的任务、服务范围、管理体制、实习效果方面均有不同。顶岗实习是以教育史、教育法规、实践论、建构主义学习理论和教师专业发展为理论依据的。顶岗实习是高等师范院校教育教学改革的重要举措,是奏响“明日教师,今日做起”的畅想曲。  相似文献   

This paper explores how learning and teaching innovations undertaken by externally funded projects, with a fixed remit and lifecycle, can be integrated successfully into institutional educational developments. The example and methods of one particular project, in embedding its work within and relating it to the context of wider, nationally-promoted educational designs, is utilized to illustrate the possibilities for fostering institutional change. Such change relies upon working to promote a climate whose norms support a culture of trust, where team-working can forge a broader ownership of innovation  相似文献   

With the introduction of digital tools and online connectivity in primary schools, the shape of teaching and learning is shifting beyond the physical classroom. Drawing on the architecture of productive learning networks framework, we examine the affordances and limitations of an upper primary learning network and focus on how the digital and physical elements involved in set design shape teachers' pedagogical approaches and students' learning processes. The findings suggest that blended spaces support teachers' distributed orchestration of classroom activities across tools and resources while also leveraging students' engagement in reciprocal teaching and collaborative learning.  相似文献   

Rui Yang 《Higher Education》2004,47(4):473-500
Universities worldwide now encounter fargreater challenges, and are subjected to anunprecedented level of external scrutiny. Thechange in governance ideology in the highereducation sector has altered the way in whichuniversities are managed, a phenomenonidentified by Slaughter and Leslie as academiccapitalism. This article examines how Chineseuniversities are responding to this phenomenonin their cultural complexity and socialcontexts, using South China University ofTechnology as an example. At the same time, theconcepts of globalisation andinternationalisation are taken as salientfeatures of our times, and are often mistakenlyused interchangeably. This article argues thatthey are fundamentally different, reflectingphenomena with different rationales, objectivesand effects. By presenting an analysis ofChina's internationalisation of highereducation through an in-depth case study thefindings of this study shed light on thegeneral current state of internationalisationin the mainstream of China's higher education,and underscores the idea that changesattributed to globalisation are modified andfashioned by the particular circumstances andchoices of local institutions. The studyvividly reveals how local circumstancescan be used to manage the global within thelocal. It reports how the selected casecontinues to develop in the context of markettransition and globalisation.  相似文献   

分析了目前国内高等学校理论课教学现状,提出实施"分组讨论式教学法"。从分组讨论式教学实施过程、课堂讨论内容设计、课堂讨论的组织阐述了"分组讨论式教学法"在涂料技术教学中的应用,并总结了这种教学方法的实践意义。  相似文献   

澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(USQ)学习与教学支持服务机构(LTSU)在其学校的组织框架中属于学习和教学的辅助机构,但却是该校学习支持服务以及基础性支持服务方面的关键部门。该机构在其职责以及服务内容等方面的独特经验,对于建立和完善我国开放大学的学习与支持服务机构以及支持服务的内容具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study compares student perceptions, learning behaviours and success in online and face-to-face versions of a Principles of Microeconomics course. It follows a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) approach by using a cycle of empirical analysis, reflection and action to improve the learning experience for students. The online course design involves 58 interactive narrated online modules, interactive online quizzes and biweekly online meetings with the instructor via video and voice-over-IP technology. Findings indicate that schedule flexibility motivates students to choose the online course format. Students in both learning environments felt they had high-quality communication with the instructor, while online students indicated limited peer-to-peer communication. Online students report studying more at home than face-to-face students, but not enough to compensate for the time face-to-face students spend in class. Reflecting on the findings, the authors suggest actions to improve the online course experience.  相似文献   

大学生不良亚文化对社会主义核心价值体系教育构成巨大挑战,其实质是价值取向偏差。大学生不良亚文化,是社会转型失范和校园教育失效与大学生个人修养不足而导致的价值取向偏差共同作用的结果。社会主义核心价值体系是矫治大学生不良亚文化的必然选择和现实路径,即营造公正和谐的主流价值氛围、增强思想政治教育价值引领的主导功能、提升大学生价值辨析与践行的能力。通过矫治为社会主义核心价值体系融入大学生思想政治教育全过程提供支持。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的到来,为科技的迅速发展提供了重要契机,职业教育对于促进科技进步和经济发展负有重要使命.从澳大利亚信息技术的发展及对职业教育课程的影响,探讨科技进步对课程开发和实施影响的经验,为我国提供借鉴.  相似文献   

With the progressing development of economic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, we need groups of high-quality innovative talents to enhance the overall scientific and technological innovation capacity and competitiveness while also improving the visibility of students on the international stage. Accordingly, the cultivated talents should develop a more open vision, more novel awareness, and a more proactive learning attitude. They will be more sensitive to new things, have stronger practical capacities, and have the courage to break through routines to conduct their work more innovatively. Therefore, we have established a talent cultivation philosophy of "profound foundation, wide range, internationalization, and value innovation" in the physics education and have explored the extra-curricular learning and development pattern of physics students in order to promote a well-rounded development.  相似文献   

At the University of the Free State (UFS) in South Africa, professional development is characterised by its focus on the advancement of scholarly teaching in the disciplines. Practices followed are informed by the scholarship of teaching and learning movement. Within learning communities, special attention is given to the motivational conditions for optimal development, which are intentionally and collaboratively created or enhanced. An action research approach is adhered to, with action learning always an underlying ingredient. The approach has already shown promising signs in advancing personal growth and scholarly teaching practices among lecturers in the Decoding Learning in Law project. The decoding idea originated in the USA and follows a process of identifying and addressing the discipline-specific learning problems of undergraduate students. As precursor to the more formal phase of decoding, the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the UFS has embarked on a process of empowering a group of lecturers in law to address the challenges they experience in their teaching environment. During meetings and workshops, the members of the newly established learning community act as collaborators in the construction of new knowledge on the theory and practice of good teaching and learning (with a special focus on student engagement); they reflect critically on obstacles in their own courses and take part actively in conversations on the application of innovative strategies in law teaching. Special attention is given to the use of educational technology. In the project, development of relevant technological skills was preceded by a technology-needs survey and discussions in which prevailing perceptions about the use of technology in law education were brought to light. Although the project is still in its first year, the motivational context of community and collaboration has already given rise to a synergy that promises to reshape the teaching and learning environment in law at the UFS. In an informal way, progress has also been made with the decoding process of identifying “bottlenecks” in the teaching and learning of law at the institution.  相似文献   

大学科技教育课的性质和功能的界定,是该课课程建设需解决的重要理论问题。本界定了大学科技教育课的性质,并阐明了其理由,还重点了大学科技教育课的功能。  相似文献   

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