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孙:无论我们怎样回避,无论我们如何不愿承认,随着互联网的兴起,网络文学已在不知不觉中悄然走入我们的生活。一夜之间,各种网络小说、网络散文如雨后春笋般“破网而出”。对于网络文学,有人说它是传统文学的反叛,是新时期文学的“桃花源”。也有人说它是垃圾筐,是把箱子里那些在传统媒体上发表不了的文字垃圾贴到BBS上以博取作家美名。而对网络文学的发展前景,更是说法不一,这使得多数人对它有一种像雾像雨又像风的感觉。本期我们特邀吉林大学的金志华老师做嘉宾,专门和同学们谈一谈网络文学。作为专家,金老师既懂网络,又擅…  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,一种新的文学形式——网络文学诞生。与传统文学相比,网络文学具有自由性、交互性等特征,但由于写作主体、写作旨趣、写作风格的迥异,也给它带来一系列不可摆脱的二重性矛盾。对待网络文学我们应该持有辩证的理论立场。  相似文献   

随着社会网络化的发展,我们在接触网络的同时,一种不同于传统文化的新文学样式悄然出现,而且大有与传统文学分庭抗礼的势头。网络文学,是一种以网络为载体来发表的文学作品,它是现代的网络技术与传统文学碰撞下的产物。它拥有着更为广泛的传播途径,也大大缩短了阅读者获取信息的时间,相比于传统文学还是有一定的优势性,因为社会越来越信息化,给网络文学提供了一个更好的发展平台。但是网络文学还是存在很多的弊端和缺陷,由于不受限制,导致网络文学的文学性不能得到很好的保障,而且多数网友评论比较浮躁,给文学带来很大程度的消极影响。因此,从长远考虑,我们希望网络文学可以不断进步,建立与传统文学互学互补、互存互荣的和谐关系,使得文学能够得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,一种新的文学形式诞生。与传统文学相比,网络文学具有自由性、交互性等特征,但由于写作主体、写作旨趣、写作风格的迥异,也给它带来一系列不可摆脱的二重性矛盾。对待网络文学我们应该持有辩证的理论立场。  相似文献   

<正>网络文学经过了二十多年的发展,已经构成当代文学版图的一个重要组成部分。我个人认为,当下的网络文学已经进入一个常态化的发展过程,不论是从作品的数量还是从作品的质量而言,它所拥有的文学受众以及社会影响力都是不容小觑的。随着网络文学发展逐渐走向规范化和组织化,其所葆有的现实关怀、精神力量和历史意识越发向传统文学的文学品质看齐。因此,当我们在面对一部具体的文学作品时,如果刻意去强调网络文学与传统文学的身份标识,  相似文献   

互联网的迅速发展,催生了新的文学形态--网络文学.网络载体的物质特性使网络文学成为最具活力的文学形态.汉语网络文学的发展,经历了初兴期、初潮期和盘整期,并逐步确立了其在汉语文学中的主流地位.对汉语网络文学的分期,有助于我们更清晰地审视汉语网络文学的发展现状和发展趋向,促进汉语网络文学及整体汉语文学的健康发展.  相似文献   

周倩 《学语文》2011,(6):57-58
网络文学到底是“毒草”还是“福音”.我想应该具体作品具体分析,但王国维先生在《宋元戏曲考序》说过“一代有一代之文学”。网络文学作为时代产物,它的兴起必然有符合历史发展规律与文学自身发展要求的地方,这样才会吸引这么多读者与写手,包括我们的学生。于是。我开始思考网络写作与中学作文的关系。在网络文学或多或少影响着中学生的今天。我们是不是可以借鉴网络文学,将之去芜存菁.为我们的中学作文教学所用呢?  相似文献   

随着网络文学的崛起,传统文学受到了全方位的挑战。网络文学中“文学的消解”首先便是创作主体成员的改变。其二是网络文学创作目的和意义的改变,它使创作主体改变了对文学形式、内容的观点。第三是网络文学评论呈现出一种无深度的溃散。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,网络已经成为我们生活和学习当中必不可少的一部分,它的存在不仅便利了人们的生活,还在一定程度上推动了社会的发展。在网络飞速发展的形势下,网络文学随之产生,而随着这一文学样式的发展,传统文学也因此受到了一定的冲击。从积极的方面来说,网络的发展给文学带来了新的载体,它丰富的题材打破了传统文学的严肃性的桎梏,使文学的发展更为繁荣;从消极的方面来讲,由于网络文学的门槛很低,低俗化、浅显化的文学成为了当下网络文学的主要内容。  相似文献   

网络文学的挑战--论网络文学对传统文学的冲击   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络文学创作主体成员的改变 ,网络文学的目的与意义、内容与形式的消解以及网络文学评论的溃散 ,大致可以构成网络对于文学的冲击和网络文学评论的现状。面对它带给传统文学的影响和冲击 ,理当引起更广泛的思索  相似文献   

文化变异与中国教育的文化抉择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文化冲突必然伴随文化的变异、创新 ;不同历史时期 ,文化变异的历史条件不同、特征不同、教育对文化的抉择也有差异 ;在当前全球化文化冲突背景下 ,教育文化抉择中应持有的观点和态度是 :不局限于既有的中西文化之“型”而主动创新文化 ;把文化创造和教育过程结合起来 ;培养文化主体意识和文化自信 ;培养学生承受文化多元、文化冲突和在多元与冲突中生存和发展的能力  相似文献   

Issues surrounding early day care become clarified when brought within a developmental perspective. Day care is examined in the context of normal developmental issues. A series of questions emerges. How does development commonly unfold in the context of nondisrupted parental care? How is development organized; what are major sequences of development and, especially, how does one phase build upon and set the stage for others? What is required of social partners to promote optimal development? How does this change with age? In brief, what do infants need from the social environment, and how do they typically get it in the context of the family? One then asks questions concerning day care. For example, what kinds of arrangements are and are not generally compatible with infant needs and under what circumstances? A developmental perspective also provides a framework for organizing findings from day care research and even suggests strategies for intervention research. While not fully explicit, Belsky's review (in this issue) provides a valuable service by introducing developmental concepts to the day care discussion. In the present paper this viewpoint is elaborated.  相似文献   

How can knowledge of the development of expertise in a subject area inform the development of assessments in that area? How can one examine the relationship between what is anticipated from a performance assessment and what is actually seen?  相似文献   

Members of the clergy provide a great deal of counseling. How did this come about? How are they prepared for this role? In what capacity is this role played by rabbis? Do rabbis feel their training is adequate for what they are called upon to do? What are the implications of this for both education and professional development of rabbis? This article addresses these questions historically and through presentation of an empirical study of Conservative rabbis who studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary and are currently in the pulpit.  相似文献   

作为一门现代学科,文学理论到底有什么特性,其相互之间有怎样的辩证关系,它们之间是如何实现对立统一? 如果只是孤立地看到文学理论的某种或某些性质,而无视其他特性,或者只是简单地将这些性质杂糅在一起,就难以真正寻找到文学理论科学的独特性。我们要从文学理论意识形态性与科学性辩证关系的角度出发,探讨二者如何在文学理论中熔铸为其学科的自主性。  相似文献   

在跨文化交际飞速发展的今天,翻译作为一种中介元素,占有极其重要的地位。在充分享有文化与文学网络带来的乐趣的同时,我们是否想到过:在整个文化网络中译者的地位是什么;他承受怎样巨大的翻译任务所施加的压力;他的主体性又是如何在翻译过程中得以实施。作者就居于复杂文化文学丛林中的译者的角色进行界定.从另一个层面探讨译者的角色。  相似文献   

成人高等教育已经进入到生存和发展的关键时期。怎样才能促进成人高等教育的发展 ,迎接学习型社会的到来 ?当务之急是要正确认识成人高等教育面临的新形势 ,并找到相应的对策。  相似文献   


Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is an empirically based organismic theory of human motivation, development, and well-being that shares many points of interest with the fields of moral development and moral education. Yet, SDT has been largely disconnected from these fields so far. How can we define and empirically assess autonomous moral motivation? How is moral autonomy achieved in the course of development? And what are the relationships between leading a moral life and happiness? These questions have been occupying moral psychologists and educators for a long time. They are focal for SDT, as well. This special issue highlights various lines of intersection between SDT, morality and education. Contributions either expand SDT into the moral domain or incorporate elements of SDT into moral theory with the ultimate goal of integrating fields that inherently belong together.  相似文献   

Quality in primary education is currently high on the education agenda in developing countries. What is quality? How can we effectively measure it? How can we achieve it? How can we improve it? The author considers two suggestions to be critical to answering these above questions and engages with them in this article:
  • •place what is happening in the school and classroom, specifically teaching and learning processes, at the top of the quality agenda; and
  • •use lesson observation to answer the questions.
The engagement in the article with the term “quality” highlights that six conceptualisations are used in the literature. However, the author argues that only two subsections of one of the conceptualisations are influencing policy, i.e. the input and output definitions of quality. An exploration of the common indicators of quality supports this and the author uses a political economy perspective to consider the reasons for it. This leads to the main section of the paper which seeks to explore the two suggestions bulleted above.  相似文献   

高校扩招背景下的大学生就业问题初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着高等教育大众化步伐的加快,高校扩招已经成为了一种势不可挡的潮流,在欣喜于高校扩招带来的希望的福音的同时,也不能不遗憾地看到伴随高校扩招而来的隐患,高校扩招对于大学生就业问题带来些什么样的影响,应该如何应对?本将就这些问题作初步地探讨。  相似文献   

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