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Narrative film is a multimodal, multisensual, and universal medium that has potential to reach and influence a wide range of people regarding environmental issues. The author conducted an experiment to explore the impact of film portrayals of deforestation among college students. One-hundred eighty-one undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: Experimental and Control Conditions. Students in the experimental condition watched the movie Medicine Man portraying the issue of deforestation, whereas those in the control condition watched an unrelated movie with a similar length. Participants in both conditions then completed a self-administered questionnaire that contained the measure of attitudes toward forest preservation. The results indicated that participants in the experimental condition became more favorable toward the preservation of forests (i.e., unfavorable toward deforestation) than did those in the control condition. Regression analysis also revealed that perceived realism regarding the movie and role affinity with native people portrayed in the movie were significant predictors for the attitudes toward forest preservation.  相似文献   

This study explores preschool children's attitudes towards environmental issues with a focus on the issue of gender as a factor affecting their attitudes. The study sample comprised 40 preschool age children living in Ankara, Turkey. The research adopted a qualitative approach, and the data were collected through interviews in which a questionnaire was administered. The interview questionnaire was adapted from ‘The Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale-Preschool Version’ which contains 15 interview questions and sub-questions. The findings of our study indicate that most of the 5–6-year-old children initially appear to have ecocentric attitudes towards environmental issues in all the dimensions. However, when the children explained their reasons for choosing one of the two pictures, their responses were evaluated as emanating from anthropocentric attitudes. No difference in the attitudes of the preschool children was detected in relation to their gender. In conclusion, this study shows that the educational programmes at the preschool stage need to be broadened and improved, particularly in the provision of outdoor study in natural settings for the children to develop a more ecocentric attitude towards the environment.  相似文献   

A Chinese version of the revised NEP Scale was generated and adopted in a survey among 507 students (age 10 to 12 years old) from three elementary schools in Shenzhen, China. The results show an acceptable level of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = .65) but some abnormalities on the modified NEP scale: items 1 and 7 presented very low item-total correlations (≤.10); factor analysis generated five unclearly-patterned factors. The abnormalities on the modified scale, in light of a focus group interview during item modification stage, are partially attributed to some fundamental problems on the original revised NEP Scale per se on one hand, and may be partially understood as cultural differences in interpreting statements on the scale between China and Western nations on the other.  相似文献   

The Environmental (2-MEV) Scale questionnaire was developed in Europe to measure adolescents’ attitudes and gauge the effectiveness of educational programs. It also formed the basis for the Theory of Ecological Attitudes. In the present four-year study, the 2-MEV Scale was modified for use with 9–12-year-old children in the United States. Initial results led to wording revisions and elimination of some items. Confirmatory Factor Analyses indicated that the remaining items fit the Theory of Ecological Attitude well. The Revised 2-MEV Scale was able to measure statistically significant changes in the environmental attitudes of participants in earth education programs but not in a control group. The Revised ENV Scale can be used to evaluate programs and to investigate the relationship between environmental attitudes and other variables.  相似文献   


Attitudes, values and concerns are frequently measured to monitor individual preferences of adolescents. As there is still some discussion about how to monitor those variables with respect to empirical instruments, directions of items or length of instruments, we applied two established scales (2 Major Environmental Value Model [2-MEV] and Environmental Motives Scale [EMS]) to a Slovenian sample of 804 middle and high school students. Subsequently, we confirmed the validity and reliability of both scales as well as their applicability to Slovene subjects, aged 12–18?years. The main objective of our study was to explore the relationship between three factors of environmental concern (EMS) and the two higher-order factors of utilisation of nature and preservation of nature (2-MEV). The results show that altruistic (ALT), biospheric (BIO) and egoistic (EGO) environmental concerns correlate strongly positively with preservation of nature, but negatively and less strongly but still significantly with utilisation of nature. We conclude that raising awareness of EGO environmental concern may be as important as ALT and/or BIO concern for understanding the environmental values and attitudes of an individual. Consequences and recommendations for designing and completing educational programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

对昆明地区大学生的体育锻炼态度进行问卷调查,结合对教师和部分学生进行访谈,并且参考部分专家对体育锻炼态度的研究理论,探讨大学生的锻炼态度在不同性别、学科、生源上的差异,以及分析引起差异的原因,旨在为社会、学校、家庭提供大学生的体育锻炼态度的研究成果,提高对大学生的体育锻炼态度的认识水平。  相似文献   

This critical essay based on empirical study draws upon research on the differences in attitudes toward consumption among Dutch upper-elementary school children with different socioeconomic backgrounds. This article examines two strands of theory: critical literature on the conceptualization and practice of sustainable consumption, and the theory of postmaterialist values. By synthesizing these strands of theory the author outlines a number of paradoxes and challenges in theory and practice of consumption and lays a foundation for teaching sustainable consumption at the upper-elementary school level. The Cradle-to-Cradle framework is proposed as a form of strategically significant environmental education that can be used for teaching consumption.  相似文献   

This study is a comparative analysis of the environmental philosophies of college undergraduates enrolled in a Midwestern university. Two courses were used for the research, one from a recreation management curriculum and the other from environmental studies. The study utilized a survey instrument called the Environmental Action and Philosophy Matrix to determine the extent to which students’ environmental attitudes are based on scientific or religious rationale, as well as anthropocentric or biocentric perspectives. Findings show students to possess scientific underpinnings for their viewpoints, regardless of anthropocentric or biocentric tendencies. In addition, the environmental studies students displayed more biocentric attitudes than the recreation management students.  相似文献   

This project reexamined young children's gender attitudes regarding occupational roles. The results of this study suggested that young children's atitudes, while still generally stereotypic, were more flexible regarding occupational roles. The reading of carefully selected books and book related activities positively influenced gender attitudes.  相似文献   

近年来,由于旅游业快速发展,人类旅游活动对环境的破坏不断加剧,对从事旅游专业的群体进行环境教育就显得非常重要了。尤其是对接受旅游职业教育的学生进行旅游环境保护教育更是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Interprofessional attitudes existing between healthcare disciplines can negatively impact communication and collaboration in the clinical setting. While human anatomy is a topic central to healthcare trainees, the potential of the anatomy laboratory to minimize negative interprofessional attitudes has yet to be characterized. This study aimed to assess the effects of an anatomy interprofessional near-peer learning activity (AIP-NPLA) on medical and nursing students' interprofessional attitudes at McGill University. The authors employed a convergent parallel mixed methods study to explore participants' AIP-NPLA experiences. The Attitudes to Health Professionals Questionnaire (AHPQ) was used pre- and post-AIP-NPLA to assess participants' attitudes toward their own and their counterpart profession. In addition, a focus group was held immediately following the AIP-NPLA to explore participants' experiences and interprofessional perceptions. Quantitative results using a principal components analysis demonstrated significant changes in nursing students' responses between pre- and post-AIP-NPLA scoring, rating the medical profession as being more caring overall. Medical students' responses pre- and post-AIP-NPLA demonstrated no significant differences. Qualitative results also suggested a breakdown of negative attitudes, an increased understanding of inter- and intra-professional roles, and the importance of interprofessional collaboration and mutual learning for their careers. These findings revealed that attitudes among healthcare trainees may be positively restructured in the anatomy laboratory, allowing for collaborative care to predominate in current and future clinical practices.  相似文献   


The Watershed Learning Center (WLC) was developed by the Brandywine Valley Association (BVA) to provide outdoor environmental lessons to schools on their own properties or on sites close by. Teachers are trained to take over the lessons by observing BVA instructors and attending workshops. The program was evaluated to discover how the WLC was introduced and expanded in the schools, the program's impact on students, and the effectiveness of the teacher training for program take-over and continuation. The accomplishments and challenges of the WLC program are described and insights provided that can serve as a model for replication.  相似文献   

通过对专制型教学态度、民主型教学态度和放任型的教学态度对学生情绪影响的分析和研究,证实了民主型教学态度是最为理想的、学生最愿意接受的教学态度.  相似文献   

当代美国青少年性教育的两大模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪后半叶,青少年性教育引起了世界各国的普遍关注。美国是青少年性教育的先行国家之一,它的性教育模式多样纷呈,其中最具代表性的当属综合性性教育模式和唯禁欲性教育模式。本文将回顾这两大性教育模式的发展历程,通过比较两者的性教育目标、性教育内容以及各自的性教育价值取向等,以分析两者背后所隐藏的不同的价值观体系,以期为我国方兴未艾的青少年性教育提供参考。  相似文献   

学生的环境意识和行为与环境的关系很密切。环境意识是由环境认识、环境情感和环境意志构成的。学生的消极环境意识与行为是由社会责任扩散机制、消极从众心理、负强化的柔弱性、过分自我保护心理等原因造成的。环境教育应从环境认识、环境责任心、环境法制等几方面入手。  相似文献   

Instructor evaluations are influenced by implicit age and gender bias, with lower ratings and negative feedback given to instructors believed to stray from stereotypical age and gender norms. Female instructors exhibiting typically male-associated qualities such as leadership and authority, are often negatively impacted. Implicit bias also influences evaluation of digital resources and instructors, regardless of students' positive learning outcomes. As digital learning resources become the norm in education, it is crucial to explore the impact of implicit bias at various educational levels. In this study, undergraduate and graduate students were randomly exposed to one of five digital tutorials; four experimental tutorials presenting identical anatomy content with narrators of different gender and age, and a control tutorial featuring origami (paper folding) instructions without audio. Learning outcomes were measured by pre-quiz vs. post-quiz comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA. Implicit bias was analyzed by evaluation response comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA and three-way MANOVA. Post-quiz scores increased significantly in the four experimental groups (P < 0.05) but not in the control (P = 0.99). The increased performance was not statistically different across the four experimental groups (P > 0.26), suggesting that learning occurred irrespective of the instructor gender and age. Students' evaluations were consistently higher for the experimental resources than the control. There was no significant difference in evaluations across the four experimental groups but compared to the control, younger male and younger female narrators received significantly higher ratings for approachability, acceptance, inclusivity, and care for student learning. The study highlights important considerations for digital resources development and interpretation of student evaluations.  相似文献   

作者基于国外学者的研究,探讨了语言习得的临界期假说、敏感期假说及大脑优势侧化等理论观点,对国内外就外语学习的最佳年龄问题所开展的实验和研究作了介绍,比较了儿童、少年、成人各年龄段的外语学习者各自的优势和不足,提出了针对我国外语教学实际的外语教育策略。  相似文献   

美国高校环境伦理教育探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境教育的最终目标之一是改变人们的环境行为,而环境教育研究表明,单一的“知识-态度-行为”转化模式是难以取得预期效果的,环境行为的核心涉及到人们的环境态度和伦理责任,环境教育的重心也需放在环境伦理教育上。美国高校自20世纪70年代初就开展了环境伦理教育,在30多年的发展过程中积累了很多值得我们学习的经验和教训。  相似文献   

本文研究生态旅游区人群的文化程度与旅游环境保护态度的关系,结果表明生态旅游区人群的文化程度与旅游环境保护态度是独立性关系,但各文化程度间人群的表现又各有一定特征。  相似文献   

环境教育理论探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境教育是改变人类传统价值观、从根本上解决环境问题的关键。可持续发展的教育理念是环境教育的核心和理论起点。环境教育以可持续发展为指导,时刻以环境与人类的关系为核心、以后代对环境的永续利用为己任。环境教育是可持续发展的源泉和动力。可持续发展的环境教育与社会的经济发展相辅相成、相得益彰。  相似文献   

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